Dems To Hold Open Hearing To Censor "Misinformation"- Information Warfare!!!

@00:11:53 covid
@00:25:13 gretchen whitmer's coronavirus orders
@00:30:31 to dangerous corona virus skepticism and

Meanwhile, Kim Jong Un Just Did Something Very Very Strange ...

@00:14:02 from the corona virus
@00:26:39 corona buyers outbreak and apology here

Trump Warns Shocking Documents About To Be Unveiled!

@00:08:00 immune to corona virus which he is

Following Strange Events New Battle For C-19 Narrative Begins!

@00:11:55 lot about covid
@00:16:22 positive for corona virus

Live Stream 10-2-20 - Something Big Is About To Happen!

@00:17:54 on donald trump's coronavirus diagnosis
@00:28:14 tweeting after trump coronavirus news

Live 9-25-20 - Brace For Impact!!!

@00:24:27 76 corona virus deaths at veterans home

Biden Shocking New Revelations Only The Beginning - Tsunami Coming!

@00:36:48 is the reality of covid

Warning- Marxist Elite Roll Out New Plot To Influence Election! SMH!!!

@00:16:01 touts the u.s coronavirus response

Revealed! Sessions Hired Durham! LOL, Doubters Will Freak Out!

@00:19:55 americans have died from corona virus

Keystone Removal! Big Picture Now Coming To View In Middle East!

@00:22:48 china created the corona virus in a lab

The Time Has Come! Equal Justice Under The Law - Harvest Is Ready!!!

@00:10:20 coronavirus you should be
@00:17:03 the corona violence well before reports
@00:39:20 coronavirus

New Election Day Coup Language Quietly Being Planned - Disturbing!

@00:24:21 and stanford finds coronavirus 10 times
@00:24:50 coronavirus is much
@00:25:30 coronavirus and that's
@00:25:58 the chances of dying from coronavirus
@00:26:07 of may when deaths from coronavirus were
@00:26:16 out how low the risk of coronavirus
@00:26:22 coronavirus
@00:26:37 coronavirus

Huge List Of Criminal Convictions And Indictments Revealed- Future Proves Past!

@00:21:46 family test positive for corona virus
@00:22:19 coronavirus nobody cares
@00:22:44 test for coronavirus they are looking

Sinister Plot Now Revealed - Post Election Dark Civil War Comes To View!!!

@00:06:58 corona virus that nobody dies from yeah
@00:08:30 supposedly is due to the corona virus

Militants Call For Blood- As Portland Trump-Supporter Killer Likely ID'd!

@00:10:11 due entirely to the china corona virus i
@00:11:29 of all corona virus deaths were
@00:11:31 completely due to the corona virus
@00:11:46 of the deaths pinned to the china corona

Live 8-28-20 - Can You Feel What Is Coming?

@00:37:03 corona virus yeah
@00:45:06 does but once we get a corona vaccine
@00:48:44 arguing that the lesson of the corona
@00:48:59 quick what does the coronavirus have to
@00:49:56 leaders consider the coronavirus a major

Live Stream 8-21-20 - We Are Inching Closer!

@00:46:49 they also say coronavirus is being

"Something Is Not Right"- Former Obama Doc Speaks Out As Dems Confirm Biden!!

@00:19:24 about his corona virus leadership
@00:19:38 during new york's corona virus crisis

Revealed! USPS Secret Patent Could End Dems! No Wonder They're Freaking Out!

@00:08:22 corona virus failures
@00:17:18 before the corona virus

Air Force Chopper Takes Enemy Gunfire- We Are Now In New Territory!!!

@00:20:23 what russia's coronavirus vaccine
@00:20:57 they supposedly have this coronavirus
@00:26:42 coronavirus in the future you are not

LOOK HERE! A Closer Look At The New Biden Super Stunt

@00:02:23 with this phony 99 virus this corona

Marxist Revolution Takes New Turn- Here's The Shocking Summary!!

@00:10:47 battle against novel corona virus it's

Wow! Barr Calls Out Marxist Cult - "Secular Religion ... Lust For Power"

@00:18:20 implementing their corona virus marxism

Live Stream 8-7-20 - The Eve Of Indictments!

@00:40:58 of coronavirus dot dot dot didn't
@00:42:53 has died of coronavirus
@00:44:05 listed as coronavirus fatality
@00:51:06 in his recent corona buyer's order cap
@00:52:04 on coronavirus we know that but they are

Almost Time! World Awaits Obamagate Judgement Day!!!

@00:12:57 to coronavirus

Trump: New Vote-By-Mail Method In Florida Is "Safe and Secure"

@00:04:27 meeting today with the corona virus task

LOL! On Cue! NYT- "Let's Scrap The Presidential Debates"

@00:01:38 of coronavirus is threatening to
@00:14:42 treating the corona virus
@00:18:26 hydroxychloroquine helps with corona
@00:26:56 melbourne's crazy new stage for corona

As Revolution Moves At High Speed Pompeo Drops Bomb!

@00:02:20 coronavirus
@00:15:47 corona virus restrictions
@00:21:49 warns of what lengthy corona virus

Fiery Hearing, Recent Events Set Stage For Coming Accountability!!!

@00:01:30 a so-called second wave of coronavirus

Chilling Censorship Sweeps Nation As ... Antifa Now Detonating Explosives!!!

@00:01:37 that a so-called second wave of corona

Shocker- Mexican Pres Declares "Love" For Cartel Terrorists!!!

@00:04:53 died of coronavirus somehow and all this

As Cities Erode Into War Zones Barr Unveils Strategic Counter Strike Plan!!!

@00:19:37 coronavirus as the china virus which is

Battle Lines Drawn -DHS SEC "We Will Not Retreat" - Marxists Panic!

@00:26:44 tested for corona virus received

Trump Chess Moves! Preparing Stage For Justice... And More...

@00:01:35 of coronavirus is threatening to
@00:27:51 president trump resuming coronavirus

No Escape!! Meadows Drops Hint About Imminent Justice!

@00:01:45 coronavirus
@00:04:08 surge in texas corona virus cases
@00:07:46 testing positive for corona virus there
@00:08:21 under arrest for having corona virus

Live Stream 7-17-20 - The Precipice Draws Near!

@00:18:47 data for coronavirus to inflate the
@00:19:25 inflating coronavirus 19 right go at
@00:21:46 delaying coronavirus testing officials
@00:24:09 news link more coronavirus update
@00:46:30 coronavirus subject matter until late
@00:50:38 corona virus pandemic what are the odds
@00:51:29 despite coronavirus threat yeah why

De Blasio Drops Stunning Announcement As NYC Crime Explodes!!!

