Saudi Arabia

Dark to Light Special: Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies

@00:41:13 that is donald trump went to saudi
@00:41:16 arabia and he came back and then i think

The Targeting of #WalkAway

@00:11:29 over in i don't know let's say saudi
@00:11:32 arabia what's more their walkaway

Wednesday Wanderings

@00:04:43 tried saudi arabia that didn't work
@00:07:28 illegal ici hold on and saudi arabia uae

Information Overview: Pdop and the Timeline

@00:31:56 department source in saudi arabia who
@00:38:35 source in saudi arabia what's

Textron, Bell, and Strzok: A new connection

@00:26:15 saudi arabia and that is coming through

Who is Kramer???

@00:20:45 saudi arabia saudi arabia mclean mccain
@00:21:51 embassy of saudi arabia gave 1 million

The Prince and the Clowns: An exploratory tale

@00:12:12 this is who would be in saudi arabia
@00:39:01 quote blackwater in saudi arabia working

The Lobbying Backstory- Some Interesting Questions

@00:20:33 metaphors representation of saudi arabia

Trump and Russia??? Leakers Leak

@00:23:17 or saudi arabia anyway in 2016

Wikileaks Clinton emails tell us motive...

@00:01:33 adversaries like saudi arabia and egypt
@00:05:24 allies like turkey saudi arabia and

The part that no one is talking about

@00:01:15 main supplier of gas there and saudi
@00:01:17 arabia is also a sunni oil powerhouse
@00:01:22 of oil but saudi oil and qatari gas
@00:02:47 jets will provide support saudi arabia
@00:06:22 saudi arabia jordan syria and turkey

Wikileaks Hints- What do they mean?

@00:19:03 the interior minister of saudi arabia
@00:19:57 9/11 saudi arabia the fbi has already

Insider Reddit chat leaked-- Reddit is no more

@00:06:00 why the connection to saudi arabia is so

Wikileaks in review - Podesta Dump 22 - October 29, 2016

@00:03:39 royal highness king salman of saudi
@00:03:41 arabia clinton foundation