
The Weiner Laptop Emerges Again: FBI Agent Speaks

@00:13:03 indictments

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: August 11, 2020

@00:31:23 disclosure indictments

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Tuesday, August 4th

@00:12:15 any indictments that will come of it um

Commentary: Big Tech and Bill Barr

@00:23:28 with pagers to explain indictments these
@00:23:30 there will be indictments

The Case of General Flynn: Analysis of the Sullivan En Banc Petition

@00:21:52 indictments against the appellants

News Roundup for June 26th

@00:27:12 order through thousands of indictments

Dark to Light: An Interview with Lee Smith

@00:28:19 are indictments it's gonna surprise some
@00:42:24 and if there are indictments they will
@00:43:56 mean the effect of indictments and

DOJ Dismisses Case Against General Flynn

@00:37:56 indictments in 1803 and 1852

You Need to Know: McCabe, Loretta Lynch, and the IG Report

@00:15:57 timely indictments i believe i know and
@00:20:22 timely indictments i believe i know and
@00:24:22 and we've got you know those indictments

Andrew McCabe: DOJ Not Bringing Charges for Leaks to WSJ

@00:09:39 tried they tried to get indictments on
@00:11:39 durham will deliver indictments i

It's ONLY Tuesday!!!

@00:23:39 indictments don't matter but these did
@00:34:51 indictments i'm telling you i got a tip

Soros Backed Not-For-Profit Behind Indictment of Parnas, Fruman

@00:01:36 indictment their indictments and all the

Revisiting Admiral Rogers, FusionGPS, and Horowitz

@00:02:11 indictments coming out of this

The Landscape: Explained

@00:32:45 with or out indictments the corruption

The DOJ IG Releases Report on CI (Part II)

@00:04:25 but someone else says any indictments
@00:07:16 indictments deep breaths this has to

It's Important

@00:22:37 indictments very soon because there are

Coming into focus: The Weiner laptop and Jeffrey Epstein

@00:15:48 timely indictments i've seen i know and
@00:23:37 they had indictments and warrants ready

LIVE! A week in review

@00:45:58 indictments criminal indictments but

diGenova, Ratcliffe, and Nunes

@00:28:51 indictments come down and this this is

Dark to Light Special: UncoverDC, the IRA, and Rich

@00:30:53 within the the dozen indictments as well

Emmett Flood: The Importance of Precedent

@00:11:02 through indictments

Mueller Report: Volume I Summary

@00:45:49 indictments will be coming if you listen

Manning: DOJ Investigated Abedin in October of 2016

@00:11:53 indictments we now had the oig report

Behind the Referrals with Devin Nunes

@00:21:57 convictions and the indictments and all
@00:30:42 believe i think the indictments that

LIVESTREAM: Barr Report-

@00:03:16 was one of the sealed indictments that

Analysis: The Barr Letter

@00:06:24 number of indictments and convictions of
@00:08:28 indictments that may come out of those
@00:09:35 the indictments of the russian troll
@00:17:45 we start getting indictments out of the
@00:22:27 indictments and that the fisa report is

Worldwide: Eyes are on China

@00:00:09 indictments levelled yesterday by
@00:21:27 indictments that the us government is no

Must Watch: Is Nothing Happening?

@00:18:01 and there had been no indictments and

Analysis: John Solomon and the News

@00:21:29 indictments coming out of that grand

LIVESTREAM: Michael Cohen

@00:11:31 affords indictments we also have a
@00:17:29 indictments coming out of these

The Propaganda Machine Targets Whitaker

@00:21:21 whitaker block indictments he can

Rant: Rampant Voter Fraud

@00:10:19 can we start getting some indictments

News Roundup: Lost Activists, Early Ballots, McCaskill, and FinCEN

@00:13:15 department indictments justice
@00:13:30 project safe childhood indictments that

DNC Lawsuit: Where are you Mifsud?

@00:04:34 indictments and stuff like that

PART II: House Hearing on Inspector General Report (MYE)

@00:09:50 they are releasing indictments people

Rep. Goodlatte Acknowledges Huber! (And a follow up)

@00:11:55 there going to be indictments first and
@00:11:59 gonna do indictments after i think at

Manafort and Ellis take on the SC

@00:05:06 got the indictments of metaphoric and
@00:22:53 took it got indictments and then at a

The Week (so far) in a Quick Summary

@00:16:40 indictments against meta fort who was

Speculating Friday: The Special Counsel

@00:03:19 the indictments he's put down have

Breaking: BOMBSHELL Nunes Interview!

@00:17:56 there is no indictments stay patient

Continuation: What did I say at the end of my last Video? (And more)

@00:01:45 indictments i am up the firm belief that
@00:01:46 we're going to see these indictments

BOMBSHELL: McCabe OIG Report and Loretta Lynch

@00:01:34 and had indictments and you know or had
@00:02:59 trying to get indictments on this and
@00:08:29 timely indictments i've seen i know and
@00:11:00 indictments coming down the pike very
@00:13:32 indictments were there so what's going

The Letter from Sessions: What does it mean??

@00:13:51 indictments they are unraveling this

Concrete: Rosenstein Subpoena makes Grand Jury a near certainty

@00:02:14 indictments roll out they have to there
@00:02:16 are indictments and but what i wanted to

Analysis: Rich, Mueller, Buzzfeed- How do they connect?

@00:07:18 possible indictments about the role of
@00:12:25 of indictments indicate how real

What is Sessions DOING?! (And the OIG)

@00:20:31 they've been handing down indictments

The Mueller Investigation: Is there more to Gates?

@00:00:17 have been some indictments that have

Clearing up the Memo Spin

@00:26:06 about indictments folks lots of
@00:26:08 beautiful indictments now rex says i

Call the Clowns: Fake News and Russian Bots

@00:02:27 in the indictments of two trump campaign
@00:18:28 indictments i think it might need to be

Speculating Sunday: The case of the Special Prosecutor

@00:11:50 indictments and arrests will be done by
@00:13:12 27 is that one indictments will start