
Nothing to See Here Ep#3 - F BOMBS & CROWDSTRIKE

@00:05:52 a big stake in crowdstrike
@00:13:27 crowdstrike democrat connected linchpin
@00:13:35 crowdstrike and the dnc hack and you
@00:14:29 security firm crowdstrike rose to global
@00:16:56 crowdstrike had a valuation of one
@00:17:20 billion crowdstrike has more than

BREAKING: RIG FOR RED: JA, SR, JB, and "L"uccifer 2.0

@00:06:08 crowdstrike
@00:06:14 crowdstrike okay
@00:06:36 crowdstrike
@00:06:41 the cia used crowdstrike this is what
@00:07:08 crowdstrike granted x
@00:26:15 so we had tied crowdstrike crowdstrike's
@00:26:43 to know about crowdstrike but
@00:26:47 let me go there crowdstrike testimony
@00:26:50 this was may 8th 2020 crowdstrike

The REAL Reason for the Targeting of President Trump + Geopolitical Issues

@00:31:19 crowdstrike in the hacking of the dnc


@00:01:36 originated with crowdstrike a dnc
@00:39:42 crowdstrike

Q Goes Mainstream AGAIN - Q Digital Soldier Missions Explained

@00:34:46 crowdstrike give me a break

Seth Rich, Crowdstrike, James Baker, and Flynn FISA?! Don't miss this one!

@00:06:07 out with crowdstrike
@00:06:18 crowdstrike at the time and who did most
@00:06:20 of the work on the crowdstrike issue you
@00:06:56 okay so let's start with crowdstrike -
@00:07:33 crowdstrike testimony not just
@00:07:35 crowdstrike okay and then he's saying no
@00:16:02 officer at crowdstrike crowdstrike is
@00:17:39 washington dc called crowdstrike
@00:17:45 crowdstrike was the firm that the
@00:17:52 hack and they brought crowdstrike in
@00:17:55 crowdstrike was the company that first
@00:18:27 the things we do at crowdstrike is help
@00:20:15 to you is this crowdstrike testimony is
@00:20:18 not just about crowdstrike it's about
@00:21:44 so then he says more from crowdstrike
@00:22:58 weren't sure because crowdstrike wasn't
@00:23:30 revelation that says crowdstrike the
@00:23:49 crowdstrike president sean henry so
@00:26:51 regarding the crowdstrike testimony

A Tale of 2 Whistleblowers - and the Muslim Brotherhood

@00:17:12 russia crowdstrike server seth which

The Best is Yet to Come! Truth and Facts will prevail! QAnon Analysis

@00:33:34 queue and then he brings up crowdstrike
@00:33:40 topics now and he lists the crowdstrike
@00:33:51 to crowdstrike may of 2016

The Shot Heard Around the World. The GREAT AWAKENING. Rudy to testify?

@00:11:19 with ukraine they say crowdstrike
@00:12:24 theory is that crowdstrike moved the dnc
@00:17:58 crowdstrike and how two defunct
@00:18:24 crowdstrike just go unmentioned it's
@00:44:24 hacking the dnc server's crowdstrike the

Burisma Fake News - Area 1 Crowdstrike Connection & MORE...

@00:15:04 defense but blake worked at crowdstrike
@00:15:31 here you go crowdstrike may 2012 to may
@00:15:37 security officer crowdstrike this is the
@00:17:36 big deal just crowdstrike shows up huh
@00:22:01 crowdstrike in the search up here it
@00:22:34 think area one crowdstrike think area
@00:22:54 crowdstrike closes $100,000,000
@00:23:08 area one was working for crowdstrike
@00:23:11 and also the nsa crowdstrike just think
@00:23:18 missing emails crowdstrike crowdstrike
@00:24:15 did this crowdstrike hello crowdstrike
@00:25:13 said look at crowdstrike
@00:25:28 crowdstrike which is the somebody went
@00:25:31 crowdstrike manage the infiltration
@00:25:44 working with crowdstrike
@00:26:36 talks crowdstrike okay we went through
@00:27:04 crowdstrike did russia break into the
@00:27:15 break-in by crowdstrike
@00:27:55 does crowdstrike possess the government
@00:28:01 crowdstrike processed government
@00:28:08 crowdstrike
@00:28:13 crowdstrike inserted the code into the
@00:28:22 crowdstrike
@00:28:23 nsa data bridge dnc crowdstrike bulk
@00:28:27 data collection crowdstrike well i
@00:28:47 last post about crowdstrike but then if
@00:29:02 crowdstrike the us government under
@00:29:54 maybe about crowdstrike you click the
@00:29:58 type in crowdstrike
@00:30:24 over crowdstrike in this one i go over
@00:30:45 mike rogers and crowdstrike
@00:30:47 this one here is queueing on crowdstrike
@00:41:11 crowdstrike the servers the it's all
@00:45:13 interesting that crowdstrike is going to