@00:18:39 person-to-person transmission of corona

Trump: Big News Coming Next Week- Plus MS13 Mass Arrests, Terror Charges!!

@00:01:40 wave of coronavirus is threatening to
@00:11:30 people the white house coronavirus task
@00:11:55 here it is the white house coronavirus
@00:13:18 china coronavirus mortality quote is
@00:16:02 now over the coronavirus 99% virus that
@00:19:46 coronavirus which is the 99% virus that

Something Strange Is Growing Nationwide And No One Is Noticing!!!

@00:01:34 second wave of coronavirus is
@00:16:01 inflated florida coronavirus numbers
@00:16:22 for the most coronavirus cases in a
@00:17:24 coronavirus testing report showing a
@00:20:29 coronavirus cases jumped by 1 million
@00:21:51 numbers recently comparing the corona
@00:21:55 corona virus was actually less lethal
@00:22:06 the corona virus point zero one the

Newsom To Release Another 8000 Masked Criminals Into Streets!!! Coincidence?

@00:01:35 of coronavirus is threatening to
@00:09:27 get corona virus yeah but again people
@00:16:06 virus we have the corona virus tracking
@00:16:20 been tracking coronavirus death
@00:16:22 all the numbers it's the coronavirus
@00:23:00 no surge in corona virus no
@00:24:28 corona virus mistakes i just wanted
@00:25:03 corona virus infection surge

De Blassio Shocker - Bans All Large Gatherings .... Except BLM!!!

@00:01:11 that a so-called second wave of corona
@00:06:48 said states hit by wave of new corona
@00:08:18 coronavirus
@00:08:22 coronavirus
@00:08:38 i speak about coronavirus with authority
@00:08:48 and about the coronavirus
@00:09:18 with covid very simple
@00:09:54 as long as you were positive for covid
@00:10:07 long as you had covid
@00:10:21 covid that would be counted as a covet
@00:23:00 masks amid the coronavirus pandemic
@00:24:21 with corona virus somehow there it is
@00:24:30 have corona virus i am healthy

Emboldened And Activated: Sleepers Emerging, Sinister Agenda Revealed!

@00:02:49 coronavirus and herd immunity is looking
@00:18:41 hundred eighty coronavirus deaths in new

Next Phase Has Begun: Elected Officials Call For Overthrow Of U.S.!!!

@00:07:09 notably death rate from coronavirus is
@00:16:13 falchi downplays lower corona virus
@00:16:48 news of declining coronavirus deaths
@00:19:29 making coronavirus experts singular one
@00:20:17 outbreak like the novel coronavirus

Slipping Away? New CDC Report, Doctors Destroy MSM Virus Narrative!

@00:17:41 in the wake of coronavirus pandemic yeah

Coordinated? Trump Spells Out Storm - Flynn Surprise Move- Huge Proof!!

@00:02:28 wave of coronavirus is threatening to
@00:07:04 corona virus and next thing you know
@00:07:39 inserting sick coronavirus patients into
@00:10:31 about we know the coronavirus numbers
@00:16:30 coronavirus deaths down like we said

Live Stream 7-3-20 - Endgame Approaching!

@00:34:22 coronavirus no big deal right except
@00:39:38 and sent home due to coronavirus yeah
@00:39:46 you to get coronavirus we're gonna let
@00:39:54 prisoners were trying to get coronavirus
@00:40:36 worried about coronavirus yeah notice
@00:40:43 don't want you to get coronavirus we
@00:40:54 patriots get him in corona boy who cares
@00:46:29 ira account for the coronavirus just
@00:55:34 the coronavirus emergency and a reality
@00:56:09 should use none of them as coronavirus
@00:56:31 coronavirus likely won't protect you

TRUE Targets Revealed In Epstein Saga As Another Hammer Drops!

@00:01:30 wave of coronavirus is threatening to
@00:15:38 with the virus coronavirus death in u.s.
@00:16:00 coronavirus as they all do when the that
@00:16:19 i want the coronavirus i want everyone
@00:16:51 refusing to talk to coronavirus contact

Election Interference? Even Biden Now Calls For Censorship Of Trump!

@00:01:25 wave of coronavirus is threatening to
@00:10:47 coronavirus yeah yeah we're doing this
@00:13:05 coronavirus it's right in front of you
@00:13:16 counting active china coronavirus cases
@00:13:27 number of china coronavirus cases in an
@00:13:42 coronavirus tests distorting several

Evil And Deception Sweeps Nation- On Full Display... Strategy Working!!!

@00:13:44 this falchi predicts 100,000 coronavirus
@00:15:59 spike in coronavirus cases and he was
@00:17:53 he's coming out saying coronavirus
@00:25:11 coronavirus jumps the border
@00:26:11 california coronavirus update governor
@00:27:41 coronavirus mass so no-one can see who
@00:29:11 coronavirus concerns haha

Psychology Of Radical Left's Information Control Fully Explained!

@00:06:13 their little coronavirus masks nobody
@00:20:27 failed to stop coronavirus in denial
@00:20:40 forced to be exposed to coronavirus he

Live Stream 6-26-20 - All Planned Out!

@00:09:27 officials confirm nearly 9 000 corona by
@00:09:32 coronavirus what diagnosis in a single
@00:10:18 coronavirus
@00:10:34 i don't care who gets the coronavirus i
@00:10:37 want the corona virus i probably had it
@00:12:58 corona virus death what is it with the
@00:14:04 next next story then we go here corona
@00:23:15 predicted the 2020 corona virus crisis
@00:23:39 predicted 2020 corona virus
@00:23:51 of contagion versus corona virus look
@00:45:38 blm for your push corona virus wave
@00:45:46 i started off with coronavirus they're
@00:51:54 coronavirus damasks

Bombshell Strategy Unfolds In Biden Ukraine Corruption Case!!!

@00:04:30 event in arizona has corona virus all
@00:04:34 good take get accept your corona virus
@00:07:19 about the coronavirus now that trump is

Damning Evidence Mounting On New Scandal- Some Are Panicking!

@00:15:26 laments coronavirus pandemic exacerbated
@00:21:52 whether it's influenza corona virus
@00:25:09 coronavirus
@00:28:45 cuomo other democratic governors corona
@00:29:16 the coronavirus pandemic and she talks

Barr Drops Surprise Bomb On Deep State- All Going As Planned!!!

@00:28:13 talking about the corona bite the cobit
@00:28:37 cove it to make coronavirus right which
@00:28:47 lockdowns coronavirus potus economic

Live Stream 6-19-20 - It's All Happening!

