The Weiner Laptop Emerges Again: FBI Agent Speaks

@00:17:18 manning alleges that there is a fisa
@00:17:23 on on manning says that there's a fisa

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Scott Pryor of Tulsa

@00:18:24 and they used that illegally in the fisa
@00:19:21 and they used it in the fisa courts

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: The General Flynn Decision

@00:05:26 that judge who was also a fisa judge got

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Analyzing the Testimony of Sally Yates

@00:07:02 that the fisa court
@00:07:15 candor with the fisa court
@00:35:51 and we're going to talk about the fisa
@00:36:22 fisa warrant on him
@00:37:18 these people pretend as though fisa
@00:37:47 the fisa application was for carter page
@00:39:18 this about fisa warrants it's why it's
@00:39:37 ig horowitz on the carter page fisa now
@00:39:40 sally yates signed two of these fisa
@00:40:08 the fisa warrant allows them to go

Some News, and the NY Times Dossier Story

@00:25:56 as the leaker of the fisa warrant so the
@00:25:59 fisa warrant was linked to several rep
@00:26:51 out who it was that leaked the fisa

News Roundup for June 26th

@00:20:07 the fisa warrant released and the memo

Rosenstein’s Role: Protect the Department of Justice at All Costs

@00:12:52 attorney general every fbi fisa
@00:13:44 culpability in this fisa warrant at all
@00:15:00 the fisa process let's say that they
@00:19:10 use the steel dossier in the fisa
@00:19:24 pasted into the steel into the page fisa
@00:19:33 steel dossier into the fisa warrant no
@00:28:22 know but he's signing a fisa warrant

News Updates and Analysis

@00:16:57 fisa process and the fbi's

Dark to Light: An Interview with Congressman Devin Nunes

@00:24:13 the fisa issues that they abused are
@00:24:25 the the fisa program that was abused to
@00:25:48 original fisa the law that's in

New Developments in the Case of General Flynn

@00:34:03 um also i'm rereading the fisa report

Recent Developments in the Case of General Flynn

@00:08:09 fisa fame or infamy and he recused
@00:25:43 report on fisa i've you know i've done a

Carter Page 302's Shed Light into Relationship with Intelligence Agencies

@00:12:26 get the fisa renewal my thing here is
@00:12:42 unredacted fisa applications and we
@00:13:07 in the fisa applications there's an even

The Carter Page Lawsuit

@00:02:08 happened to him because of the fisa
@00:04:51 the fisa court and then he says that
@00:05:02 to fisa for more than a year and saw his
@00:15:29 applications for fisa warrants

The 30,000 Foot Explanation of the General Flynn case

@00:06:53 new inspector general report on fisa
@00:32:38 for the ig report to come out on fisa
@00:32:40 the ig report on fisa comes out we learn

Lee Smith: The Plot Against The President

@00:08:39 report on on fisa all right how did you
@00:28:51 fisa all that stuff has anyone on the
@00:29:34 when the congressman said look this fisa
@00:30:24 mean that's even bigger than the fisa
@00:30:26 that's even bigger than the fisa program
@00:32:39 during the fisa hearings was that
@00:45:46 fisa was meant to smear the trump

McCain and Crowdstrike: When Worlds Converge

@00:03:36 so it was nonsense and the fisa report
@00:17:02 unverified dossier already to get fisa
@00:19:41 had to chair the fisa hearing it's just

Revisiting Admiral Rogers, FusionGPS, and Horowitz

@00:09:20 investigating the fisa process which we
@00:10:21 to raw fisa information specifically
@00:10:46 the fisa court investigation and then in
@00:13:14 fisa court when that's granted the fisa
@00:13:29 next thing they do grab a fisa warrant
@00:13:43 we've learned a fisa warrant on carter
@00:13:50 a fisa warrant we remember how weak and
@00:17:46 fisa warrant on page we learned in the
@00:18:03 fisa and other investigations

Letter from President Donald J. Trump

@00:01:48 the fisa court just released an opinion
@00:01:51 about the fisa abuse condemning james
@00:14:55 submission of false evidence to a fisa
@00:19:29 we should look at here which is the fisa
@00:19:35 the fisa letter that just came out which
@00:20:45 fisa act codified as amended at 50 usc
@00:21:12 by fisa a finding of probable cause to
@00:22:12 fisa court is saying that they just
@00:23:46 be the woods' procedure under fisa and
@00:26:17 relevance to the fisa
@00:30:19 fisa court has been misled for years and

Intermission Update: Horowitz Hearing

@00:03:24 about fisa 17 disgusting hundreds of

The DOJ IG Releases Report on CI (Part II)

@00:05:38 fisa warrant on a us citizen by the fbi
@00:05:55 prosecute no mention of fisa so this

DOJ IG Releases Report on FBI Management of Confidential Human Sources

@00:06:41 into fisa abuse and that the majority of
@00:06:44 the fisa abuses were were based on
@00:08:26 the fisa report that'll be in coming

UPDATE: The Case of General Flynn and so Much More!

