
UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: The Permanent Coup- An Interview with Lee Smith

@00:10:53 john brennan when john brennan was in
@00:33:11 um a little bit about brennan now since
@00:33:20 but also we talk a lot about brennan in
@00:34:08 so it struck me that john brennan has
@00:34:28 through different comments that brennan
@00:34:32 the different things that brennan
@00:34:45 john brennan is at the center of what
@00:34:53 i believe that john brennan played a
@00:36:34 would someone like john brennan have
@00:37:21 brennan being involved in this kind of
@00:38:23 so yes absolutely john brennan um

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: The RNC, Then and Now

@00:37:21 brennan not klein smith
@00:37:38 john brennan john brennan went and sat
@00:38:15 everybody listen to this about brennan
@00:38:43 john brennan is an embodiment of the cia
@00:38:50 brennan wanted to send a message to the
@00:38:58 himself nothing about brennan or his
@00:39:35 spoken by brennan
@00:39:44 since when has brennan been shy about
@00:39:49 why would brennan go to third person and
@00:40:14 john brennan
@00:40:40 john brennan another no longer works for
@00:41:14 if john brennan offered any false
@00:41:26 third shapiro's statement claims brennan
@00:41:40 comment was made to brennan yesterday
@00:42:21 brennan could have been questioned
@00:42:29 shapiro's statement brennan was only a
@00:44:23 mr brennan not because you have some
@00:45:16 so if john brennan isn't a target why
@00:45:32 is illegitimate the idea that brennan
@00:45:42 it happened at all but john brennan
@00:45:52 the decision to interview brennan over
@00:46:00 to get brennan to confirm or deny

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Tuesday, August 4th

@00:00:05 unsilent as brennan strzok from walk

News Roundup for June 26th

@00:11:56 brennan tatum which i have this up i was

Dark to Light: An Interview with Congressman Devin Nunes

@00:11:30 that brennan and clapper and the obama
@00:15:41 into the ica and brennan saying no and
@00:15:55 is is that that that brennan both
@00:15:58 brennan and comey were
@00:16:10 comey brennan mccabe they all knew about
@00:17:30 comey brennan they knew exactly what was

Dark to Light: An Interview with Lee Smith

@00:42:19 brennan james clapper explain themselves

DOJ Dismisses Case Against General Flynn

@00:19:51 brennan

Michael Horowitz is a Straight Shooter. Here's Why

@00:20:54 alongside of brennan and clapper does

News Roundup: McCabe, Horowitz, Buck, Lewandowski and More

@00:12:43 john brennan james clapper david cohen
@00:13:04 spokesperson now says brennan rice and
@00:13:16 sudden we've got brennan rice and holder

General Flynn: Unsealed Motion to Compel

@00:17:43 his senior staff cia director brennan
@00:17:58 blind carbon copy and brennan clapper

Dark to Light: Byrne it all Down

@00:08:08 staff now because clapper and brennan
@00:29:14 names he brought up brennan and clapper
@00:29:17 right he brought up carlin brennan a

diGenova, Ratcliffe, and Nunes

@00:05:29 community people including john brennan
@00:15:36 lynch and brennan and clapper to the

Dark to Light Special: BREAKING- Dennis Montgomery Speaks

@00:14:33 brennan and clapper he was hacking into
@00:14:45 under john brennan okay

Spygate 101: An Overview

@00:27:03 brennan and clapper were on capitol hill
@00:28:16 brennan were forced to come out and
@00:40:44 brennan cia that worked for the cia john
@00:40:47 brennan is not innocent in this either
@00:41:27 okay so brennan the director of the cia
@00:41:47 brennan is tainting the congress and the
@00:42:16 about brennan about obama did obama no

FISA Shenanigans

@00:13:01 brennan and why brennan says he didn't

Manning: DOJ Investigated Abedin in October of 2016

@00:03:55 against brennan and let me say it's

The Pact: Green Beret Robert Patrick Lewis

@00:31:17 yeah and i listen that brennan struck

Behind the Referrals with Devin Nunes

@00:25:46 call what john brennan has been going
@00:25:52 on your list i mean john brennan walking
@00:26:43 leaks are real the news is fake brennan
@00:26:46 i think brennan is in some trouble

