
The Weiner Laptop Emerges Again: FBI Agent Speaks

@00:05:04 20 times more emails than comey
@00:05:07 while comey didn't know at the time what
@00:11:09 and two days after then comey sends a
@00:11:51 on why the fbi why comey had to do that
@00:17:49 behalf of defendant director comey

UncoverDC Interview: Ekim Alptekin and the Case of Gen. Flynn

@00:31:47 who worked with comey and then resigned
@00:33:03 ryan mccall and he worked with comey and

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: The DNC Convention, Senate "Intelligence" and Culture Abounds?

@00:36:28 jim comey they were all ready to do it
@00:36:33 james comey jumps in and says nope this
@00:36:45 jim comey himself stepped in to stop
@00:43:05 the fbi under jim comey the ones who

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Analyzing the Testimony of Sally Yates

@00:11:17 james comey and the doj because james
@00:11:20 comey was
@00:11:30 going on and james comey wasn't telling
@00:12:14 comey didn't coordinate that with us and
@00:12:18 okay did comey go rogue
@00:16:33 sally yates says that comey discussed

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Tuesday, August 4th

@00:28:16 james comey vice president joe biden and

New Filings in the General Flynn Case

@00:35:36 fbi director comey saying he hoped comey

Rosenstein’s Role: Protect the Department of Justice at All Costs

@00:33:00 and mccabe and comey are upstanding

Analysis and Discussion: General Flynn Transcripts and Amici Brief

@00:17:43 to prosecute you james comey it just

Dark to Light: An Interview with Congressman Devin Nunes

@00:15:38 other than james comey fighting to put
@00:15:58 brennan and comey were
@00:16:10 comey brennan mccabe they all knew about
@00:17:30 comey brennan they knew exactly what was

Dark to Light: An Interview with Lee Smith

@00:32:43 since since comey was fired
@00:39:51 ruster report right they have both comey

DOJ Dismisses Case Against General Flynn

@00:18:15 director james comey advised doj
@00:18:27 accurate fbi director comey took the
@00:19:06 nobility to james comey for this
@00:19:26 um comey had said something to the this
@00:19:30 uh comey had said something to the
@00:19:45 fbi director comey continued to refuse
@00:20:09 comey to demand
@00:20:13 director comey did not initially return
@00:20:19 when director comey called her back
@00:21:39 comey direct determined that they would
@00:22:04 james comey
@00:22:58 this time in front of director comey and
@00:26:31 when director comey asked based on his
@00:26:37 director comey responded quote i don't

Super Tuesday Election Analysis

@00:26:36 endorsement from james comey all of that

You Need to Know: McCabe, Loretta Lynch, and the IG Report

@00:03:00 his superior comey that he himself was
@00:04:54 before then fbi director james comey
@00:11:50 two days after this comey sends the

Andrew McCabe: DOJ Not Bringing Charges for Leaks to WSJ

@00:05:24 comey they declined to prosecute or
@00:05:28 bring charges against comey they didn't
@00:05:30 even look into comey they said this
@00:05:44 the way comey handled the classification

It's ONLY Tuesday!!!

@00:20:03 friends with james comey and once these

It's Been Awhile! News Roundup

@00:09:53 james comey we would have never found
@00:18:46 james comey was fired james baker
@00:19:52 there it says it are you ready comey was
@00:20:00 interview with robert muller comey was
@00:21:48 referral of james comey that we got that

The 30,000 Foot Explanation of the General Flynn case

@00:04:22 television james comey admitted that he
@00:04:38 involved and jim comey decided he was
@00:05:29 superficial level okay so jim comey
@00:12:18 comey when james comey knew that process

Lee Smith: The Plot Against The President

@00:20:51 comey should be dismissed then he was

McCain and Crowdstrike: When Worlds Converge

@00:05:30 former fbi chief james comey he says i

Revisiting Admiral Rogers, FusionGPS, and Horowitz

@00:18:38 who the retired guy could be comey

Letter from President Donald J. Trump

@00:01:54 comey and the fbi and donald trump
@00:09:04 decisions the firing of james comey see

Whistleblower Nate Cain shares his Story for the First Time

@00:23:33 mueller the of course james comey you

DOJ IG Releases Report on FBI Management of Confidential Human Sources

@00:09:33 for a large part under james comey

UPDATE: The Case of General Flynn and so Much More!