@00:14:00 letters an undisclosed fisa warrant or
@00:14:13 little talks we've talked about the fisa

Michael Horowitz is a Straight Shooter. Here's Why

@00:08:04 horowitz on the fisa investigation so
@00:38:19 application to the fisa court in the
@00:38:34 connection with all carter page fisa

FISA Prep: Things to Remember

@00:02:18 alright so we have the fisa report
@00:02:50 is that they needed to get the fisa
@00:03:25 beginning this fisa review and here we
@00:03:50 the u.s. flight fisc the fisa court
@00:05:14 that came out from the fisa court an
@00:07:17 review the fisa court looked it over and
@00:07:31 the fisa court well that actually came
@00:11:16 fisa process and if you think back to
@00:12:57 this royal fisa data is probably the
@00:14:13 fbi seek and receive a title one fisa
@00:14:21 from the fisa court at this point in
@00:14:38 put in a fisa warrant application and
@00:14:41 they receive the title one fisa probable
@00:20:42 reason why the fisa warrant was even
@00:21:05 during their investigation into the fisa

The Declassification Confusion Explained

@00:05:09 for the looking for all the fisa
@00:05:16 filed by in the fisa court and they were
@00:06:12 page fisa documents that wasn't true
@00:09:15 them to get their hands on any fisa
@00:12:16 card or page fisa warrant but they're
@00:12:20 fisa warrant was released with serious
@00:13:08 for any fisa warrants at all that were

News Roundup: McCabe, Horowitz, Buck, Lewandowski and More

@00:14:01 horowitz there was a fisa abuse fisa
@00:14:15 were impugning the fisa abuse scandal

Andrew McCabe: What you should know

@00:09:03 regards to fisa this is not in regards

General Flynn: Unsealed Motion to Compel

@00:19:40 security letter or fisa application
@00:20:41 priebus asked him if there was a fisa on
@00:22:23 ahmad regarding mr. flynn or the fisa
@00:24:51 with any investigation surveillance fisa
@00:28:37 prior to the first fisa very very
@00:29:59 applications the several fisa
@00:30:26 fisa applications regarding mr. flynn or
@00:30:46 who signed fisa warrant that would have
@00:32:58 the inspector general and to the fisa
@00:36:46 he's signed a fisa warrant he said to
@00:44:24 family for no reason and signed fisa

LIVE: A Jeep, FOIA, and Nunes

@00:11:31 they talk about he talks about the fisa
@00:13:10 fisa warrant but at the end he talks

Analysis and Commentary: The James Comey IG Report

@00:10:49 factually about the fisa investigation
@00:31:03 others at the fbi regarding a fisa on
@00:37:58 leaders etc while there's an active fisa
@00:40:29 the fisa warrant on carter page was

LIVE! A week in review

@00:10:02 page fisa and then they'll wrap it in
@00:25:51 on the 302 on the the fisa warrant and
@00:25:58 the fisa court opinion about abuse and
@00:30:28 jeff carlson's work into that fisa
@00:31:30 front of a fisa court and you're
@00:31:57 investigation and get a fisa warrant
@00:45:11 because in the fisa warrant the footnote

Dark to Light Special: Joe Flynn

@00:22:17 fisa okay and they used the excuses of
@00:37:23 fisa on on general flynn he has some

diGenova, Ratcliffe, and Nunes

@00:06:16 applications for the fisa court devon
@00:24:32 responsive to the fisa court and
@00:24:47 an investigation into fisa abuse at the
@00:25:26 to do with fisa has to do with 302s and

Dark to Light Special: UncoverDC, the IRA, and Rich

@00:36:17 basis for the fisa applications that's

FBI Whistleblower in 2013: Mishandling of Electronic Surveillance Evidence

@00:02:33 stuff the database that maintained fisa

LIVE STREAM: A Breakdown of Top Stories

@00:41:44 ten days before the fisa warrant was
@00:41:46 given to the fisa court cadillac ran
@00:43:47 tasked to look at the fisa applications

