
9/25/20 livestream with Johnny Bargo

@00:13:06 vaccines mandatory he doesn't have to
@00:36:28 vacs and vaccines which is insane this
@00:42:02 the aluminum from the vaccines

Live with Johnny Bargo

@00:10:03 push all these vaccines onto everybody

deleted Why Can’t We Discuss HCQ? 🤔

@00:03:07 they're using vaccines to do the job
@00:03:12 wake up and research vaccines are

Wednesday Video Update

@00:05:21 if trump tries to mandate vaccines or

deleted Why?

@00:04:11 vaccines kill or injure 1% of our


@00:00:21 vaccines bill gates 5g what like what
@00:03:27 on vaccines or bill gates or 5d or

deleted A MUST WATCH INTERVIEW!!!! Dr Rashid Buttar goes OFF on Gates, Fauci, & the Deep State PLAN-demic

@00:26:57 event to then mandate mandatory vaccines
@00:27:11 giving vaccines and the people that
@00:27:12 don't get the vaccines they're gonna
@00:27:36 vaccines and it's going to be a cycle
@00:29:39 vaccines and you tell me that these this
@00:32:20 affected by vaccines you brought up
@00:33:39 damn vaccines it is though those that
@00:36:39 anybody who says that vaccines are

Dr. Fauci is a BIO-TERRORIST!!!!

@00:01:00 mandatory vaccines upon the populations
@00:05:47 vaccines you're cooking up as well but i

Bill Gates, 5G, & The 16 Year Plan

@00:03:37 that with the help of vaccines we could
@00:03:50 vaccines health care reproductive health
@00:04:00 the vaccines what does that mean exactly
@00:04:07 inventing new vaccines and making sure
@00:10:39 time if trump starts mandating vaccines

(EDITED VERSION) A BRILLIANT Summary of The Storm!!!! Q - SHARE!

@00:03:21 reproductive health services vaccines

A BRILLIANT Summary of The Storm!!!! Q - SHARE!

@00:03:15 health services vaccines and all that

What Is REALLY Happening In Wuhan????

@00:01:16 says vaccines can help you populate the
@00:12:01 the money in the vaccines and clearing