@00:07:18 comey bragged about on television which
@00:39:49 remember baker's role in the comey memos
@00:40:30 like james comey says and i dissected
@00:41:47 comey is veiled sent sending veiled

Michael Horowitz is a Straight Shooter. Here's Why

@00:20:22 with comey and mccabe for years so what
@00:24:10 oh ig analysis on jim comey why is this
@00:31:55 advising comey on consequential
@00:39:01 comey andrew mccabe prieta struck lisa
@00:39:44 here's the james comey one people are
@00:40:12 james comey for criminal prosecution and
@00:40:17 prosecute comey for the reasons that
@00:40:33 comey i mean if you read this you'll see
@00:40:50 comey violated applicable policies and
@00:41:05 additionally determined that comey kept
@00:42:14 things he did wrong so there's the comey
@00:46:22 with comey i don't think he's doing a

News Roundup: McCabe, Horowitz, Buck, Lewandowski and More

@00:16:17 others and medow is about the jim comey
@00:16:46 on comey which was a very long report
@00:19:35 listening to in terms of james comey and

Andrew McCabe: What you should know

@00:04:39 this james comey because mccabe said he
@00:04:44 comey acted like it was fine comey says
@00:10:50 the firing of james comey and he said
@00:12:28 which comey had up to that point refused

General Flynn: Unsealed Motion to Compel

@00:17:48 comey and his deputy director at mccabe
@00:20:31 and remember comey writes in his memo
@00:21:03 which comey then hands over to the
@00:22:10 mccabe james comey rod rosenstein bruce
@00:24:45 from james comey that mention or deal
@00:25:11 the james comey 302 for november 15 2017
@00:41:43 and james comey former principal
@00:43:12 comey provided in-camera to the court
@00:43:23 know when jim's james james comey told

LIVE: A Jeep, FOIA, and Nunes

@00:13:05 comey you know got it from from clapper

Analysis and Commentary: The James Comey IG Report

@00:03:26 james comey and his leaking and i wanted
@00:05:12 not to indict comey or pursue criminal
@00:05:25 number one is that james comey has
@00:05:54 to charge comey with these crimes and i
@00:07:06 evidence that comey ora's attorneys
@00:07:15 the key phrase comey has latched on to
@00:07:17 i'll explain comey leaked the contents
@00:08:04 technically had a clearance when comey
@00:08:18 comey just about gets away with giving
@00:08:27 comey gave him this memo during the time
@00:08:39 comey couldn't have known which part
@00:08:57 so when comey did the action of leaking
@00:09:45 on jim comey for a leaking criminal
@00:10:09 this is how comey conducted himself he's
@00:10:18 indict comey for klat leaking classified
@00:11:44 strong enough case because comey and all
@00:15:08 jim comey in the strongest of terms we
@00:16:24 okay there's just not he's wrong comey
@00:17:23 james comey is not being prosecuted
@00:24:21 determined that comey gave his memos to
@00:24:52 where james comey is in congress and
@00:26:54 discussed with comey a number of
@00:26:56 concerns about comey meeting alone with
@00:27:01 one of one-on-one so comey could present
@00:28:07 comey should memorialize his meeting
@00:28:10 comey told the ig that in his view it
@00:28:20 conversations comey also said that an
@00:29:04 comey doesn't create a memo about the
@00:29:43 you please stop these leaks james comey
@00:29:59 trump and comey concerning the quote
@00:30:04 whether he should ask comey to
@00:30:07 in other words comey would you do me a
@00:30:26 why wouldn't james comey want to do that
@00:30:29 why wouldn't james comey want to
@00:31:59 it and keep it comey tells the oig other
@00:33:22 2017 comey drafts a two-page memo
@00:33:50 priebus who asked james comey directly
@00:34:05 know if comey told the president that
@00:34:28 comey knew sessions would be recusing
@00:35:36 actually that was comey that wrote that
@00:35:38 so in june comey writes a statement to
@00:36:19 comey knew two weeks before that he was
@00:36:23 investigate they're all comey ever says
@00:38:32 with comey about what had happened and
@00:38:34 comey would say something along the
@00:39:13 comey was keeping book on the president
@00:39:35 before comey was removed baker said he
@00:39:44 at the time he presumed comey was
@00:39:55 comey was storing any copies of the
@00:40:40 told the ig that comey had met with the
@00:42:11 comey had told him about commis
@00:42:15 he describes a lunch he had with comey
@00:44:27 comey does the same thing when he
@00:44:36 comey leaks a memo that declares to the

Dark to Light: Byrne it all Down

@00:25:27 that jim comey knew that you were being
@00:29:20 clapper ah call me and if comey is what
@00:29:27 comey ozzie okay well whoever comey is

