Time machine

Benghazi: New Information from Brave Whistleblowers

@00:32:46 machine but all of its were made by the
@00:32:48 deep state at that time was in effect

The Bellagio: What happened?

@00:41:22 i'll play it one more time so that you
@00:41:43 are shooters here with machine i mean so

BREAKING- Reality leaks connected to DHS?

@00:06:44 machine that is rich that was just taken
@00:07:07 for the awesome doing this real time

BREAKING!! The Roger Stone and Guccifer2.0 Connection- Info HE DOES NOT KNOW

@00:06:18 time machine and putin has not yet

#BeTheMedia Episode 2- Wikileaks information and More!

@00:17:36 just a little odd it's that time machine

Wikileaks in review- Dump 22- PART II

@00:04:15 possible and up the bud of the machine
@00:04:24 you know as much time as i do which is