The Hannity Interview

@00:35:33 front of congress brennan lied many of
@00:41:15 case of brennan
@00:41:32 particular case of brennan and and
@00:41:35 clapper and brennan in particular
@00:42:25 brennan admitting sorry about that
@00:42:28 it's basically brennan admitting he
@00:42:52 didn't run out on brennan or stroke or

The Targeting of #WalkAway

@00:02:20 normal the usual right brennan starts

Friday 2/22: Dark to Light Quick Clip

@00:04:28 brennan now nellie or was hired by

More: Fusion GPS and a Conflict of Interest

@00:06:18 could loop in brennan now why am i

Thoughts: The Twists and Turns

@00:06:51 didn't know that john brennan had a copy
@00:06:59 is so important why because john brennan
@00:07:07 president but harry reid john brennan

Attkisson Part I: The Facts

@00:18:59 says brennan is behind the witch hunts

An Update on NSA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery

@00:03:41 brennan this is 2013 that this recording
@00:05:30 this was right after brennan and clapper
@00:07:21 comey clapper brennan all of them and
@00:12:03 worked for brennan and clapper those are
@00:12:41 they didn't do that brennan said
@00:15:47 into all of america for brennan and
@00:17:44 people were hacked in by brennan and
@00:18:06 of brennan brennan who was cia under
@00:19:41 young man working for brennan at the cia
@00:20:33 elected brennan then wants to be cia
@00:20:58 moves and brennan three doors down the
@00:44:22 brennan who's been at odds with trump

The Propaganda Machine Targets Whitaker

@00:23:29 prease struck paige baker brennan

Glenn Simpson, the Chinese, and a Slip Up

@00:02:38 brennan spied on jones at the time that
@00:02:50 brennan spies on jones because jones is

Information Overview: Pdop and the Timeline

@00:29:27 campaign and obama brennan and clapper

Brennan and Maddow: An analysis by Finch

@00:00:26 maddow john brennan interview which was
@00:01:27 john brennan rachel maddow interview
@00:04:11 in a second brennan is gonna say he's
@00:04:22 to brennan for some reason brennan
@00:04:27 politics as per finch venon brennan has
@00:04:38 me at least that brennan was a hundred
@00:04:47 brennan directly his reactions in the
@00:11:07 mr. brennan that doesn't even make any
@00:11:19 a warrant targeted at brennan and
@00:11:31 brennan he thinks that there's a fisa
@00:11:36 warrant on brennan he makes a threat
@00:15:25 at me brennan is slurring words and i
@00:23:12 and samantha power said about brennan as
@00:24:44 flash john brennan americans in the
@00:25:56 me his emphasis john brennan flew to
@00:31:39 traitor but note brennan never once
@00:34:20 the first time we've heard brennan
@00:35:15 it's pretty pretty clear that brennan
@00:38:55 the house brennan bet the farm on an
@00:41:27 and brennan laughs the damage and harm
@00:41:58 john brennan is floating the accusation
@00:44:41 understands this i think john brennan is
@00:45:24 brennan ad-libbed and what off-script

Textron, Bell, and Strzok: A new connection

@00:48:00 brennan he studied in cairo in his early
@00:48:06 the brennan connect thing i tried i
@00:48:26 realize that been a brennan was born in

PART II: House Hearing on Inspector General Report (MYE)

@00:32:23 brennan and clapper and and rogers a

The Original Guccifer and Papadopoulos

@00:21:35 of august we get brennan briefing harry
@00:21:46 mr. brennan indicates that unnamed
@00:22:16 i'm sorry august 30th brennan starts

Analysis: HPSCI Report

@00:09:28 president ordered brennan to conduct the
@00:11:35 brennan to conduct a review of all
@00:32:42 brennan says i encountered anima where

Breaking: BOMBSHELL Nunes Interview!

