
UncoverDC Interview: Ekim Alptekin and the Case of Gen. Flynn

@00:37:50 proof at all it didn't happen and you're

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: August 13, 2020

@00:37:13 tangible proof

DOJ Dismisses Case Against General Flynn

@00:29:24 proof of a false statement to federal
@00:41:09 proof to a jury beyond a reasonable

The 30,000 Foot Explanation of the General Flynn case

@00:34:34 so she says in there that she has proof

Burisma Hacked by the Russians?! Not so fast...

@00:15:34 you have some real forensic proof so
@00:28:11 no proof that russia is hacking purisima

LIVE: Dark to Light- It's a new year in Iran!

@00:45:06 say well it will show me the proof say
@00:45:10 any proof but if you really look look at

McCain and Crowdstrike: When Worlds Converge

@00:14:40 their proof that russia did the hacking
@00:17:09 the proof of the hacking against the dnc

Michael Horowitz is a Straight Shooter. Here's Why

@00:32:56 proof of bias tangibles i get it

FISA Prep: Things to Remember

@00:15:02 have the proof of this like hard

Conquering the Spin

@00:08:33 to be fair we don't really have proof of
@00:08:40 a shock i actually do have proof right
@00:09:39 a new memo and and what is that proof of
@00:09:46 that's proof of nothing then you i hate
@00:20:01 where this is proof

Analysis and Commentary: The James Comey IG Report

@00:41:57 needed more proof of the law fair blog

Questions about McCabe and the Prince/Garner connection

@00:10:11 on the laptop do i have solid proof that
@00:10:19 solid proof that pantaleo had anything
@00:10:24 i don't have solid proof of it

Jeffrey Epstein: What they aren't talking about

@00:35:28 real and then when asked for proof

Dark to Light Special!

@00:09:40 fact in the past and they the proof that
@00:09:47 okay the the proof the judge was using

New information from Ed Butowski

@00:08:45 doesn't have any proof that the reason
@00:09:08 proof we've had a lot of people saying
@00:09:21 proof or emails or anything we've had sy

Dark to Light Special: UncoverDC, the IRA, and Rich

@00:14:04 demanding proof from wheeler rod wheeler

A Guide to the Epstein Case

@00:46:32 proof to back it up now it ended up that

LIVE STREAM: A Breakdown of Top Stories

@00:30:17 russians and here's the proof and comey
@00:31:14 there's no proof that he actively worked

Spygate 101: An Overview

@00:13:11 proof that what you originally said was
@00:29:38 proof of this yet but we have really

Emmett Flood: The Importance of Precedent

@00:06:58 proof standard and quote exoneration
@00:07:16 proofs excuse me the proof standard that
@00:07:52 duties the inverted burden of proof

Mueller Report: Volume I Summary

@00:18:17 physical proof that the russians did not
@00:18:46 proof it wasn't no lines about how they

Must Watch! Analysis of Byron York and John Dowd

@00:09:57 up be talk this is proof of collusion or

Analysis: The Barr Letter

@00:23:36 but i hope that one day we get the proof

Bruce Ohr Testimony: Simpson and the December Memo

@00:16:07 their quote proof that russia did the
@00:18:37 this bogus december memo as the proof

Wednesday Wanderings

@00:04:24 said that that there is no proof
@00:07:17 proof of conspiracy proposal focused on

Roger Stone: Roundup

@00:05:06 russians there's still no proof that
@00:21:46 all the proof my emails text those

What is happening in Huntington, NY?

@00:33:29 i'm also required to give proof of

Introduction: The Case of Sharyl Attkisson

@00:05:03 here's some proof that the government

An Update on NSA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery

@00:07:07 that there's documented proof that this

Cohen, Comey, and More

@00:15:33 important to understand what's the proof

MUST WATCH: Tim Canova - A Fight for FL District 23

@00:36:23 myth of the hacker-proof voting machine

The Propaganda Machine Targets Whitaker

@00:04:15 just released a book called proof of
@00:04:24 media tour now about proof of collusion
@00:08:53 there any proof i searched i couldn't
@00:31:57 like this who has a book out now proof

FISA on P-Dop: But was the target Sessions?

@00:05:41 was at least july right so the proof

Glenn Simpson, the Chinese, and a Slip Up

@00:22:49 dossier and there's your proof because

Roundup: Carter, Hannity, and Solomon

@00:21:00 book proof of collusion
@00:21:30 tiny fraction of what's in proof of
@00:21:32 collusion and presumably what's in proof

Did Huber Interview Ohr?

@00:10:21 how do you know where is the proof
@00:12:14 documented proof to show otherwise in

Brennan and Maddow: An analysis by Finch

@00:45:01 access what things no proof just
@00:45:10 alleging there's proof that he never

Live With Rob!

