
UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Analyzing the Testimony of Sally Yates

@00:40:35 talked to jeff sessions

Rosenstein’s Role: Protect the Department of Justice at All Costs

@00:05:43 attorney general sessions had complied

Recent Developments in the Case of General Flynn

@00:27:29 rosenstein sitting with bar and sessions

Revisiting Admiral Rogers, FusionGPS, and Horowitz

@00:03:24 durham was appointed by sessions to do

Whistleblower Nate Cain shares his Story for the First Time

@00:24:20 was handling because jeff sessions had
@00:37:36 jeff sessions office review and you know

UPDATE: The Case of General Flynn and so Much More!

@00:39:09 realize that jeff sessions appointed
@00:39:16 started before jeff sessions left

Michael Horowitz is a Straight Shooter. Here's Why

@00:07:58 that is why sessions brought hoover on

News Roundup: McCabe, Horowitz, Buck, Lewandowski and More

@00:28:42 to give two sessions that asked sessions
@00:28:59 sessions period end of story

LIVE: A Jeep, FOIA, and Nunes

@00:25:28 this was written to to jeff sessions who
@00:30:48 people that jeff sessions ignored i
@00:30:51 don't know why in the hell jeff sessions
@00:35:18 jeff sessions chief of staff mary black
@00:35:47 then she forwarded it to sessions chief

Analysis and Commentary: The James Comey IG Report

@00:34:28 comey knew sessions would be recusing
@00:34:38 the person that told us that sessions
@00:34:47 explain this sessions did a lot of
@00:35:23 here he says attorney general sessions
@00:35:56 because sessions would likely recuse
@00:36:08 was because sessions had told some

Interview with Whistleblower Scott MacDonald

@00:39:51 sessions with her and that he kind of

Spygate 101: An Overview

@00:17:11 emails jeff sessions who was also on
@00:39:43 for jeff sessions when jeff sessions
@00:45:25 what sessions did before he left is a

LIVE STREAM: What happened with Barr?

@00:14:07 said imagine if sessions was still a ge

Mazie Hirono and William Barr: A Deconstruction

@00:13:37 rosenstein sessions or career officials

Mueller Report: Volume II Summary

@00:22:02 sessions immediately offered his

Mueller Report: Volume I Summary

@00:10:32 who sent this to sessions i mean to
@00:11:03 general jeff sessions made false
@00:12:17 this investigation in two sessions we
@00:12:26 office actually told sessions in march
@00:12:38 counsel told me kate told sessions that
@00:41:30 here on sessions and his talks with kiss

Behind the Referrals with Devin Nunes

@00:08:08 a couple things there through sessions

The Hannity Interview

@00:18:43 that he's talking about sessions but i

Nullifying the Unconstitutional

@00:03:18 contention during sessions as hearing to

An Interview with Dr. Dave Janda

@00:30:59 well sessions was going to department of

What is happening in Huntington, NY?

@00:04:42 particular on long island jeff sessions

Must Watch: Is Nothing Happening?

@00:03:22 former attorney general jeff sessions
@00:05:17 jeff sessions announced he brought in

Analysis: John Solomon and the News

@00:03:54 all that sessions kind of removed
@00:21:26 about that sessions had a grand jury

Assange Indictment- What is Trumps Role?

