
Sullivan Files: Analysis and Commentary

@00:27:54 hey john huber is here he undercover who
@00:28:15 twitter or at john w huber i'm sorry on

Recent Developments in the Case of General Flynn

@00:09:35 w huber that's his handle had done some

Letter from President Donald J. Trump

@00:30:01 thread by john huber talking about hold

UPDATE: The Case of General Flynn and so Much More!

@00:37:02 prosecutor mr. huber durham durham

LIVE STREAM: A Breakdown of Top Stories

@00:48:36 huber and john hoover did absolutely

Spygate 101: An Overview

@00:45:36 bubble named john huber and he has

Get up to speed! Comprehensive News Update

@00:01:59 and then jim jordan says mr. huber and

BREAKING: Leak Investigation

@00:13:17 think of when you read this huber
@00:13:24 hoover huber whatever i don't care
@00:13:45 huber hoover whatever listen guys
@00:23:55 outside of hoover huber hoover huber is

Must Watch: Is Nothing Happening?

@00:01:23 sitting here thinking that john huber
@00:03:18 huber has developed almost mythical
@00:03:59 investigations that huber has not
@00:05:18 huber and people said okay we've got
@00:18:12 so if you've got john huber sitting in
@00:24:05 that makes sense why mr. huber was not
@00:24:42 your opinion for john huber to be
@00:27:36 you been in contact with attorney huber
@00:31:31 tasked to work with huber i'm saying you

Analysis: John Solomon and the News

@00:22:48 huber the us attorney investigating the

Did Huber Interview Ohr?

@00:00:12 he invoked the name john huber who is
@00:00:25 have been talking about michael huber or
@00:00:27 john huber for a very very long time and
@00:01:07 grand jury impaneled with john huber is
@00:02:41 horowitz and huber are working together
@00:04:56 that there's a guy named john huber
@00:05:07 recommendation to mr. huber would be
@00:05:50 said and turning it into john huber
@00:07:16 not interviewed by mr. hubert out in
@00:07:35 reasons to know that john huber is out
@00:10:51 picks up that john huber hasn't
@00:12:08 john huber out there in utah isn't
@00:19:10 prosecutor who is john huber doj

Cohen DID NOT go to Prague- Why is it important??

@00:00:10 undercover huber did on twitter because

Brennan and Maddow: An analysis by Finch

@00:38:13 that nick falco and john huber found and

Textron, Bell, and Strzok: A new connection

@00:06:05 text message that undercover huber

Rep. Goodlatte Acknowledges Huber! (And a follow up)

@00:10:15 did appoint united states attorney huber
@00:10:47 mr. hubert or do we need somebody who is
@00:10:53 mr. huber got the matter outside of what

They Had to Use a Wiretap- An overlooked text

@00:00:44 undercover huber on twitter did a