Nunes: "Republicans have an Active Investigation into ICIG Michael Atkinson

@00:44:07 emails crowdstrike
@00:44:23 crowdstrike was involved could you see
@00:44:26 trump brought crowdstrike up in his who

QAnon - The Silent WAR Continues... [Crowdstrike]

@00:40:36 dnc servers plural crowdstrike
@00:40:50 crowdstrike
@00:41:03 about crowdstrike particularly that he
@00:42:48 does crowdstrike possess government
@00:42:58 designate intruder by crowdstrike to the
@00:43:04 nsa data bridge a dnc crowdstrike okay
@00:43:08 so nsa is data bridge dnc crowdstrike
@00:43:29 crowdstrike
@00:43:55 crowdstrike was not only involved in the
@00:44:15 crowdstrike link to eric schmidt we know
@00:44:17 that he write crowdstrike
@00:44:26 connected crowdstrike investigated
@00:45:02 missing emails crowdstrike
@00:45:58 by crowdstrike regarding the servers of

Think FLYNN_FISA [ILLEGAL?] "They Will Fight, but YOU are Ready!"

@00:41:39 direct investigation into crowdstrike

QANON - The DS Players Caught in a Trap & Higher Loyalty to [Y]

@00:17:12 know crowdstrike put those fake

Are We Getting Close to Assange Disclosure? Dana Rohrabacher Seen on Capital Hill

@00:27:11 crowdstrike a dnc contractor so come on
@00:31:32 about crowdstrike dana rohrabacher on

Origins of "Muh Russia!" - UKRAINE, CROWDSTRIKE, and a STABLE GENIUS!

@00:01:03 crowdstrike
@00:05:52 crowdstrike in the ukraine and the
@00:06:40 light google crowdstrike in the cia this
@00:07:36 crowdstrike how they're all connected to
@00:08:19 leaked gate part two crowdstrike
@00:19:34 ukraine and they say crowdstrike
@00:19:57 twitter showing crowdstrike investigated
@00:20:13 crowdstrike investigated the dnc servers
@00:20:45 that crowdstrike
@00:21:11 crowdstrike
@00:29:34 crowdstrike we know crowdstrike
@00:29:43 crowdstrike firm hired by dnc has ties
@00:30:09 examine how crowdstrike the
@00:30:43 security firm crowdstrike has used to
@00:30:51 u.s. cyber security firm crowdstrike has
@00:30:58 crowdstrike report released in december
@00:31:17 crowdstrike erroneously used the iss
@00:31:26 crowdstrike report ukraine's ministry of
@00:31:47 state's crowdstrike co-founder dmitri
@00:32:06 crowdstrike never contacted him before
@00:32:22 crowdstrike misinterpreted their data
@00:32:30 comment or clarification crowdstrike
@00:32:43 trying to jump up on me crowdstrike
@00:36:00 me look for crowdstrike here case on
@00:36:11 they say crowdstrike i guess you have
@00:36:29 crowdstrike stuff guys
@00:36:48 provided by crowdstrike
@00:37:03 crowdstrike there remains zero evidence
@00:37:46 company crowdstrike landed a $100 mil
@00:38:12 major investor in crowdstrike ah so you
@00:38:22 schmidt and now the dnc crowdstrike well
@00:40:58 crowdstrike and the clintons and etc so


@00:36:07 google google google funds crowdstrike
@00:36:12 crowdstrike helps the dnc you see what i
@00:36:20 dossier google and crowdstrike google
@00:36:24 funded crowdstrike
@00:36:33 right here crowdstrike closes one

Predicate for FISA points to UK! PAIN is COMING in DAYS?

