Field McConnell

Live Stream Friday Nov 22, 2019- Latest Breaking Patriot News- It's Happening!!!

@00:54:36 field mike are you listening mcconnell

Confirmed! Historic 11-11 Military Parade On Schedule- Thousands Will March!

@00:02:45 field mcconnell and that's someone that
@00:03:36 field mcconnell because i refer to this
@00:03:43 they took that as i'm attacking field
@00:03:46 mcconnell i don't know where they got
@00:04:05 subject of field mcconnell my friends do
@00:04:53 follow mr. field mcconnell he can do his
@00:07:44 this a field mcconnell and in fairness
@00:07:54 towards not only field mcconnell but
@00:08:03 because field mcconnell is not the one

New Anti-Q Psyop Torn to 1000 Pieces As Storm Rolls On!

@00:16:12 that abel danger and field mcconnell had