Questions about McCabe and the Prince/Garner connection

@00:04:11 comey reopens the the clinton email

Coming into focus: The Weiner laptop and Jeffrey Epstein

@00:03:53 month before comey informed congress the
@00:12:54 days after that on october 28th comey
@00:23:26 right before the election james comey is

LIVE! A week in review

@00:14:54 comey was fired but hey christopher
@00:17:03 the time that james comey is trying to
@00:17:11 about russia and then comey says i don't
@00:45:25 first vice a warrant that james comey
@00:46:09 comey signed the first fighter the other

Dark to Light Special: Joe Flynn

@00:36:23 so the memo is from comey were like an
@00:36:58 absolute bullshit comey writes memos

diGenova, Ratcliffe, and Nunes

@00:02:17 report being released on comey and that
@00:02:29 supposed report on comey and i talked
@00:15:34 others like jim comey and mccabe and

A Guide to the Epstein Case

@00:45:23 cnn source that maureen comey was on the
@00:45:33 marine comey is on the on the

Dark to Light Special: BREAKING- Dennis Montgomery Speaks

@00:15:49 the fbi and jim comey he's granted an

FBI Whistleblower in 2013: Mishandling of Electronic Surveillance Evidence

@00:22:54 comey says you know there's this this

LIVE STREAM: A Breakdown of Top Stories

@00:28:22 vault 7 and james comey and waldman who
@00:30:17 russians and here's the proof and comey

Barr BLOCKBUSTER: Analysis and Commentary

@00:11:49 have fired james comey under his
@00:12:52 again the firing of comey one of the
@00:13:29 james comey told president trump that he
@00:13:40 comey wouldn't go out publicly and say
@00:13:43 so firing james comey thereby couldn't
@00:13:50 because comey had told president trump
@00:14:00 james comey to stop him from
@00:30:00 me because the piece i did on comey just

Spygate 101: An Overview

@00:38:59 rosenstein andrew mccabe james comey all

Did James Comey have the DNC emails in March of 2016?

@00:01:15 likelihood that james comey had the dnc
@00:01:52 james comey claims that he received
@00:02:29 matter too much james comey claims that
@00:04:55 know comey his security clearance was
@00:11:07 happened when comey testified that the
@00:13:45 timeline james comey receives
@00:25:10 sense about this james comey was in
@00:26:28 narrative it insinuates comey knew and
@00:26:51 james comey claims to have gained gotten
@00:27:49 and it's disinformation but comey
@00:27:52 comey says the reason why he went and

FISA Shenanigans

@00:10:51 because if the bad guys the the comey is
@00:11:14 application was signed by james comey
@00:12:12 yates james comey so when the
@00:17:19 sally yates and jim comey don't get to
@00:21:42 team and lied to them comey can go on tv
@00:21:50 act but yates and comey

LIVE STREAM: What happened with Barr?

@00:12:17 be a comey report released which is
@00:12:22 comey is going to do a town hall because
@00:12:41 jim comey so they voted to hold bar in
@00:27:15 five o'clock the comey report will drop

Mazie Hirono and William Barr: A Deconstruction

@00:11:39 comey be fired he was okay to run the

LIVE STREAM: News Roundup for April 26th

@00:10:02 comey worked there in the 90s it isn't

Mueller Report: Volume II Summary

@00:13:24 christie could reach out to james comey
@00:13:30 and say hey we really like you and comey
@00:21:41 and that would be james comey and rod

Mueller Report: Volume I Summary

@00:37:10 comey and bruce or and mark warner this

Manning: DOJ Investigated Abedin in October of 2016

@00:04:52 behalf of defendant director comey
@00:10:34 comey sends the letter to congress
@00:18:53 election fbi director james comey

The Hannity Interview

@00:12:00 for it yeah he said jim comey said it
@00:18:04 admitted it comey who's a terrible guy
@00:18:07 comey and mccabe and struck and paige
@00:26:27 says that he fired james comey and it
@00:27:13 about james comey horrible horrible
@00:35:54 ultimate sworn testimony where comey
@00:38:44 the interaction between comey
@00:42:50 one but it didn't run out on comey it

Schifting the Truth

@00:17:35 director 2017 comey briefed the

Analysis: The Barr Letter

@00:20:23 especially because mccabe and comey both

An Interview with Dr. Dave Janda

@00:30:35 text messages between the cave comey

OIG Summary Report: Stunning Revelations

@00:12:25 comey hasn't retired he was fired that

Roger Stone: Roundup

@00:28:12 clinton james comey clapper will we see

An Update on NSA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery

@00:07:21 comey clapper brennan all of them and
@00:09:22 this is comey so i know a lot of you're
@00:39:15 defendant comey and the fbi as well have
@00:40:32 after the comey hearing a few weeks ago
@00:43:01 want to meet with fbi director comey
@00:43:08 orders and he assured me will comey
@00:44:02 that comey himself was involved in this
@00:44:12 likelihood that comey told these agents

