Deep state

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Ukraine Report Exposes Targeting of Giuliani

@00:41:53 certain to uncover a quote deep state

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Whistleblower Fatigue?

@00:35:07 because deep state power brokers inside

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Tuesday, August 4th

@00:12:46 serious criminal prosecution of the deep
@00:12:47 state would energize trump voters even

Dark to Light: An Interview with Congressman Devin Nunes

@00:38:18 um deep state which is really just the

Super Tuesday Election Analysis

@00:26:39 stuff they're there to all the deep
@00:26:41 state players coming out and

LIVE: Dark to Light- It's a new year in Iran!

@00:10:56 a lot of deep state players who have
@00:30:03 congress people and these deep state
@00:43:27 of you know deep state entrenched forces

The Landscape: Explained

@00:38:34 action by a shadow government deep state

Intermission Update: Horowitz Hearing

@00:04:58 unelected deep state which they keep
@00:05:56 gets to see what the hell these deep
@00:05:58 state disgusting treasonous pricks did

Benghazi: New Information from Brave Whistleblowers

@00:32:48 deep state at that time was in effect
@00:32:52 back on that deep state the people that

Whistleblower Nate Cain shares his Story for the First Time

@00:42:57 deep state it was just because i didn't
@00:43:38 was potentially deep state and maybe

Michael Horowitz is a Straight Shooter. Here's Why

@00:19:15 horowitz is some deep state plant i beg
@00:19:43 deep state plant and nobody's doing
@00:43:29 michael horowitz is a swamp rat or deep
@00:43:33 state the you know we can do a whole
@00:45:09 criminals so no so no he's not a deep
@00:45:15 sweet deep state swamp creature i'm
@00:45:59 says his deep suede state swamp rat i
@00:47:48 horowitz is protecting the deep state i

The Whistleblower Explained (And Crowdstrike?!)

@00:31:17 dollars to some corrupt as deep state

Analysis and Commentary: The James Comey IG Report

@00:11:16 doesn't it doesn't mean that bar is deep
@00:11:20 state it doesn't mean that trump is a

Dark to Light: Byrne it all Down

@00:20:49 government and the deep state that we've

Dark to Light Special: Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies

@00:12:44 deep state in order to try to get rid of

Dark to Light Special: Joe Flynn

@00:13:34 the even called the deep state or
@00:41:30 infrastructure deep state whatever you

Dark to Light Special: UncoverDC, the IRA, and Rich

@00:10:30 outlet used by the deep state to

Barr BLOCKBUSTER: Analysis and Commentary

@00:42:46 how could you say that your deep state

The Hannity Interview

@00:26:36 him because he knew how the deep state

LIVESTREAM: Barr Report-

@00:06:57 deep state conspiracy against him which

CPAC LIVE! Mark Levin then President Trump!!!!

@00:42:06 threat is china but the deep state

An Interview with Dr. Dave Janda

@00:24:29 that is the deep state that is donald
@00:34:37 by the deep state when he declassified
@00:35:46 his team to block the deep states
@00:36:03 very big and and when the deep state
@00:36:07 part of this deep state counter our
@00:37:00 counter-attack by the deep state is

Update: A possible explanation

@00:09:26 take a little break until the state of
@00:09:30 some fresh air and just take a deep

Attkisson Part I: The Facts

@00:00:12 overreach the deep state sharyl

BREAKING: Leak Investigation

@00:23:08 takes time and there's a lot of deep
@00:23:11 state references to hammies friends

Quick Clip: Barr and Rosenstein

@00:00:30 he's deep state yesterday apparently

An Update on NSA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery

@00:37:19 deep state thing right and i just wanted
@00:37:31 he mentions the deep state the judge
@00:37:34 mentions the deep state and clayman says

LIVESTREAM: Roy Moore targeted by "Russian" Copycats

@00:09:37 romney credits critics the deep state

P-Dop Tweets: Clovis, Page, Caputo and Stone

@00:29:21 deep state conspiracy basically they

News Roundup: Kavanaugh and Baker

@00:16:29 has fbi deep state basically deep state

Did Huber Interview Ohr?

@00:09:02 this deep state corruption know what
@00:22:13 a waste horowitz is deep state plant

Brennan and Maddow: An analysis by Finch

@00:11:44 he's clearly saying the deep state is

Oleg Deripaska: What about the Sanctions? (And a refresh)

@00:06:24 calls the deep state out and says that

Speculating Friday: The Special Counsel

@00:28:11 connections to deep state operatives

The Treasury Department has Been Busy

@00:01:46 bode well for deep state conspirators

Michael Cohen Raided by FBI and the collective world SCREAMS!

@00:12:10 doesn't bode well for the deep state
@00:15:51 after the deep state i mean this dude's

Live Stream: New Yorker Magazine- Huge Revelations

@00:17:47 or establishment deep state media that

Analysis: Rich, Mueller, Buzzfeed- How do they connect?

@00:23:46 deep state or whoever it is that he's
@00:24:22 rich holding water for the deep state in

What is Sessions DOING?! (And the OIG)

@00:39:51 other people in the deep state
@00:40:42 friendly to the deep state you're you're

LIVESTREAM: They may try, but they won't succeed- Marathon Edition

@00:23:43 believe that carter page is deep state
@00:29:39 say that muller is a bad guy he's deep
@00:29:43 state because of his past and everything

Horowitz and Happenings

@00:14:12 you know you can say he's deep state

Debate: The "Dirty Dossier" vs. The "Dirty Dossier"

@00:01:27 deep state operation to get rid of
@00:03:06 case and there really is a deep state

Who is Kramer???

@00:18:18 and if we have a deep state operation to

Rohrabacher, Rand Paul, and Wikileaks, Oh My!

@00:04:44 division against the deep state and mmm
@00:05:17 to circumvent the deep state a term
@00:15:22 state department along with several
@00:15:30 kymia this is just deep and we find out

Trump is playing a game of 5D Chess, and he's winning!

@00:11:15 gonna be very very busy deep state

"To the Stars Academy" admitted WHAT?!?!

@00:03:24 sanctioned even though it's deep state

Update on Paddock and more

@00:01:32 whole and the deep state nonsense and i

Sean Hannity goes nuclear on #SethRich investigation and more

@00:11:16 narrative deep state narrative to the to

Pompeo and Wikileaks: A sordid tale

@00:06:19 mainstream media the words deep state

Situational Awareness: Context and thoughts

@00:18:28 january 2017 globalist deep state
@00:19:01 globalists deep state stage chemical

What is going on? Questions that need answers- A summary

@00:00:38 cons globalists deep state operatives

#Vault7- Early Perspective..

@00:02:27 deep state running around completely
@00:03:52 takes as a whole yes yes the deep state

How does Guccifer 2.0 play into the wiretapping???

@00:09:46 intel community i'm an enemy of the deep
@00:09:48 state i think people know i was an
@00:09:55 the deep state is true the republican
@00:09:58 democrat bush clinton deep state has

Wikileaks Hints- What do they mean?

@00:00:51 really going on in the deep state etc so


@00:01:15 state electoral college majority in 2020
@00:01:29 where the deep ties between antipa other