@00:39:00 first time since the corona virus shut
@00:39:47 coronavirus deaths decline under truck
@00:40:02 coronavirus deaths the graphic
@00:40:04 illustrates that the daily coronavirus
@00:40:39 corona buyers is going up right there
@00:51:38 coronavirus lockdowns and this guy goes
@00:51:48 coronavirus process this virus siop and
@00:52:03 the global response to the corona virus

It's The Exact Same Playbook!! Shocking Revelations About Recent Events!

@00:02:29 convenient coronavirus masks they're
@00:13:25 about coronavirus just for the record

Surprise! Seattle Chaz Occupation Leader Linked To Islamists! Dems Silent!!

@00:02:55 thing with the corona virus we know that
@00:07:03 they're trying to bring back coronavirus
@00:08:04 campaign from issuing coronavirus
@00:08:36 acknowledge and agree to coronavirus
@00:09:11 coronavirus resurgence is there anyone
@00:09:21 coronavirus and coronavirus said yeah
@00:09:35 coronavirus and we need you guys to come
@00:10:54 coronavirus prison dust what up 73
@00:11:24 laugh like it says here coronavirus
@00:11:51 this death this corona body coronavirus
@00:12:28 officials as probable coronavirus
@00:14:55 drinking corona beers and you know now

Live Stream 6-12-20 - America At War!

@00:05:36 face put on your coronavirus mask what
@00:05:41 coronavirus you're out they have
@00:26:07 about the coronavirus folks that is how

Stage Is Set! Committee Vote Clears Way For Senate Strategic Hearings!

@00:12:40 were lying to about coronavirus and the
@00:14:43 push that would be the corona virus

Huge DECLAS Imminent- DNI Ratcliffe Releases More Docs!

@00:06:06 coronavirus patience spread is very rare

With Trump Rallies Set To Resume Tedros Strikes Again!! Coincidence?

@00:03:25 organization a symptomatic corona virus
@00:06:40 coronavirus lockdown with more than four
@00:07:11 number of new coronavirus cases globally

TADA!! W.H.O Drops Coronavirus Bomb - Think 180 Degrees!!!

@00:06:56 asymptomatic coronavirus spread is what
@00:07:18 coronavirus patients without symptoms or
@00:07:55 the virus the corona virus never
@00:20:48 clears self over coronavirus response
@00:21:01 nation's response to the corona virus
@00:21:52 themselves from this coronavirus

Radical Left Agenda Spiraling Into Something Very Creepy! Must See!

@00:03:08 coronavirus patients in there so that

Live Stream 6-5-20 - America At War!

@00:35:39 and if he says if coronavirus is really
@00:35:53 wrong about because the corona virus was

Rosenstein Drops Precision Bomb To Russia Collusion Hoax- Sets Stage!

@00:02:28 hoax fail coronavirus planned emma coax

Shocking Footage Democrat Mayors, Governors Don't Want You To See!!

@00:22:48 warns protest could spark coronavirus
@00:23:16 have a new round of coronavirus and if

Live Stream 5-29-20 - The Time Has Come!

@00:52:14 haha we're gonna send these coronavirus

Shocking Developments Surfacing On Nursing Home Scandal!

@00:17:09 japan ends coronavirus emergency 850
@00:17:34 yesterday the most important coronavirus
@00:21:10 coronavirus patients cuomo says right

Trump Social Media Executive Order Coming As Dems Reveal Their Agenda!!!

@00:13:13 corona virus where 99 of people recover
@00:13:46 dying from coronavirus this is a fake
@00:14:02 actual coronavirus infection deaths
@00:22:52 novel corona virus last month it's
@00:27:46 italy 96 of coronavirus fatalities

Twitter Election Interference Shocker- Trump Promises Big Response

@00:18:54 coronavirus basically saying that a few
@00:20:19 cal perry's coronavirus math shaming of

Huge! How Hussein Shadow Presidency Was Outsmarted By Trump Team!

@00:16:09 these names of the supposed coronavirus
@00:16:50 correction after coronavirus death list
@00:17:14 deemed state coronavirus lockdown
@00:32:01 modeling shows coronavirus pandemic in

Live Stream 5-22-20 - Destruction Of Old Guard

@00:42:51 name of coronavirus just be like oh that
@00:45:50 puzzled by new coronavirus cases in

Michigan AG Goes Full Psycho - Trump Attack Is Beyond TDS!

@00:01:58 things coronavirus coronavirus and
@00:02:01 coronavirus that's all they care about
@00:03:25 democrats held another fake coronavirus
@00:03:30 to focus only on coronavirus and by the

Dems Playbook Revealed!!! ... As Justice Moves Forward! Tick Tock...

@00:18:38 and nose can curb spread of the corona
@00:20:14 cdc says coronavirus not easily spread
@00:20:31 the original corona virus they know that
@00:20:46 the corona virus has it may be possible
@00:21:37 should be focusing on coronavirus

Hours After Barr Statement- BOOM! Damning Biden Audios Released!!

@00:04:44 moderna coronavirus vaccine notice that
@00:06:07 coronavirus testing program backed by
@00:06:29 coronavirus vaccine offer follows years
@00:06:57 chinese coronavirus vaccines
@00:15:34 experimental coronavirus drug q wants us

Huge Chess Move! Barr Splits From Trump As Senate Subpoena Vote Looms

@00:10:30 coronavirus death count just putting it
@00:10:38 he's ripping the coronavirus death

Newly Revealed Docs Expose Shocking Truth Behind Snowden Operation!!!

@00:07:22 a lot of work on coronavirus response
@00:09:13 do not protect against the corona virus
@00:13:19 coronavirus pandemic
@00:15:47 coronavirus heard immunity had 1.3
@00:17:28 coronavirus task force to prevent the

Live Stream Friday 5-15-20 - New Era Coming

@00:36:13 coronavirus is this natural thing and i
@00:37:02 coronavirus a little corona get out
@00:37:13 coronavirus infective patients in there
@00:40:25 pure solely coronavirus deaths check
@00:40:49 coronavirus deaths six out of 3.3

Graham Reveals Spygate Hearings To Begin June! Swamp In Full Panic!!!!

