Saudi Arabia

10-10: NK Kim Jong Un Cries - Stage Set? Occurrence Prevented?

@00:01:14 saudi arabia special access programs

The REAL Reason for the Targeting of President Trump + Geopolitical Issues

@00:40:35 coalition includes israel egypt saudi
@00:40:39 arabia jordan bahrain kuwait oman qatar

SNOWDEN Review- Potential Pardon by POTUS - Homecoming2020?

@00:07:32 versus necessary to understand us saudi
@00:07:34 arabia global events
@00:08:08 operations thanks saudi arabia cnn sale


@00:02:51 but what's saudi arabia trying to do
@00:03:46 united arab emirates saudi arabia

deleted FREE THINKING: The Aftermath and Q post review

@00:20:55 brotherhood talks about saudi arabia it

A Tale of 2 Whistleblowers - and the Muslim Brotherhood

@00:39:01 station in saudi arabia the you gettin

Burisma Fake News - Area 1 Crowdstrike Connection & MORE...

@00:34:18 hrc and clinton foundation of saudi
@00:34:20 arabia they do and barack obama why is
@00:35:45 saudi arabia saudi arabia saudi arabia
@00:36:04 call it that he's a puppet of the saudi
@00:36:13 saudi arabia is vital

The Sky is Falling! Flynn, Huber, Clinton Foundation

@00:32:10 location who was arrested in saudi
@00:32:12 arabia defined background humi which is
@00:33:02 saudi arabia global events paint the

Think FLYNN_FISA [ILLEGAL?] "They Will Fight, but YOU are Ready!"

@00:37:46 saudi arabia and pakistan
@00:37:50 saudi i mean it just you go go back and
@00:42:34 name inside out destruction saudi arabia
@00:42:45 who paid saudi arabia is vital okay cue

Wray - TRUST BUT VERIFY! Rosenstein and Wray BOTH on Lindsay Graham's Radar Screen

@00:19:04 regarding to saudi arabia and the
@00:19:06 release of the saudi arabian missing you

Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical (M_OS) Mini Dive

@00:42:45 of saudi arabia a harvard university

QANON - The DS Players Caught in a Trap & Higher Loyalty to [Y]

@00:09:49 it understand us saudi arabia global
@00:09:55 when all the saudi arabian stuff was
@00:10:53 info leaks operations think saudi arabia

QPosts 3588-3595 11/14/18 - BLACK OP Insertions to Campaign, WH, Aides, Cabinet Confirmed!

@00:15:23 what was about to occur in saudi arabia


@00:15:17 ago all right so q talks about saudi
@00:15:22 arabia and you know not so combined i'll
@00:16:34 next day is when saudi arabia got turned
@00:16:57 in saudi-arabia alice and wonderland is
@00:17:04 connections to saudi arabia so that is
@00:17:26 saudi arabia funded the clinton
@00:17:29 foundation and saudi arabia also funfun
@00:17:39 administration and saudi or
@00:19:59 saudi arabia that's what they're talking
@00:20:06 saudi arabia saudi arabia alice in
@00:20:19 and wonderland saudi arabia everything
@00:20:24 everything was leading up to saudi
@00:20:25 arabia to this previous you know post
@00:20:33 saudi arabia i mean it's just all this
@00:20:34 saudi arabia stuff how much was donated
@00:20:37 by the clinton foundation of saudi
@00:20:38 arabia the mccain pelosi chuck schumer
@00:20:41 in saudi arabia so they're all you know
@00:21:09 fourth 2017 saudi arabia arrests 11
@00:21:20 is just the first news of it saudi
@00:21:22 arabia announced the arrests on saturday
@00:21:40 the arrest was made over al arabia the
@00:21:42 saudi arabian own satellite network
@00:22:37 in in saudi arabia so he says oh my
@00:23:30 prime sorry six hours behind saudi
@00:23:33 arabia so like right now it's 130 8:00
@00:23:42 yeah in saudi arabia 8:30 8 p.m. so
@00:25:46 prior to saudi arabia going down to who
@00:26:07 prior to saudi arabia flipping all right
@00:26:41 appreciate saudi arabia doing their ipo
@00:27:44 saudi arabia do what they did guys what
@00:28:29 tweets before saudi arabia was flipped
@00:29:03 saudi arabia has been taken care of
@00:30:09 11th why why were the events in saudi
@00:30:12 arabia extraordinary who was arrested
@00:31:17 down right before saudi arabia was to be
@00:31:19 overturned and q said as saudi arabia
@00:31:27 about it what i'm telling you yet saudi
@00:31:29 arabia they turned that place upside
@00:31:59 recently occurred in saudi arabia is so
@00:32:06 are in place near in and near saudi
@00:32:08 arabia hmm the pacific command perhaps
@00:32:47 who helped bring saudi arabia down guys
@00:34:04 were that's how saudi arabia came down
@00:35:34 rothschilds you know saudi arabia was
@00:36:36 with saudi arabia and then it says here
@00:37:05 happened in saudi arabia who was
@00:37:29 fast forward why are the events in saudi
@00:37:32 arabia is so important because they were
@00:37:45 saudi arabia saudi arabia prior to it
@00:37:57 who was arrested in saudi arabia it was
@00:39:51 about saudi arabia and twitter okay
@00:41:37 then again when did the events in saudi
@00:41:42 arabia transpire who controlled a large
@00:43:35 announced when did saudi arabia
@00:43:53 just a little just right after saudi
@00:43:55 arabia like right after okay

