
AID - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.1.20

@00:15:14 epstein island and more out there
@00:23:28 if it's anything like epstein island i

Column V - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.21.20

@00:12:05 epstein island
@00:16:52 near epstein next story is to politico
@00:24:15 epstein island or one of these many
@00:25:08 guilan maxwell jeffrey epstein and then
@00:25:54 people like bill gates jeffrey epstein

Major Issues - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.20.20

@00:06:45 people up the epstein story of course is
@00:07:24 jeffrey epstein didn't
@00:07:34 big idea about jeffrey epstein
@00:09:38 incidentally epstein was pinocchio with
@00:10:04 that it doesn't appear that epstein is
@00:10:28 many even wondering if it's epstein
@00:10:38 epstein himself
@00:11:32 she's worse than epstein and i think
@00:11:40 possible epstein was a puppet not the
@00:12:10 now i'm not saying that epstein was any
@00:12:14 probably didn't fancy epstein that way i
@00:19:53 late jeffrey epstein
@00:20:02 epstein was not
@00:27:53 you'll remember that this epstein
@00:30:18 epstein ireland and of course the daily

Spade and Neutered - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.11.20

@00:11:20 right and of course jeffrey epstein

Faith In Humanity - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.3.20

@00:02:50 for jeffrey epstein
@00:04:19 on the 3rd of july possible epstein was
@00:04:28 the history of the name epstein would
@00:04:38 possible that epstein
@00:05:30 with jeffrey epstein
@00:05:56 so we know that jeffrey epstein had a
@00:06:28 video and a guy like jeffrey epstein
@00:07:51 simple with jeffrey epstein
@00:08:14 epstein island we showed you that about
@00:08:42 deep and of course that going to epstein
@00:08:45 epstein having uh gillan as his
@00:11:07 is now because of the epstein story but
@00:11:37 connected and so was jeffrey epstein so
@00:13:20 around the epstein and maxwell family so
@00:14:26 jeffrey epstein
@00:14:32 anyway it looks like jeffrey epstein is
@00:15:25 island epstein island where we thought
@00:16:06 that were on the epstein flight logs

Illuminator - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.14.20

@00:21:27 jeffrey epstein start to show up these

Farm Work - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.5.20

@00:24:41 whole epstein thing but queuing on new

Go Fish - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.6.20

@00:02:16 involves jeffrey epstein his island the

DRK2LYT II In Pursuit of Truth Presents 2 28 20

@00:07:47 connections with jeffrey epstein having

Model Citizen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.20.20

@00:06:01 and we've got epstein and wexler both in
@00:06:06 darker is in brackets okay so epstein
@00:06:12 epstein didn't kill himself and we don't
@00:06:42 his relations to jeffrey epstein have
@00:06:56 and the elle brand ceo is epstein
@00:08:51 jeffrey epstein became public mr.
@00:08:54 epstein who managed
@00:09:46 with mr. epstein assaulting them
@00:11:07 jeffrey epstein i
@00:11:52 epstein right there and of course like i
@00:12:43 epstein and the wexner family as you can
@00:13:07 jeffrey epstein the former wrestlers
@00:13:11 been connected to jeffrey epstein and
@00:13:22 ever helped epstein abuse a young woman
@00:13:37 abigail wexner helped jeffrey epstein
@00:13:49 jeffrey epstein wexner and ohio state
@00:13:54 july 2019 that alleges epstein and
@00:14:39 epstein the letter also calls for ohio
@00:14:55 the letter says epstein has donated more
@00:15:06 philanthropy from epstein was this just
@00:15:47 other way on jeffrey epstein and abigail
@00:16:17 epstein and les wexner okay so this
@00:16:47 talking about going after epstein and

Ask the Q - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.19.20

@00:05:57 billionaire businessman jeffrey epstein
@00:06:27 child trafficking epstein was hiding in

Silent War - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.7.20

@00:10:20 in and people like jeffrey epstein kind
@00:10:44 people for jeffrey epstein they're
@00:10:49 the epstein laying the fbi we were
@00:12:58 just like the epstein flight logs i just
@00:13:56 remember what jeffrey epstein did but