Barr BLOCKBUSTER: Analysis and Commentary

@00:45:27 the fisa warrant yeah i wouldn't say

Spygate 101: An Overview

@00:13:22 get the fisa warrant on carter page do
@00:13:35 fine that's all right so the fisa court
@00:16:29 true they bring this to the fisa court
@00:16:33 and they get a fisa warrant on carter
@00:16:42 fisa warrant last for 90 days so they
@00:24:54 there was a fisa warrant on george
@00:29:01 fisa court and he says you guys need to
@00:30:08 steel the steel dossier the fisa
@00:36:10 about it so they have this fisa warrant
@00:36:53 how that fisa warrant on carter page was
@00:37:55 the fisa warrant itself what was in
@00:38:03 a warrant they brought to the fisa court
@00:38:07 who signed those fisa warrants who
@00:38:10 signed them because when you sign a fisa
@00:39:26 on a fisa warrant do you trust rod
@00:40:07 folks is that he signed this fisa
@00:44:38 the fisa abuse all the 702 database

Get up to speed! Comprehensive News Update

@00:05:44 into the fisa warrants that we talked
@00:07:39 surrounding the securing of fisa
@00:07:45 review is much wider than just the fisa
@00:24:07 fisa warrant was what the purpose of a
@00:24:08 fisa warrant is why they're so dangerous

FISA Shenanigans

@00:03:44 has concluded that the final three fisa
@00:03:56 first fisa was illegally obtained and he
@00:04:12 additional work on the first fisa it may
@00:08:32 the fbi this is 10 days before the fisa
@00:08:59 the fisa court and got the first fisa
@00:09:31 horowitz decided that three fisa
@00:10:44 three fisa warrants were obtained
@00:11:00 fisa warrant we don't have the person
@00:11:11 so the first fisa warrant the first
@00:11:43 the first fisa warrant horowitz did his
@00:11:54 the fbi when asking for this file fisa
@00:13:17 the fisa court and swore that this was a
@00:13:44 first fisa warrant was was received or
@00:16:48 spygate story in terms of the fisa

Mueller Report: Volume I Summary

@00:10:25 fisa warrant which we will hopefully see

Manning: DOJ Investigated Abedin in October of 2016

@00:03:43 there was a fisa warrant approved

The Pact: Green Beret Robert Patrick Lewis

@00:25:19 the fisa d class like imagine how mad

Behind the Referrals with Devin Nunes

@00:08:47 it that was the cornerstone of the fisa
@00:13:31 that statute so on the first one is fisa
@00:13:36 was a conspiracy to lie to the fisa
@00:13:38 court and its lead the fisa court by
@00:22:14 people also apparently misled the fisa
@00:22:19 misled the fisa court but first tell us
@00:27:01 lie to the fisa court congressman we had
@00:27:10 fisa court and you say well i don't
@00:27:55 people know about how the fisa court was
@00:28:24 fisa warrant was the insurance policy
@00:28:50 that the fisa abuse was the insurance

The Hannity Interview

@00:09:42 went and they they went to the fisa
@00:09:44 court they misled the fisa court lied to
@00:09:47 the fisa court in order to get a warrant
@00:15:06 the fisa warrant well when i said there
@00:19:20 put in place so that a fisa court is in
@00:20:04 obtain for fisa warrants that gave a
@00:36:36 release the fisa applications there was
@00:36:49 fisa warrant

Schifting the Truth

@00:02:23 was going on with the fisa warrants well
@00:03:54 a fisa warrant and repeated renewals to
@00:06:45 copies of the fisa warrant that we
@00:07:46 factor contributing to the fisa warrant
@00:08:01 foundation of the fisa warrants and
@00:08:28 fisa materials relied heavily on a yahoo
@00:09:34 fisa application lie lie lie lie lie
@00:10:01 that or was somehow involved in the fisa
@00:11:01 irrelevant to the fisa application down
@00:11:34 not read car to page vices fisa before
@00:11:42 used by fbi and doj and obtaining fisa
@00:12:37 essential part of the page fisa
@00:13:16 fisa warrants were released for all to
@00:15:11 person the initial fisa application
@00:15:54 yahoo news the page fisa application
@00:17:22 initial page fisa application after