LIVESTREAM: Flynn Sentencing

@00:12:28 comey press conference yesterday holy
@00:15:03 comey

General Michael Flynn

@00:04:15 working with comey we've now found
@00:05:23 we don't think that james comey
@00:05:59 comey brags about it on tv the other day
@00:06:11 comey finch
@00:12:07 section here where james comey testified
@00:13:27 comey and i'm not questioning your your
@00:16:48 jail james comey i mean really there's

An Interview with George and Simona Papadopoulos

@00:46:38 comey mates and lynch yeah only these
@00:47:20 one's and there's a reason comey just

Cohen, Comey, and More

@00:01:46 comey
@00:10:50 the 235 pages of the comey testimony and
@00:11:27 was this in the comey transcript on 56
@00:12:16 and james comey responds i don't
@00:13:40 zas 'king comey about how well he knows
@00:14:18 ask questions comey as the memory of a
@00:14:24 in diapers mr. comey um was asked how do
@00:15:13 here james comey bolsters the criminal
@00:15:44 between gowdy and comey
@00:15:50 like jim jim comey is basically saying
@00:16:07 soon as jim comey identifies what
@00:16:24 attorney for gowdy uh for comey jumps in

RAW CUT: An interview with George and Simona Papadopolous

@00:46:17 papadopoulos comey mates and lynch
@00:47:03 comey just recently decided not to

LIVESTREAM: Michael Cohen

@00:26:11 a deal through james comey so that he
@00:26:21 fell apart james comey decided that it
@00:26:32 that james comey didn't want that and
@00:26:56 tell the truth about that comey said i'd

Matthew Whitaker: Corruption runs scared

@00:07:17 things that he said about james comey
@00:22:27 director comey said that the fbi doesn't
@00:34:45 james comey the director of the fbi

Follow Up: Getting Ahead of the Story- Rosenstein & McCabe

@00:00:52 trump because he fired james comey and
@00:05:06 that recommended that comey be fired and
@00:05:12 fired comey
@00:06:08 said comey releases his memos the

Roundup: Carter, Hannity, and Solomon

@00:02:07 confidant of james comey worked very
@00:15:27 retribution for the firing of comey and
@00:15:33 the firing of comey and i think the
@00:16:01 he basically recommended that jim comey
@00:16:43 retribution on the firing of james comey
@00:17:22 or retribution for firing comey and what

News Roundup: Kavanaugh and Baker

@00:25:02 tower i was recorded to jim comey i hope
@00:25:09 remember he tweeted that to jim comey
@00:25:12 now for his part jim coney jim comey is
@00:27:40 rosenstein muller clinton comey and all

Commentary and Analysis on the Kavanaugh Debacle

@00:12:26 think that sounds like james comey

Rod Rosenstein and the Curious Case of the FISA

@00:02:04 or i'm sorry james comey or andrew
@00:04:17 is signed by james comey and i have it
@00:04:20 here here it is james comey and then it
@00:05:15 this time james b comey signs it from
@00:14:04 rosenstein recommended that comey be
@00:20:45 it leaves pre step it leaves comey it
@00:22:07 firing comey may 16 27 teen rosen stein

Information Overview: Pdop and the Timeline

@00:12:20 agents said former fbi director comey is

Did Huber Interview Ohr?

@00:02:09 comey went before the television camera

Brennan and Maddow: An analysis by Finch

@00:03:53 he fired comey - he fired comey while
@00:03:57 comey was away somewhere and comey had
@00:04:42 lynch comey yates hannigan halpern myth
@00:25:00 self-serving tweet by comey yates and
@00:26:43 problem comey struck and gates and
@00:33:51 coordinated with comey to arrange it
@00:34:01 language is not fake comey wasn't kiddin
@00:34:14 christopher steele worried about comey
@00:44:23 something comey yates

There is More, Than Ohr

@00:13:00 the story about how james comey slammed
@00:15:41 comey comey ended all of this i think

Live: News Roundup (Solomon, Jordan, and More!)

