
9/25/20 livestream with Johnny Bargo

@00:40:02 china to get their 5g towers going and

Wednesday Video Update

@00:04:49 largest army in the world which is china
@00:07:40 out to china


@00:00:58 camps in china right now hundreds of
@00:01:04 concentration camps run by china china
@00:01:14 sorry they get han children china is

deleted Why?

@00:03:11 down travel to china why did the
@00:03:18 came from china

deleted A MUST WATCH INTERVIEW!!!! Dr Rashid Buttar goes OFF on Gates, Fauci, & the Deep State PLAN-demic

@00:05:15 china so they could continue this
@00:05:22 to china is this the same topic we're
@00:07:04 there's china that i don't know whether
@00:07:06 it came from china or release in china
@00:07:12 going on right now whether china whether
@00:07:14 it was released in china or whether it's
@00:12:36 eric research going in china is he is he

Dr. Fauci is a BIO-TERRORIST!!!!

@00:03:32 like that to china the obama

Bill Gates, 5G, & The 16 Year Plan

@00:02:13 in a lab in wuhan china it's a bio
@00:02:25 in china and then perhaps the biggest
@00:02:40 month by communist china and over 1.5
@00:02:46 china to other chinese spies were


@00:01:23 china virus and the internet is filled
@00:01:35 yourself how and when did china get so

deleted Be Careful Who You Follow: An Update From @Qanon_Obiwan

@00:05:56 wuhan china the correct the connection

(EDITED VERSION) A BRILLIANT Summary of The Storm!!!! Q - SHARE!

@00:07:37 china have been super scary and they've

A BRILLIANT Summary of The Storm!!!! Q - SHARE!

@00:07:30 have been coming out of china have been

What Is REALLY Happening In Wuhan????

@00:00:01 and today i wanted to cover wuhan china
@00:00:09 the communist party of china and our
@00:00:13 to believe but since china censors their
@00:00:25 of a supermarket in china you be the
@00:02:40 for china but actually it's probably
@00:02:54 diagnosed cases in china increased by 30
@00:03:27 higher also while you're sleeping china
@00:03:41 china air france has shut down china
@00:03:44 between travel between china and france
@00:04:25 right now yet china is still lying about
@00:04:45 later than december 1 even though china
@00:05:01 it is in every single province in china
@00:05:46 china or that wuhan also has china's
@00:06:11 indefinitely hong kong a part of china
@00:06:24 commercial aircraft between china and
@00:06:31 between china united states immediately
@00:06:59 communist party of china to murder their
@00:09:40 people of china were fighting for their
@00:09:53 wuhan china the police dressing up as
@00:10:24 is in wuhan it's in china and it's all
@00:11:16 by china and receipt a millions more to
@00:11:19 research laboratory in china also
@00:11:32 china