@00:05:51 ament coronavirus insider trading pro
@00:07:05 coronavirus crash yeah is this gonna
@00:10:35 coronavirus yeah whatever
@00:10:58 distribute future coronavirus vaccine
@00:11:27 wink wink to help distribute a corona
@00:12:00 corona virus doesn't matter plus if you
@00:15:29 june coronavirus can't do it hey stupid
@00:17:10 regarding fear of coronavirus 19 koba 19

List Of Obama Operatives Released- Nunes: "Criminal Referrals Coming"

@00:06:56 corona virus right there richard burr
@00:07:21 the novel coronavirus first struck the
@00:13:55 pelosi coronavirus plan orders felons
@00:15:01 of a court striking down a corona virus
@00:15:13 residents families with a corona virus
@00:17:38 coronavirus facts and fears laugh out
@00:18:04 you the headline person for coronavirus

Revealed! Hussein "Leaked" Call Initiates New Coordinated Narrative Push

@00:06:34 1850 page leftist corona virus bill
@00:07:44 coronavirus situation they want to give
@00:11:49 leading the coronavirus effort in the us
@00:13:03 rant about the corona virus haha vine is
@00:17:27 coronavirus bill estimated to cost three

Unmasking The Unmaskers- ADNI Grenell Drops Hammer On Flynn's Enemies!!!

@00:12:13 coronavirus to get free from jail if you
@00:12:27 the chinese coronavirus in hope of being
@00:12:47 trying to contact the coronavirus crisis
@00:12:55 corona virus laughs out loud and the
@00:14:11 coronavirus as what as the european
@00:17:13 on coronavirus disinformation webinar if

Trump Tweet Triggers Trend- The Game Is Now Over- Panic In DC!!!

@00:06:17 mandatorily sic coronavirus sick
@00:23:39 part of next coronavirus ville
@00:27:21 coronavirus the reality take a look this
@00:27:29 and he could see all the coronavirus
@00:27:34 clothes do to coronavirus he puts on the

Live Stream Friday 5-8-20 - American Revolution 2.0

@00:30:05 coronavirus shutdown and that video
@00:36:25 coronavirus part - because we already
@00:36:27 had coronavirus in 2003 right the sars

Sources: Schiff About To Have Very Bad Day! Plus- Barr Releases Key Docs!!!

@00:06:26 coronavirus worst attack then pearl
@00:08:24 three members to coronavirus task force
@00:11:21 to reimagine education amid coronavirus
@00:11:42 down amid the corona virus pandemic
@00:13:25 series on the state of coronavirus
@00:28:12 long will the coronavirus last
@00:28:19 coronavirus last the virus itself may

COVID Medical Studies Brought To Light- Shocker! BAD News For Fauci!!

@00:04:29 house looking to disband coronavirus
@00:05:52 now they're saying 134,000 coronavirus
@00:06:11 coronavirus they're trying to trick
@00:06:22 person died of coronavirus that is one
@00:08:27 americans don't coronavirus death tolls
@00:10:17 more coronavirus fakery it's just piling
@00:11:20 chance to cure coronavirus patients
@00:11:30 suffering from the corona virus
@00:11:45 corona virus in a letter to the governor
@00:14:35 who's wildly wrong coronavirus model
@00:20:12 inhibitor of sars coronavirus infections
@00:20:21 was another coronavirus same thing as
@00:20:32 coronavirus in cell culture favorable
@00:20:42 coronavirus infection this was this is a
@00:21:31 found while sars coronavirus 2 which is
@00:21:41 to sars coronavirus
@00:22:20 says both sars coronavirus 2 and the
@00:23:22 coronavirus testing kits to be imported
@00:24:15 questions coronavirus tests so now this
@00:24:54 with sars coronavirus to the current

Active Coordinated Disinfo Campaign Fails To Stop Trump's Q Worldwide Reach!

@00:02:43 coronavirus origins tax money to wuhan
@00:03:10 chinese coronavirus and us taxpayer
@00:09:03 dependence on china the coronavirus
@00:10:07 corona virus so that they can get key
@00:10:19 terrorists so even before the corona
@00:10:29 market and since coronavirus dji is
@00:14:18 coronavirus an incredible opportunity to
@00:16:09 projecting coronavirus cases will expand
@00:25:21 inhibitor of coronavirus how did he know
@00:25:30 sars outbreak caused by a corona virus
@00:25:42 coronavirus in his tracks
@00:25:43 the koba 19 buck is likewise a corona
@00:25:56 virus as sars coronavirus 1 it is
@00:27:04 inhibitor of sars coronavirus infection
@00:27:15 knowingly lying about corona virus is

Huge! Q-Team Bombs: Authoritarian Politicians Will Be SHOCKED!!

@00:11:02 pompeyo enormous evidence coronavirus
@00:11:21 party coronavirus cover up their dead
@00:12:31 thinking is this the next corona virus
@00:12:45 which is the place exactly where corona
@00:13:33 tests positive for corona virus and
@00:14:02 cdc equates coronavirus hospitalizations
@00:15:19 members comes down with corona virus at
@00:20:22 trump's handling of coronavirus pandemic
@00:23:28 from the washington times coronavirus hi
@00:23:36 the response to the coronavirus is
@00:24:11 there it is cdc equates coronavirus
@00:40:34 did not bring up the coronavirus subject

Live Stream Friday 5-1-20 - Systematic Destruction

@00:27:54 remover coronavirus meme only makes
@00:40:47 coronavirus congressman probes into
@00:41:15 officials believe the covert 19 corona
@00:49:05 know insert more coronavirus there he
@00:59:12 coronavirus crisis look at these guys
@00:59:41 coronavirus yeah right and these guys
@01:04:00 it's because the coronavirus he's just

Battle For Narrative Goes Nuclear- Master Counter-Strategy In Motion!!!

@00:09:12 have report new york allow coronavirus
@00:09:59 coronavirus a shift dead men walking why
@00:19:32 corona virus originated from the who

Shocking Unsealed Flynn Docs Set Stage For What Is Coming!!!

@00:15:15 organization collusion on corona virus
@00:15:50 they knew about the emerging coronavirus

Barr Sends Memo To US Attorneys To Police Government Abuse Of Powers

@00:01:11 if the corona virus has turned your
@00:07:37 coronavirus taxpayer grants so lat we
@00:07:58 authorities believe the covert 19 corona
@00:08:17 community believes that the corona virus
@00:08:33 this lack of the corona virus
@00:09:48 chinese coronavirus which has never been
@00:13:05 government officials ahmet coronavirus
@00:13:56 the corona virus pandemic we've been
@00:15:22 for not rejecting coronavirus patients
@00:16:44 away coronavirus patients even though it
@00:21:38 the coronavirus we can't have this any

deleted The Flynn Injustice And Coming Exoneration Decoded- Future Proves Past!!

