
The Weiner Laptop Emerges Again: FBI Agent Speaks

@00:03:39 top fbi leaders including andrew mccabe
@00:05:57 who took the leaks from andrew mccabe
@00:06:01 caused the ig report into andrew mccabe
@00:06:17 into andrew mccabe
@00:06:20 andrew mccabe maintained the entire time
@00:07:46 office of the fbi mccabe and the nypd
@00:07:49 on september 28th mccabe is made aware
@00:07:56 case mccabe
@00:09:49 two days later mccabe and the director
@00:10:18 with andrew mccabe mccabe tells the ig
@00:10:47 andrew mccabe is leaking like a sieve
@00:11:04 so mccabe and lynch are admonishing the
@00:11:17 on november 1st mccabe recuses himself
@00:14:52 mccabe call the new york field office
@00:18:44 and the 27th in october 2016 when mccabe
@00:20:40 barrett's the one that andrew mccabe
@00:23:54 very high mccabe pre-staff

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: August 11, 2020

@00:10:19 mccabe which some super sleuths on the
@00:23:41 the spy gate scandal mccabe talking to

Rosenstein’s Role: Protect the Department of Justice at All Costs

@00:07:25 he's basically saying that andrew mccabe
@00:07:30 cheer him yes take it away from mccabe
@00:19:38 sir do you think mccabe knew that i hope
@00:19:46 did he ever lie to you mr mccabe a lie
@00:20:36 that mr. mccabe was not fully candid
@00:20:50 mr mccabe did not reveal those to me for
@00:21:02 mr. mccabe was not forthcoming with me
@00:21:13 knows that mccabe in public
@00:21:27 exactly what mccabe said but he has
@00:24:31 from mr. mccabe fragments i don't know
@00:33:00 and mccabe and comey are upstanding

Analysis and Discussion: General Flynn Transcripts and Amici Brief

@00:17:04 andrew mccabe they decided not to charge

Dark to Light: An Interview with Congressman Devin Nunes

@00:16:10 comey brennan mccabe they all knew about

Dark to Light: An Interview with Lee Smith

@00:32:47 since mccabe left there's a lot of
@00:39:54 and mccabe saying that the agents
@00:41:25 mccabe let's just say they need to get
@00:42:15 angie mccabe or james baker or john

DOJ Dismisses Case Against General Flynn

@00:16:33 director andrew mccabe remarking that
@00:17:07 mccabe was supposed to interview
@00:22:26 several conversations with andy mccabe
@00:22:46 deputy director mccabe was quote
@00:23:00 that deputy director mccabe was
@00:23:04 in any event that morning mccabe called
@00:23:07 interview deputy director andrew mccabe
@00:23:26 mccabe further advised that if mr flynn
@00:34:07 told fbi director mccabe as much
@00:39:56 council deputy director mccabe
@00:41:53 meeting with mccabe reflect this

You Need to Know: McCabe, Loretta Lynch, and the IG Report

@00:01:45 obviously because of this mccabe debacle
@00:02:31 afternoon mccabe called the head of the
@00:02:38 mccabe railed that the new york agents
@00:02:51 remembering that mccabe is october 30th
@00:03:07 leak mccabe dressed down the fbi's to
@00:04:13 fbi mccabe and the nypd on september
@00:04:18 28th 2016 mccabe is made aware of
@00:04:46 deputy director andrew mccabe knew of
@00:05:08 anymore it says it's unavailable mccabe
@00:05:40 so mccabe sits on this weiner laptop
@00:07:07 26 same day mccabe and the new york ad i
@00:07:27 mccabe and new york ad ic participated
@00:07:31 in what mccabe described as a hastily
@00:07:44 eric garner mccabe told us that he has
@00:07:56 that mccabe is trying to pin on them new
@00:08:25 information the mckay that mccabe leaked
@00:11:45 mccabe and lynch are admonishing the new
@00:11:58 here on november 1st 2016 mccabe r
@00:13:01 get this ig report where mccabe tells
@00:13:22 and what mccabe tells the ig years later
@00:17:29 that mccabe was being investigated for
@00:21:38 bombshell because mccabe tells d ig that
@00:21:51 mccabe tells them that and then the new

Andrew McCabe: DOJ Not Bringing Charges for Leaks to WSJ

@00:00:49 mccabe from the doj saying that andrew
@00:00:53 mccabe is not going to be facing charges
@00:01:08 do you put a in andrew mccabe
@00:02:01 found in that ig report on andrew mccabe
@00:02:17 andrew mccabe made to the wall street
@00:02:36 which was a quote from andrew mccabe
@00:02:49 clinton and mccabe wanted to get it out
@00:03:22 mccabe so they passed it to the ig and
@00:03:30 and mccabe lied to the ig four times
@00:04:40 department not prosecute andrew mccabe
@00:06:07 charge mccabe with this when they can
@00:07:15 indict mccabe now when you bring charges
@00:08:41 former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe
@00:08:49 and that something wasn't the mccabe
@00:09:08 prosecution according to the post mccabe
@00:09:42 andrew mccabe they couldn't get them the
@00:09:49 indict andrew mccabe and when that
@00:11:15 into mccabe and call me and all of that
@00:12:11 andrew mccabe and look at what they've
@00:15:25 mccabe to go on cnn and complain about

It's ONLY Tuesday!!!

