
UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Ukraine Report Exposes Targeting of Giuliani

@00:47:08 things from china no one's going to be

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: The Permanent Coup- An Interview with Lee Smith

@00:17:56 ambassador to china vice president
@00:20:01 china
@00:21:53 able to bring china into the community
@00:22:34 china right now that most americans
@00:23:15 china is the major
@00:23:42 yeah and and you know they china even
@00:24:21 ukraine and china and and all the other
@00:24:51 china for you know for ripping off

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: August 11, 2020

@00:44:03 you know this is how china gets people

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Tuesday, August 4th

@00:12:51 number three china china china trump
@00:13:16 anything china the viruses the china
@00:13:39 joe biden practically has made in china

Commentary: Big Tech and Bill Barr

@00:05:56 china
@00:06:01 lie for china they can chill for china
@00:38:35 china if you guys appreciate the work i

CHOP, FOIA, and other Musings

@00:04:21 swine flu from china so i've done a
@00:04:25 china just to fill everyone in a little

News Updates and Analysis

@00:04:39 the early band from china but i did it
@00:04:45 china has total control over the world
@00:05:28 the world needs answers from china on
@00:05:36 is it that china shut off infected
@00:05:42 china it went nowhere else had it didn't
@00:06:21 government of china has conducted
@00:06:39 foreign nationals from china who we have
@00:07:33 kong this week china unilaterally
@00:08:14 of china and indeed the people of the
@00:08:16 world china claims it is protecting
@00:08:53 the territory since the handover china
@00:09:51 rest of china the united states will
@00:10:43 china would increasingly come to
@00:12:38 of china china's not embracing the

Dark to Light: An Interview with Congressman Devin Nunes

@00:05:47 china daily that comes out of the

A Quick Chat on a Tuesday Afternoon!

@00:12:25 so china has dealt with this just

deleted My Thoughts for You on Covid-19

@00:09:52 immigration issue in italy from china
@00:11:13 areas of china to finish their work so
@00:18:26 out of control and came by way of china
@00:25:25 what was going on over in china did
@00:25:28 china overdo its reaction to caused this
@00:31:21 so anyway i'm working on that china

It's ONLY Tuesday!!!

@00:00:35 china virus nonsense started gold in

It's Been Awhile! News Roundup

@00:05:05 that is coming from china so we put

Burisma Hacked by the Russians?! Not so fast...

@00:12:40 hacker from china will hack into some

LIVE: Dark to Light- It's a new year in Iran!

@00:28:41 be china and russia i don't know

Letter from President Donald J. Trump

@00:10:55 china massive new trade deals with japan

News Roundup: McCabe, Horowitz, Buck, Lewandowski and More

@00:00:22 jong-un right in north korea china in

The controversy surrounding Fentanyl

@00:01:53 china in mexico over 20 25 tons of
@00:02:11 it from shanghai china now donald
@00:28:12 in shanghai china and what they prepare

Our Climate

@00:00:57 just take a look at china and the

The Pact: Green Beret Robert Patrick Lewis

@00:09:18 china and north korea were doing
@00:11:12 the globe china the global minutes or
@00:14:36 the fact that china right now has a
@00:14:53 china really takes over the united
@00:15:13 focused on china for a very long time he
@00:15:48 that china wants to not only rule the
@00:18:57 email servers get dcc directly to china
@00:26:56 know china is more than willing and

A News Roundup!

@00:00:33 trade war with china you have the
@00:16:45 the ukraine russia china and the

New Zealand and China: An Alternative Perspective

@00:00:51 interacting with china
@00:00:54 influence of china into their country
@00:01:23 shenanigans with china lately and we
@00:01:29 really kind of pushed back against china
@00:01:31 and we know what china does in terms of
@00:01:40 into the relationship between china and
@00:02:09 own was china and it was a one-sentence
@00:02:39 the people's republic of china now in
@00:02:44 the aftermath of this attack china
@00:03:27 towards muslims in china they use tech
@00:04:13 china and new zealand and it's gone
@00:04:25 late 2000s i believe with china
@00:04:27 new zealand china new zealand's economy
@00:04:34 and china is or there was 7.8 percent of
@00:04:39 china which is a very large portion of
@00:04:48 breaking down when a scholar in china
@00:04:58 research into china the chinese
@00:07:00 industrial bank of china in new zealand
@00:07:03 stated that china was no different than
@00:07:16 the new zealand china relationship
@00:11:38 the ways that china was infiltrating
@00:11:48 trade agreement between china and new
@00:11:58 china and what the united states is
@00:12:00 doing in terms of china you know that
@00:12:06 zealand and china has always been
@00:12:27 five eyes any longer china has always
@00:13:06 right now and china has a history of
@00:13:24 china canada there there canada's the
@00:13:46 australia has pushed out china as well
@00:14:03 that i could ever hope to but if china
@00:14:58 china january 29th 2019 and i'll put
@00:15:18 china is in new zealand and their
@00:15:45 government or china no i just find it
@00:16:02 war with china they cancelled all sorts
@00:16:19 while we is huge in china it's a big
@00:16:38 they've taunted china no country has
@00:16:55 efforts to bring china to heel
@00:17:01 mr. teeny china is a strategic american
@00:18:05 white house slams china for increasingly
@00:18:35 china with all of this action then i
@00:18:55 china do you guys see what's happening
@00:20:19 about this but they did china has
@00:20:27 politician like china basically
@00:21:01 china is highlighted by china's growing
@00:22:01 so basically new zealand has told china
@00:22:17 to kind of push china out new zealand's
@00:22:20 trade organization ship with china is
@00:22:22 very important to china the the the
@00:22:26 exports from new zealand to china are

Misleading Miami Herald Headline Lights up Twitter

@00:01:29 entrepreneur from china who started a

CPAC LIVE! Mark Levin then President Trump!!!!