Freedom Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.1.20

@00:09:15 players like a jeffrey epstein come into
@00:09:50 remember jeffrey epstein was not just

Worth Remembering - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.31.20

@00:17:36 named on those epstein flight logs turn

Yet To Come - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.29.20

@00:12:45 think we highlighted epstein for no
@00:13:11 and of course jeffrey epstein which
@00:14:09 called uncooperative in jeffrey epstein
@00:14:31 trafficking probe into jeffrey epstein a
@00:15:27 epstein in florida in 2000 the

KEKXit - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.24.20

@00:11:24 kinda like jeffrey epstein just saying

Leverage - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.22.20

@00:21:18 epstein and this was also the area that
@00:23:05 and of course epstein was here we know
@00:23:11 with jeffrey epstein right we had these
@00:23:22 thing you know jeffrey epstein didn't
@00:32:52 epstein epstein was another guy like
@00:33:31 jeffrey epstein was also doing of course
@00:33:34 jeffrey epstein was guilty of a lot of
@00:34:03 jeffrey epstein of course would have
@00:34:38 epstein detention and controversial
@00:34:48 just like jeffrey epstein had a lot of
@00:34:55 to pull him out of his own trial epstein

Strictly Coincidental - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.8.20.mp4

@00:14:57 epstein hangout target of eccentric

Detroit Evergreen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.6.20

@00:23:38 epstein
@00:30:39 similarities to jeffrey epstein and of
@00:30:50 epstein step temple a lot of that was a

Vase2Vase - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.4.20

@00:22:13 epstein and that place out there
@00:41:04 maybe jeffrey epstein was involved which

Feddlin' - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.30.19

@00:06:13 the name of robert epstein and if you
@00:07:56 epstein and of course he's been
@00:11:47 just talking about robert epstein who

Book Em' - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.28.19

@00:07:54 out this has to do with jeffrey epstein

Marker 9 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.18.19

@00:06:06 we think about the epstein flights right
@00:06:08 and of course epstein also had flight
@00:06:58 logs which are separate from the epstein

All Hands On Deck - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.8.19

@00:05:05 epstein was definitely one of them right
@00:05:06 epstein thought so and of course epstein
@00:05:26 keystone epstein was essentially a
@00:06:13 know that epstein was not just hooking
@00:36:17 into this epstein and everything and

Bring It All Down - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.4.19

@00:11:07 nancy she's like what jeffrey epstein
@00:12:46 wrong and it's kind of like this epstein

Out On a Ledger? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.28.19

@00:04:37 one jeffrey epstein just filed that away
@00:13:22 we just talked about jeffrey epstein who

[HUNTER]s - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.25.19

@00:11:30 jeffrey epstein bill clinton went there

Gonna Be Biblical - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.24.19

@00:11:21 epstein paul manafort

Q Anon/News - Information Warfare - IPOT Presents - 11.21.19

@00:16:47 from jeffrey epstein and a half a haiti

Q Anon/News - Cut the Cable - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.3.19

@00:26:41 one at all that and epstein didn't kill

Party of Pelosi - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.21.19

@00:10:44 mcc where jeffrey epstein that whole

An App for That - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.14.19

@00:18:29 jeffrey epstein jeffrey epstein was
@00:18:56 with bill gates and jeffrey epstein now

WhistleTroller - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.9.19

@00:01:43 jeffrey epstein and i referenced that
@00:01:45 this was the jeffrey epstein flight law
@00:01:48 but it's actually the jeffrey epstein
@00:01:56 somehow to jeffrey epstein and i show a
@00:02:32 connections to jeffrey epstein as well
@00:02:38 ii might happen to know jeffrey epstein

Cardinal Sins - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.7.19

@00:23:48 catholic church jeffrey epstein and
@00:26:25 connected to epstein given the fact that
@00:26:35 to epstein woody except for the fact
@00:26:37 that he's on the epstein flight logs
@00:27:33 on the epstein flight logs and it looks

CyberBunk - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.1.19

@00:21:20 epstein very interesting now they go
@00:23:02 epstein and keep in mind to my control