[They] are Trying to Start a WAR: SA & IRAN According to QAnon

@00:00:30 saudi arabia laid out evidence they say
@00:01:51 sana sue saudi arabia the emirates
@00:01:58 in this region saudi arabia says 50
@00:02:22 the grave concern and certainly saudi
@00:02:24 arabia in the us will be discussing ways
@00:02:28 ways in which saudi in the u.s. can
@00:03:44 saudi arabia and of course we're dealing
@00:03:46 with saudi arabia saudi arabia is very
@00:05:50 give you so here is saudi arabia so if i
@00:06:04 here's the middle east here saudi arabia
@00:06:13 here saudi arabia here's yemen yemen is
@00:08:11 between saudi arabia
@00:08:24 social revolution the saudis saudi
@00:08:30 he says because saudi arabia has played
@00:09:50 us dollar anymore in exchange saudi
@00:09:54 arabia agreed that we would only accept
@00:10:15 saudi arabia he was hardly ever home and
@00:10:49 of saudi arabia so we would protect them
@00:11:30 said we've had an alliance with saudi
@00:11:32 arabia think why the bin laden family
@00:13:36 is really significant for saudi arabia
@00:13:51 saudi arabia if they would stop
@00:13:58 saudi arabia is only profitable
@00:14:18 there's so a few years ago saudi arabia
@00:14:56 deficits in 2017 saudi arabia announced
@00:15:35 appreciate saudi arabia doing their ipo
@00:16:46 2030 for saudi arabia the guy who was
@00:17:06 year saudi arabia and other opec nations
@00:17:44 on with saudi arabia so remember saudi
@00:17:45 arabia oil has got to be about $80 a
@00:18:26 massive blow to saudi arabia and may
@00:19:00 saudi arabia but that's kind of been
@00:19:28 unplug he says from saudi arabia but if
@00:19:30 we unplug from saudi arabia the world
@00:20:21 and saudi arabia why we can't just pull
@00:20:23 the plug on saudi arabia every american
@00:20:43 have to continue to support saudi arabia
@00:21:48 saudi arabia and understand that we
@00:22:13 very much appreciate saudi arabia and
@00:22:29 saudi arabia this is a very
@00:22:33 how did saudi arabia welcome potus
@00:22:55 already been to saudi arabia
@00:22:56 how did saudi arabia welcome barack
@00:23:01 nothing right how did saudi away arabia
@00:23:06 this relevant not suggesting saudi
@00:23:09 arabia is clean by any means but they
@00:23:31 saudi arabia recently what is saudi
@00:23:33 arabia known for where did the biggest
@00:23:40 saudi arabia safe harbor port of
@00:23:55 here q so he's mentioning saudi arabia
@00:24:08 saudi arabia why is this and relevant
@00:24:12 clinton foundation by saudi arabia to
@00:24:27 of saudi arabia okay what other bad
@00:24:29 actors have been paid by saudi arabia
@00:24:31 what are the laws in saudi arabia versus
@00:24:42 in saudi arabia they're north
@00:25:09 know does repayment of funds to saudi
@00:25:10 arabia occur because they she didn't win
@00:25:17 saudi arabia so vitally important follow
@00:25:22 happening in saudi arabia today why is
@00:25:55 in saudi arabia as operations were being
@00:26:03 operators are currently in saudi arabia
@00:26:57 saudi arabia okay scare tactics
@00:27:01 saudi arabia us asia and europe he's
@00:27:12 happenings in saudi arabia under same
@00:27:26 was the last week prior to saudi arabia
@00:27:48 saudi arabia will happen here the asia
@00:27:54 same saudi arabia united states asia
@00:28:03 saudi arabia corruption crackdown so
@00:28:43 hillary and saudi arabia snow white
@00:28:56 thing you know why is saudi arabia
@00:29:42 saudi arabia is it's connected to and
@00:29:50 saudi arabia right now they're critical
@00:29:55 that recently occurred at saudi arabia
@00:30:01 are in place in and near saudi arabia
@00:31:02 in saudi arabia were critically
@00:31:06 and in saudi arabia and we made
@00:31:30 4th 2017 article saudi arabia intercepts
@00:31:37 saudi arabia saudi arabia said it's
@00:31:51 fired from a cross saudi arabia southern
@00:32:31 missile has reached inside saudi arabia
@00:32:37 a saudi spokeman condemned the attacks
@00:34:13 saudi arabia intercepts missile
@00:34:27 assets are in place in in near saudi
@00:34:29 arabia well i'm not going to go into
@00:34:51 saying saudi arabia did thaad the news
@00:35:14 from the you know in saudi arabia
@00:35:29 together saudi arabia intercepts the
@00:37:01 all right so saudi arabia they're saying
@00:38:29 this is saudi arabia is you know we have
@00:39:27 says why were the events in saudi arabia
@00:40:38 the three pluses are saudi arabia the
@00:41:05 understand us saudi arabia global events
@00:44:05 think saudi arabia plus others cnn sale