@00:39:00 former acting fbi director mccabe was

It's Been Awhile! News Roundup

@00:20:10 provided to mccabe ryebeck he asked her
@00:20:13 to confirm mccabe had requested them and

Lee Smith: The Plot Against The President

@00:21:07 especially angie mccabe as well as the

Revisiting Admiral Rogers, FusionGPS, and Horowitz

@00:18:48 mccabe but he was fired before he could

UPDATE: The Case of General Flynn and so Much More!

@00:07:07 that andrew mccabe claims to you know he
@00:07:24 when that happens andrew mccabe writes a
@00:22:57 andrew mccabe thing so there was a night
@00:23:06 mccabe had dropped his wrongful
@00:27:09 mccabe under this foia lawsuit then we

Michael Horowitz is a Straight Shooter. Here's Why

@00:20:22 with comey and mccabe for years so what
@00:23:02 like andrew mccabe well then yeah or
@00:39:01 comey andrew mccabe prieta struck lisa
@00:42:28 investigation the mccabe investigation
@00:42:42 michael horowitz referred mccabe for

FISA Prep: Things to Remember

@00:11:30 investigate andrew mccabe for leaks to
@00:17:53 mccabe i don't know i i don't know so i

News Roundup: McCabe, Horowitz, Buck, Lewandowski and More

@00:02:55 to talk about mccabe i want to talk
@00:03:01 about mccabe i want to talk about the
@00:03:40 we got the news about mccabe i covered
@00:04:44 jury considering charges against mccabe
@00:05:49 on mccabe and i think that i have a
@00:06:05 here from andrew mccabe which was
@00:06:08 i'm not andrew mccabe from from oh gosh
@00:06:24 title is why it's unlikely the mccabe
@00:06:49 andrew mccabe in coverage of the andrew
@00:06:51 mccabe investigation there seems to be a
@00:07:11 into mccabe as i write this column on
@00:07:16 mccabe and from this and what seems to
@00:07:53 indictment of mccabe so while conceding
@00:08:07 mccabe especially not anyone on the
@00:08:16 a no true bill but mccabe his legal team
@00:08:38 four mccabe so what he says is
@00:08:46 the criminal probe of mccabe stems from
@00:09:00 mccabe lied in several interviews by fbi
@00:09:17 charges against mccabe now you've seen
@00:09:54 the mccabe defense team that their
@00:11:04 that mccabe is in there on right now
@00:11:15 consideration or even if mccabe is the
@00:11:26 maybe not related just to mccabe may be
@00:11:29 related to other suspects or just mccabe
@00:12:06 ago for again from bertrand mccabe
@00:12:28 attorneys and spokespeople from mccabe
@00:12:34 witness for mccabe well if there is not
@00:13:02 puts an update update mccabe
@00:13:25 andrew mccabe and one has to wonder why
@00:13:49 witness for mccabe and then we had today
@00:16:21 the mccabe report but that wasn't the
@00:16:42 had done on andrew mccabe more than a
@00:20:51 why was mccabe referred for criminal
@00:21:02 asked why he referred mccabe for
@00:21:14 mccabe for criminal prosecution and

Andrew McCabe: What you should know

@00:00:38 so here's the deal andrew mccabe has
@00:00:48 work into andrew mccabe and what he's
@00:01:23 andrew mccabe on these charges of lying
@00:01:48 text messages between mccabe and struck
@00:02:13 about how andrew mccabe was tanking the
@00:02:32 mccabe was a key component of that
@00:02:34 mccabe got wind of it and he decided he
@00:02:50 investigation to not do it and mccabe in
@00:02:57 political reasons so what he did mccabe
@00:03:13 investigating this mccabe denied it
@00:03:21 nsd realized that it was mccabe they
@00:03:57 text messages starts asking mccabe about
@00:04:00 them mccabe is denying everything until
@00:04:04 mccabe that told me to do this and then
@00:04:12 against mccabe mccabe realizes he's done
@00:04:15 for mccabe takes finally after four
@00:04:37 who else was pitted against mccabe in
@00:04:39 this james comey because mccabe said he
@00:05:00 the entire time that mccabe is doing
@00:05:28 is going on with andrew mccabe what the
@00:05:46 report about andrew mccabe he
@00:05:53 refer andrew mccabe for criminal
@00:06:40 mccabe and doing they're sort of like
@00:06:52 mccabe which is is misleading in my
@00:07:41 andrew mccabe on this i think that that
@00:08:17 today in regards to andrew mccabe have
@00:08:29 lisa page told the truth andrew mccabe
@00:10:06 mccabe is imminent us attorney jesse lu
@00:10:10 charges against andrew mccabe again very
@00:10:41 mccabe he would be the first senior law
@00:10:45 russian interference mccabe served as a
@00:11:15 proceeding with charges against mccabe
@00:11:36 decision i don't know mccabe was just
@00:11:52 faulted mccabe for leaking information
@00:12:16 expressed his pleasure to mccabe that
@00:12:30 to do the report said mccabe lacked
@00:13:22 that's it andrew mccabe in my opinion