Biblical - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.27.19

@00:07:56 epstein who you would think would be
@00:08:06 jeffrey epstein was bunk here we was in

Spy at the Pool - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.12.19

@00:22:01 the epstein thing it seems like she was

Dorian - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.3.19

@00:02:38 dealt with with the whole epstein story
@00:03:14 center hit on epstein island and the

Dog Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.26.19

@00:09:59 it says jeffrey epstein flight logs but
@00:10:05 partying with epstein actually after he
@00:10:21 andrew also named in those epstein logs

IceWorm - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.21.19

@00:18:40 like jeffrey epstein does it so here's

Al Fresco - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.19.19

@00:01:18 since epstein was arrested weeks ago
@00:16:38 done on august 16 so epstein

In-N-Out - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.17.19

@00:00:47 epstein was he trying to build a
@00:01:42 jeffrey epstein and this is the one that
@00:02:16 players in jeffrey epstein sex
@00:02:39 epstein yeah as you can see this was
@00:02:50 the real estate developer mark epstein
@00:02:54 lastly waxed nur jeffrey epstein only
@00:03:06 jeffrey epstein up for business right
@00:03:17 modeling agency epstein invested in used
@00:03:38 owned by his brother mark epstein and
@00:04:00 married to hedge fund star and epstein
@00:04:16 epstein dance a clever he thinks
@00:07:50 that epstein was living in programming
@00:10:09 epstein property that was across from
@00:15:39 jeffrey epstein sat on the board over
@00:16:29 our boy jeffrey epstein had that sorrell
@00:16:41 gave a lot of money or excuse me epstein
@00:17:39 thing then of course jeffrey epstein he
@00:17:58 university that epstein just happened to
@00:21:19 east 66th street where epstein and all
@00:27:46 might even be a reference to epstein

Q Anon/News - Stalwarts - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.12.19

@00:02:05 talking about jeffrey epstein i'm over
@00:02:10 epstein has died from apparent suicide
@00:03:01 jeffrey epstein so found around 6:30
@00:03:40 jeffrey epstein in this man it looks to
@00:04:10 jeffrey epstein to me so who is our guy
@00:04:21 epstein we all could be wrong i suppose
@00:06:16 so this is likely before jeffrey epstein
@00:07:44 know whether epstein or anybody else was
@00:09:31 would be that if somebody like epstein
@00:10:08 somebody like jeffrey epstein so you
@00:10:57 epstein case so he goes on to talk about
@00:12:05 similar situation with jeffrey epstein
@00:12:43 jeffrey epstein had information on bill
@00:13:29 says it all so is epstein alive or dead
@00:14:36 were connected to epstein and of course
@00:16:56 shifted back onto this epstein case and
@00:17:02 jeffrey epstein because he's
@00:17:20 who had a lot of connections to epstein
@00:19:46 documents regarding epstein or use them
@00:19:57 epstein or use them in constructing your
@00:20:11 potential victims of epstein that's
@00:20:22 trump's prior quotes regarding epstein

Times Are 8Chan-ging - IPOT Presents - 8.8.19

@00:00:47 epstein and of course the weatherman too
@00:03:53 the whole epstein situation we've got
@00:13:57 other than qt diddler jeffrey epstein
@00:14:12 you a side note on jeffrey epstein he

Q Anon/News - HOT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.2.19

@00:08:52 clinton and ray chandler epstein plate

Q Anon/News - Smoke and Mirrors - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.27.19

@00:09:14 met jeffrey epstein as a strategic
@00:09:39 these various lawsuits against epstein
@00:09:50 epstein right now is probably a high
@00:10:14 exactly what's up with epstein i have a
@00:10:38 hijacked in la to slam epstein polanski
@00:10:46 face and jeffrey epstein and this is
@00:11:16 epstein and film director roman polanski
@00:11:47 a lesser extent epstein who was arrested
@00:12:04 epstein wasn't as well-known among the
@00:21:07 prince andrew was on those epstein

Q Anon/News - Cast of Characters - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.26.19