LIVESTREAM: Barr Report-

@00:12:44 just saying now who else were there fisa
@00:12:53 there was a fisa warrant on him there

Analysis: The Barr Letter

@00:02:09 days before we get the fisa the fisa
@00:02:20 to work with horowitz on this fisa
@00:22:27 indictments and that the fisa report is

Bruce Ohr Testimony: Simpson and the December Memo

@00:18:34 obtain fisa warrants
@00:21:40 seek and receive a title one of fisa
@00:21:49 from the fisa court
@00:24:07 access to raw fisa information
@00:25:24 knew that the fbi sought to get a fisa
@00:25:52 on october 19th of 2016 they get a fisa

More: Fusion GPS and a Conflict of Interest

@00:03:03 investigating the fisa abuse and other
@00:03:13 the fisa abuse and the dossier

Assumptions: Former FISA Judge

@00:00:42 form of fisa court judge and witness
@00:01:06 keiter carter page fisa application and
@00:02:28 the fisa court by chief justice roberts
@00:02:50 talking about how he left the fisa court
@00:02:58 he left the fisa court in 2013 and was a
@00:03:12 served on the us fisa court from
@00:03:43 behind the scenes with this fisa warrant
@00:04:13 there in regards to fisa abuse when
@00:04:18 the fisa court was misled clearly we
@00:05:00 up the fact that this fisa abuse report
@00:05:03 is coming out and to cover up the fisa
@00:07:10 left the super secret fisa court in 2015
@00:07:12 would have knowledge of fisa warrants

An Interview with Dr. Dave Janda

@00:30:32 the carter page fisa warrants of the

OIG Summary Report: Stunning Revelations

@00:01:55 the fisa process among other things
@00:02:41 as they relate to the fisa applications
@00:02:46 steal and abuse of the fisa process
@00:06:07 access to raw fisa information
@00:06:24 review the fisa court
@00:07:52 one fisa probable cause order
@00:07:57 carter page from the fisa court at this
@00:08:00 point the fisa court is unaware of the
@00:08:17 themselves a fisa warrant to cover their
@00:10:56 of the fisa abuse allegations i've
@00:11:15 juice and obtaining the fisa warrant on

Thoughts: The Twists and Turns

@00:21:19 that they could use it in a fisa court
@00:25:43 certain we're going to get the fisa the
@00:25:46 fisa the fisa release and then the fisa
@00:25:55 donald trump will do classify the fisa

Attkisson Part I: The Facts

@00:14:36 connection by way of a fisa court order
@00:15:12 fisa warrant on sharyl attkisson wow
@00:15:26 was a fisa warrant and then edited
@00:24:46 going on and there was never any fisa

BREAKING: Leak Investigation

@00:06:35 insufficiently adhered to the fisa to
@00:06:38 the fisa i wanted to enter yeah i won't

Introduction: The Case of Sharyl Attkisson

@00:07:47 conduct surveillance under fisa and
@00:11:36 to this lawsuit the fbi maintained fisa

An Update on NSA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery

@00:13:58 search warrant from the fisa court so he
@00:33:20 they hacked into fisa court judges they
@00:35:55 fisa right and clayman says well we're

Must Watch: Is Nothing Happening?

@00:04:35 necessarily the fisa abuse but the

General Michael Flynn

@00:03:19 in front of the fisa court to get a fisa

An Interview with George and Simona Papadopoulos

@00:32:18 right after wolf leaks the page fisa

Cohen, Comey, and More

@00:16:36 not the da see the the fisa application
@00:16:47 information in a fisa warrant which is

RAW CUT: An interview with George and Simona Papadopolous

@00:32:10 that you went to fisa warrant on you and

Analysis: John Solomon and the News

@00:10:22 dossier so agents could get a fisa
@00:10:47 there may have been abuses at this fisa
@00:12:07 political muckrakers and f son fisa
@00:14:28 it wasn't disclosed properly to the fisa
@00:24:12 fisa ig report which we should get very

Matthew Whitaker: Corruption runs scared

@00:01:20 speculation about a fisa warrant
@00:01:39 otherwise if he's under fisa and that if
@00:01:44 he was under fisa and then now we're

Part I Analysis: Bongino interviews P-Dop

@00:06:38 papadopoulos and leak the page fisa
@00:26:46 fisa on him simona started working at
@00:38:26 to 2409 do you think there was a fisa
@00:38:42 fisa warrant on me and probably you know

FISA on P-Dop: But was the target Sessions?