General Flynn: Unsealed Motion to Compel

@00:17:48 comey and his deputy director at mccabe
@00:22:10 mccabe james comey rod rosenstein bruce
@00:26:38 about the mccabe struck meeting or
@00:27:17 this stuff which will prove what mccabe
@00:40:35 former deputy director andrew mccabe
@00:41:18 mccabe notice all the rest these people
@00:41:36 including blank struck massa mccabe pre

LIVE: A Jeep, FOIA, and Nunes

@00:37:42 bear with me guys it's the mccabe oh ig
@00:38:59 october 2016 mccabe authorized special
@00:39:06 investigation in particular mccabe
@00:39:15 between mccabe and the then principal
@00:39:40 it go mccabe told the oig that on august
@00:40:08 mccabe he pushed back asking are you
@00:40:13 validly predicated investigation mccabe

Analysis and Commentary: The James Comey IG Report

@00:04:11 sentence in the andrew mccabe woe ig
@00:21:23 the mccabe leaks and how does that weave
@00:24:12 mccabe was the one who referred this to
@00:24:30 mccabe page struck sound familiar pre
@00:26:52 and mccabe told the oig they raised and
@00:26:58 the president baker and mccabe said they
@00:31:57 to show it to mccabe and baker then take
@00:32:04 to show mccabe and baker he did not give
@00:40:34 mccabe forwarded the memo two-page memo
@00:41:02 uploaded into the case system but mccabe
@00:45:57 if the request was coming from mccabe
@00:46:18 one for paige to give to mccabe and one
@00:46:58 instructed by mccabe
@00:47:29 he understood to be relayed from mccabe
@00:47:31 and baker now mccabe and baker i don't
@00:48:05 these guys baker assumes that mccabe
@00:48:15 mccabe meanwhile none of that's
@00:48:23 from mccabe but she gives him to pre
@00:48:27 mccabe asked her to assemble the copies

Dark to Light: Byrne it all Down

@00:07:44 with just announced today andrew mccabe
@00:07:47 andrew mccabe is now going to be a cnn
@00:07:52 mccabe oh you know that means that means

Questions about McCabe and the Prince/Garner connection

@00:02:20 report from mccabe and i found some
@00:02:30 andrew mccabe and loretta lynch during
@00:02:42 andrew mccabe said that loretta lynch
@00:03:02 this ig report on mccabe leaking to the
@00:05:58 email server he found also that mccabe
@00:06:22 into mccabe's leak mccabe told horowitz
@00:06:46 was on the call with him and mccabe says
@00:08:03 office that mccabe and loretta lynch

Coming into focus: The Weiner laptop and Jeffrey Epstein

@00:01:22 spin-off report into andrew mccabe and
@00:02:09 this leaking that andrew mccabe did to
@00:02:21 doj on andrew mccabe and as i was
@00:03:10 office of the fbi andrew mccabe and the
@00:03:20 of 2016 mccabe is made aware of the
@00:03:48 mccabe knew of thousands of emails
@00:04:10 fbi has it and mccabe sits on this for
@00:07:10 26th mccabe and the adi c of the fbi
@00:07:50 gonna read this really quickly mccabe is
@00:08:06 let's read it on october 26 2016 mccabe
@00:08:12 mccabe described as quote a hastily
@00:08:29 eric garner mccabe told us that he had
@00:08:49 andrew mccabe accuses himself from the
@00:09:10 information that mccabe was leaking so
@00:09:19 gets on a call with andrew mccabe andrew
@00:09:22 mccabe tells the ig horowitz that the
@00:12:48 mccabe and linter admonishing the field
@00:13:18 the winter laptop again mccabe work you
@00:17:20 mccabe corroborates eric prints and what
@00:18:06 andrew mccabe are on the phone yelling
@00:22:25 evidence that andrew mccabe sits on this
@00:22:32 lynch and andrew mccabe are on the phone
@00:25:39 so now we have andrew mccabe gone

Dark to Light Special: Joe Flynn

@00:35:17 so mccabe calls mike and says you know

diGenova, Ratcliffe, and Nunes

@00:15:34 others like jim comey and mccabe and

New information from Ed Butowski

@00:14:43 stuff other than they accused mccabe
@00:14:56 mccabe in here as being the one to get

Spygate 101: An Overview

@00:38:59 rosenstein andrew mccabe james comey all

FISA Shenanigans

@00:10:11 and if you remember andrew mccabe did

LIVE STREAM: News Roundup for April 26th

@00:03:45 involved here mccabe etc we're trying to
@00:04:56 also the andy mccabe text messages that
@00:18:11 stuff he said that mccabe had gone to
@00:18:30 now we find out why mccabe was with tara
@00:18:33 pasca mccabe was in there with deripaska
@00:19:07 so mccabe goes to metaphor or goes to

Mueller Report: Volume I Summary

@00:11:39 rosen stein didn't trust mccabe and
@00:12:16 find it interesting mccabe opened up
@00:12:32 wrongdoing in this case and mccabe was
@00:36:33 deripaska mccabe actually saw oleg