@00:11:01 coronavirus cases here in kern county
@00:11:48 the corona virus that makes up for over
@00:12:11 white house coronavirus task force
@00:14:26 coronavirus yeah in other words same
@00:15:36 tied to the corona virus pandemic and

Live Stream Friday 4-24-20 - Systematic Destruction

@00:15:36 dangerous information amid coronavirus
@00:32:58 no lockdown whereas 84% of coronavirus
@00:34:21 that what coronavirus came to new york
@00:35:21 coronavirus came to new york state from
@00:36:33 coronavirus crisis we can all see where

Meanwhile Durham Expands His Team Amid Rumors Of Coming Indictments

@00:06:36 coronavirus so these people they cannot
@00:07:10 coronavirus reacts significantly to sun
@00:09:51 of the coronavirus deaths per million is
@00:10:21 the corona virus cases and like it says
@00:11:22 coronavirus related deaths new york 19
@00:12:39 required infected coronavirus patients
@00:12:55 coronavirus killed seniors and
@00:13:20 fifty-four coronavirus death but look
@00:14:50 are there waiting for the coronavirus ha
@00:15:15 experienced a severe case of corona
@00:15:28 increases coronavirus deaths projection

Why Is The Left Increasingly Panicking Over Idea Of Reopening Economy??

@00:01:17 if the coronavirus has turned your
@00:06:21 resurgence of coronavirus cases again
@00:08:57 coronavirus lockdown protest draws
@00:14:36 information under chinese coronavirus
@00:16:03 coronavirus again people will impact us

Fake News All-Out Blitz! Claim HCQ Doesn't Work- Ignore Worldwide Studies!

@00:01:08 if the coronavirus has turned your
@00:08:04 coronavirus outbreak in us contract to
@00:08:18 from the worst of the corona virus
@00:08:28 the corona virus but has been
@00:08:53 patients infected with a corona virus
@00:09:44 coronavirus in a survey polling nearly
@00:09:57 impact on the coronavirus with patients
@00:11:05 corona virus which raises the question
@00:14:37 rules after their coronavirus outbreaks
@00:20:28 second wave of coronavirus involve

Trump Hints At Coming Justice For Russia Hoax: "You'll Find Out!"

@00:09:26 died from the coronavirus can you
@00:12:59 in coronavirus concert raising what 55
@00:15:08 seventy five million in coronavirus

Live Stream Friday 4-17-20 - Time Bomb Overview!

@00:38:25 coronavirus 50 to 85 times more
@00:40:08 shows coronavirus infection rate could
@00:42:35 this headline recovery from coronavirus
@00:45:13 the new corona virus has thrown up one
@00:46:50 disease effort i'm coronavirus and we're
@00:46:59 a very different look at the corona
@00:48:36 that he's done on the corona virus and
@00:49:53 taken early on in the coronavirus fight
@00:50:22 as flu so yeah it's a corona virus but
@00:50:25 we had corona viruses before but what we

Is A Dark, Sinister Global Agenda Slowly Being Revealed?

@00:08:21 being used as the youngest coronavirus
@00:08:36 where the coronavirus go and this
@00:08:41 coronavirus and china they just look at
@00:08:46 coronavirus got on a plane and packed
@00:09:09 coronavirus and this kid his pictures
@00:09:43 coronavirus death in the uk portugal and
@00:09:47 coronavirus with kids which is a lie
@00:09:53 coronavirus and every young person so
@00:11:02 coronavirus legislation that pays states
@00:12:37 if you know that you have corona virus
@00:14:28 coronavirus to build the architecture of

Clock Is Ticking- "FISA Lead-In" New Marker - Barr Public Appearance!

@00:01:13 if the coronavirus has turned your
@00:03:48 approved to fight coronavirus we've been
@00:05:27 coronavirus yeah everything that we need
@00:05:33 in the name of coronavirus the same way
@00:05:40 order in the name of the coronavirus
@00:06:26 padding the coronavirus numbers with
@00:06:31 coronavirus again we talked about this
@00:07:27 for every coronavirus hospitalization
@00:07:36 it coronavirus trump is reminding
@00:08:50 clear coronavirus and study so i wonder
@00:11:25 nation recovering from coronavirus
@00:11:38 corona virus even here in the us
@00:11:59 for the corona virus desi says he kept
@00:15:37 million in coronavirus assistance to
@00:16:19 says coronavirus could end sports and

Warning- "All Assets Will Be Deployed" This Election As Dems Fight For Survival

@00:01:17 if the corona virus has turned your
@00:03:56 does it say until the corona virus is
@00:05:49 coronavirus
@00:06:39 specialist so my background is in corona
@00:08:44 there's nothing to do with coronavirus
@00:09:30 presumed coronavirus cases to his death
@00:09:44 coronavirus you can't do that new york
@00:10:07 more for selecting coronavirus as the
@00:10:12 selecting coronavirus as a diagnosis so
@00:10:34 tonight people for coronavirus
@00:22:11 of coronavirus again we the q army and
@00:22:22 about how the corona virus pandemic

Trump Masterfully Sets Up Media - Demonstrates Hypocrisy To The World!!!

@00:03:42 coronavirus is mentioned in lysol cans
@00:05:20 about the corona virus because they're
@00:05:42 should americans be about coronavirus
@00:10:21 coronavirus doctor foul chief like we
@00:18:03 for coronavirus miss information here
@00:19:19 have study coronavirus fatality rate
@00:20:50 novel coronavirus has spread faster but

Timetable Revealed! New House Investigations To Precede Full Disclosure

@00:07:15 coronavirus is i believe possible
@00:13:09 the state's economy amid the corona
@00:21:26 coronavirus and we mr. satan are diving
@00:23:21 chomsky on trump coronavirus response

Malik Obama Jumps Into Battlefield- Part Of Q Army... As The Clock Ticks!

@00:05:43 coronavirus restrictions represent
@00:06:52 spread of coronavirus will come at at
@00:08:02 says fans he bans coronavirus task force
@00:08:16 members of the white house coronavirus
@00:09:11 coronavirus propaganda campaign same
@00:20:06 is wartime president in coronavirus
@00:24:38 coronavirus response this is from today

Bombshell! Timetable Of 'Planned-Demic' To Change Narrative Revealed!

@00:01:14 a quick break if the corona virus has
@00:06:56 politicizing the corona by
@00:14:25 over the next stage of coronavirus
@00:14:39 coronavirus and elections dens doing
@00:23:28 carrying the coronavirus
@00:26:42 coronavirus when presented with the

Left Continues Irrational Attacks On Helpful Drug ... As Docs Keep Praising It!

@00:01:15 if the corona virus has turned your
@00:09:35 very ill patients with coronavirus
@00:14:05 signs executive order giving coronavirus
@00:14:54 economy as the corona virus pandemic
@00:15:56 corona virus without knowing it a step

Dems Launch Brand New Level Of Psychotic Anti-Trump Attacks!!