@00:07:46 proof of perhaps civilization is a lot

Thought Stream: The Comey deal and More

@00:08:10 says julian assange has proof that it

The Timeline Cross: Horowitz, Strzok, and Papadopoulos

@00:04:01 the proof from the court case that this

The OIG Report Rebuttals: A McCabe example

@00:14:00 proof to the oig that what he's saying

They Had to Use a Wiretap- An overlooked text

@00:05:04 speculation and and some concrete proof

Analysis: HPSCI Report

@00:13:22 their own servers and they had proof of

Manafort and Ellis take on the SC

@00:13:02 have proof of collusion delusion michael

FEC Lawsuit, and Wikileaks to the Rescue!

@00:01:27 it works summarily and they give proof

In a World of Projection, This is Their Truth

@00:05:25 believe this no proof no evidence

The Plot Thickens: Collaboration across the Administration

@00:25:47 forensic proof and this is what they use

In Depth: Another Burkman attempt and the Lawsuit

@00:34:44 some kind of proof that this source

Live Stream: Analyzing the Democrat Memo

@00:22:12 that he himself can't even proof

The Mueller Investigation: Is there more to Gates?

@00:04:49 release demanding proof from rod wheeler

Livestream: A Timeline of Collusion

@00:13:08 proof um oops sorry guys

LIVESTREAM: They Released the Memo: Take 2!

@00:10:20 proof we all know this stuff you know

Part I: Grassley digs for Connections

@00:28:53 vessel nuts kya for proof of illicit

MUST WATCH: Guccifer 2.0 Ties up Everything

@00:23:21 happening and we have proof it is not
@00:23:25 speculation it is proof that that is not
@00:23:47 proof that that is not the case and i'll

Fusing the Story: The House Speaks

@00:34:20 the emails with no proof yeah he does
@00:34:38 of a general issue oh no proof mr.
@00:42:55 nonsense there's no proof that they
@00:42:57 hacked the election and there's no proof

PART II: Fusing the Story

@00:21:43 no proof no proof and gusoff or two has

Beginnings: The day the news got exciting

@00:07:08 was proof of criminality as well as an

Rohrabacher, Rand Paul, and Wikileaks, Oh My!

@00:26:42 and we have proof anyway related to the

Part I: Scientology explored

@00:03:07 scientology emphasizes this as proof

The Lobbying Backstory- Some Interesting Questions

@00:04:37 incessantly showing him this proof that

I have an issue with Feldman. Here's why:

@00:12:41 one proof that he needs to be concerned
@00:12:50 proof that to remain safe while exposing

BREAKING! Montgomery has PROOF of Trump eavesdropping

@00:03:00 has the proof of all of it he grabbed
@00:05:48 earlier and they have the proof of it in
@00:05:54 proof of it and how this got five
@00:11:18 needs to be talked about proof in this

A stream in the dark about Fake News

@00:05:10 don't have proof of life either like

Straight from the Source- Wheeler debunks theory

@00:04:10 factual proof that these things are not

This week has been CRAZY!

@00:06:57 some proof for my theories and i will

BREAK THE SYSTEM! Use #Reddcoin!!!

@00:01:05 this works to you guys so red coin proof
@00:01:21 is proof of work and pos algorithms and
@00:01:29 it's a proof of stick coin meaning the
@00:04:53 that's a proof of state coin you know

Trump and Russia??? Leakers Leak

@00:09:52 trump than the dnc as initial proof of

A Twitter exchange with Pedophiles

@00:07:46 proof that i am wrong blocks my resorts

Perspective and a few messages

@00:09:55 is absolutely no proof whatsoever that

Information Roundup: April 20, 2017

@00:00:51 is abusing children and there's no proof

Jason Chaffetz- "I am healthy" Is there more here?

@00:16:55 found no proof that russians have

Situational Awareness: Context and thoughts

@00:18:54 of proof is not ready for a leaf release

Fake News?

@00:05:49 disgusting yes there's proof in that

Massive Breaking Story- Montgomery and the leaks

@00:01:23 they're saying like this is proof that


@00:06:25 can you post the proof can you post the
@00:06:27 proof and they say i was working nearby
@00:09:38 proof that he did car so he or she did

Conservative Performance Artist Martina Markota harassed by intolerant Left

@00:11:08 so that gave them like proof some silly

Full Interview! Assange in London with Hannity

@00:24:38 give any proof positive that they give

The United States, Israel, and the Pedogate connection...

@00:03:39 and this is proof so i just wanted to

#BeTheMedia Episode 2- Wikileaks information and More!

@00:02:07 any more proof than i do so you saying
@00:06:50 no proof that julian assange is alive
@00:07:01 proof of life and then all of a sudden
@00:07:18 proof of life that's irrefutable here it

BREAKING!! Julian Assange- FULL Interview with Hannity 12/15/16

@00:06:26 one is there's proof positive that we

Trump ties to Russia? PLEASE WATCH AND SHARE!

@00:07:41 there is no proof they can't prove it
@00:09:59 is no proof that the exact new of news
@00:10:42 say it without any proof russia to trump

#BeTheMedia Episode 1

@00:52:18 going on here with proof proof positive

Does Donald Trump know about what is going on? Here are my thoughts

@00:03:43 to proof but i've heard it time and time


@00:11:44 proof in here collusion between the
@00:11:52 via the state department further proof

Alien Invasion? Debunked

@00:01:59 and this isn't the proof i'm using to