FISA IG REPORT: Coop Witnesses, Singing Birds, and Whistleblowers

@00:13:41 into saudi arabia which is what we were
@00:22:41 alright so saudi arabia is cooperating
@00:22:59 human trafficking arrests up saudi
@00:23:01 arabia cooperating nix iam when there's
@00:37:23 the arrests made in saudi arabia so very
@00:40:12 saudi arabia and i've read this one to


@00:22:22 blackwater being in saudi arabia there

Deep Dive: Epstein Suicide through the Q Posts

@00:25:18 saudi arabia working to shut down global

The HUNT for Deplorables? IS Deplorable!

@00:31:28 potus during their trip to saudi arabia
@00:33:17 there was referring to queue in saudi
@00:33:20 arabia okay and you'll have to go back


@00:10:01 it's talking about saudi arabia and

Stable Genius Alert: POTUS moves with China, NK, SK, and Japan - What's really going on

@00:07:24 okay so then saudi arabia had its
@00:08:04 keystone return to saudi arabia
@00:08:05 strengths cut okay so the saudi arabia
@00:08:28 visiting saudi arabia what does this
@00:08:35 in saudi arabia they had a whole regime
@00:10:01 trip to china saudi arabia and other
@00:10:21 is potus focused on saudi arabia china

Maps, Memes, and Facts: YOU are the NEWS Now

@00:24:04 made in saudi arabia still very
@00:24:15 saudi arabia was the purse strings for

Deep Dig: The Importance of CHINA CHINA CHINA in the Q Posts

@00:03:03 starts going through about saudi arabia
@00:30:44 was really reference to saudi arabia
@00:36:06 so saudi arabia had been removed one
@00:36:11 cut there plus plus plus is saudi arabia

Qanon - Where is @Snowden & [RBG]? MKUltra Mind Control, [AS] CIA 01/07/2019

@00:39:20 saudi arabia oh he was stationed chief
@00:39:27 what saudi arabia is does the cia hold

The "Go Betweens" The Biggest 'ACCURATE' Conspiracy

@00:02:05 cabal families saudi arabia george soros

QAnon - POTUS Risked EVERYTHING for US - Flynn is the Counter

@00:14:39 in saudi arabia in in north korea

Panic at the DC Disco - RR, Mueller, Maggie D5 is Around the Corner!

