Update: Censorship - Deploy Camouflage

@00:07:56 claims that the coronavirus is a hoax
@00:16:35 up for it because of covid


@00:12:42 the spread of coronavirus in polling

RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC: America's Color Revolution, 11.3 Marker, Red Lines

@00:36:46 because of the corona virus and later

Q Goes Mainstream AGAIN - Q Digital Soldier Missions Explained

@00:17:03 from the coronavirus is vastly

Ability To See [Clearly] What They've Hid from You for So Long

@00:06:04 this coronavirus and because i like to
@00:40:17 coronavirus border mexico california el
@00:40:57 coronavirus california coronavirus
@00:43:25 coronavirus concerns and then we get one
@00:43:41 to corona due to covent concerns being

Do Anons Understand What is About to be Unleashed?

@00:06:41 protests could spark coronavirus
@00:06:50 spark coronavirus comeback i mean it's
@00:17:16 carlson we were lied to about the corona
@00:20:03 coronavirus and our response to it and
@00:20:36 coronavirus cases all of this is the
@00:20:52 in the end the wuhan coronavirus turned
@00:21:09 coronavirus patients and as a result
@00:25:40 rioting will not spread the coronavirus
@00:26:02 thanks to coronavirus you do not have

Call the Ball - Buckle Up Here We Go

@00:14:24 posts about the corona virus were very
@00:33:27 what happened to that to the corona

Shall we play a game? Change of Batter coming? FISA = START week 3

@00:14:01 corona virus pandemic threatens to
@00:18:07 getting at corona and put a stop to all
@00:18:55 do this well through coronavirus which
@00:24:13 this coronavirus crap plus this at the
@00:40:10 all the coronavirus stuff going on you
@00:40:17 coronavirus that you're able to read

deleted SHEEP NO MORE: w/Jim and Katie G, and Special Guest

@00:32:43 know what with this whole corona virus

deleted C_OR_ona Cover Op in Progress? THINK FOR YOURSELF Response to My Last Video

@00:05:12 coronavirus and you know all these
@00:05:30 it says the corona virus cover-up 20:21
@00:07:46 yeah the coronavirus right is the trojan

QAnon - UK-Access No More, Utah/Huber, Google, Anons Questions

@00:36:33 says deactivate kill box one a zb corona
@00:36:41 one now offline and then he says corona
@00:36:47 corona eight reroute eighty three corona
@00:36:50 eight new control corona eight now
@00:36:52 offline corona sixteen task route and he
@00:36:56 gives his routing number corona sixteen
@00:37:04 know corona is a
@00:45:28 kinds of corona yeah somebody says who