@00:26:47 author of the coming collapse of china
@00:28:59 there is what he calls a good china and
@00:29:06 china
@00:29:14 me not to refer to china as our unity
@00:29:28 that china is the world's only sovereign
@00:30:13 about china and so his first step was to
@00:30:16 say he wasn't sure the one china policy
@00:30:56 industry it was to punish china and for
@00:31:31 china wants to surpass america he said
@00:31:39 conferences china wants the past america
@00:31:58 integrationist view of china and we
@00:32:12 idea was that china would be come
@00:32:31 china sea some of the himalayas would be
@00:32:48 china that makes christianity illegal
@00:32:58 in china has increased over the last 10
@00:33:37 bad china that's going to be on our
@00:34:28 be confined to china this is going to be
@00:34:56 the hidden activities in china and
@00:35:20 china versus the bad guy the bad china
@00:35:23 the hidden china the deception of secret
@00:36:03 clear he knows china is the second
@00:36:54 belligerent provocative china is there
@00:37:20 yes we can coexist with china but we've
@00:37:43 challenge from china is to the american
@00:38:28 of communism in china so you know mike
@00:39:08 for china we can't pretend like this is
@00:42:06 threat is china but the deep state

CPAC Live! Afternoon Session

@00:01:45 divine monarch or your motto in china it

Worldwide: Eyes are on China

@00:02:13 between the us and china with canada
@00:04:39 the connections between china and the
@00:05:06 productions china media capital has made
@00:06:49 dollars in china chinese investments
@00:08:20 affectionately named china gate that
@00:13:52 the hawawa executives would in china
@00:14:47 china and then bring it back and in
@00:15:07 you know the people in china they
@00:16:03 china this sort of intellectual theft
@00:18:33 suspicion of spying for china in poland
@00:21:34 especially not from china trump has
@00:21:45 breakers like china continuing to follow

Crazy Days and Nights? I'd Say...

@00:46:13 interesting connection with china i'm

Highlights: The Crisis on the Border (Part 1)

@00:44:38 brazil and as far as china traveling

Matthew Whitaker: Corruption runs scared

@00:20:27 people's congress and china member and
@00:21:56 distinct this individual from china does
@00:25:36 it is china every year maxes out their

Glenn Simpson, the Chinese, and a Slip Up

@00:07:58 would also add that the china case was
@00:10:06 while feinstein maintained her pro-china
@00:12:10 china delivers missiles our missiles or
@00:14:19 kinds of deals with china that have
@00:14:35 on here and how big of a role does china
@00:14:38 play and is that why china is now being
@00:15:26 foreign power turns out communist china
@00:16:58 in communist china than protecting
@00:17:19 for china and would likely keep doing
@00:17:34 regards to trying to help china why am i
@00:17:50 he covered the story about china and i
@00:17:54 he did with china and feinstein

Oleg Deripaska: What about the Sanctions? (And a refresh)

@00:07:52 deripaska and russia china so when they
@00:08:56 in with china given what we're learning
@00:09:01 about china and yes i'm on mother jones
@00:09:07 what we know now more about china and
@00:09:16 has said in regards to china etc i don't
@00:09:26 allowed rusul to sell to china because
@00:10:03 aluminum to china i don't know so i
@00:10:20 york times will spin china is the second

LIVE: Dissecting the massive Omnibus Bill- Part I

@00:27:37 what china does with their chicken our
@00:27:41 from china and it's very clear none of
@00:27:54 people's republic of china for use in
@00:28:16 so no chinese chicken chick-ee-dee china
@00:30:33 okay we're keeping china honest and
@00:30:55 dollars shall be for china anti-dumping
@00:31:16 people's republic of china they
@00:31:29 keeping china accountable for price
@00:46:03 to not buying chicken from china and
@00:46:04 taking bed plywood from china we can
@00:46:08 with china on space project space
@00:46:15 funds to partner with china on anything
@00:46:35 china has been in

My take: The Internet Bill of Rights

@00:27:03 china north korea because i'm not sure

Analysis: Rich, Mueller, Buzzfeed- How do they connect?

@00:06:43 charges against china

Debate: The "Dirty Dossier" vs. The "Dirty Dossier"

@00:09:54 business ties to china very interesting

Rohrabacher, Rand Paul, and Wikileaks, Oh My!

@00:11:48 was that here organ harvesting in china

The Prince and the Clowns: An exploratory tale

@00:17:27 operations through the bank of china
@00:27:01 description box so basically maybe china
@00:27:10 relationship with china is a lot more
@00:37:33 china connection and and you know oh and
@00:38:33 china the financial connections his

The Purchase Heard Round the World- But is there more?

@00:14:41 it's very shady to me china to buy china
@00:15:06 jumped out of china owns it very

Weather Modification-- PROVEN

@00:23:49 us by anybody could be china could be

Trump and Russia??? Leakers Leak

@00:23:15 the china laws about this stuff

Situational Awareness: Context and thoughts

@00:20:01 isis in syria proven china agrees to

Full Interview! Assange in London with Hannity

@00:14:31 they don't say anything about china and

#BeTheMedia Episode 1

@00:30:14 today in china and i asked them all you

Wikileaks 23 in Review-What's in the first 500 emails??

@00:05:54 i was in china and not accessing this