@00:10:22 what's going on in saudi arabia we all

QAnon - Power Belongs to the People! #WWG1WGA! #NewQPosts

@00:15:55 the people saudi arabia oil tax sex
@00:15:58 children saudi arabia controls assigned
@00:16:07 trafficking is the hub is saudi arabia
@00:16:41 of saudi arabia future order is critical
@00:16:48 saudi arabia expand your thinking swamp

Qanon - Where is Q? What is Jeff Sessions doing lately?

@00:16:34 weeks you've got the saudi arabia

Ep#6 - The Shady MSM Saudi Arabia Narrative, Oleg Deripaska US Assets Seized, and Soros Funded Stalk

@00:05:18 morning here's the chicago tribune saudi
@00:05:21 arabia transfers 100 million to us on
@00:05:46 payment of 100 million from saudi arabia
@00:06:01 saudi arabia publicly pledged the
@00:10:08 a lot about saudi arabia and the rise of
@00:10:25 saudi fate you know the saudi arabia has
@00:10:54 stopped saudi arabia still carries out
@00:12:08 on and saudi arabia plays a very big
@00:12:21 his posts that saudi arabia was going to
@00:13:33 and saudi arabia and i mean anyway
@00:16:20 vision for a new saudi arabia now isn't
@00:16:41 the islamic clerics in saudi arabia who
@00:18:10 ridiculous plan they had to take saudi
@00:18:12 out of arabia and it was the rage post
@00:23:56 to unfairly implicate saudi arabia in
@00:25:49 five years in saudi arabia and as a
@00:25:56 occurred inside the saudi diplomatic
@00:31:28 all know that saudi arabia was the hub
@00:31:53 up for saudi arabia which is another

QAnon - New Narrative, Wrap Up Smear, Crimes Against Children, Justice K confirmed!

@00:38:37 information in there related to saudi
@00:38:39 arabia since we know plus plus plus
@00:38:41 equals saudi arabia and if you don't
@00:39:10 and saudi arabia is the richest at three
@00:39:13 and of course we had the fall of saudi
@00:39:15 arabia you know that kind of thing so
@00:39:20 when i see that i think saudi arabia i
@00:39:22 think it must contain saudi arabia
@00:39:45 they're owned by saudi arabia perhaps

QAnon: Red line, Red Red, Red Cross, Red October: Stay Tuned and Watch

@00:10:39 saudi arabia alone worldwide lanes shut

Qanon - Feinstein threatens Murkowski? Delay, Delay Delay! Q update

@00:26:45 talks about saudi arabia oh fox news
@00:28:36 know that's the three families saudi
@00:28:38 your uh soros the rothschilds and saudi
@00:28:44 arabia and it says red october iron

QAnon - Media Leakers, Panic in DC, with PANIC COMES....

@00:42:36 plus plus means saudi arabia we know

QAnon - Thomas Drake/Bill Binney, Fake Maga Posobiec, More FISA

@00:19:03 from december saudi arabia controlled us
@00:19:18 saudi arabia don't you realize the war
@00:20:02 saudi arabia cooperating next of them

QAnon - DOITQ, EAS Alert, Collective Attacks, Panic in DC

@00:10:18 about saudi arabia right at the time
@00:10:31 a distraction to to help saudi arabia

