
UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Ukraine Report Exposes Targeting of Giuliani

@00:41:17 headline durham um headline in political
@00:41:21 durham sought details about scrutiny of
@00:42:00 and mr durham publicly second guessed
@00:42:10 it turns out mr durham also focused
@00:42:16 the clintons mr durham investigating the
@00:42:21 whatever do you mean mr durham the u.s
@00:44:10 shows up in the durham investigation
@00:44:18 in the durham investigation super
@00:44:33 durham
@00:44:34 the durham investigation which by the

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: The RNC, Then and Now

@00:37:42 with john durham cia headquarters in
@00:38:24 interview with john durham and his
@00:38:54 with john durham
@00:41:28 was told by durham that he is neither a
@00:44:25 wonderful insights to provide mr durham
@00:45:36 questioned durham on this topic doesn't
@00:45:38 confirm that durham had any response
@00:45:49 john durham and his team did not come to

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: August 11, 2020

@00:41:28 durham but we can't

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Tuesday, August 4th

@00:12:10 the durham bar probe now larry is very

Commentary: Big Tech and Bill Barr

@00:21:58 by mr durham
@00:22:20 by durham i i'm not going to

CHOP, FOIA, and other Musings

@00:25:59 durham so that's that's the end so what
@00:33:29 going through there's the durham release

New Filings in the General Flynn Case

@00:22:56 on durham reports the other day attorney
@00:23:00 general bar told us flat out that durham
@00:23:07 durham at this point don't take it in

News Updates and Analysis

@00:17:07 us attorneys john durham and jeff jensen
@00:21:42 yes so john durham is part of his
@00:23:41 just like we knew that durham was
@00:25:47 stone we have john durham who's kind of

Dark to Light: An Interview with Lee Smith

@00:29:45 john durham is making there's not going
@00:32:13 secured by both mr. durham and mr.
@00:35:24 about john durham bringing in that that
@00:37:53 durham is doing right well what one is
@00:37:58 evidence of what durham has been doing
@00:38:14 people ask durham this what's durham

Andrew McCabe: DOJ Not Bringing Charges for Leaks to WSJ

@00:04:57 you know don't worry about it durham is
@00:10:43 the whole durham investigation and you
@00:10:55 the thing about the durham investigation
@00:11:39 durham will deliver indictments i

It's Been Awhile! News Roundup

@00:02:15 what's going on why hasn't john durham
@00:02:27 durham that he doesn't already have
@00:02:41 scenes and durham most likely has all of
@00:02:51 other muller victims durham has
@00:18:52 the one who revealed durham first james

Lee Smith: The Plot Against The President

@00:25:06 hope that the us attorney john durham is
@00:30:52 a us attorney durham bringing justice
@00:31:22 so while durham is looking at what

Revisiting Admiral Rogers, FusionGPS, and Horowitz

@00:01:37 rogers is cooperating with durham in his
@00:01:59 dripping out of this durham
@00:03:00 durham and then jordan or meadows i'm
@00:03:05 burr and he goes no durham and this was
@00:03:19 this durham is doing and that again like
@00:03:24 durham was appointed by sessions to do
@00:04:05 spygate investigation what durham
@00:05:12 has been meeting with durham apparently
@00:19:07 durham is looking at if it comes out dan

UPDATE: The Case of General Flynn and so Much More!

@00:01:34 which is that john durham was doing a
@00:17:32 there will be a durham connection in
@00:29:18 several days ago on durham and jim
@00:29:42 the bar durham investigation had all of
@00:29:55 with many others that this durham
@00:36:58 listen carefully it's mr. john durham a
@00:37:02 prosecutor mr. huber durham durham
@00:37:09 i'm sorry say it again john durham
@00:37:51 durham in october 2017 the house
@00:38:45 committee by mr. baker's attorney durham
@00:39:11 john durham to do that because he
@00:41:50 threats at john durham through his his

Michael Horowitz is a Straight Shooter. Here's Why

@00:37:07 durham and bar are traveling to foreign

FISA Prep: Things to Remember

@00:24:46 we know that the durham investigation

News Roundup: McCabe, Horowitz, Buck, Lewandowski and More

@00:18:02 important and it references john durham
@00:18:27 regarding attorney john durham or horry
@00:19:22 between horowitz and john durham the us

Andrew McCabe: What you should know

@00:10:22 john durham to investigate the fbi's

Dark to Light: Byrne it all Down

@00:12:43 john durham who was appointed by bar to

diGenova, Ratcliffe, and Nunes

@00:03:45 lot about john durham but i want to ask
@00:05:13 that's because durham is progressing
@00:25:50 true then the reports of durham meeting
@00:26:33 steele talking to durham a sunday times
@00:26:55 towards durham in this case especially
@00:28:28 whatever was said to durham made its way

LIVE STREAM: A Breakdown of Top Stories

@00:44:08 months and so durham is taking over that
@00:44:13 role now we know that durham was active
@00:44:24 investigation by durham for leaking at
@00:44:40 durham is picking up this brand-new

Did James Comey have the DNC emails in March of 2016?

@00:23:47 again shared them with durham and this

Get up to speed! Comprehensive News Update

@00:00:22 john h durham to kind of oversee and
@00:01:05 the time they asked durham i'm sorry
@00:01:57 though it's mr. john durham a prosecutor
@00:02:04 then levin says durham durham oh say it
@00:02:08 again levin john durham all right
@00:03:39 sent a letter to durham asking for a
@00:04:25 bar is working with or had test durham
@00:04:39 knows that if durham is investigating a
@00:07:00 also have now durham doing these leak
@00:07:25 attorney durham was asked weeks ago and
@00:07:47 process but that durham is also working
@00:07:51 the fysop rocket process mr. durham has
@00:08:11 of research into durham and i found some
@00:08:20 1st 2017 john durham has earned immense
@00:08:36 assistant us attorney john durham has
@00:08:50 durham will continue this record of six
@00:12:13 have john h durham from connecticut

BREAKING: Leak Investigation

@00:05:51 mr. durham who is the us attorney and
@00:08:45 attorney john durham i just want you
@00:11:27 letter talking about this this durham
@00:12:44 john durham right i couldn't believe
@00:12:52 john durham john henry durham is the
@00:13:52 john henry durham is the united states
@00:14:21 in on february 22nd 2018 durham
@00:14:44 named durham special prosecutor in 1999
@00:14:59 december 2000 durham revealed secret fbi
@00:15:29 in 2002 durham helped secure the
@00:16:19 investigation in 2008 john durham was
@00:16:31 2010 durham closed the investigation