Bush funeral

Live Stream 6-5-20 - America At War!

@00:48:54 wink in each other during the bush
@00:48:55 senior funeral right that changes

Brand New Anti-Mueller Russia Conspiracy "Report" Suddenly Surfaces!!!

@00:04:30 patrol at the bush senior funeral saying

Reviewing the Bush Funeral Oddities- Was this Normal?

@00:12:01 that apparently bush jr. did the same
@00:12:07 funeral handing out these little candies

Q: "Bait Expends Ammunition " ... Take 2!!!

@00:04:12 president and the first lady in the bush
@00:04:17 hw bush funeral and you have us i just
@00:04:24 donald trump george hw bush funeral a

NBC Sounding Like Q Anon! "There appears there is a separate criminal investigation going on..."

@00:09:07 this whole thing with bush the bush
@00:09:08 funeral and all that and you know the

Q Anon - "The Art of Trolling the Fake News Media "- Gotta Love It!

@00:02:41 right because of the bush funeral and
@00:11:17 funeral right for for bush and q is