false flag

Dark to Light Special: Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies

@00:25:28 bizarre how all these false flow like oh
@00:25:37 false flag shootings

Manning: DOJ Investigated Abedin in October of 2016

@00:00:28 false flag attack all kinds of things

An Interview with Dr. Dave Janda

@00:36:10 false flag operations that could well be

LIVESTREAM: Roy Moore targeted by "Russian" Copycats

@00:08:22 lending credibility to the false flag up
@00:08:28 dashboard and the disinfo the false flag
@00:12:57 the so-called false flag operation which
@00:14:48 orchestrated eight and elaborate false
@00:14:50 flag operation that planted the idea
@00:14:55 false-flag he saw the pod project as

The statement by Awan attorney and how it relates to #elsagate

@00:01:10 that this could be a pedo gate false
@00:01:14 flag sort of down the rabbit hole let's

Fake news, the hypocrisy and q&a(take 2)

@00:03:22 terrorist attacks and and fake and false
@00:03:28 you guys can spot a false flag when it
@00:03:46 know what a false-flag was seven or
@00:13:12 day false flag to treaty are you gonna

What the heck happened with George Webb today?!

@00:20:08 false-flag ah definitely possible and

The events of the day and my thoughts

@00:09:31 that it was a false flag if i would have
@00:09:33 called that a false flag two years ago i


@00:05:04 false flag up but it seems to be as far

Perspective and a few messages

@00:02:13 false flag so to speak and so many

Situational Awareness: Context and thoughts

@00:03:16 false flag as well and i say as well
@00:03:20 this recent attack was a false flag it's
@00:03:28 realizes that it's a false flag it's in
@00:04:07 falling for an obvious false flag even
@00:04:26 false flag i'm going to go into this
@00:04:48 chemical attacks us-backed false flag
@00:05:30 attack has been used as a false flag
@00:08:10 things staged false flag attack to
@00:10:54 false flag and you connect the two it
@00:22:00 this as a false flag and doesn't see
@00:28:04 and i hope this was of some value false
@00:28:06 flag in 2013 false flag in 2017 also

What is going on? Questions that need answers- A summary

@00:01:09 false flag there are actually people who
@00:01:36 anyway um false like blatant floss flag
@00:01:45 everybody knows it's a false black ron
@00:01:47 paul says it's a false flag rand paul
@00:01:49 says as a false flag everybody says it's
@00:01:51 a false flag alex jones says it's a
@00:01:52 false flag you know anyone who's anyone
@00:01:54 with the brain says it's a false flag

#BeTheMedia Episode 1

@00:48:26 tie this into every other like false
@00:48:29 flag 911 we can tie this into every

Alien Invasion? Debunked

@00:01:44 this could be a false flag for sure
@00:01:53 false-flag and then i saw this now look