Manning: DOJ Investigated Abedin in October of 2016

@00:00:44 mccabe and carlin and i piece everything
@00:05:08 discussion between andrew mccabe and
@00:05:48 october 27th because mccabe spoke to
@00:06:31 on andrew mccabe and the mid-year exam
@00:06:42 investigation because of mccabe leaking
@00:07:11 september 28th mccabe is made aware of
@00:07:25 before mccabe sits on the information
@00:08:50 26th mccabe and the new york ad i see of
@00:09:03 the eric garner case mccabe says he
@00:09:22 mccabe indicated to the ad i see anna
@00:09:31 from the call that mccabe was recusing
@00:09:53 about what was in the mccabe leaks to
@00:09:58 mccabe was trying to pin those leaks on
@00:10:23 here mccabe and lynch are admonishing
@00:10:42 mccabe accuses himself for many
@00:13:32 prison knows that that mccabe and carlin
@00:20:22 investigation of andrew mccabe for which

Behind the Referrals with Devin Nunes

@00:07:25 because we know that mccabe and baker
@00:17:06 was a criminal referral to andrew mccabe

The Hannity Interview

@00:18:07 comey and mccabe and struck and paige
@00:36:45 told andrew mccabe said no dossier no
@00:42:54 page or mccabe i mean mccabe is

Schifting the Truth

@00:06:43 is a lie as per andrew mccabe and the

Analysis: The Barr Letter

@00:20:23 especially because mccabe and comey both
@00:20:54 that stuff with him during the mccabe
@00:22:34 will probably get something on mccabe

More: Fusion GPS and a Conflict of Interest

@00:08:19 gonna talk about mccabe we don't even

Nullifying the Unconstitutional

@00:06:54 mccabe it's you ready no part of any
@00:13:50 working on an analysis of the mccabe

OIG Summary Report: Stunning Revelations

@00:03:10 investigate andrew mccabe for his leaks
@00:12:28 leaves him out however andrew mccabe
@00:13:14 bhante and andrew mccabe so if these

Worldwide: Eyes are on China

@00:10:30 remember the mccabe the clinton
@00:10:34 adviser there there the mccabe

Thoughts: The Twists and Turns

@00:23:10 post leaked the andrew mccabe grand jury
@00:23:26 mccabe is under grand jury investigation

BREAKING: Leak Investigation

@00:03:52 they run back and tell mccabe and struck
@00:10:19 mccabe has been a part of the on an
@00:12:13 that mccabe is under a grand jury

General Michael Flynn

@00:04:10 mccabe directs directs his basically
@00:06:41 with you about mccabe and the 302s what

Cohen, Comey, and More

@00:13:32 mccabe and eric prints and that's later

The Propaganda Machine Targets Whitaker

@00:23:27 mean we can see clinton obama mccabe

Matthew Whitaker: Corruption runs scared

@00:45:51 well-read and already on what mccabe did

Follow Up: Getting Ahead of the Story- Rosenstein & McCabe

@00:02:01 rosenstein and andrew mccabe and i did a
@00:02:13 rhod rosenstein and andrew mccabe signed
@00:04:32 this butting heads between andrew mccabe
@00:04:38 mccabe is under grand jury investigation
@00:04:55 mccabe and and his lies which is where i
@00:06:21 stein and andrew mccabe about
@00:06:28 russia probe supposedly mccabe says you
@00:07:09 between mccabe and rod rosenstein and
@00:13:08 on the raw rod rosenstein andrew mccabe
@00:13:21 that mccabe had even memos written about
@00:13:32 the side of mccabe and paige the fact

Roundup: Carter, Hannity, and Solomon

@00:12:40 andrew mccabe was really serious about
@00:12:50 meeting that mccabe had with deputy
@00:13:01 conversations with mccabe and the fbi
@00:13:03 lawyer assigned to mccabe lisa page
@00:13:34 lover and the top lawyer mccabe about

News Roundup: Kavanaugh and Baker

@00:05:14 connected to mccabe
@00:15:55 director andrew mccabe and is uniquely
@00:30:25 director andrew mccabe the document
@00:31:55 mccabe memos over i did a video this
@00:32:01 wrote rod rosenstein and andrew mccabe
@00:32:11 andrew mccabe denying they leaked them

Rod Rosenstein and the Curious Case of the FISA

@00:02:06 mccabe or whoever it is inside or peters
@00:07:44 past few days and weeks andrew mccabe
@00:07:52 this warrant andrew mccabe and rod
@00:08:20 andrew mccabe and this is in june of
@00:13:46 renewal the document that he and mccabe
@00:13:52 sokeep mccabe in mind as this has
@00:20:49 leaves mccabe and lynch i also believe
@00:21:59 surrounding mccabe and rod rosen stein
@00:22:12 york times report on mccabe memo may
@00:23:06 with andrew mccabe about secretly
@00:23:40 andrew mccabe through his attorney
@00:23:56 on the statement basically says mccabe
@00:25:52 but again looping in both mccabe and rod
@00:26:04 behind the scenes in regards to mccabe
@00:26:13 the mccabe case and it's serious
@00:26:20 someone setting up mccabe by leaking his
@00:26:23 special counsel is mccabe trying to tank
@00:26:30 rosenstein trying to further tank mccabe
@00:26:32 did mccabe flip and start singing and
@00:32:46 june signed by both mccabe and rod
@00:33:11 because this mccabe rosen stein thing is

Brennan and Maddow: An analysis by Finch

@00:26:45 andrew mccabe has a pathological need

There is More, Than Ohr

@00:11:02 mccabe think about this this is a john

Oleg Deripaska: What about the Sanctions? (And a refresh)

@00:03:12 approached by andrew mccabe and asked to
@00:04:28 deripaska involved with andrew mccabe

Live: News Roundup (Solomon, Jordan, and More!)

