Live 9-25-20 - Brace For Impact!!!

@00:52:20 boom automatic terrorist gitmo goodbye

Live 9-4-20 - All Going As Planned!!!

@00:47:38 y'all better be getting ready for gitmo
@00:47:55 gitmo and other penitentiary organ of
@00:49:53 end up in gitmo like y'all don't know
@00:49:57 take your pick penitentiary gitmo maybe

Live Stream 8-14-20 - The Eve Of Indictments Even Closer

@00:15:40 throw them in gitmo let them roam around

As Revolution Moves At High Speed Pompeo Drops Bomb!

@00:12:07 in gitmo or somalia maybe we'll forcibly
@00:21:40 less than gitmo goodbye
@00:22:18 you will be taken to gitmo goodbye with

Shocker- Mexican Pres Declares "Love" For Cartel Terrorists!!!

@00:17:35 most of them going to gitmo and serious

TRUE Targets Revealed In Epstein Saga As Another Hammer Drops!

@00:12:16 gitmo sir but in the meantime here we
@00:14:00 to go to gitmo or worse goodbye and then

Evil And Deception Sweeps Nation- On Full Display... Strategy Working!!!

@00:03:39 it's gonna be worse than gitmo for these

Live Stream 6-19-20 - It's All Happening!

@00:58:44 gitmo that's not biblical i'm saying
@00:58:50 that's just alright they went to gitmo

Rosenstein Drops Precision Bomb To Russia Collusion Hoax- Sets Stage!

@00:26:10 enjoy that when you end up in gitmo and

Turn Of Events! Violent Radical Leftist Group Has Just Been Checkmated!!!

@00:09:06 all in gitmo this would actually
@00:21:19 all going down gitmo is waiting i am

Live Stream 5-29-20 - The Time Has Come!

@00:09:12 gitmo because not because we want to and

Military Activation Coming? Q Hints At Suspension Of Habeas Corpus

@00:16:49 gitmo 100% right now so this guy is

Mystery Leak- Bolton Book Manuscript Submitted to NSC Ends Up At NYT

@00:28:36 be taken to gitmo and everybody should

LIVE Jan 24, 2020: It's All Happening!!

@00:07:12 go to gitmo they're both going to get

Graham Promises To Call In Everyone Who Signed FISA Warrant... And Others!!!

@00:09:02 there getting gitmo ready and other

8Chan Owner Drops BOMB- Manifesto NOT Posted By Killer! (PLUS "Red Flag" Bill Explained)

@00:15:21 arrests and whole thing with gitmo and

Dems Border-Erasing Strategy Revealed By Q Nov 2017!

@00:09:48 to go to gitmo and jail for all these

Will Fake News Media Take the "BAIT"?? STORM Summary For Starters

@00:08:10 try gitmo cuz they're getting ready to

"We Are the News Now"- MSM Quietly Runs With Q Drop About Coats

@00:09:46 sending you straight to gitmo

Q Anon Drops Explosive Info On Snowden, Ginsburg, Schiff and More!

@00:10:29 thing with gitmo and all that these are

Flashback- Clinton, Hussein Deliver Fiery Anti-Illegal Immigration Speeches!

@00:11:01 and the next day maybe you're in gitmo

Q Drops Holiday Carpet Bomb- Huge Q & A Explosive Revelations!!

@00:38:13 someone says is gitmo going to be used
@00:38:29 gitmo
@00:38:30 i'm taking it that they are not in gitmo

NBC Sounding Like Q Anon! "There appears there is a separate criminal investigation going on..."

@00:02:20 know having to go to what gitmo or worse
@00:23:02 and getting these demons all in gitmo

Explosive New Q Anon Drops Provide Many Answers- Full Breakdown Here

@00:12:49 gitmo so that is what kills showing you

As Criminal Probe Continues Snipes Suddenly Declares "Time to Move On"

@00:14:04 the table yeah not even gitmo maybe who

Now It's 4 Caravans With Buses!!! Deep State Playing All Its Cards!

@00:16:38 gitmo but other than that yay look at

Bizarre Online Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theories Pick Up Steam

@00:35:35 have places like gitmo and prisons all
@00:38:17 in jail and put you in you know gitmo

Hillary Loses Security Clearance! Nothing to See Here!!

@00:06:50 way no name was taken care of or gitmo

MSM: Trump-Sessions Relationship "Damaged Beyond Repair"

@00:05:19 and that gitmo is being prepared you
@00:05:43 gitmo is being prepared you know for you
@00:06:22 gitmo was there all along but you know
@00:06:30 in gitmo but now you know now under
@00:07:11 guy that's gonna put everyone in gitmo

Shocker! Antifa Thugs Take Over Portland, Harass Those Who Disobey!

@00:05:23 indictments arrests tribunals gitmo
@00:20:02 thrown in gitmo or whatever happens with

Q Firm Reassurance [CHANGE IS COMING]

@00:07:34 expect places like gitmo and all these

Q Anon On Emanual Not Seeking Re-election: "Add to the List"

@00:28:22 sent directly to gitmo and everything

Why Are All These Men Wearing Red Shoes??

@00:11:14 gitmo and then here we have twitter

Early Q Crumb Reveals MS13 Central Role in Deep State Plans!

@00:17:44 making this unusual visit to gitmo this

Q- GITMO Will Be "Maximum Capacity"! 2-11-18 (Part 2)

@00:10:36 to how full gitmo is gonna be and q and

Q-Anon Revelations, Trump-Era Awakening Explained As 2017 Concludes

@00:14:19 about all the stuff surrounding gitmo or
@00:15:32 into guantanamo bay prison gitmo and we
@00:15:43 visiting gitmo right before christmas