@00:40:30 crowdstrike fusion gps nelly or daniel

Did you catch the BOOM? DC in PANIC!

@00:23:24 a graph shawn henry crowdstrike ho pics

Backstabbing CLOWNS & The Dispute over the ICA

@00:38:44 russia crowdstrike servers seth rich
@00:39:19 all right to frame russia crowdstrike
@00:39:44 crowdstrike did did was mask them mask

Greg Craig, Ukraine, Neon Revolt Part 1

@00:37:24 sorry founder and of crowdstrike do you

Joe D - Mike S. Rodgers - ITS HAPPENING! 4/25/19

@00:08:45 spy leaked eight part to crowdstrike
@00:16:18 crowdstrike
@00:16:19 another crowdstrike fits particularly
@00:17:08 crowdstrike
@00:17:09 and crowdstrike has some striking
@00:42:16 crowdstrike oh lordy well talk about

Spy/Leakgate : Part 2 - Crowdstrike, Contractors, Assange

@00:07:03 servers and crowdstrike and i've been
@00:11:04 cso and president of crowdstrike
@00:11:10 they're contacting crowdstrike
@00:17:02 crowdstrike another crowdstrike fits
@00:17:51 crowdstrike and crowdstrike has some
@00:18:13 crowdstrike investigated the hacking of
@00:19:04 crowdstrike actually did catch him in
@00:20:27 power e5 he founds crowdstrike and his
@00:25:02 crowdstrike he's the co-founder and
@00:25:33 2016 two months before the crowdstrike
@00:26:02 crowdstrike services since april of 2012
@00:27:12 crowdstrike
@00:32:59 and crowdstrike and we're gonna get
@00:44:53 people from crowdstrike were that they

Biden Deep Dive, China, Ukraine ITS ALL CONNECTED

@00:09:43 connected to crowdstrike it's gonna be

The LEAD IN, Ukraine, RC, These People are SICK!

@00:17:13 co-founder and cto of crowdstrike where

Dark to Light! GOOG -Crowdstrike - C_A

@00:19:28 crowdstrike again shout out to ul you
@00:19:39 yesterday google crowdstrike google
@00:19:44 funds crowdstrike remember eric schmidt
@00:19:55 crowdstrike com resources crowdstrike
@00:21:12 so you can see the article crowdstrike
@00:21:46 capital bets big on crowdstrike to
@00:21:52 today crowdstrike announces that we
@00:22:37 crowdstrike revises and retracts part of
@00:23:24 comey outsource his job to crowdstrike
@00:24:41 about google being fun crowdstrike being

Promises Made - Promises (soon to be kept) Let Freedom Ring! REUPLOAD

@00:18:13 since crowdstrike a firm hired by the

SOTU Preview, National Security, and Bill Priestap's Replacement

@00:09:25 investigation into crowdstrike

Leak Trap Set for Buzzfeed? AS proven LIAR, Nunes talks FUSION GPS

@00:40:51 used crowdstrike to check the dnc

Boom! RBG, Lisa Page, John Carlin Future Proves Past

@00:32:02 like possibly like crowdstrike infusion

The "Go Betweens" The Biggest 'ACCURATE' Conspiracy

@00:01:28 twelve google crowdstrike dnc seth rich

Ep#10 - Assange Update - Who is Craig Murray and Why is Mueller not Mentioning Him?

@00:31:38 securities consultants crowdstrike i

Panic at the DC Disco - RR, Mueller, Maggie D5 is Around the Corner!

@00:09:41 probably perkins cuy crowdstrike

QAnon - Crowdstrike, Free Beacon, Shell Co's, Arrests Coming?