@00:05:40 mccabe i'm sorry not mccabe muller
@00:27:40 andrew mccabe to persuade a high-ranking
@00:28:19 okay when did andrew mccabe become
@00:31:20 they're badgering mccabe to hurry it up
@00:41:28 mccabe didn't have news to add to the

PART I: House Hearing on Inspector General Report (MYE)

@00:33:06 that he was very very upset with mccabe

Livestream: OIG Analysis- Baker, Ghattas, and the Special Counsel

@00:16:21 was in the mccabe leak report was in
@00:18:52 to mccabe so there you go now oh ann's

Rep. Goodlatte Acknowledges Huber! (And a follow up)

@00:09:45 andrew mccabe the number two deputy
@00:10:41 regard to andrew mccabe we will see that
@00:12:33 between grassley and rae and and mccabe

The Original Guccifer and Papadopoulos

@00:19:56 investigation that comes from the mccabe
@00:21:15 the same time august 12th 2016 mccabe
@00:23:19 authorities a couple days later mccabe

The OIG Report Rebuttals: A McCabe example

@00:00:13 mccabe oh ig report i had promised you
@00:01:35 course mccabe was referred for criminal
@00:01:47 out on mccabe was not a it was it was a
@00:02:06 lisa paige said will mccabe ordered me
@00:02:14 you know mccabe confirmed it it was him
@00:02:25 general was speaking to mccabe about the
@00:03:31 the fbi deputy director mccabe should
@00:04:21 said that this o ig report about mccabe
@00:04:50 if this report about mccabe is any
@00:05:37 concluded that mccabe lacked candor and
@00:05:57 which will read is that comey mccabe
@00:06:26 mccabe and his counsels review the oig
@00:06:49 and comey told us that mccabe led him to
@00:06:52 believe that mccabe had nothing to do
@00:06:55 stating that mccabe didn't know where
@00:06:59 did not state to call me that he mccabe
@00:07:04 disclosure is is that mccabe pretended
@00:07:09 it up because mccabe was trying to make
@00:07:46 finally commis testimony that mccabe did
@00:07:49 not tell him that mccabe had authorized
@00:07:54 mccabe statement to the eye nsd which is
@00:08:04 so mccabe testified to the or spoke to i
@00:08:37 call me because mccabe said the same
@00:08:45 sense that mccabe would also tell the
@00:08:59 testimony that mccabe did not tell him
@00:09:01 that mccabe had authorized the
@00:09:41 would be no reason for mccabe to not
@00:09:50 there would be no reason for mccabe to
@00:10:16 mccabe contacted the oig on august 1st
@00:10:35 page so mccabe is texting with lisa page
@00:10:46 tells mccabe that they've got your text
@00:10:48 messages dude and then mccabe decides
@00:10:50 uh-oh i'm screwed mccabe is done now his
@00:11:20 draft of this report mccabe argues that
@00:11:47 the first reason cited by mccabe as to
@00:12:01 not it is noteworthy that mccabe did not
@00:13:48 mccabe focus entirely on attacking the
@00:14:21 the second reason cited by mccabe as to
@00:14:54 comey would have recalled mccabe telling
@00:14:58 disclosure if in fact mccabe had told co
@00:15:08 stresses that because mccabe leaked to
@00:15:22 so by mccabe leaking they completely
@00:15:55 finally mccabe argues that comey quote
@00:16:18 however mccabe provides no factual basis
@00:17:44 mccabe in this case just think about
@00:17:52 that mccabe was trying to throw him
@00:17:59 not they should prosecute mccabe not
@00:18:09 not testify that mccabe affirmatively
@00:18:14 the disclosure but rather that mccabe in
@00:18:19 mccabe did not know how the wall street
@00:18:32 mccabe to back off of the clinton
@00:18:34 investigation and mccabe trying to get
@00:19:01 investigation and making mccabe look
@00:19:04 mccabe is saying our turn luke thought
@00:19:17 asked about the leak mccabe told them he
@00:19:27 happened mccabe says i told him it was
@00:19:48 out in those words but rather mccabe in
@00:19:54 mccabe didn't know how the wall street
@00:20:01 so mccabe didn't say i had nothin to do
@00:21:05 leak this big for mccabe to say i had
@00:21:21 horowitz says that mccabe lacked candor
@00:21:35 counsel for mccabe argued that the oig
@00:22:01 things so mccabe can't argue that he
@00:22:19 not mccabe told him and then in footnote
@00:22:59 mccabe conveyed to comey in some former
@00:23:02 fashion that it was not mccabe who had
@00:23:19 report asks mccabe what does cf stand
@00:23:22 for and mccabe pretends he has no idea
@00:25:12 finding that mccabe lacked candor when
@00:25:26 contradict themselves by mccabe mccabe
@00:25:30 saying i told them and then mccabe
@00:25:39 that makes much sense mr. mccabe
@00:25:54 mccabe violated fbi offense code 2.6
@00:26:40 counsel for mccabe argued that in asking
@00:26:43 mccabe about the october 27th through
@00:26:58 explicit agreement with mccabe that when
@00:27:08 mccabe provides no evidence in support
@00:27:33 time of the july 28th interview mccabe
@00:27:55 investigation of mccabe concerning the
@00:28:00 informed by i nsd that mccabe had
@00:28:13 basically mccabe is accusing the ig of
@00:28:36 that mccabe stated in advance of the
@00:28:45 that at no time did mccabe give any
@00:28:54 inform mccabe who has a law degree that
@00:29:03 oig would not be asking mccabe questions
@00:29:10 or any issues related to that mccabe
@00:29:55 the ig prefaced his question to mccabe
@00:30:03 mccabe responds yes yeah you can ask
@00:30:14 messages mccabe expressed a preference
@00:30:33 evidencing that at the time of mccabe
@00:30:35 july 28th interview mccabe was the
@00:30:46 interview because mccabe was lying about
@00:31:10 statements to the ig on july 28th mccabe
@00:31:19 on behalf of mccabe these accusations of
@00:31:45 period mccabe did not do so until nearly