@00:19:55 including mr. sessions who was chair

The Propaganda Machine Targets Whitaker

@00:02:49 general sessions is recognized ignatian
@00:04:42 becomes clear that sessions is russian
@00:05:08 sessions
@00:05:53 whatsoever anywhere and as sessions his
@00:06:02 because sessions was recused from the
@00:06:05 muller probe and he worked for sessions
@00:09:38 sessions russia recusal with sessions
@00:11:10 tv was quickly made sessions his new
@00:11:13 chief of staff sessions was recused from
@00:11:26 if sessions is recused and whitaker is
@00:11:56 sessions didn't know this was happening
@00:12:16 sessions has criminal liability in the
@00:12:32 have charged jeff sessions with
@00:13:12 while meetings between ag sessions he
@00:13:38 is briefing sessions on the molar probe
@00:14:47 inappropriate trump knew it sessions
@00:15:00 the sessions no prove it does kelly no
@00:15:51 sessions this is how propaganda works
@00:15:59 sessions how do you know and far more
@00:16:18 so sessions wasn't getting anything from
@00:16:41 fired ag sessions lie refused to elevate
@00:16:45 deputy ag rosenstein two sessions
@00:17:52 because sessions firing obscured by
@00:17:54 trump forcing sessions to write a quote
@00:18:04 kelly ordering sessions out of doj three
@00:18:06 days before sessions wanted where is
@00:18:24 jeff sessions voluntarily resigning from
@00:19:40 sessions firing
@00:20:33 sessions himself implicated in the
@00:26:19 investigating sessions firing as
@00:26:50 sessions even knew whitaker when witter
@00:27:26 so criminal conspiracy how was sessions

Matthew Whitaker: Corruption runs scared

@00:00:09 sessions leaving the justice department
@00:00:49 why sessions was fired resigned whatever
@00:01:22 encompassing jeff sessions is anywhere
@00:03:11 for jeff sessions appointed in september
@00:04:11 justice department of sessions chief of
@00:05:36 effect day-to-day on muller sessions
@00:45:23 it basically what i'm saying sessions
@00:46:05 jeff sessions he was the go-between

FISA on P-Dop: But was the target Sessions?

@00:00:38 sessions yesterday george papadopolis
@00:04:26 jeff sessions papadopoulos was in direct
@00:04:42 sessions had never directly communicated
@00:04:53 sessions emailed with gordon and others
@00:05:46 of jeff sessions alleged perjury
@00:05:49 january 10th sessions denies russian
@00:06:14 between sessions and russian ambassador
@00:06:19 that sessions spoke with russian
@00:06:52 sessions discussed the 2016 campaign
@00:06:58 comments made by sessions in march when
@00:07:39 warrant on jeff sessions former senator
@00:08:00 they wanted sessions i'm imploring you

News Roundup: Kavanaugh and Baker

@00:09:02 sessions and in his letter grassley
@00:31:19 sessions was meeting with hoover for two
@00:31:31 that maybe sessions was asking who burr
@00:31:47 interesting that sessions was in utah

Commentary and Analysis on the Kavanaugh Debacle

@00:07:14 endured and some therapy sessions she

Rod Rosenstein and the Curious Case of the FISA

@00:06:10 off on this warrant as sessions had

Information Overview: Pdop and the Timeline

@00:20:58 sessions aide who along with blank ran
@00:40:39 sessions who testified before congress
@00:41:46 same time he's saying sessions was
@00:41:55 saying and i don't know sessions wasn't
@00:41:58 sure about sessions has email everything
@00:42:04 points to sessions being against any
@00:43:33 is very sessions is very clear that he

Did Huber Interview Ohr?

@00:00:53 sessions came out with it and basically
@00:05:01 who's been tasked by jeff sessions to
@00:11:24 ohoo bru sessions is useless ubers not
@00:12:01 it's a show sessions it's horrible fire
@00:12:04 him get rid of sessions he's horrible
@00:13:41 the february statement by jeff sessions
@00:13:50 as ag sessions affirmed repeatedly
@00:14:08 fact sessions answers about the
@00:14:21 first informed sessions and rosen seen
@00:20:18 about sessions are cooperating with the

Brennan and Maddow: An analysis by Finch

@00:06:26 heard a peep from sessions who burr ecw

PART II: House Hearing on Inspector General Report (MYE)

@00:11:17 sessions is violating his recusal
@00:12:04 about jeff sessions recusal what it was

Rep. Goodlatte Acknowledges Huber! (And a follow up)

@00:09:01 sessions appointed one he's even better
@00:10:13 all the attorney general jeff sessions