@00:04:43 new york data suggests what coronavirus
@00:05:25 around the rise in coronavirus cases
@00:05:48 estimated ihm u.s. coronavirus deaths
@00:07:00 model for coronavirus used by cdc just
@00:10:18 remarks at the white house's coronavirus
@00:10:56 treat coronavirus patients that is the
@00:13:54 of coronavirus there it is it's right
@00:14:21 state representative with coronavirus
@00:14:53 you weren't dying with coronavirus would
@00:15:32 treat her coronavirus right there look
@00:16:26 trump is responsible for the coronavirus
@00:17:37 the government's coronavirus response
@00:18:30 coronavirus and whether its judgments
@00:19:11 china lied about the corona virus to the

Trump Spreads Military Across Nation And Fires Intel IG- Nothing To See Here!

@00:16:56 thinking of second coronavirus task
@00:17:22 second coronavirus task force focused on
@00:17:58 coronavirus in under 48 hours says
@00:18:18 kove to coronavirus cove at 19 the drug
@00:19:38 attention with coronavirus but most of
@00:20:47 best treatment for coronavirus patients
@00:21:57 from the corona virus is based on the
@00:25:01 coronavirus relief to
@00:30:14 response to coronavirus could turn this

Live Stream Friday 4-3-20 - Storm Update!

@00:08:25 coronavirus is nothing but we know q
@00:24:17 media using and i mean using coronavirus
@00:24:29 truth about the coronavirus they have no
@00:32:27 that before coronavirus wake up yeah
@00:32:47 your calendar because coronavirus was
@00:42:11 death linked to corona virus right there
@00:42:20 boy who died from the corona virus
@00:42:27 the corona virus but now you know the
@00:43:23 coronavirus they issued this statement
@00:43:40 hoarding coronavirus treatment drug
@00:44:58 of a life-saving medication for corona
@00:45:19 prisons to hoard the coronavirus drug
@00:47:51 shocking is this coronavirus tests
@00:47:58 coronavirus right there think about that
@00:49:43 take a look claim coronavirus mortality
@00:52:11 showing that compared to the corona
@00:52:23 rate from the corona virus is much
@00:54:34 name of coronavirus what your check is

Pelosi Follows Schiff- Initiates Another Coup To Investigate Trump Coronavirus Response!!

@00:07:13 investigate trump's coronavirus response
@00:08:44 corona virus pandemic following after
@00:09:29 with coronavirus and not to mention
@00:09:45 coronavirus may call for rolling
@00:11:28 model for coronavirus it's complete
@00:12:13 i ate i m h m coronavirus model there
@00:16:16 beginning of the end of the corona virus
@00:18:02 coronavirus treatment pull of doctors
@00:18:29 coronavirus deaths involved underlying
@00:19:25 talking breathing may spread coronavirus
@00:20:19 droplets it's gonna spread coronavirus
@00:21:44 coronavirus numbers we all can see

US Military Unleashed Against Cartels!! The War Has Begun!

@00:05:37 operation amid coronavirus and the deep
@00:08:15 the corona virus ha ha ha take that
@00:08:35 because of coronavirus come on guys give
@00:11:44 confirmed china falsified coronavirus
@00:12:32 that china put forward fake coronavirus
@00:14:10 coronavirus briefing to date right they
@00:14:26 important coronavirus briefing to date
@00:14:51 coronavirus cnn blacklisted the
@00:15:46 eleven commission on coronavirus what
@00:16:23 study our mistakes on coronavirus which
@00:19:01 only four thousand coronavirus death in
@00:20:22 after fake news reporting on coronavirus
@00:20:32 coronavirus on campus and that the
@00:20:37 coronavirus response and in this case

Shocker! Gov Newsom Frees 14 Convicted Killers In Name Of Coronavirus!!!

@00:03:27 misinformation about coronavirus looks
@00:09:25 start here spread or coronavirus is
@00:10:07 the spread of the novel coronavirus
@00:11:07 coronavirus is 10 times more lethal than
@00:13:35 army national guardsmen say coronavirus
@00:17:13 coronavirus jailbreak if you could
@00:20:33 coronavirus briefings live ha ha nbc's
@00:20:46 the white house's coronavirus briefing

Trump: "We Were Attacked"- As Left Pushes False Apocalyptic Narrative!

@00:10:46 coronavirus patients can have hope and
@00:13:20 people ignoring coronavirus warnings
@00:15:57 viral genocide from coronavirus right
@00:18:33 corona virus outbreaks in their states
@00:19:24 against coronavirus and it goes on to
@00:20:16 touted by trump for coronavirus and
@00:20:32 corona virus as nations around the world
@00:21:59 in coronavirus stimulus we can't believe
@00:25:05 the corona virus that is what it was

Post 'Time Bomb': Battle For Narrative Rages- Trump Expands Storm!

@00:04:48 about the coronavirus are now
@00:06:01 he or donald trump extends coronavirus
@00:09:47 the corona virus she had the entire
@00:10:46 200,000 coronavirus deaths in u.s. based
@00:11:47 coronavirus five times more deadly than
@00:12:06 says coronavirus would kill 1.6 to 2.2
@00:13:51 corona virus the controversial french
@00:16:18 699 coronavirus patients with 100%
@00:23:05 like the coronavirus event like we're
@00:24:14 world is watching in this coronavirus

Live Stream Friday 3-27-20 - Storm Update!

@00:21:55 trillion-dollar coronavirus bill passed
@00:25:17 republican party over coronavirus bill
@00:26:39 in parentheses coronavirus meltdown on
@00:29:32 temp down a number of coronavirus
@00:36:42 coronavirus mortality rate may be much
@00:39:06 coronavirus patients haha laugh out loud
@00:39:20 individuals with coronavirus suffer from
@00:39:27 of these individuals with corona virus
@00:39:59 overwhelmed by the corona virus by
@00:41:55 coronavirus fatality rate may be far
@00:42:36 of coronavirus tutor of two to four
@00:43:14 humorously tested positive for corona by
@00:44:10 succumbed to the corona virus without
@00:44:46 he died was about the coronavirus
@00:46:00 coronavirus patients how criminal is
@00:48:20 this michigan man with corona virus has
@00:50:01 evangelical christians for coronavirus
@00:50:35 christians for the corona virus pandemic
@00:52:28 media was using coronavirus to take down

Military Activation Coming? Q Hints At Suspension Of Habeas Corpus

@00:08:57 corona virus i think that the trump team
@00:11:31 coronavirus study backtracks says uk can
@00:12:35 house coronavirus task force dr. deborah
@00:12:38 admitted that the initial coronavirus
@00:14:27 trump's as coronavirus response could
@00:18:08 yeah so much for coronavirus still
@00:18:16 test her for corona virus oh yeah there
@00:18:45 to having coronavirus in symptoms and
@00:19:07 those symptoms of having corona virus

Left Unleashes Attacks On Trump Including Brand New HHS "Whistleblower"!!!