@00:07:34 writes is this one on comey that we went
@00:08:23 well comey can't have any of that
@00:12:14 into disclosure of comey memos fbi leaks
@00:12:29 former director james comey handles his
@00:12:48 that he's bringing up the comey memos in
@00:12:52 without bringing up the comey memos and
@00:13:51 public opinion james comey for all of
@00:22:21 letter to then fbi director james comey
@00:22:32 comey to james comey about a leak in the
@00:24:51 wrote to james comey turned into an
@00:25:04 carter page saying you know james comey
@00:36:04 pissed off about comey doing with the
@00:36:22 comey talked about the mid-year exam but
@00:37:56 who wrote the memo to james comey as the

Thought Stream: The Comey deal and More

@00:04:21 where john solomon says that james comey
@00:04:56 learn that comey said uh uh you know
@00:09:59 this for me it's interesting that comey
@00:10:06 that comey comes out and basically
@00:13:53 comey and warner and this deal right
@00:18:29 comey said no or comb or homie you know
@00:18:39 eric prints waldman warner assange comey

PART II: House Hearing on Inspector General Report (MYE)

@00:02:58 comey statement that as the drafts were
@00:03:13 well and what about james comey had he i
@00:18:09 happened james comey decided to play
@00:33:00 way that they james comey spoke about
@00:34:08 agree with me that jim comey although he
@00:40:20 of the comey memos indicated that the

PART I: House Hearing on Inspector General Report (MYE)

@00:01:04 justice in the firing of james comey
@00:01:34 report to fire comey this is what the
@00:01:39 by trump to fire comey were these
@00:01:55 the democrats stating how jim comey was
@00:07:21 while director comey properly kept
@00:07:31 call me comey didn't talk about the
@00:07:33 trump russian investigation comey kept
@00:08:21 a finding about why director comey
@00:08:33 comey of course was a lifelong
@00:08:47 bias was comey motivated by bias of
@00:08:55 basically once wanted comey to break the
@00:09:09 about why director comey violated doj
@00:09:19 democrats the election and comey of
@00:10:10 my former boss director comey was a
@00:11:44 that james comey didn't text message
@00:12:29 affiliation of mr. comey but we're not
@00:12:39 mr. comey but we're not gonna count that
@00:22:23 secretary clinton director comey
@00:23:33 for firing james comey so brilliantly
@00:23:39 director comey did apply a double
@00:24:14 james comey exonerated hillary clinton
@00:24:25 comey prejudged or quote rigged the
@00:25:36 director comey resisted acknowledging
@00:26:18 director comey what nadler is trying to
@00:26:26 admit say that james comey didn't
@00:26:50 showed director comey resisted
@00:27:35 quote after years of comey with the
@00:31:52 about comey again and the democrats
@00:32:06 fired comey and that it wasn't an active
@00:32:17 but director comey publicly released
@00:33:02 horowitz makes it clear that james comey
@00:33:09 comey was for leaking about that
@00:36:43 making the case for firing comey making
@00:37:15 long comey signed an nda before he got
@00:37:31 director comey and it was a bipartisan
@00:37:45 question back to back to mr. comey last
@00:39:32 joe comey continues down down the road
@00:41:39 you said the director director comey
@00:42:01 comey violated the norms as you said we
@00:45:37 mr. comey you're looking at fisa

Livestream: OIG Analysis- Baker, Ghattas, and the Special Counsel

@00:02:03 comey memos who was a leaker from all
@00:06:27 they knew about the comey firing the

Rep. Goodlatte Acknowledges Huber! (And a follow up)

@00:09:51 jim comey has been taunting the
@00:10:05 comey

The Original Guccifer and Papadopoulos

@00:19:52 july 5th comey announces no charges
@00:20:03 against clinton july 7th comey testifies
@00:22:07 comey and that's how they loop the cia

The OIG Report Rebuttals: A McCabe example

@00:05:57 which will read is that comey mccabe
@00:06:29 questioned comey with specific reference
@00:06:40 comey told us that at the time he was
@00:06:49 and comey told us that mccabe led him to
@00:07:07 from when he talked to comey and covered
@00:07:12 well comey said that's not what he said
@00:07:21 attorneys allege that comey never spoke
@00:08:42 for comey to be lying it wouldn't make
@00:08:50 comey is alleging he told comey
@00:09:31 claimed that he told comey is not only
@00:10:08 had already told comey he was
@00:11:32 comey as a white knight carefully
@00:11:44 saying james comey is a lying bastard
@00:11:52 comey is because he claims to have a
@00:11:58 october 31st while he argues comey does
@00:12:37 conversation with comey which if true
@00:12:46 possible in other words if comey knew
@00:14:25 be believed over comey is because comey
@00:14:47 no matter how focused comey was on the
@00:14:54 comey would have recalled mccabe telling
@00:15:03 well james comey throughout this entire
@00:15:26 that was something that comey felt very
@00:15:33 this one bit of testimony from comey so
@00:15:47 consequence that comey definitely would
@00:15:55 finally mccabe argues that comey quote
@00:16:13 words comey has every reason to cover
@00:17:35 of mccabe's or bottles are about comey
@00:17:37 which is interesting given that comey
@00:17:51 look at mccabe's arguments comey knows
@00:18:05 so this this paragraph says comey did
@00:19:24 now comey maintains that that's what
@00:19:32 that clears it up comey did not testify
@00:19:38 comey did not testify that mccabe's
@00:19:57 quote definitely didn't tell comey he
@00:21:23 in concealing from comey his role in
@00:21:45 comey were part of a quote casual
@00:22:06 told fbi director comey that he was
@00:22:59 mccabe conveyed to comey in some former