@00:02:45 for clapper brennan all those guys is it

The Plot Thickens: Collaboration across the Administration

@00:01:49 director john brennan brennan had
@00:02:36 was something else too call me brennan
@00:03:50 from brennan was used in michael isikoff
@00:04:30 brennan alluded to the unverified
@00:04:43 weeks to the media which is what brennan
@00:04:51 information brennan shared with him that
@00:10:08 clear now that brennan and read and
@00:10:52 o brennan then the cia director was so
@00:11:54 not happen brennan wasn't allowed to go
@00:12:41 likely brennan in the august briefed or
@00:12:50 officials said mr. brennan indicated
@00:13:01 said mr. brennan told mr. reid that the
@00:18:57 brennan and mi6 were working with steel
@00:19:21 behest of brennan and also in comes the
@00:27:26 that brennan was not only aware of this

Breakdown: The Firing

@00:36:10 brennan schumer mccabe is also
@00:40:10 first of all brennan former od and i

Special Prosecutor, Letters from Majority, and the Roundup!

@00:01:11 brennan we're gonna go over a bunch of

What is Sessions DOING?! (And the OIG)

@00:27:04 well as brennan hoth austech tweet and

Live Stream: Analyzing the Democrat Memo

@00:10:12 in addition we also know that brennan
@00:10:32 the information he got from brennan the
@00:12:09 brennan cia told senior lawmakers that
@00:12:18 into how brennan went to eight top

Livestream: A Timeline of Collusion

@00:27:12 thought is here is that somebody brennan
@00:43:56 john brennan starts testifying in front
@00:44:26 the answers brennan lies to his face
@00:44:46 brennan is the one who goes to read and

The MSM Flips- Stands by the Memo

@00:08:31 clapper fbi call me cia brennan and nsa

Clearing up the Memo Spin

@00:10:59 brennan said i'm sorry clapper said that
@00:14:23 about brennan sorry about that i skipped
@00:14:25 off a little bit but the spin brennan
@00:14:37 sorry clapper not brennan i keep saying

Part I: Grassley digs for Connections

@00:07:29 lynch john brennan i could have sworn
@00:29:56 loretta lynch and john brennan so we

Speculating Friday: PLEA FOR THE COUNTRY!!!

@00:14:28 truth and in fact however when brennan

Speculating Thursday! The Wire Worn By P-Dop

@00:07:40 unsealed case file makes brennan who

An Interview with Lisa Belanger

@01:01:34 lonnie brennan of the boston broadside

BREAKING! Montgomery has PROOF of Trump eavesdropping

@00:02:30 the direction of brenner and brennan and

Wiretapping: It's come full circle

@00:10:21 cia director brennan as the two primary
@00:10:25 intelligence director brennan admitted

The events of the day and my thoughts

@00:12:07 is brennan brennan's testimony today was

Pompeo and Wikileaks: A sordid tale

@00:18:52 brennan emails to tpp saudi cables

FULL AUDIO!! Sheriff Joe and Blixeth on Montgomery

@00:00:52 this guy worked for brennan and clapper
@00:01:33 brennan said recently and mainly clapper
@00:04:38 into all of america for brennan and
@00:06:57 brennan retina with cia out of bush 43
@00:08:32 brennan at the cia that came over to
@00:09:48 moves and brennan three doors down
@00:18:30 brennan a clapper down you're going to
@00:25:49 then they're going to call brennan
@00:26:30 indict brennan and clapper to probably i
@00:33:23 got it brennan i just get your phone

The Montgomery Breakdown

@00:07:44 brennan montgomery witness up close and
@00:09:05 spied upon by clapper brennan and the
@00:13:46 for brennan and clapper a trump a
@00:14:06 all of america for john brennan and
@00:16:41 brennan and his relationship with obama

UMBRAGE-- Wikileaks #Vault7

@00:00:14 fox news sunday it's john brennan on the
@00:00:24 outgoing cia director john brennan on
@00:01:35 brennan your response well i think as