
The Weiner Laptop Emerges Again: FBI Agent Speaks

@00:12:30 sex island with convicted pedophile

You Need to Know: McCabe, Loretta Lynch, and the IG Report

@00:15:25 convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein bill
@00:19:51 convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein bill

Whistleblower Nate Cain shares his Story for the First Time

@00:04:19 know catching you know these pedophile

DOJ IG Releases Report on FBI Management of Confidential Human Sources

@00:06:00 being used was a pedophile for example

Coming into focus: The Weiner laptop and Jeffrey Epstein

@00:15:17 pedophile jeffrey epstein bill clinton

Jeffrey Epstein: What they aren't talking about

@00:36:07 epstein being a pedophile and clinton's

Dark to Light Special!

@00:18:13 accused of being a pedophile craziest

An Update on NSA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery

@00:31:14 send pedophile picture links into their
@00:31:16 email account some pedophile kids i'd
@00:31:18 say this guy's a pedophile i would
@00:31:27 a pedophile accounts

LIVESTREAM: Roy Moore targeted by "Russian" Copycats

@00:01:17 allegations that he was a pedophile the

It's a rant: Enough is Enough

@00:04:31 pedophile stuff that's going on and it
@00:08:17 pedophile okay so yeah must be just a
@00:20:27 they'd accuse him of being a pedophile
@00:20:29 being a pedophile how about this don't

BOMBSHELL: McCabe OIG Report and Loretta Lynch

@00:07:57 convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein bill

I have an issue with Feldman. Here's why:

@00:02:31 a story that would a pedophile ring that

A stream in the dark about Fake News

@00:00:42 about ronald bernard the elite pedophile

Tom Delonge uncovers a PEDOPHILE RING?!

@00:00:13 delonge exposes pedophile ring leading
@00:00:29 members of a pedophile ring resulting in
@00:01:18 of a pedophile ring and they are
@00:02:49 pedophile podesta which is interesting

A Twitter exchange with Pedophiles

@00:02:10 to hug a pedophile and say they were
@00:06:00 responsible for the pedophile acting
@00:06:19 fault now if a pedophile reads this and

Information Roundup: April 20, 2017

@00:10:04 put the elite pedophile ring on notice

HEART PROGRESS and ANTIFA go hand in hand!

@00:07:30 to see he is a pedophile or he supports

Fake News?

@00:15:01 pedophile ring operating in the most

The Missing DC Girls

@00:15:18 and grab you know an alleged pedophile

Arrests in Haiti- Information you need to see

@00:10:03 had a pedophile symbol as their logo and

#BeTheMedia Episode 1

@00:01:19 like if there's a pedophile ring would
@00:25:32 suspected pedophile and getting a tour
@00:30:57 satanic global pedophile ring and a
@00:39:56 pedophile ring running out of the
@00:42:19 where the the logos were pedophile you

News releasing articles- Old, or new?

@00:01:59 for recent pedophile arrests and there's

Insider Reddit chat leaked-- Reddit is no more

@00:01:58 pedophile pedophile constantly as ceo i

Is this all of Wikileaks??

@00:03:16 about what looks like some pedophile