@00:00:36 papadopoulos fisa warrant meant for jeff
@00:00:58 messages me to meet all about fisa means
@00:01:10 relate to me in april 2017 about a fisa
@00:01:26 had a fisa warrant on carter page note
@00:01:39 story about the fisa warrant on carter
@00:02:01 to reporters about paige so the way fisa
@00:02:28 would need a fisa warrant on
@00:03:06 page fisa warrant doesn't make any sense
@00:03:40 do that under a car to page fisa for
@00:06:36 how long is a fisa warrant valid for
@00:07:26 2016 and how long is the term of a fisa
@00:07:36 washington post in the nsa with the fisa

P-Dop Tweets: Clovis, Page, Caputo and Stone

@00:07:02 lies to get fisa warned to spy on an
@00:07:25 which led to that fisa warrant there was
@00:36:03 backbone for fisa warrants doesn't it so

Glenn Simpson, the Chinese, and a Slip Up

@00:01:24 narrative that the fisa warrants to spy

Follow Up: Getting Ahead of the Story- Rosenstein & McCabe

@00:02:09 fisa warrant and in it i made sure to
@00:03:02 the fisa warrant then there are people
@00:03:38 something else inside that fisa warrant
@00:04:11 report on fisa abuse isn't finished and
@00:13:13 forefront that fisa warrant they both

Roundup: Carter, Hannity, and Solomon

@00:20:06 carter page fisa warrants and they say

News Roundup: Kavanaugh and Baker

@00:22:01 together the fisa warrant during the
@00:22:19 for the fisa warrant granted against
@00:22:29 abuse of the fisa process republican
@00:23:25 very involved in the fisa process he was
@00:27:26 time as he too classifies the fisa
@00:31:59 detailing the fisa warrant that both

Rod Rosenstein and the Curious Case of the FISA

@00:00:28 breaking down the fisa warrant there has
@00:00:40 get into some details so the fisa
@00:01:10 we received a redacted copy of the fisa
@00:01:43 much of the fisa warrant relies on what
@00:02:50 for the fisa warrant relies on a lot of
@00:03:26 opinion on fisa abuse at the request of
@00:03:55 so rogers goes to the fisa court the
@00:03:57 fisa court does an investigation they
@00:03:59 write an opinion about the fisa abuse
@00:04:04 justice of the fisa court who is rose
@00:04:14 the first fisa warrant that's approved
@00:04:47 the fisa judge which is in another
@00:05:09 was signed by fisa judge michael mosman
@00:05:31 before and then it is signed by the fisa
@00:05:36 see the signature of the fisa court
@00:08:02 being on the same fisa warrant extension
@00:08:37 the fisa warrant that rosen stein signed
@00:08:47 scrolling around so much and the fisa
@00:08:54 both signed off on the same fisa
@00:09:48 in the fisa warrant he took a picture of
@00:09:55 fisa warrant i wanted to get just some
@00:11:14 inspector general did you read the fisa
@00:11:16 going to comment about any fisa
@00:11:29 what that fisa is about sir did you read
@00:11:50 process sir is that these fisa
@00:13:27 not the actual fisa warrant he was he
@00:14:40 fisa briefing briefing by the doj
@00:15:04 that the page fisa application was
@00:16:13 congressional memos detailing the fisa
@00:16:49 here is the fisa court responding to
@00:16:58 here is the fisa court responding
@00:17:54 of any specific fisa application nora
@00:18:34 ruling about fisa abuse that rodgers had
@00:19:29 to the fisa application bring it even
@00:21:21 this was all in regards to this fisa
@00:22:34 declassification of 21 pages of the fisa
@00:27:28 the fisa apps on carter page they're not
@00:28:07 say don't release the contents of a fisa
@00:30:17 that the fisa warrant on page being
@00:33:25 broad 20,000 foot view of the fisa
@00:33:35 to the fisa warrant but if you wanted to
@00:33:39 on this carter page fisa warrant i think

Information Overview: Pdop and the Timeline

@00:32:51 classify any fisa documents strange

Did Huber Interview Ohr?

