
Live 9-25-20 - Brace For Impact!!!

@00:34:22 involving the sale of uranium one and

Biden Shocking New Revelations Only The Beginning - Tsunami Coming!

@00:24:22 collection program uranium

Live Stream Friday 3-13-20 - The Battle For Humanity

@00:20:08 were key players in the uranium scandal

FRIDAY 2-7-20 What Will Happen Next?

@00:10:44 think worldwide a to crane think uranium
@00:10:47 one sale of us uranium to russia sold
@00:13:56 more than selling of uranium you at more

NYT New Report: Russians Hacked Burisma- Dems Are Victims! LOL

@00:22:58 pals home link to first uranium scandal
@00:23:18 involved with the clintons first uranium
@00:23:20 scandal before the uranium one scandal
@00:23:35 mr. gusto was a newcomer to uranium
@00:23:52 right to buy into three uranium projects
@00:23:57 uranium agency this warm deal and that

Revealed- ONLY Support For Iran Regime Worldwide Is From ... DEMS!!

@00:05:31 same location where did the uranium one
@00:05:38 if uranium one material ended up in
@00:07:39 exchange uranium on risty welfare of the
@00:07:56 ran against hussein uranium one
@00:09:50 uranium enrichment but i want to take

Future Proves Past- Leftists Send Shocking Direct Messages Of Support For Iran!!

@00:21:55 same location where the uranium one

New Office Of Transparency May Launch By Next Week to Expedite Doc Release!

@00:14:01 to enrich uranium that's a little bit
@00:14:11 that approved the uranium one purchase

Comey Report Likely Released Today! IG Will Refer For Federal Prosecution!!!

@00:09:41 tom's effort to acquire uranium business

Wow! The Real Russia Collusion Finally Seeding Into Public Conscience

@00:19:20 actions obviously the fbi muller uranium

With Brexit, Assange, Spygate All Brewing Trump Will Head to U.K.

@00:03:16 key players in uranium scandal

Tada! Mueller Press Conference Creates the Ultimate TRAP!!

@00:04:56 rod bob were key players in the uranium
@00:05:48 uranium one scandal they can easily be
@00:20:27 uranium 1 so they have a lot on this guy

Is This THE Biggest Story No One Is Talking About??

@00:05:46 to increase uranium enrichment what you

Assange Dramatic Arrest! Here's the Behind the Scenes Breakdown

@00:19:19 much dirt on him going back to uranium

First Wave Of Unsealed Indictments- Did Q Anon Just Drop a Major Clue??

@00:12:23 brackets connection to uranium one and

Dawning Of New Era Is Upon Us: "Today They Are Learning the Truth" -Q Anon

@00:27:38 foundation and the uranium on issues
@00:28:27 uranium one hillary clinton and then q

Q Spells It Out- "We Are At War" - Calls For Prayer and Vigilance

@00:14:31 you know facts about the uranium deal

Another Explosive Proof As Trump Calls For "Great Awakening", Declares National Emergency!

@00:18:07 exposed prevent free uranium one and pre

"Prosecution and Transparency ONLY Way to Save Our Way of Life"

@00:31:01 ignoring clinton uranium deal in favor

Q Anon Drops Explosive Info On Snowden, Ginsburg, Schiff and More!

@00:25:08 nsa programs uranium one where is
@00:25:14 in uranium one if real target country
@00:29:02 tests or your uranium

"Lots of sealed indictments"- Fox Starting to Sound Like Q Anon!!!

@00:28:28 the dossier defies abuse to the uranium

Another Bombshell Q Proof! Trump Fulfills Anon Request ... 17 Min Later!!!

@00:05:04 including uranium one boy that's like

Explosive New Q Anon Drops Provide Many Answers- Full Breakdown Here

@00:18:48 uranium one a lot of stuff q is showing
@00:19:26 regarding uranium and we knew that

Pence Shares Image Of Himself With Pro Q SWAT Officer- Media Flips!

@00:24:35 will face charges regarding uranium one

Did This Recent Bongino Talk Pass the Q Test? Let's Examine

@00:02:49 the russians uranium while they were
@00:02:58 case the precursor to uranium one rod

Booom! Another Trump Tweet That Will Silence Q Attackers!

@00:20:20 uranium one and financial issues

Officials and Investigators: "Mostly Men ... Creating Problems W/ Robberies & Crimes"

@00:25:08 the i read this iran deal in the uranium

Q Team: "Today, the Republic, Took Back Control"

@00:06:13 sell out america's secrets and uranium

Q Anon Q & A Response: "Moon LandingS Are Real"

@00:12:46 187 five eyes safety house built uranium

New Lisa Page Bombshell Testimony Will Paralyze Trump Haters!!!

@00:20:34 world and trading away america's uranium

Fake Q Anon, Secret WH "Senior Official" Emerge Simultaneously!!

@00:11:05 fbi.gov site and it says uranium one
@00:11:21 clinton foundation during this uranium
@00:11:29 gradually assumed control of uranium one
@00:11:41 foundation uranium ones chairman
@00:12:30 so you can see how the uranium one deal
@00:13:52 uranium one let's dig into that and cue
@00:17:06 uranium one deal

Q Anon On Emanual Not Seeking Re-election: "Add to the List"

@00:18:27 america's secrets and uranium in china

Trump Ruins Manafort Verdict Celebration With 2 Words: "No Collusion!"