They Had to Use a Wiretap- An overlooked text

@00:09:00 the mccabe o ig report it was like seven
@00:09:20 anything like the mccabe one was then
@00:09:45 heard anything about the mccabe criminal

Analysis: HPSCI Report

@00:03:10 indictment an arrest of somebody mccabe

Breaking: BOMBSHELL Nunes Interview!

@00:11:58 then this mccabe report that we've had
@00:12:48 questioning andrew mccabe about the
@00:12:59 was andrew mccabe who instructed her to
@00:13:07 confronted mccabe about that the i nsd
@00:13:11 the fbi and realized mccabe fessed up to
@00:13:57 so mr mccabe has been recommended that
@00:14:10 essentially is what mr. mccabe is saying
@00:14:26 get mr. mccabe the ability to go talk to

BOMBSHELL: McCabe OIG Report and Loretta Lynch

@00:00:55 york sent it to andrew mccabe and it got
@00:01:47 so mccabe sits on this likely under
@00:03:28 information to mccabe mccabe and the
@00:03:54 is inside of the oig report on mccabe
@00:03:58 mccabe told the oig that during the
@00:04:08 ending up in the news mccabe told the
@00:04:26 mccabe tells us he never heard her use
@00:04:48 mccabe recusing himself there was a lot

LIVESTREAM: Mccabe leaks- Analysis of the OIG Report

@00:03:04 andrew mccabe they were doing a report
@00:03:26 andrew mccabe which andrew mccabe
@00:03:35 to report that andrew mccabe was part of
@00:03:38 that and andrew mccabe got pissed off
@00:04:50 realized that mccabe may have lied to
@00:05:04 so mccabe had a special counsel which i
@00:05:55 that mccabe broke and they they
@00:09:05 mccook mccabe and co me completely
@00:09:55 basically called called mccabe and
@00:10:05 sure i believe mccabe there it may be
@00:10:16 street journal that's critical of mccabe
@00:11:30 mccabe was an fbi official who leader
@00:11:39 that mccabe quote played no role in his
@00:12:11 2015 mr. mccabe was running the fbi's
@00:12:40 brings it to mccabe and mccabe tells
@00:13:16 ending up in the news so mccabe is
@00:13:35 24th on the same day as mccabe is you
@00:14:03 same exact day as mccabe is on the phone
@00:16:16 mccabe at this point admonishing the new
@00:17:05 aka mccabe there were stories that the
@00:17:24 new york guys told the ag and mccabe
@00:20:35 like the ag and mccabe knew that someone
@00:20:59 here obviously on october 26 mccabe and
@00:21:05 ny adiz participated in what mccabe
@00:21:23 garner mccabe told us that he never
@00:21:41 mccabe indicated to ny ad ic and the
@00:21:50 call that mccabe was refusing himself
@00:22:18 mccabe should have been recused from
@00:24:03 congress and mccabe states he was okay
@00:24:06 so mccabe states he was asked to leave
@00:24:15 comey asked mccabe to leave because
@00:24:26 mccabe and she's likely a very crucial
@00:25:45 young fbi and mccabe sends a text to
@00:26:18 mccabe officially recused himself from
@00:26:29 lot mccabe tells page and the ad opa
@00:26:50 the fbi who are adamant that mccabe was
@00:26:58 before the election implying that mccabe
@00:27:46 to barrett about mccabe telling her to
@00:27:58 interviews mccabe he tells them that he
@00:28:31 talks to mccabe he says we had to do
@00:28:47 only time mccabe says it was the only
@00:30:32 august with the pa d ag and mccabe so i
@00:31:11 about mccabe pushing back against the
@00:31:25 mccabe admonishes two fbi executives for
@00:31:59 each received calls from mccabe
@00:32:07 investigation at no time did mccabe
@00:32:10 disclose to either of them that mccabe
@00:32:27 these guys get a call from mccabe
@00:32:41 mccabe calls you and starts screaming at
@00:33:03 the story come mccabe says he doesn't
@00:33:08 he says i told mccabe told us he did not
@00:33:26 converge so mccabe testifies to the oig
@00:34:40 unauthorized unless either he or mccabe
@00:34:51 not have any discussions with mccabe
@00:34:59 issue with mccabe after the article was
@00:35:01 published and at that time mccabe quote
@00:35:07 comey said that mccabe gave him the
@00:36:06 comey said he believed that mccabe would
@00:36:15 that mccabe would have known that the
@00:37:26 mccabe lied so many times and was caught
@00:37:38 mccabe also states that people quote
@00:38:13 remind mccabe hey we wouldn't know any
@00:38:19 we wouldn't know any of that oops mccabe
@00:38:37 of dis leak the interview mccabe under
@00:38:47 mccabe tells the oig later on something
@00:39:09 leak mccabe gave now at this time they
@00:39:19 indicted mccabe had better be indicted
@00:39:57 mccabe denies having any idea where the
@00:40:04 agents are looking at mccabe like he's a
@00:40:07 you know mccabe says i've told so many
@00:40:28 interview where that mccabe did not
@00:40:44 that mccabe acknowledged that he'd
@00:41:10 their discussion with mccabe about the
@00:41:16 mccabe on media leaks ended abruptly now
@00:41:57 how horrible horrible of a person mccabe
@00:42:12 interview mccabe email him a draft
@00:42:18 notes taken from mccabe to sign so
@00:42:46 provided me andrew mccabe with a
@00:43:40 everything mccabe told them in the
@00:43:47 but their job is to figure it out mccabe
@00:44:00 mccabe doesn't sign it he ignores it it
@00:44:12 person that person forwards it to mccabe
@00:44:49 happened mccabe says the old the i n sd
@00:44:59 conversation mccabe says to the oig on
@00:45:30 mccabe tells the oig he didn't know and
@00:46:36 mccabe as part of the larger probe under
@00:47:48 shows mccabe the text that reference
@00:47:50 page i mccabe speaking about the barrett
@00:47:58 interviewing mccabe under oath on the
@00:48:18 exchange where mccabe pretends not to
@00:48:25 so mccabe denies but he told paige to
@00:49:12 you happen to know mr. mccabe says i
@00:49:30 mccabe says not one that i recall but
@00:49:40 right mr. mccabe says because it just
@00:49:51 page and mr. mccabe says not that i'm