QAnon - HRC/Alice in Bloody Wonderland, The Setup, Keys to the Kingdom

@00:36:25 posts of the saudi arabia drops and
@00:36:58 wonderland is hillary and saudi arabia
@00:37:21 saudi arabia the bloody wonderland is an
@00:37:25 article that was written about saudi
@00:37:27 arabia and q had referenced it before
@00:37:30 and that's where we get saudi arabia
@00:37:54 just in case it's ever gone saudi arabia
@00:38:11 international saudi arabia violently
@00:40:04 closed and all that saudi arabia epstein
@00:40:17 he's saying hr c equals alice saudi
@00:40:20 arabia equals wonderland who are the
@00:40:25 saudi arabia have faith for god and
@00:40:56 still an issue in saudi arabia saudi
@00:41:44 your own and he's saying saudi arabia
@00:43:02 saudi arabia jared kushner what was the
@00:43:12 saudi arabia in relation to alice in
@00:44:27 lewis carroll saudi arabia the bloody
@00:44:36 wonderland hillary and saudi arabia
@00:44:45 alice in wonderland equals hrc and saudi
@00:44:48 arabia
@00:44:55 president trump going to saudi arabia to
@00:45:00 saudi arabia formed under hillary

QAnon - China Hacked (not) HRC Server = America For Sale

@00:14:28 emailing the crown prince of saudi
@00:14:30 arabia or a head of state in europe the

Qanon - Halper, Ohr, DOD Whistleblower

@00:38:00 clinton foundation soros tenaya saudi
@00:38:04 arabia this was written june 6 of 2017

QAnon Firewalls, Q Trilogy, NG Deployed to Gitmo

@00:07:31 9/11 how does saudi arabia connect to
@00:07:34 the bin laden family who in saudi arabia
@00:08:12 relationship with faisal of saudi arabia
@00:08:22 projects undertaken by the saudi arabian
@00:08:26 that who in saudi arabia connected
@00:08:32 of k saudi arabia and what did they

V Pool - Red Shoes Edition Feat. Podesta Art, AC, Kauders

@00:05:02 not saudi arabia why do you think human
@00:05:05 rights violations in saudi arabia are

Welcome to THE SWAMP. We, THE PEOPLE, are the CURE. 8.12.2018

@00:29:49 approved a 90 cq 400 then saudi arabia
@00:33:49 jizan region saudi arabia saudi-led arab

QAnon - Why I believe in Q? Maureen NY #QStories #WeAreQ #14

@00:06:39 have to be the timeline of like saudi
@00:06:42 arabia and north korea okay just let's
@00:07:32 with he was talking about saudi arabia

QAnon - Why I believe in Q? Perry #QStories #WeAreQ #8

@00:02:05 countries like north korea and saudi
@00:02:07 arabia and iran is next and i think

QAnon - The World is about to Change! #AskTheQ #TryHarderMSM

@00:12:12 i see saudi arabia desert storm
@00:21:54 the feed saudi arabia clinton foundation
@00:22:27 okay and it had been already the saudi
@00:22:32 the guy there is saudi arabia but he's
@00:23:21 saudi arabia clinton's financier

QAnon - Blackmail and Dead Woman, theFBI/DOJ, RR, RM, Epstein, SR Witness

@00:33:24 is talking about saudi arabia being a
@00:33:34 basically you know saudi or what
@00:33:36 happened in saudi arabia the overthrow
@00:34:01 cabal justice saudi arabia was freed
@00:38:27 the ones behind besides saudi arabia we
@00:38:29 know saudi arabia's bribes half the

QAnon - AF1, Reflection, Apple, SA Independence, and a MUG

@00:03:44 this last post about saudi arabia it's
@00:04:14 false but saudi arabia is true so if you
@00:04:19 saudi arabia saudi arabia martial law
@00:04:32 questions were asked regarding saudi
@00:04:33 arabia prior to the saudi arabian events
@00:04:39 this is what happened in saudi arabia is
@00:05:14 and saudi arabia so i went over that
@00:26:37 wire reflection why apple why saudi
@00:26:40 arabia in post 1681 why the truth is
@00:27:13 prince allah weed and resolve the saudi
@00:27:15 arabia and resolve saudi arabia in post
@00:31:03 saudi arabia prior to saudi arabian