The Timeline Cross: Horowitz, Strzok, and Papadopoulos

@00:08:19 the recusal of jeff sessions the
@00:09:20 immediately following ag sessions
@00:09:51 sessions and white house for guarding

Joe DiGenova: Comey and the Special Counsel

@00:04:20 the white house he and mr. sessions have
@00:06:57 recommendations from jeff sessions and
@00:10:37 sessions also provided their reasoning

Revenge is a dish.... Schneiderman and Trump

@00:18:33 putting jeff sessions in charge of the

Analysis: HPSCI Report

@00:01:30 force-fed the narrative that sessions is
@00:01:37 you're talking about sessions is not
@00:01:43 why you think that sessions isn't doing
@00:01:49 sessions justice department if there
@00:02:09 fire sessions it's
@00:02:17 confirmed sessions and he's i've gone
@00:38:04 day he announces sessions and a few
@00:40:53 sessions was very vocal about
@00:41:14 candidate senator sessions told the team
@00:41:30 according to sessions a good statement
@00:41:40 sessions who testified quote i felt like
@00:41:57 sharply on that sessions account of his
@00:42:10 sessions interrupted and began talking
@00:43:00 sessions aide who along with blank ran

The Week (so far) in a Quick Summary

@00:03:54 sessions needs to be fired we have

Speculating Friday: The Special Counsel

@00:09:28 recommendation of sessions and rr donald
@00:09:45 fbi director james comey sessions wrote

The Treasury Department has Been Busy

@00:00:29 sessions and trump know about the cast
@00:00:42 quietly on april 6th trump sessions

Michael Cohen Raided by FBI and the collective world SCREAMS!

@00:04:15 and fire everybody fire sessions fire
@00:04:26 nors the fact that jeff sessions as

In a World of Projection, This is Their Truth

@00:23:20 sessions has to cross his t's and dot
@00:27:11 you or the sessions investigation that
@00:43:37 and sessions and now sessions comes in

The Letter from Sessions: What does it mean??

@00:00:23 regards to jeff sessions so i'll hang
@00:00:42 jeff sessions to appoint a second
@00:01:01 happened with jeff sessions and of
@00:01:21 min in a an interview jeff sessions said
@00:01:47 jeff sessions feels like there would be
@00:01:53 because jeff sessions has decided that
@00:02:08 jeff sessions wrote a letter to grassley
@00:04:22 counsel but whoever jeff sessions
@00:04:27 department and jeff sessions is
@00:05:44 yum sessions is telling everybody look
@00:08:37 well what jeff sessions is telling us is
@00:09:44 because jeff sessions stepped down i
@00:13:00 powers sessions was very clear and
@00:14:46 you know sessions basically says in here

Concrete: Rosenstein Subpoena makes Grand Jury a near certainty

@00:01:49 horowitz and we know again jeff sessions

Breakdown: The Firing

@00:01:43 also consider that all those sessions
@00:04:39 sessions the office of professional
@00:04:48 investigators finally sessions statement
@00:05:07 so while sessions made the decision to
@00:05:22 stand on so while sessions made the
@00:06:59 sessions now oh goodness there's so much
@00:09:20 brought in and that's what jeff sessions
@00:14:31 leaving attorney general jeff sessions
@00:14:56 sessions makes the call because of a

Special Prosecutor, Letters from Majority, and the Roundup!

@00:02:23 jeff sessions to decide the matter with
@00:02:27 didn't meet with sessions who was
@00:03:07 the decision is sessions to make now
@00:03:31 place for sessions there's also been a
@00:03:34 renewed murmur of sessions is getting
@00:04:51 leaving attorney general jeff sessions
@00:06:06 sessions doesn't fire mccabe it could be
@00:06:15 sessions does fire mccabe it can be used
@00:13:06 general jeff sessions is considering
@00:22:03 jeff sessions last week confirming the
@00:22:32 ag jeff sessions surrounding the ongoing
@00:22:45 the details that said ag jeff sessions
@00:24:27 outlined attorney jeff sessions is
@00:27:06 trump doesn't know and ag sessions must
@00:27:38 interview by sessions is the first
@00:27:53 sessions just said there was now let's
@00:28:46 committed agee sessions of firms in the
@00:29:46 dear attorney general sessions and