@00:06:05 crowdstrike so if you want to read the
@00:07:03 crowdstrike immediately our team moved
@00:08:07 within 24 hours crowdstrike henry owns
@00:08:10 crowdstrike k henry
@00:08:13 within 24 hours crowdstrike had
@00:08:49 crowdstrike has dubbed cozy bear
@00:09:55 he's like crowdstrike
@00:10:10 crowdstrike right remember and he says
@00:27:35 emails crowdstrike
@00:27:42 so if we have crowdstrike involved in

Anon - FISA, DIA, Hint of Flynn Spygate gone wild!

@00:23:33 the other one was probably crowdstrike
@00:24:22 crowdstrike to access raw fisa

QAnon - China Hacked (not) HRC Server = America For Sale

@00:01:04 crowdstrike granted access betrayed only
@00:19:51 look at crowdstrike so he's telling
@00:19:56 crowdstrike crowdstrike managed the
@00:22:32 crowdstrike so he was actually telling
@00:22:39 crowdstrike today okay all right so then
@00:23:33 server missing emails crowdstrike
@00:27:32 money talks crowdstrike q wow
@00:27:39 crowdstrike that eric google eric
@00:27:44 crowdstrike it's all connected they're

QAnon - 2016 FISA App Released...Here we go....

@00:28:18 google crowdstrike it goes through all

QAnon - Blackmail and Dead Woman, theFBI/DOJ, RR, RM, Epstein, SR Witness

@00:04:28 crowdstrike and then they also met
@00:05:48 crowdstrike customers should think twice
@00:05:55 crowdstrike so that's where you can

QAnon - LIVE Q&A Tonight 9PM EST Katie&JimG

@00:54:13 crowdstrike anymore okay

QAnon - It's Time - Shift in Tactics! #WINNING

@00:26:24 crowdstrike is exactly why crowdstrike
@00:26:35 i'm gonna go over the whole crowdstrike
@00:26:45 crowdstrike is gonna and and seth rich
@00:27:16 it's headed to crowdstrike and seth rich
@00:28:23 russia okay this is what crowdstrike was
@00:28:30 crowdstrike did the report a crowdstrike
@00:28:42 crowdstrike

QAnon - IG Report Today, Did you witness the stage being set?

@00:10:51 crowdstrike
@00:12:05 go in crowdstrike and put russian
@00:14:37 yeah hello and then you got crowdstrike
@00:15:16 it was crowdstrike okay that covered all

QAnon - Dark to Light, RR, ES, Missing Letters 4BOOMs! 6.12 part 1

@00:13:05 crowdstrike you know that he had press
@00:13:17 crowdstrike to the tune of 100 million
@00:13:19 and if you're familiar with crowdstrike
@00:13:42 reported on crowdstrike and the
@00:16:28 equals crowdstrike perhaps he was just
@00:16:50 schmidt funded crowdstrike and was
@00:17:28 for the uh non no it does crowdstrike is
@00:18:29 to crowdstrike although crowdstrike was

#Qanon - BOOM! MAKE IT RAIN - March 3rd posts (PART 1)

@00:24:40 to crowdstrike

#Qanon - WINK Confirmed by Q - New POSTS LIVE

@00:10:41 source server missing emails crowdstrike
@00:10:47 million dollars to crowdstrike
@00:38:06 missing emails crowdstrike granted

#Qanon - Heart Attacks, U1 Informant, Shanghai Windows

@00:09:44 one crowdstrike

#QAnon Obama Administration's Brazen Plot to Frame Trump and Exonerate Hillary

@00:04:55 were fuzion gps and crowdstrike
@00:05:00 crowdstrike
@00:05:04 hillary's computer crowdstrike if what
@00:05:15 crowdstrike being among the private
@00:05:39 liability for crowdstrike

#QAnon - LIVE 8PM EST - The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:27:43 saying crowdstrike was because at the
@00:27:47 crowdstrike were the people that looked
@00:27:57 crowdstrike because they they that's and
@00:28:03 crowdstrike with them looking at her
@00:28:08 google funded crowdstrike with a hundred
@00:28:42 crowdstrike through google to find the

#QAnon - Future Shows Past: SpaceX, Drain the Swamp, Pedogate

@00:29:00 crowdstrike or i mean if you want to get