Caputo and Wikileaks: Something isn't right....

@00:22:03 our director of the fbi james comey for

Joe DiGenova: Comey and the Special Counsel

@00:01:38 comey should be fired the president then
@00:01:41 acted on that memo and fired james comey
@00:02:46 comey based off the memo that's why he
@00:02:57 james comey so he fired james comey then
@00:03:06 real reason that i fired james comey was
@00:03:51 basis for firing comey at the same time
@00:03:57 memo as a reason for firing comey i love
@00:05:13 james comey fired i'm sorry donald trump
@00:05:17 fired james comey so donald trump fires
@00:05:19 james comey on may 9th the memo from roz
@00:05:26 he takes the memo he fires james comey
@00:06:46 i fired comey because i wanted to fire
@00:07:23 your termination letter to mr. comey you
@00:07:48 trump as he fired james comey said thank
@00:10:29 trump fires james comey james comey is
@00:10:39 for firing james comey then trump comes
@00:10:53 uses to fire james comey which i'm gonna
@00:11:02 comey i've received the attached letters
@00:13:06 time as that's happening james comey at
@00:13:48 hold up the comey

Analysis: HPSCI Report

@00:00:44 comey sections were redacted from
@00:00:47 regarding comey and mccabe's testimony
@00:12:26 jay comey says yeah in retrospect we
@00:27:12 director comey his resignation occurred
@00:28:53 policymakers after comey briefed the

The Week (so far) in a Quick Summary

@00:06:35 questions related to comey
@00:06:37 what was your opinion of comey during
@00:07:11 places are saying about james comey
@00:07:30 by james comey what was the purpose of
@00:23:55 comey responsive docs this tells me

Speculating Friday: The Special Counsel

@00:09:45 fbi director james comey sessions wrote
@00:09:58 remove comey and identify an experienced
@00:10:17 pages of reasons why james comey should
@00:10:43 comey the day before the former fbi
@00:13:52 muller and trump comey is out leaking
@00:13:56 just one headline new comey memo says
@00:14:43 the very same time as comey is leaking
@00:42:36 bring it back with comey and then we'll
@00:42:37 end this off comey stated he leaked the

Breaking: BOMBSHELL Nunes Interview!

@00:08:13 relates to jim comey as it relates to
@00:08:20 comey memos this week tell me what you
@00:08:49 once you read all of the comey memos it
@00:09:14 nature is in the comey memos so this is
@00:09:24 comey memos prove now i think for mr.
@00:09:27 comey when you match up his memos with
@00:11:51 into the stuff that happened with comey
@00:13:51 that we will see for jim comey well it's
@00:14:07 true what the ig mr. comey is lying
@00:14:12 that that comey did give him the right
@00:14:23 ig believed mr. comey that comey did not
@00:15:12 sorry relates to mr. comey you've got
@00:16:02 i think i think that these comey memos
@00:16:13 comey cleared mrs. clinton up real quick

LIVESTREAM: Mccabe leaks- Analysis of the OIG Report

@00:03:15 foundation and james comey
@00:05:34 foundation ongoing comey had previously
@00:07:30 note mentioned here from comey right in
@00:08:56 so that's what comey has to say about it
@00:09:15 into that it's clear that comey was
@00:09:18 so james comey testified before the
@00:22:57 to the media comey has a conference call
@00:23:06 call remotely but comey and the fbi
@00:24:02 so comey decides to send a letter to
@00:24:15 comey asked mccabe to leave because
@00:25:24 i'm saying that comey might be doing the
@00:25:33 comey speaks with mchale on the phone
@00:28:19 investigation that comey wasn't aware
@00:28:38 damaging the fbi we had to do this comey
@00:28:41 knew about it but comey says i didn't
@00:29:19 about how comey handled the emails on
@00:29:25 had reported that comey
@00:29:50 journal article because look what comey
@00:30:02 guy's i'm thinking to myself maybe comey
@00:33:31 that he told comey that he approved the
@00:34:45 did not authorize it comey told us that
@00:34:55 call according to comey he discussed the
@00:35:07 comey said that mccabe gave him the
@00:36:06 comey said he believed that mccabe would
@00:36:11 discuss any disclosures comey told us
@00:36:28 with the world comey told us that the
@00:37:31 fashion that it makes jim comey look