@00:02:44 regarding saudi arabia / national guard
@00:04:24 regarding saudi arabia national guard
@00:04:50 what is saudi arabia known for why why
@00:04:54 with saudi arabia safe harbor port of
@00:05:01 in saudi arabia why is this relevant he
@00:05:14 saudi arabia bribed okay
@00:05:16 so he told but he talks about that saudi
@00:05:20 arabia has declared martial law and he
@00:05:26 saudi arabia us what forces actively
@00:05:29 deployed in saudi arabia national guard
@00:05:42 saudi arabia so when a nun says
@00:05:51 them was the saudi family as say a saudi
@00:06:02 saudi arabia is the primary us is the
@00:06:11 saudi arabia is gonna be the first to
@00:06:23 was declared in saudi arabia i don't
@00:06:45 wonderland by lewis carroll saudi arabia
@00:07:02 need to really pay attention to saudi
@00:07:04 arabia is what we need to get organized
@00:07:14 really an e-book and saudi arabia is the
@00:07:20 hillary clinton and saudi arabia is the
@00:07:27 relationship with saudi arabia's what
@00:07:42 but saudi arabia the bloody wonderland
@00:11:02 one is false but saudi arabia is true
@00:11:08 and put in saudi arabia so he's saying
@00:11:12 instead of us read it like saudi arabia
@00:11:23 regarding saudi arabia and i we just
@00:11:33 think mirror so what happened in saudi
@00:11:35 arabia is going to happen here the truth
@00:11:41 saudi arabia when they all their
@00:11:58 happened in saudi arabia will happen
@00:12:08 bless hillary and saudi arabia snow
@00:12:15 hillary and saudi arabia are snow white
@00:13:26 saudi arabia when it went down it was a
@00:13:34 actually happening in the in saudi
@00:13:35 arabia okay so it was just a distraction
@00:14:08 about saudi arabia national guard
@00:14:17 know what happened in saudi arabia is
@00:16:13 saudi arabia how does the how does
@00:16:36 facebook twitter reddit why is saudi
@00:16:39 arabia irrelevant mainstream mania
@00:17:26 deteriorates and this is in saudi arabia
@00:17:28 obviously saudi national guard prepping
@00:33:52 driving in saudi arabia was listed she
@00:33:57 i guess she writes about it saudi

QAnon - POTUS is not going through this for nothing! 6.15.18

@00:19:06 to saudi arabia so um anyway that's how
@00:40:15 taking down saudi arabia so there was a

QAnon PROOF #1 POTUS TWEET, +++, AND the Saudi Arabian Purge 11 6 17

@00:04:24 saudi arabia rothschild soros
@00:04:35 well and then so return to saudi arabia
@00:04:39 okay so this is when after the saudi
@00:06:16 saudi / just because the news doesn't
@00:06:20 and he says why were the events in saudi
@00:06:23 arabia extra nor ordinary who was
@00:07:04 what just happened in saudi arabia the

QAnon - 11.11Provided as Strategic Marker - Now Comes the Pain

@00:12:36 um real embassy of saudi arabia it's

QAnon - China, Russia, Others Coordinating w/Potus to Eliminate NWO?

@00:12:42 us what is the keystone return to saudi
@00:12:47 arabia strings cut saudi arabia was plus
@00:13:35 three families okay so basically saudi
@00:13:39 arabia has been taken care of right so
@00:13:50 visiting in saudi arabia what does this
@00:13:54 what occurred in saudi arabia
@00:15:33 be north saudi arabia and then north
@00:15:35 korea that would be freed so saudi
@00:15:36 arabia was freed then north korea was

QAnon - The Plot to NUKE America and Blame Russia SUM OF ALL FEARS

@00:17:22 thanks saudi arabia order is important
@00:17:24 it went from saudi arabia to north korea


@00:06:17 plus plus so the house of saudi arabia

QAnon - Red Cross, UBL Exchange, Armenia is Free

@00:36:33 then now he says in 12:45 think saudi
@00:36:36 arabia order is important saudi arabia
@00:40:22 of them and soros and theirs and saudi
@00:40:24 arabia and how do i know look i can
@00:40:29 saudi arabia transpire whenever he talks
@00:41:49 i hear saudi arabia here's plus plus
@00:42:14 saudi arabia again yeah it's the
@00:42:51 but she said saudi arabia purged corrupt