@00:03:58 goes your corona virus the 99% virus
@00:07:30 deliberately spread coronavirus may face
@00:09:42 coronavirus this covert 19 pandemic yeah
@00:11:17 coronavirus guidance are you seeing the
@00:11:26 contradicted coronavirus guidelines from
@00:14:59 coronavirus press conferences why would
@00:15:33 riker's island amid coronavirus pandemic
@00:15:56 to attack trump over coronavirus crisis
@00:16:46 china on coronavirus we've been talking
@00:18:07 contracted coronavirus less than one in
@00:19:19 did you talk about coronavirus at all i
@00:20:49 coronavirus pandemic and in the middle
@00:21:14 test me for coronavirus because of cdc
@00:23:06 coronavirus surge at new york city
@00:23:25 pretend like they have coronavirus as we

Wow! Democrat Governor Blocks Potentially Effective Coronavirus Drug

@00:06:58 coronavirus response is overblown
@00:12:35 things and neither is about coronavirus
@00:13:12 the novel coronavirus pandemic currently
@00:15:00 coronavirus patients this is a breaking
@00:15:23 corona virus yeah we're gonna ignore
@00:17:31 host asks about trump's coronavirus
@00:20:30 from coronavirus there it is you could
@00:23:16 coronavirus which has killed more than
@00:24:48 with their coronavirus predictions the
@00:26:08 coronavirus after traveling around
@00:27:30 already infected by coronavirus will
@00:28:56 rallies trying to inject coronavirus

Amid Deployment Of National Guard In 32 States Q Drops Simple Message!

@00:05:08 talking about yeah the corona virus
@00:06:22 the gate hey i've got coronavirus i love
@00:06:29 that proud of being coronavirus positive
@00:15:32 about the flu than coronavirus yeah when
@00:16:04 again people coronavirus mortality rate
@00:17:56 corona virus outbreak too bad the piece
@00:22:33 bipartisan talks on coronavirus package
@00:23:34 spread coronavirus to cops

Live Stream Friday 3-20-20 - The Storm Continues!

@00:34:44 coronavirus responses and everybody
@00:36:18 killed by coronavirus in italy what had
@00:37:53 finding 99% of corona de coronavirus
@00:41:32 coronavirus in six days don't tell that
@00:42:34 this season then coronavirus death there
@00:43:24 here mortality rate of coronavirus in
@00:44:46 got corona i'm here trust me doctor i'm
@00:44:51 i've got coronavirus these so-called
@00:45:37 that have coronavirus they're at spring
@00:45:41 coronavirus they're partying at the
@00:47:02 coronavirus report that prompted
@00:53:30 coronavirus police it's all over the

Surprise! OAN Reporter Drops Nuke On Fake News For All To See!!!

@00:02:34 coronavirus the 99% virus and we're
@00:10:42 pro-china media bias at coronavirus
@00:11:16 spread of coronavirus bottom line is
@00:11:59 coronavirus for years apparently and now
@00:12:54 you need to see folks coronavirus death
@00:14:27 the accuracy of coronavirus death rates
@00:14:39 or hat have had coronavirus haven't been
@00:14:57 early coronavirus fatality rates often
@00:15:48 to coronavirus irrational fear and scare
@00:16:23 there it is folks moving on capp corona
@00:17:50 infected with corona virus over eight
@00:18:31 probably at this point has coronavirus

FAILED! Reporters Coordinate Trump Attacks With Pro-China Talking Points

@00:04:18 says coronavirus is a bat virus not a
@00:09:42 report coronavirus report death toll
@00:12:15 exaggerated coronavirus i'm liking this
@00:12:31 the cases of the coronavirus jump to
@00:13:24 people will recover from the corona
@00:16:25 corona virus was many multiples that of
@00:17:17 coronavirus isn't contagious
@00:18:04 moving on we have coronavirus trump to
@00:21:03 help in the coronavirus efforts stating

Trump Mystery Tweet Brings Silent War Into Public Consciousness Worldwide!!!

@00:05:08 coronavirus response yeah coronavirus is
@00:05:44 of coronavirus the 99% virus man's not
@00:07:08 corona virus pandemic or a
@00:09:43 of the corona environment you mean if
@00:10:44 fatality rate of the corona virus
@00:12:07 the corona virus was many multiples that
@00:14:39 coronavirus deaths or what associated
@00:16:45 coronavirus panic yeah everybody in jail
@00:18:14 attacking trump over coronavirus while

White House Warns "Unidentified Foreign Group" Fueling False Panic Over Virus

@00:05:53 in hospitals treating coronavirus
@00:09:25 the death rate of corona the mortality
@00:11:18 coronavirus
@00:11:52 coronavirus tweets lee's chinese
@00:12:09 that mentioned coronavirus yet the
@00:13:18 risk of coronavirus complications yeah
@00:13:30 what coronavirus released illegal
@00:13:33 millions what coronavirus we need more
@00:13:36 coronavirus we need gun control
@00:13:38 coronavirus we need to bring back the
@00:13:44 coronavirus to advance their global
@00:14:04 republicans will die from coronavirus
@00:14:12 more worried about coronavirus unless
@00:16:46 together with this one coronavirus white
@00:17:24 cue non-drop panic over coronavirus
@00:17:55 corona virus is cute talking about the

Clash Of Narratives Continue Over Virus - The Silent War Continues!

@00:05:01 coronavirus on this channel we call it
@00:11:07 of coronavirus that is what q st. and q
@00:13:31 don't take coronavirus seriously really
@00:16:01 from corona which should you be worried
@00:17:52 bonds to buffer economy in corona virus
@00:21:21 coronavirus death in us are associated
@00:22:17 hosted coronavirus pandemics simulation
@00:22:38 of what of a specifically coronavirus
@00:24:04 outbreak of this corona virus what are

Live Stream Friday 3-13-20 - The Battle For Humanity

@00:03:33 welcome to coronavirus weekend
@00:03:38 oh corona violence coronavirus week oh
@00:12:43 and kobe was buried in corona del mar
@00:13:53 family's first coronavirus response act
@00:16:27 has a coronavirus they're completely
@00:17:12 national emergency over corona virus
@00:21:03 for this corona virus
@00:21:25 coronavirus
@00:24:58 tested positive for coronavirus which
@00:25:43 pushed impeachment while coronavirus
@00:26:10 even though this corona virus was real
@00:26:27 while coronavirus spread the special
@00:28:56 health emergency as coronavirus
@00:30:55 human error on what calling coronavirus
@00:31:54 coronavirus
@00:32:18 coronavirus time and they all made a
@00:33:27 outbreak of coronavirus a global health
@00:35:16 like it says here on coronavirus
@00:35:56 just a couple other coronavirus related
@00:36:10 and ammunition to the coronavirus
@00:36:54 nothing virus this 99 coronavirus
@00:37:23 corona virus see what you think
@00:37:26 this former coronavirus patient the
@00:37:48 that she had coronavirus and she says
@00:38:06 because she once had the coronavirus to
@00:48:24 chinese coronavirus and hurting chinese

It's Here!! ... Brand New Conspiracy About Virus Is Seeded!