@00:01:47 also done this other work on the fisa
@00:04:18 those fisa warrant applications aren't
@00:06:44 got fisa courts literally lied to with
@00:07:21 all of the fisa me off i mean this
@00:09:54 here it is the fisa abuse the there's
@00:14:00 and abuse therein which includes fisa
@00:16:20 original application fisa which included
@00:18:43 of the applications for fisa who is
@00:19:17 the case especially in fisa i think
@00:21:57 hoover once the fisa review comes out

Brennan and Maddow: An analysis by Finch

@00:06:29 ray horowitz team on fisa know when he
@00:11:29 he thinks that there's a fisa warrant on
@00:11:31 brennan he thinks that there's a fisa

There is More, Than Ohr

@00:05:44 it speaks in here about the fisa warrant
@00:05:55 the fisa court fbi officials now admit

Quick Add: March 17 and the Indicted Leaker

@00:01:43 carter page fisa warrant which was
@00:02:08 received the the carter page fisa

Text Message: Strzok, the PSEU and a subpoena?

@00:10:04 having to worry about fisa and about

Live: News Roundup (Solomon, Jordan, and More!)

@00:10:49 because they're in the midst of the fisa
@00:16:57 of fisa warrant on somebody there so
@00:17:07 to get a fisa warrant i will make the
@00:21:56 target for fisa the memos show struck
@00:23:14 the fisa warrant so my question is who
@00:24:25 interview him and then get a fisa
@00:25:19 and the flower the flower is the fisa
@00:26:12 now now to fisa warrants had been denied
@00:26:36 get denied by a fisa judge given the
@00:26:51 easy to get a fisa warrant these things
@00:27:25 responsible for this to rush these fisa
@00:27:35 crossfire fisa struck and ph discuss
@00:28:05 crossfire fisa strokin page discuss
@00:31:24 on the fisa warrants because they need
@00:31:37 woods review before a fisa warrant can
@00:33:17 okay so the fisa applications have to go

Quick Clip: Rosenstein on FISA

@00:00:26 about the fisa warrants and let's just
@00:04:44 read the fisa application before you
@00:04:46 fisa okay so you won't say to this
@00:05:01 characterization of what that fisa is
@00:05:22 the process sir is that these fisa
@00:05:52 approve the filing of fisa applications
@00:07:09 was they filing a fisa application
@00:07:53 renewal of the fisa warrant from june
@00:10:05 the one that i signed the fisa
@00:10:13 the very first fisa application on

PART I: House Hearing on Inspector General Report (MYE)

@00:28:07 for the fisa ig report that'll come out
@00:45:37 mr. comey you're looking at fisa
@00:45:41 potential abuse of the fisa court
@00:46:05 particularly in the fisa potential abuse
@00:46:07 of the fisa process
@00:47:06 you look at looking at the fisa
@00:47:08 to the fisa process will you be looking

The OIG Report Rebuttals: A McCabe example

@00:02:33 looking at in terms of fisa abuse and
@00:04:11 addition we can add fisa abuse to this

They Had to Use a Wiretap- An overlooked text

@00:03:38 above described access to raw fisa
@00:03:55 appointee right after this so fisa
@00:04:01 person without issue when a fisa search
@00:04:32 search of the fisa database must also
@00:04:33 have a warrant any fisa searches of
@00:04:36 foreign subjects may need fisa court

Analysis: HPSCI Report

@00:23:51 because of the fisa warrants so that's
@00:24:26 application for a fisa warrant on carter
@00:28:05 this that he was likely under fisa

Manafort and Ellis take on the SC

@00:02:53 work that the the carter page fisa
@00:04:28 using fisa so let's think about the
@00:04:50 thinking ria proved the fisa warrant in
@00:09:19 warrant fisa the clinton muller special
@00:16:25 they're using title one fisa two into
@00:17:11 the fisa the counterintelligence
@00:17:16 the fisa warrants so there's that so now
@00:18:18 fisa court title one surveillance

Speculating Friday: The Special Counsel

@00:29:14 not the reason for fisa and spying on

Breaking: BOMBSHELL Nunes Interview!

@00:11:48 looking into the fisa abuse he's looking

Michael Cohen Raided by FBI and the collective world SCREAMS!

@00:04:35 everything mccabe fisa clinton you know

The Plot Thickens: Collaboration across the Administration

@00:04:00 evidence for the fbi fisa warrant being
@00:04:10 obtaining a forints of a fisa warrant in
@00:18:11 for the fisa warrants but we're now
@00:18:26 the fisa on page written from the

Goodlatte: Confirms Grand Jury (Follow up to last video)

@00:01:41 general to also look at the fisa warrant
@00:02:20 done this other work on the fisa warrant

Concrete: Rosenstein Subpoena makes Grand Jury a near certainty

@00:10:00 then we're looking at fisa and the

In Depth: Another Burkman attempt and the Lawsuit

@00:11:40 containing details about the secret fisa

Special Prosecutor, Letters from Majority, and the Roundup!