Michael Cohen Raided by FBI and the collective world SCREAMS!

@00:04:35 everything mccabe fisa clinton you know

The Letter from Sessions: What does it mean??

@00:13:23 that mccabe comes out with this little
@00:14:01 andrew mccabe lawyering up there's some

Concrete: Rosenstein Subpoena makes Grand Jury a near certainty

@00:09:56 server which would envelop mccabe and

In Depth: Another Burkman attempt and the Lawsuit

@00:06:16 fired fbi deputy director andrew mccabe
@00:06:55 his mccabe investigation this attack is
@00:11:15 mccabe who at the time was under an
@00:11:48 report on mccabe which has still not

Breakdown: The Firing

@00:00:32 number two in the fbi andrew mccabe and
@00:01:08 about firing andrew mccabe and it is a
@00:01:47 important to fire mccabe the public
@00:02:24 basically the charges against mccabe
@00:03:43 investigating mccabe horowitz's office
@00:04:43 assessment that mccabe quote lacked
@00:05:09 discuss mccabe and by the way before i
@00:05:11 schools is the one that mccabe has been
@00:05:26 decision to dismiss mccabe career
@00:06:07 mccabe has heads exploding among members
@00:06:40 that the firing of mccabe was justified
@00:06:44 so if mccabe was less than candid in
@00:06:53 finding that mccabe did not meet fbi fbi
@00:07:34 investigation mccabe is trying to shift
@00:09:29 mccabe trump had nothing to do with it
@00:09:46 responsible for recommending that mccabe
@00:10:56 representative not as an observer mccabe
@00:14:37 his retirement mccabe was hoping to
@00:15:02 mccabe declined to comment a justice
@00:15:29 working on a report that blasts mccabe
@00:15:58 and mccabe denies having misled anyone
@00:16:20 mccabe reportedly said if he goes down
@00:16:39 of fb i--'s mccabe after an extensive
@00:16:54 mccabe to the opr the fbi's opr then
@00:17:06 mr. mccabe both the oig and the fbi opr
@00:17:10 reports concluded that mr. mccabe had
@00:17:52 employment of andrew mccabe effective
@00:18:08 read mccabe statement it's disgusting i
@00:19:40 mccabe it's all coming out no more
@00:23:49 the answers to mccabe says it was not a
@00:24:12 mccabe come out and say that
@00:24:30 to andrew mccabe in this matter i've
@00:24:49 to terminate mr. mccabe before his long
@00:26:02 of what mccabe deserved no mm-hmm
@00:26:20 mccabe sent as always sundance from
@00:26:53 narrative is outlined by mccabe and his
@00:27:09 in order for mccabe in bromwich who have
@00:27:21 as described in the letter mr mccabe and
@00:27:45 month in february mccabe and his
@00:29:43 mccabe was led left to be the number one
@00:29:57 mccabe and it's interesting that there
@00:30:04 because mccabe kind of took on a life of
@00:30:25 deputy director andrew mccabe declared
@00:30:31 however mccabe may have rectified his
@00:31:19 strikingly similar fashion mccabe
@00:31:54 breaking mccabe memo drops early trump
@00:32:10 mccabe like his predecessor comey
@00:34:16 mccabe about his own interactions
@00:34:52 response to accusations that mccabe
@00:34:56 the probe the fbi is maintained mccabe
@00:36:10 brennan schumer mccabe is also
@00:37:41 to mccabe real quick let's listen to
@00:38:28 struck and andy mccabe both having
@00:38:53 andrew mccabe there's more coming
@00:39:13 mccabe can he fight this
@00:39:39 high as mccabe had held is massive this
@00:40:00 projection and mccabe has been dirty for
@00:40:49 you may scapegoat andy mccabe but you
@00:41:57 special about andrew mccabe execution
@00:42:02 andy mccabe is an upper-level manager at
@00:42:32 well it turns out mccabe and flynn have
@00:42:39 was being targeted by mccabe for various
@00:42:42 reasons and mccabe doesn't like flint i
@00:43:15 andy mccabe goes to the white house
@00:43:30 of blow your mind mccabe tells priebus
@00:43:40 of staff says the mccabe well can you
@00:43:47 he says i'll get back to you mccabe
@00:43:54 disappointed because mccabe told him it
@00:44:31 here mccabe she has a thread here that
@00:44:36 about what happened basically mccabe
@00:45:42 who's been rickrolled by mccabe and
@00:45:45 company it's clear that flynn and mccabe
@00:45:49 hence mccabe allegedly obstructing
@00:46:05 allegedly moron mccabe and flynn in
@00:46:26 mccabe this is from 2017 okay
@00:46:31 mccabe told fbi agents to lie about
@00:46:37 director andrew mccabe told agents
@00:46:57 former fbi supervisor who said mccabe
@00:47:18 obama in other words mccabe was directly
@00:47:27 over a youtube video eventually mccabe