The Plot Thickens: Collaboration across the Administration

@00:01:42 asking former fbi director james comey
@00:04:49 letter from reid to comey reid sites
@00:08:47 here homie says it says mr. comey oh
@00:08:57 sorry about that mr. comey would not
@00:09:12 source of the hacks mr. comey also
@00:09:34 basically admit that comey didn't really
@00:10:10 comey and the obama administration we're
@00:12:11 prompt comey to begin some sort of
@00:13:47 stefanik came out and asked comey
@00:14:03 chairman thank you director comey and
@00:14:09 at director comey broadly when the fbi

Goodlatte: Confirms Grand Jury (Follow up to last video)

@00:02:44 exoneration statements of comey instruct

In Depth: Another Burkman attempt and the Lawsuit

@00:37:44 comey recently being fired this will

Breakdown: The Firing

@00:07:15 reminds me of comey and anyone else
@00:22:01 aftermath of the firing of james comey
@00:23:09 statement on may 3rd 2017 jim comey
@00:23:20 grassley says director comey have you
@00:23:31 investigation comey says never grassley
@00:23:43 clinton investigation no comey says no
@00:29:39 statement is for comey there have been
@00:29:46 at the fbi even when comey was there
@00:29:55 of resentment there between comey and
@00:30:12 as a yeah number one because comey like
@00:30:40 director james comey not just in leaking
@00:30:57 contradict statements comey made in a
@00:32:10 mccabe like his predecessor comey
@00:34:15 the white house and what comey told
@00:36:34 about the firing of comey now that were
@00:36:38 democrats were up in arms about comey
@00:37:03 current director comey this is a article
@00:37:18 criticize comey last year the democrats
@00:37:21 were critical of comey for moves related
@00:37:24 usage investigation and on monday comey
@00:39:03 see james comey as soon as possible
@00:41:30 james comey bill clinton barack obama
@00:42:12 acknowledged along with jim comey that
@00:42:29 being truthful jim comey said it himself

Analysis: Rich, Mueller, Buzzfeed- How do they connect?

@00:32:47 robert after james comey met with donald

What is Sessions DOING?! (And the OIG)

@00:33:50 gorton and james comey that's october
@00:36:29 discussing james comey chief of staff

Live Stream: Analyzing the Democrat Memo

@00:10:52 letter off to comey and when i was
@00:11:11 comey it's called the james comey file
@00:35:28 since comey took the helm and if not

Livestream: A Timeline of Collusion

@00:03:29 investigation on the 15th of july comey
@00:11:57 james comey begins on may 2nd begins
@00:21:19 james comey announces that the hillary
@00:22:25 really interesting about this is comey
@00:27:00 harry reid sends a letter to james comey
@00:27:20 or even comey goes to harry reid briefs
@00:33:08 october comey sends letter to
@00:33:44 ignored finally comey decides yes we're
@00:38:33 comey had with obama and herself and
@00:38:39 that they don't comey had said under
@00:41:22 march of 2017 on the 20th of march comey
@00:44:52 gets pissed off sends a letter to comey

LIVESTREAM: They may try, but they won't succeed- Marathon Edition

@00:03:11 letter to call me basically asking comey
@00:04:57 including mr. comey
@00:07:16 this okay he talks about the shift comey

The MSM Flips- Stands by the Memo

@00:06:21 fbi james comey briefed president-elect
@00:11:37 comey citing reports of meetings between

LIVESTREAM: They Released the Memo: Take 2!

@00:05:53 yet in early january 2017 director comey
@00:11:16 and i'm glad this came out and comey and

LIVESTREAM: They Released the Memo

@00:07:25 every time then director james comey

Horowitz and Happenings

@00:20:57 comey had no idea what was going on
@00:23:51 clinton days before comey announced his
@00:23:55 described by comey as the moment that
@00:24:02 public testimony comey voiced concerns

PART II: Fusing the Story

@00:25:10 episode about comey sending his letter

Beginnings: The day the news got exciting

@00:05:06 the things we know about james comey in
@00:05:20 well mr. comey is no longer the director
@00:12:17 comey and his colleagues knew were on

Who is Kramer???