@00:07:45 the fisa abuse is looked into even more
@00:22:34 fisa abuse scandal and the larger issues
@00:23:14 so-called fisa abuses so i asked the
@00:29:06 fbi and abuse and that includes the fisa
@00:30:07 a fisa warrant against former trump
@00:30:57 as described in the fisa application
@00:31:13 lying over here on the fisa info and
@00:31:23 his intel to get fisa warrants and then
@00:31:58 fisa application that we flagged for the
@00:32:19 the application and renewals the fisa

My take: The Internet Bill of Rights

@00:13:01 defense authorization act the fisa abuse

Analysis: Rich, Mueller, Buzzfeed- How do they connect?

@00:29:35 some speculating this all ties into fisa
@00:29:43 fisa i mean that the dossier is a
@00:29:48 and can be used to get a fisa warrant on
@00:37:23 gusoff or to the dnc the fisa warrants

What is Sessions DOING?! (And the OIG)

@00:37:34 the fisa court and compliance with
@00:39:39 oig to investigate the fisa abuses which
@00:40:16 fisa in addition horowitz is running an

Live Stream: Analyzing the Democrat Memo

@00:02:46 underlined and bold quote abuse the fisa
@00:03:26 a fisa warrant and repeated renewals can
@00:07:47 is now grounds for a fisa warrant we
@00:15:24 21st fisa approval and the three
@00:19:47 obtaining the fisa warrants however we
@00:20:28 one single unverified fact to the fisa
@00:22:01 applications for fisa and i'm wondering
@00:25:03 in its october 2016 fisa and subsequent
@00:36:50 the fisa application noise' noise'
@00:37:18 on the fisa applications as per schiff

Livestream: A Timeline of Collusion

@00:01:34 carter page trump campaign fisa warrant
@00:04:18 with the fisa process he becomes aware
@00:04:25 fisa on the 14th of 2016 march 14 2016
@00:12:48 that was used to get card fisa warrants
@00:15:14 also in june of 2016 the very first fisa
@00:15:34 record number of fisa requests a record
@00:28:54 about the dossier the first fara fisa
@00:29:02 2016 on carter page the fisa warrant is
@00:36:17 2017 or somewhere around there the fisa
@00:42:46 actually the findings from the fisa
@00:53:52 contreras of the fisa court on the 6th
@00:54:02 that you guys can use on the 7th fisa
@00:54:20 fisa judge contreras who also accepted
@00:54:35 fisa warrant applications so jim jordan
@00:54:39 says i want those applications for fisa

LIVESTREAM: They may try, but they won't succeed- Marathon Edition

@00:03:01 a fisa warrant or something like that so
@00:03:22 and that was when the fisa warrant came
@00:03:51 as that was ending they got a fisa
@00:05:13 enforcement fisa and the nomination of

LIVESTREAM: Page, P-Dop, and the Media, Oh My!

@00:03:39 fisa warrant and supposed international
@00:05:04 get a fisa warrant in other words they
@00:08:52 fisa court presenting evidence that
@00:09:06 fisa surveillance warrant paige insists
@00:13:04 fisa court if we are just figuring this
@00:13:36 foreign agent for russia the entire fisa
@00:13:43 took it to the fisa court knew it was a
@00:14:03 fisa court as a foreign agent

The MSM Flips- Stands by the Memo

@00:02:44 initial fisa application notes steele
@00:03:04 about this is the original fisa warrant
@00:03:24 for fisa why wouldn't they equally as be
@00:03:35 on this dossier like did the fisa court
@00:03:47 came out before the fisa warrant would
@00:04:04 before the fisa warrant would have need
@00:06:52 mentions the fisa warrant again before
@00:07:09 deals with intelligence the fisa court
@00:07:46 this october fisa warrant they were
@00:07:56 with the fisa warrant itself included
@00:08:39 fisa warrant from way back in the day
@00:10:13 cardo page fisa application also cites
@00:11:29 thing with the fisa court and that's why
@00:17:31 been no fisa warrant without the dossier
@00:17:38 the fisa application for page mentions
@00:26:51 wouldn't have been a fisa warrant and

LIVESTREAM: They Released the Memo: Take 2!