Live Stream: New Yorker Magazine- Huge Revelations

@00:00:35 a couple videos i did one about sessions
@00:14:18 the sentence the sessions were
@00:14:47 forgot to remove it the sessions were

What is Sessions DOING?! (And the OIG)

@00:00:48 going on with jeff sessions or their
@00:00:53 with just jeff sessions and you know
@00:12:56 sessions like i said i was going to in
@00:13:12 the justice department and jeff sessions
@00:13:22 okay sessions justice department has 27
@00:13:41 sessions revealed tuesday which would
@00:14:06 before that sessions added it was only
@00:14:18 sessions over whether anyone had been
@00:14:22 with a political motive sessions respond
@00:16:29 sessions justice department is
@00:16:40 sessions asked justice department
@00:18:13 attorney general jeff sessions who's
@00:18:30 sessions doing fire jeff sessions guys
@00:18:36 jeff sessions is not going to talk about
@00:19:28 sessions wanted the public to see him
@00:19:45 and saying that jeff sessions isn't
@00:19:52 sessions goes to dinner with rosin
@00:19:57 alliance formed between sessions and
@00:20:03 support of jeff sessions they start
@00:20:57 of jeff sessions thank swapo and here
@00:21:04 defending jeff sessions and making fun
@00:39:30 whatever you got to do jeff sessions is
@00:40:13 sessions is working with horowitz on the
@00:40:21 separately from from sessions the oig is
@00:40:58 that sessions is running investigations
@00:41:33 video can stay up jeff sessions is not

Livestream: A Timeline of Collusion

@00:53:12 sessions announces also on the 14th that

LIVESTREAM: Page, P-Dop, and the Media, Oh My!

@00:13:07 out now you can bet trump sessions

Beginnings: The day the news got exciting

@00:02:00 close to jeff sessions told the daily
@00:03:05 and jeff sessions and i want you to pay
@00:13:14 general sessions instructed doj
@00:17:29 sessions to examine whether or not a
@00:18:24 sessions revoked that nondisclosure

Melyssa Hubbard Teaches "Spanking City Hall"

@00:32:45 sessions and a referendum but and

Part I: Scientology explored

@00:24:37 sessions are given frequently otherwise

We've FLOWN PAST CRAZY and we are on our way to INSANE

@00:01:31 letter to jeff sessions about the

Speculating Sunday: The case of the Special Prosecutor

@00:10:35 sessions whether he's concerned mueller
@00:11:44 can't see more than sessions is a
@00:20:20 press conference with just jeff sessions

The House Judiciary attempting to #LOCKHERUP?!

@00:00:48 trump and jeff sessions and the firing
@00:02:22 attorney general jeff sessions our
@00:03:13 because mr. sessions recused himself
@00:08:44 general sessions and deputy attorney
@00:16:21 sessions attorney general and the deputy
@00:16:29 other day sessions came out and said

PART 1: MS13 and Trump: Why did he direct us here?

@00:02:57 general jeff sessions also cited the
@00:05:30 jeff sessions visiting long island is

Information Roundup: April 20, 2017

@00:09:53 ignition jeff sessions department of

The Missing DC Girls

@00:10:28 sessions and fbi director james comey to
@00:10:51 signed with jeff sessions was to focus
@00:14:53 confidence in jeff sessions that he's

How does Guccifer 2.0 play into the wiretapping???

@00:01:30 to talk about the jeff sessions russia

Wikileaks Hints- What do they mean?

@00:10:48 just jeff sessions agreeing that he'll
@00:10:53 investigations why why is jeff sessions
@00:12:23 and it's the right thing for sessions to