Red Cross

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@00:17:03 about the red cross right
@00:17:09 the red cross labelled on that money
@00:23:31 ready why does the red cross have all
@00:23:48 international federation of red cross
@00:23:51 and red crescent societies geneva queue
@00:24:06 red cross transparency act this was in
@00:24:21 investigation into the american red
@00:24:23 cross to share the results yeah and the
@00:24:34 link we have this right there report red
@00:24:36 cross spent 25 percent of haiti

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@00:10:46 haiti red cross classified high priority

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@00:28:26 red october and then i see red again and
@00:28:29 the to form a cross these two words so
@00:28:33 i'm thinking red cross cue did tell us
@00:28:36 that the red cross would be exposed so
@00:28:49 nine yards when we're talking red cross
@00:28:59 that so there it is the red cross red
@00:29:07 it'll include the red cross you know

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@00:20:52 cross red line will fail so we can see

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@00:28:45 information would cross a red line

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@00:28:31 red cross is corrupt and used as a piggy
@00:29:28 main page of red cross website
@00:29:40 red cross red red north korea hussein
@00:29:52 proves pass where is the red cross runs
@00:30:30 involves the red cross and then we go to
@00:30:33 to 59q said red red 911 you know on
@00:30:40 this red cross money that everyone gave
@00:30:43 to the red cross funds raised versus
@00:31:23 let's go to this one red haiti children
@00:31:30 changed with the red cross
@00:31:44 red cross in haiti and the children you

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@00:31:16 12 49 on april 23rd q says red cross
@00:31:20 iran right before he says red cross
@00:31:23 pakistan red cross north korea red cross

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@00:12:05 4th red cross is corrupt and used as a
@00:18:44 and then he puts in brackets haiti red
@00:18:48 cross classified high-priority that is