@00:03:25 information when they asked for the fisa
@00:05:22 concealed from the fisa court according
@00:05:36 initial page fisa application after seal
@00:06:06 the fisa application relied on steele's
@00:06:43 would have been sought from the fisa
@00:10:26 information that the fisa court wasn't
@00:12:09 allowed to travel they go to the fisa
@00:12:12 court they lie to the fisa court to get

LIVESTREAM: They Released the Memo

@00:06:03 and fbi interactions with the fisa court
@00:06:14 to the fisa process investigation
@00:06:36 carter page from the fisa court page is
@00:06:46 under fisa the application had to first
@00:07:04 obtained one initial fisa warrant
@00:07:08 renewals from the fisa court as required
@00:07:19 by the fisa court every 90 days and each
@00:07:29 signed three fisa applications in
@00:07:44 signed one or more fisa applications on
@00:07:52 fisa submissions including renewals
@00:07:54 before the fisa court are classified as
@00:08:00 integrity of the fisa process depends on
@00:08:09 however the fisa courts rigor in
@00:08:26 target of the fisa application that is
@00:08:32 you know maybe we don't need a fisa
@00:08:46 opportunities before the fisa court to
@00:10:06 fisa application notes steele was
@00:11:05 actual memo to the carter page fisa
@00:11:30 circular circular the page fisa
@00:12:38 was submitted to the fisa court in
@00:14:20 not reflected in any of the page fisa

Clearing up the Memo Spin

@00:11:30 no attempt by the doj fbi to gain a fisa
@00:11:56 assertion of no trump fisa warrant and
@00:12:09 of a previous application for fisa and
@00:12:19 extension of the original fisa requests
@00:12:31 obtained via the initial fisa requests
@00:13:21 justice getting fisa 702 surveillance
@00:13:46 dossier was used during an fbi fisa 702
@00:14:00 are 90 day increments then the fisa
@00:14:06 of any originating fisa basically trump
@00:15:29 accuracy actual fisa experts have
@00:15:52 altered fisa memo given to trump

Horowitz and Happenings

@00:23:12 were spying and the 99 page fisa you

Call the Clowns: Fake News and Russian Bots

@00:21:04 the stuff that came out the fisa after
@00:23:21 releasing the secret fisa memo first of
@00:28:50 whatsoever subject illegal use of fisa
@00:29:01 fisa now follow q you know where that
@00:33:43 releasing the secret fisa memo and then
@00:35:29 the fisa the court opinion and order
@00:36:07 releasing the secret fisa memo the
@00:36:10 secret fisa memo that we've been saying
@00:46:43 page document from the fisa court

Beginnings: The day the news got exciting

@00:04:58 fisa court so that they could then get a
@00:48:16 basis for securing fisa warrants to spy
@00:48:43 bruise or work on the fisa application

Debate: The "Dirty Dossier" vs. The "Dirty Dossier"

@00:02:23 the types of investigations and fisa
@00:02:31 the fact that they used fisa warrants it
@00:17:11 used it to get fisa warrants that is so

The Prince and the Clowns: An exploratory tale

@00:26:02 another reason for fisa warrants now i
@00:38:38 nypd in weiners laptop the fisa warrant

Wiretapping: It's come full circle

@00:09:35 say if the fbi for instance had a fisa
@00:09:45 these so confident why the fisa court on
@00:12:35 significance was gained note fisa
@00:13:27 the james comey fbi was denied a fisa
@00:13:43 was named within that denied fisa note
@00:13:51 used by the fbi to justify a fisa
@00:14:36 by the fbi to justify a fisa warrant we
@00:15:03 june or july to generate the fisa

Trump and Russia??? Leakers Leak

@00:27:01 to start the fisa warrants they start to
@00:28:25 back into the fisa warrants that were
@00:28:29 on those fisa warrants was july of 2016
@00:28:37 they were asking for in the fisa
@00:28:50 it's just too many tabs so fisa warrants
@00:29:33 um fisa warrants we're talking about fbi

What's going on in my next vid?

@00:01:39 advance this whole corruption fisa
@00:02:51 to the fisa warrants the fact that

Pompeo and Wikileaks: A sordid tale

@00:12:30 i mean fisa warrants were issued for you

FULL AUDIO!! Sheriff Joe and Blixeth on Montgomery

@00:02:49 from the fisa court so he takes all the
@00:37:38 that's a head of the fisa court they
@00:37:45 the hell out he's the head of the fisa
@00:47:25 states with that get the fisa court