@00:26:01 have the uranium one issue comes in to
@00:26:12 uranium one deal goes down 20% of us
@00:26:16 uranium
@00:26:36 delivering a uranium sample personally
@00:27:03 they're describing the uranium one deal

New Q Bombshells Paint Disturbing Picture- Signal Pain Coming

@00:20:57 building the foundation with uranium one

Confirmed! Historic 11-11 Military Parade On Schedule- Thousands Will March!

@00:13:14 regarding uranium 1 and a bunch of other
@00:13:19 uranium 1

Early Q Crumb Reveals MS13 Central Role in Deep State Plans!

@00:22:08 were key players in the uranium scandal
@00:22:41 caught in the uranium one scandal trump
@00:23:27 the dirt on you on uranium 1 i need you

Winning!! Q Going Mainstream As Confirmations Pile Up!

@00:26:19 says cue putin and uranium one will come

UPDATE: The War On Q Fully Analyzed

@00:05:49 clinton foundation and the uranium one
@00:07:56 this and the uranium one and all the
@00:44:56 they called uranium one risked the

Mueller Mystery Decoded- "Use Logic"-Q

@00:13:59 and the uranium one and all this nuclear

Unlocking Latest Q Drops! Plus Detailed Breakdown of Great Awakening- Must Watch!

@00:30:52 where that the uranium one material and
@00:30:59 q later on says uranium to iran and
@00:31:03 syria war does uranium one provide

Next Stop- Storm Coming to Iran ... Israel Sounding Like Q!

@00:12:22 no where did the uranium one material
@00:12:33 my friends define cover what if uranium
@00:13:02 uranium one to iran and syria war what
@00:13:08 does uranium one provide yeah nuclear
@00:22:43 uranium one connection yeah which bibi

Breaking-Is Mueller About to Do 180 Degree Turn Against Deep State? (Podcast #44 PART 1 of 2)

@00:11:08 mueller and uranium one so maybe he
@00:11:19 and uranium one mueller and and it goes

Q- "Legal case(s) building- Patience isn’t always easy"

@00:27:03 with russia and the uranium one and all

"We are being set up"- Q Issues New Warnings!

@00:01:33 with uranium one and imran owen and

"We Don't Say His Name" CAUGHT In Giant "Spider Web"!

@00:19:52 delivered yeah uranium one who knows

Sessions "Brilliant" Move Silences Attackers! Q Drops 4-2-18

@00:09:29 uranium one fbi deal j mueller yeah

Q- General Flynn Will Be cleared In 30 Days!

@00:06:58 so in cue don says uranium one canada eu

Q,Trump, Sessions Outfox Deep State- Glorious Year Unfolding! 3/18/18

@00:12:52 the stuff with the uranium one and all

The Truth Behind the Anti-Q Anon Attacks Revealed- Help Spread!!! 2-17-18

@00:08:38 the uranium one deal that came together

Q Reveals Shocking Truth About Snowden! 2-11-18 (Part 1)

@00:02:30 one targeted da sierra and uranium one
@00:02:38 trump dossier and the uranium one deal
@00:12:30 uranium one deal so this key or not

Q- Overview- Decoding the Big Picture For Patriots 2-11-18

@00:05:31 everyone's face and that is the uranium
@00:05:48 away over twenty percent of the uranium
@00:05:51 of the u.s. uranium many of you already

Q Paints Big Picture- "Suicide weekend"!

@00:09:12 informant for the uranium one of course

Q Anon Explosive Late Night Update- 2-7-18

@00:10:45 says mentions uranium one fbi informant
@00:10:48 on uranium one breaks silence today of
@00:10:52 whole thing with uranium one q says what
@00:10:57 regarding uranium one informant the
@00:11:33 involve uranium one that's why they're

Storm Update: State of Emergency, Indictments Revealed! Trump's Great Awakening 12-30-17

@00:31:45 to the uranium one scandal as well as

Apocalyptic Ending to 2017 As Trump's Storm On Deep State Rages On

@00:05:51 after the uranium 1 deal which is a
@00:06:09 uranium one maybe that is why queuing on

Trump Goes Nuclear On Deep State- The Storm is Here! 12-3-17 Podcast #21

@00:06:27 going on right the uranium one deal the
@00:20:19 uranium one deal which by the way
@00:20:31 uranium one deal maybe he's cut a deal

Trump's "Storm" Has Begun! Here's the Evidence- 11/19/17 Podcast Episode #19

@00:06:08 uranium one deal that hillary and the
@00:06:17 us uranium to russia of course that
@00:24:58 investigation of the uranium one deal

Paradigm Shift is Here- Pray... The Swamp is Draining! 11/11/17 Podcast Episode #18

@00:22:05 related to the uranium one deal that
@00:22:13 brokered with a canadian company uranium
@00:22:22 20% of the us uranium and also ended up

Did Trump Just Admit Deep State In Control Of DOJ?- 11/4/17 Podcast Episode #17

@00:13:05 fat and the uranium deal and the trog
@00:17:37 his involvement into uranium one totally
@00:17:45 uranium sold

This Will Dismantle the Anarchy Paradigm Once and For All- 10/21/17 Podcast Episode #15

@00:32:17 whole uranium one deal twenty percent of
@00:32:21 america's uranium sold to the russians

It's Happening! Trump Pushes Back Against Coup d'etat- Podcast #3 (7-30-17)

@00:24:00 uranium one by the company rosa tom