@00:04:11 coronavirus and coronavirus and
@00:04:13 coronavirus but then today i found two
@00:04:15 other topics coronavirus and coronavirus
@00:04:18 so today it's coronavirus and there is
@00:07:48 control coronavirus this 99% virus that
@00:10:19 coronavirus stimulus plan there it is
@00:10:53 could believe that into the coronavirus
@00:11:17 using the corona virus there is the
@00:12:39 pay face from the corona viruses on a
@00:16:44 coronavirus maybe it's a hundred percent
@00:16:57 cases of coronavirus that's it and three
@00:18:24 event then we'll get rid of corona virus
@00:22:46 virus scare the hashtag coronavirus

As Hysteria Continues Trump Making Clever Moves To Advance STORM!!!

@00:00:39 of three things we have coronavirus and
@00:00:41 we have corona virus and corona virus
@00:02:13 right the coronavirus and then you have
@00:03:01 coronavirus to expand my popularity to
@00:03:29 office to talk about coronavirus and a
@00:03:53 strength so trump is using coronavirus
@00:04:06 this week yeah okay you want coronavirus
@00:04:09 we're gonna give you coronavirus because
@00:04:12 of coronavirus we are going to give
@00:04:41 world the coronavirus yeah right i
@00:05:33 current challenge of the coronavirus and
@00:05:45 surrounds the same coronavirus that we
@00:06:10 officials in the coronavirus task force
@00:06:15 response to the corona virus and because
@00:06:24 there it is we're coronavirus to death
@00:06:36 today cdc director on coronavirus real
@00:07:00 coronavirus fears
@00:07:16 he is using coronavirus to reinforce and
@00:07:32 for spreading coronavirus yeah that is
@00:07:35 how you use coronavirus against these
@00:08:22 novel coronavirus also known as covert
@00:08:33 condoning the spread of coronavirus
@00:15:08 when we get past coronavirus you see all
@00:17:31 economy in face of coronavirus fears i
@00:18:28 as to push the coronavirus narrative two
@00:21:21 white house today on coronavirus with a

Unhinged Biden Unloads On Average Blue-Collar Worker!!!

@00:04:25 they know now they're using coronavirus
@00:16:01 economic plan for coronavirus includes
@00:16:24 coronavirus all right i'm going to use
@00:16:52 says coronavirus is keeping him from
@00:20:27 coronavirus
@00:21:14 coronavirus case suffered pneumonia and
@00:21:22 coronavirus case you would think this
@00:21:46 coronavirus can we see the pictures of
@00:22:00 national guard to set up coronavirus
@00:23:48 scientists developed the corona virus

Silent War! Trump Continues Warning Enemies With Cryptic Messages!

@00:17:36 tested for coronavirus stop right there
@00:19:37 apes coronavirus is a respiratory

Boom! Trump Team Taunts With Q Anon Quote - What Will Be Next?

@00:09:07 now coronavirus should be done but they
@00:10:07 of coronavirus somehow and because of
@00:10:56 into coronavirus and all these things

FRIDAY 3-6-20 The Silent War ...Continues

@00:46:05 guys the corona virus right there that

Closed-Door FISA Probe Depositions Begin ... As Dems Resurrect Biden

@00:06:42 and politicizing this coronavirus and
@00:18:10 i do get the coronavirus i'm attending
@00:19:14 that she wants to use coronavirus as a
@00:19:42 coronavirus yeah we're gonna bring back
@00:20:04 attack him and politicize coronavirus

Judge Orders Hillary And Top Aid Deposed On Use Of Private Email System!

@00:03:34 corona virus and the left doesn't like

Dems Afraid To Admit Bernie IS The Front Runner- Sabotage Awaits!

@00:09:03 to handle this coronavirus here we go
@00:09:08 lap when it comes to the coronavirus and
@00:10:12 including coronavirus that is really the
@00:14:13 medicine what coronavirus could be no
@00:15:09 coronavirus might be once-in-a-century
@00:16:02 deranged of stories about coronavirus
@00:16:59 america on coronavirus translation i see

FRIDAY 2-28 The Silent War- Updates

@00:12:07 whether it's flu or corona or whatever
@00:12:31 why if that were coronavirus people
@00:13:23 coronavirus when i learned about this in
@00:13:27 medical school coronavirus like i told a
@00:15:17 england journal of medicine coronavirus
@00:21:07 concerning this coronavirus and he's
@00:44:41 coronavirus i mean this is a big big
@00:46:57 everybody thousands of coronavirus

Meanwhile ... Ukraine Launches Criminal Proceedings Against Joe Biden!!

@00:02:35 corona
@00:02:57 the coronavirus this is trump's way of
@00:04:51 lying to the public about coronavirus
@00:05:15 personnel needed to fight coronavirus
@00:05:50 topic of this coronavirus because
@00:08:39 assessment of the coronavirus exact
@00:12:16 monitoring 8400 coronavirus cases a mr.
@00:14:20 us that he died from this corona virus
@00:14:51 corona virus at 26 with 245 confirmed

HUGE Wave Of Trump Victories Hit As the Storm Intensifies!!

@00:03:34 of the gates warns of coronavirus spread
@00:04:46 to say coronavirus equals
@00:05:01 coronavirus coverage and we see that the
@00:20:40 emergency over a corona virus i feel so
@00:20:51 over the deadly chinese coronavirus

Mystery Leak- Bolton Book Manuscript Submitted to NSC Ends Up At NYT

@00:16:28 have this story china corona virus could
@00:16:34 you are going to die from corona virus

WaPo New "Q Anon Poll" Claims It's "Very Unpopular" LOL!!!

@00:23:40 these corona these sounds like a

MSM Denied Jurors Pvt Info By Manafort Judge- Threats Follow!

@00:11:50 last event in corona queens not far for