Bill Gates

9/25/20 livestream with Johnny Bargo

@00:36:13 see that bill gates his foundation is
@00:36:17 of this so bill gates is keeping you

Live with Johnny Bargo

@00:27:44 bill gates said
@00:29:37 bill gates but he won't
@00:29:52 bill gates or a sponsored event by bill
@00:29:54 gates with the simulation
@00:30:01 bill gates was right he was right we
@00:39:58 to society because this is a bill gates

deleted Why Can’t We Discuss HCQ? 🤔

@00:05:37 medical license named bill
@00:05:39 gates who's someone who is friends with
@00:06:18 and i know that a bill gates sponsored

deleted Why?

@00:00:09 start out with why why is bill gates who


@00:00:21 vaccines bill gates 5g what like what
@00:03:27 on vaccines or bill gates or 5d or

deleted A MUST WATCH INTERVIEW!!!! Dr Rashid Buttar goes OFF on Gates, Fauci, & the Deep State PLAN-demic

@00:00:33 blasting bill gates the fake pandemic
@00:02:00 bill gates the deep state the mainstream
@00:32:23 autism but recently bill gates he went
@00:34:47 agenda bill gates has been quoted to say

Dr. Fauci is a BIO-TERRORIST!!!!

@00:00:13 jeffrey epstein and bill gates that the
@00:00:46 bill gates senior who was the head of
@00:00:49 planned parenthood bill gates father and
@00:00:53 younger bill gates who's also a
@00:01:19 guys in this case bill gates predict the
@00:01:47 they associate with here's bill gates
@00:01:54 for oh look at that the bill and melinda
@00:01:57 gates foundation oh and now he's hanging
@00:02:13 negative coverage on bill gates or
@00:02:52 young bill gates it looks exactly like
@00:05:22 give me hope i just went over to bill
@00:05:24 gates instagram post from a few days ago
@00:06:58 funder the bill and melinda gates
@00:07:19 like the bill gates picture with lavon

Bill Gates, 5G, & The 16 Year Plan

@00:00:12 try to go over bill gates the new world
@00:00:28 start with bill gates a man worth a
@00:00:44 let's start with the fact that gates
@00:00:46 senior bill gates dad was on the board
@00:01:08 quote from bill gates it says when i was
@00:01:18 that bill gates is a strong family
@00:01:47 october of 2019 the bill and linda gates
@00:02:59 forget about this story ok back to bill
@00:03:01 gates this sick demon oh and check out
@00:03:16 looks like bill gates flew on the lowly
@00:03:22 black book just like bill clinton who
@00:03:35 mean bill gates is even on record saying
@00:04:55 from bill gates himself he says the
@00:06:17 this man named bill he gives a whole new
@00:06:20 the gates of hell and guess what bill
@00:11:30 is that bill gates hey bill the savior


@00:03:09 trumpet and bill gates to open up the

deleted Be Careful Who You Follow: An Update From @Qanon_Obiwan

@00:05:58 with the coronavirus bill gates is

(EDITED VERSION) A BRILLIANT Summary of The Storm!!!! Q - SHARE!

@00:01:30 hysteria and even bill gates today that
@00:03:09 deep state control mechanisms so so bill
@00:03:12 gates stepping down today
@00:03:16 parenthood okay bill gates and the gates
@00:03:33 bill gates says add these various ted

A BRILLIANT Summary of The Storm!!!! Q - SHARE!

@00:01:23 the hysteria and even bill gates today
@00:03:03 deep state control mechanisms so so bill
@00:03:06 gates stepping down today his father was
@00:03:09 head of planned parenthood okay bill
@00:03:11 gates and the gates family have been
@00:03:26 you got to do was google what bill gates

What Is REALLY Happening In Wuhan????

@00:00:29 the bill and melinda gates foundation
@00:01:03 which is funded by the bill and melinda
@00:01:05 gates foundation the fire says patented
@00:01:08 so bill gates can collect the billions
@00:01:11 vaccine for this check into bill gates
@00:06:47 is some serious stuff and if bill gates