@00:01:24 to comey
@00:02:51 dossier to former fbi director comey

Rant and Review: Comey

@00:00:24 to fbi director james comey 'he's full
@00:00:35 we have james comey supposed to be
@00:04:07 james comey and telling us details of
@00:09:00 we've got a lot of facts for you comey

Labrador: House Judiciary ATTACK DOG

@00:05:39 language used by director comey when he

Have You Seen my Stapler, Strzok??

@00:03:51 former fbi director james comey decision
@00:09:14 whole comey clinton email server
@00:17:18 trusted by james comey and would
@00:18:28 saying we're investigating how comey
@00:24:20 fbi director james comey said last month
@00:25:58 determination along with comey that
@00:33:02 possibility that comey got a deal

The Prince and the Clowns: An exploratory tale

@00:31:13 off their chairs making comey reopen

Wiretapping: It's come full circle

@00:03:15 comey let's take another look at commis
@00:03:26 by asking director comey what are the
@00:03:45 from comey is generalized reply with
@00:04:05 backdrop that comey stated in july of
@00:04:19 uncomfortable director james comey lies
@00:04:40 comey and admiral rogers for your
@00:04:43 questions are directed at director comey
@00:07:43 comey intentionally obfuscates knowledge
@00:10:39 comey were clear commis understanding of
@00:10:56 for fbi director comey to be launching a
@00:11:14 midstream comey obfuscation it is
@00:11:17 increasingly clear fbi director comey
@00:11:29 fbi director comey to go back to the non
@00:11:34 no mr. comey there was the dni in place
@00:12:04 congressional oversight comey cited the
@00:13:18 james comey fbi paying for the
@00:13:27 the james comey fbi was denied a fisa
@00:13:33 and the general appearance is that comey
@00:13:46 that comey has never denied this
@00:16:53 actually means that fbi director comey
@00:17:24 comey we also know that actual sub

Speculating Sunday: The case of the Special Prosecutor

@00:01:05 mueller the fbi director james comey
@00:05:47 comey the day before the former fbi
@00:07:51 2013 james comey mueller's protege
@00:14:47 comey who everybody has said you know

The House Judiciary attempting to #LOCKHERUP?!

@00:01:57 comey our tapes being made of the
@00:04:54 yet loretta lynch director james comey
@00:06:47 or the implementation of lynch or comey
@00:09:48 loretta lynch fbi director james comey
@00:10:40 now makes you wonder james comey he
@00:11:32 directing mr. comey to mislead the
@00:13:45 comey and miss lynch had any knowledge
@00:14:12 obama administration including mr. comey
@00:14:25 admittedly 'kz by mr. comey to columbia
@00:14:33 comey and president trump how the leaked
@00:15:38 leaks originated by mr. comey and

Trump and Russia??? Leakers Leak

@00:11:25 memos to comey on december 9th but the
@00:12:07 justice james comey

What's going on in my next vid?

@00:01:46 james comey nonsense molar mueller being

George Webb causes uproar in Charleston

@00:02:34 firing of james comey the maersk memphis
@00:02:44 tired of the mueller comey mccabe

UPDATE: Kim DotCom, Hannity, and Seth Rich

@00:00:31 fbi director james comey to the new
@00:01:14 director comey who's currently in new
@00:01:21 comey was believed to be attending a

The Missing DC Girls

@00:10:28 sessions and fbi director james comey to

The Montgomery Breakdown

@00:02:57 hearings on monday comey basically they
@00:04:50 investigation director james comey about
@00:05:17 committee questioned fbi director comey
@00:05:37 be posed to fbi director comey at the
@00:08:40 solar to fbi director james comey
@00:09:35 buried by fbi director comey perhaps
@00:10:18 inquire of director comey the status of
@00:11:00 committee asked comey under oath why he
@00:12:00 director comey to account about the

#BeTheMedia Episode 2- Wikileaks information and More!

@00:10:28 comey came out with the hillary clinton

URGENT: The United States is undergoing a coup

@00:01:02 director of the fbi james comey for some
@00:01:35 when comey

BREAKING! FBI LOOKING INTO NEW EMAILS- (And some wikileaks info)

@00:00:04 fbi director james comey said friday
@00:00:22 comey said that recent developments

Clinton Health Bombshell from Debate and so much MORE!!

@00:12:15 talking to comey about roger stone who
@00:15:06 as well director comey the fbi
@00:16:14 comey share this video guys shared far