Special Prosecutor, Letters from Majority, and the Roundup!

@00:01:08 go over mccabe we're gonna go over
@00:01:21 official andrew mccabe hoping to retire
@00:01:26 basically mccabe retired he was
@00:01:54 laundry list of things that mccabe has
@00:02:13 mccabe on thursday made a final pitch to
@00:02:25 a deadline rapidly approaching mccabe
@00:04:37 mccabe the fbi office that handles
@00:05:12 andrew mccabe who abruptly stepped down
@00:05:19 employee mccabe was hoping to retire
@00:05:30 long made mccabe a particular target of
@00:05:45 discipline mccabe will face i think that
@00:05:50 with mccabe and i think that the way
@00:06:06 sessions doesn't fire mccabe it could be
@00:06:15 sessions does fire mccabe it can be used
@00:12:14 more mccabe stuff hold on oh no this is
@00:12:22 session ways firing mccabe the
@00:12:37 fbi official andrew mccabe and his
@00:13:08 firing mccabe over the findings in
@00:13:10 horowitz his review mccabe should be in

What is Sessions DOING?! (And the OIG)

@00:03:49 this is andrew mccabe and accepting
@00:30:15 together and you're mccabe ex deputy
@00:30:25 deputy director andrew mccabe for
@00:30:39 criticize mccabe but mr. mccabe's
@00:31:17 either this month or next mr. mccabe
@00:32:08 horowitz isn't talking mccabe isn't
@00:32:23 mccabe motive outlined in pending ig
@00:33:05 mccabe struck page rebecky and court an
@00:33:12 prior reporting showed that mccabe along
@00:33:39 messages showed mccabe and crew that
@00:35:37 need for at andrew mccabe to recuse
@00:35:45 mccabe should recuse however taking that
@00:35:52 counsel to mccabe and didn't see the
@00:36:33 fbi assistant director andrew mccabe

Livestream: A Timeline of Collusion

@00:55:09 mccabe testifies in front of congress he
@00:55:51 mccabe steps down or gets quote removed

The MSM Flips- Stands by the Memo

@00:17:19 sorry mccabe in his testimony at the
@00:26:41 deputy director mccabe testifies that
@00:27:44 here that mccabe alluded to the fact

LIVESTREAM: They Released the Memo: Take 2!

@00:01:56 deputy director mccabe to discuss an
@00:06:33 furthermore deputy director mccabe
@00:06:49 that mccabe may have flipped
@00:11:22 looks like mccabe might have flipped

LIVESTREAM: They Released the Memo

@00:07:34 director andrew mccabe signed one then

Clearing up the Memo Spin

@00:00:26 mccabe doesn't come into work he had
@00:01:18 so mccabe decides he's gonna go on
@00:02:30 don't want to lose that money mccabe is

Part I: Grassley digs for Connections

@00:07:25 mccabe james baker sally yates loretta
@00:29:48 in there or bruce or peter struck mccabe

Call the Clowns: Fake News and Russian Bots

@00:42:08 mccabe is fired mccabe should not only
@00:42:17 the swamp i agree about mccabe have you
@00:42:22 came out in regards to mccabe and rae
@00:42:31 mccabe unless he left - there was one
@00:43:21 this on purpose guys mccabe-grey look at

Have You Seen my Stapler, Strzok??

@00:20:54 deputy director andrew mccabe the
@00:22:15 doesn't work with mccabe anymore either
@00:26:28 for mccabe in the fbi why would this

George Webb causes uproar in Charleston

@00:02:44 tired of the mueller comey mccabe

What the heck happened with George Webb today?!

@00:17:34 point outside of everything else mccabe