
UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Scott Pryor of Tulsa

@00:12:41 railing out against vaccines if there

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: August 13, 2020

@00:42:08 vaccines a lot of the time

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Tuesday, August 4th

@00:09:55 19 vaccines
@00:10:16 again these vaccines are being rushed
@00:10:23 i've done research on the covid vaccines
@00:10:26 forget rest the rest of vaccines that's

Commentary: Big Tech and Bill Barr

@00:28:09 it's about vaccines at the cdc sorry
@00:28:15 discussions on covet 19 vaccines no

Reading the Updated Stimulus

@01:17:17 insurance companies for vaccines or

It's Been Awhile! News Roundup

@00:07:12 vaccines the vaccine dose didn't provide

Introduction: The Case of Sharyl Attkisson

@00:01:11 stories on vaccine injury vaccines
@00:19:30 between vaccines and autism long after

What is left unspoken: An interview with Gigi Bowman

@00:26:45 also it's in vaccines and it's in the

#BeTheMedia Episode 2- Wikileaks information and More!

@00:42:14 know i'm anton vaccines that was another
@00:42:17 one i didn't want to bring up vaccines

CNN DOES HIT PIECE ON ALEX JONES-- Actually helps Alex Jones!

@00:01:38 questioned 9/11 or thought vaccines were