

@00:31:47 it's not confirmed antifa but suspected
@00:31:49 antifa
@00:32:48 that part is not but the antifa part
@00:35:44 that this is anti-antifa i mean you said
@00:36:58 is power so they're talking about antifa
@00:38:07 antifa as a terrorist organization this
@00:38:50 the antifa sign
@00:38:55 got you know antifa
@00:39:00 it says antifa units training and
@00:39:30 whether it's antifa whether it's any
@00:39:39 okay dhs investigates alleged antifa
@00:39:56 dhs investigates link between antifa and
@00:40:08 who support antifa for possible
@00:40:36 a designated antifa
@00:40:54 between the antifa ideology and what the
@00:41:46 antifa
@00:42:14 report linking antifa to the kurdish

Ability To See [Clearly] What They've Hid from You for So Long

@00:18:59 in and they were the antifa of the day
@00:21:59 organisation to discredit antifa stands

Do Anons Understand What is About to be Unleashed?

@00:27:30 join antifa obviously because in king

Call the Ball - Buckle Up Here We Go

@00:25:31 activists known as antifa as domestic
@00:33:42 so 43 62 gives us the antifa flags again

Hunters Become the Hunted for Humanity Q+ - Posts 7/10/19

@00:43:06 antifa out of his own pocket the hole is

#ClandestineQ? Antifa & the NWO Featuring: New NEONREVOLT Article

@00:28:30 the first time an antifa was ever
@00:29:36 think about why antifa plays right into
@00:38:26 why does the antifa flag mimic that of
@00:38:52 antifa flag members out of the nazis the
@00:43:44 violence antifa has gained prominence

LL - The Deal of a Lifetime? **FF** Anti$a, LL

@00:09:26 investigation into antifa should be it's

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@00:13:04 high school killer war antifa and call
@00:13:13 guy was wearing a jacket with the antifa

NBC, Trump Tower Meeting, Antifa Q Posts 1862-1835 #QAnon

@00:05:40 recognize the antifa as a terrorist
@00:10:08 antifa terrorists wearing masks and i

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@00:04:55 antifa and stuff you know we started
@00:06:53 antifa and the bam and all these radical


@00:23:25 why does the antifa flag mimic that of
@00:28:06 anon says why does the antifa flag mimic