QAnon - Did Snowden Drop a Post on 8 Chan? Anons think so

@00:15:43 okay he didn't in saudi arabia he did it
@00:17:18 this stuff i saw this happen at saudi
@00:17:21 arabia he goes over there and he

#QAnon - Chongqing/Tuesday, FB, Syria, Iran, RR TRUST

@00:33:50 go back and understand think saudi
@00:33:52 arabia drops oh yeah that was a crazy

#QAnon - Mother of all Post Dumps - Posts 996-1028

@00:25:56 the family saudi arabia soros

#QAnon - Russia, Expelled Diplomats and Trump - What is going on?

@00:09:36 sword dance when visiting saudi arabia
@00:09:43 occurred in saudi arabia
@00:24:46 so did saudi arabia and qatar the saudis
@00:32:39 saudi arabia is not not in the equation

#QAnon - WE are GETTING THE WALL, the STAGE is set

@00:04:46 saw two days ago with saudi arabia and
@00:04:49 with other countries saudi arabia as an

#Qanon - The Plan, We Have More Than We Know

@00:34:13 group goes down through saudi arabia and
@00:34:21 saudi arabia i mean it just keeps up
@00:34:29 foundation by the saudi arabians during
@00:34:35 control does repayment of funds saudi
@00:34:37 arabia occur if so how he tells you why
@00:43:52 hrc is not currently in saudi arabia

#Qanon - March Madness! Spirit Cooking, Angela WHO?

@00:03:59 clinton foundation how much did saudi
@00:04:01 arabia donate compared why is this
@00:04:41 rumor 288 million saudi arabia 25

#Qanon - Stop taking the sleeping pill, resignations, updates

@00:26:00 think about the others in saudi arabia

#Qanon Connection to Whacked Pakistan Spy Ring #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:01:58 if i can yeah so here's saudi arabia
@00:03:23 clinton foundation to saudi arabia why
@00:15:34 between saudi arabia and pakistan so
@00:15:39 yeah pakistan saudi arabia relations
@00:15:49 kingdom of saudi arabia are historically
@00:16:34 saudi arabia what just happened we had a
@00:16:41 after saudi arabia he's talking about
@00:16:50 same relationship with saudi arabia
@00:17:04 trouble saudi arabia has given the
@00:17:28 well because the old regime of saudi
@00:17:30 arabia and pakistan were working
@00:17:33 saudi arabia providing the money
@00:17:38 okay so why would saudi arabia provide
@00:17:44 what does saudi arabia obtain in
@00:18:01 sure she owed saudi arabia some money
@00:18:06 clinton foundation and saudi by saudi
@00:18:08 arabia during 2015 and 2016
@00:18:54 what does this have to do with saudi
@00:18:56 arabia clinton foundation cash donations
@00:19:25 continuing why is saudi arabia so
@00:19:31 has the money what is happening in saudi
@00:19:33 arabia today we'll go there in a minute
@00:20:20 would very much appreciate saudi arabia
@00:20:29 states so at this time saudi arabia was
@00:21:09 the toppling of saudi arabia that's what
@00:21:45 king of saudi arabia and here's his
@00:22:23 who has been king of saudi arabia prime
@00:22:59 policies which saudi arabia has followed
@00:23:41 we all know that saudi arabia was the
@00:23:50 happening in saudi arabia today today
@00:24:11 former us presidents when in saudi
@00:24:13 arabia like a king himself yeah why is
@00:24:32 touched in saudi arabia it was for the
@00:24:37 riyadh saudi arabia which was strange
@00:24:45 trump and shortly thereafter saudi
@00:24:47 arabia was toppled okay so unbelievable
@00:25:27 look it up but just google trump saudi
@00:25:30 arabia arms deal and you'll find it
@00:26:12 crown prince of saudi arabia they know
@00:26:58 place in saudi rage arabia as operations
@00:27:04 operators are currently in saudi arabia