@00:02:51 islands which is of course epstein
@00:03:05 that epstein
@00:06:15 ok so jeffrey epstein had a partnership
@00:11:56 for seeking epstein pro florida senator
@00:12:39 epstein accused of molesting dozens of
@00:13:45 same day that epstein 66 was found
@00:14:26 epstein obviously we don't want to see
@00:14:28 epstein die we want to see him rat out
@00:14:46 jeffrey epstein and i have no idea how
@00:15:06 regarding epstein being found in his

Q Anon/News - [Knowingly] - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.25.19

@00:03:46 epstein berry and coverup muller plots
@00:04:09 all of a sudden epstein got arrested and
@00:34:46 breaking jeffrey epstein found injured
@00:35:11 close to the investigation epstein who
@00:35:32 tell news four the epstein may have
@00:35:36 not serious and questioned if epstein
@00:36:27 attorney denies that him and epstein get
@00:36:54 which jeffrey epstein is right where is
@00:36:57 epstein being held wreck reconcile do
@00:37:26 jeffrey epstein found injured in new
@00:38:08 welllook jeffrey epstein isn't gonna try

Q Anon/News - [Bob] - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.24.19

@00:07:52 right here alleged epstein victim
@00:07:56 that epstein m c-squared modeling agency
@00:09:46 epstein in one ghislaine maxwell now she
@00:14:29 knuckleheads like jeffrey epstein who

Q Anon/News - Child Mind - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.22.19

@00:12:44 get epstein out who are being held in
@00:13:23 hook-up lady for jeffrey epstein right
@00:21:59 lovers like epstein and podesta and this

Q Anon/News - Worth Remembering - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.19.19

@00:01:42 epstein island temple resembles a
@00:03:00 epstein island i'm considered that this
@00:04:44 it connects to the epstein island thing
@00:09:27 the jeffrey epstein case grows more
@00:09:34 impact the jeffrey epstein case is an
@00:10:27 about epstein are metastasizing much
@00:10:35 how and from whom did epstein get his
@00:10:43 a grant epstein an outrageously lenient
@00:10:50 was reportedly told epstein belonged to
@00:11:27 epstein did not respond for a request to
@00:11:34 defamation lawsuit brought by epstein
@00:11:46 around epstein a lot is going to have an
@00:11:53 epstein remained a fixture in elite
@00:12:15 epstein to mark zuckerberg mark met
@00:12:17 epstein in passing one time at a dinner
@00:12:21 organized by epstein zuckerberg
@00:12:25 not communicate with epstein again
@00:13:15 right across the street from epstein in
@00:13:18 the day since the fbi arrested epstein
@00:13:40 epstein basically said which is that
@00:13:44 him to epstein begged him to meet him
@00:13:46 and epstein invited dershowitz to les
@00:13:54 the person who essentially gave epstein
@00:14:16 they're saying that the epstein didn't
@00:14:46 lack presumably because epstein had
@00:15:08 epstein bragged about his contacts in
@00:15:16 epstein and kept the deal secret from
@00:15:22 epstein was a mossad agent another is
@00:15:25 directed acosta not to prosecute epstein
@00:15:43 course the two epstein friends that
@00:16:07 close association with epstein and
@00:28:18 epstein island what is a temple well it
@00:28:36 to point out too that the name epstein
@00:28:39 is ashkenazi jew and epstein is actually
@00:28:56 looks like epstein very much is a
@00:28:58 keystone and if you remove epstein
@00:29:43 like jeffrey epstein most certainly is
@00:30:26 the fact that this whole epstein thing
@00:30:42 epstein says he quit over concerns about
@00:30:51 epstein who said that he ended their
@00:31:15 scully who said he worked for epstein
@00:31:30 out a lot jeffrey epstein seems to like
@00:31:40 epstein wanted phone or internet access
@00:31:53 financial training scully said epstein
@00:32:20 recalled epstein wanting to change the
@00:32:35 was actually a gym when epstein worked
@00:38:28 we're talking about epstein island here
@00:39:58 epstein

Q Anon/News - The Squad - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.18.19

@00:05:43 bachi and dr. robert epstein let's check
@00:07:39 mr. cruz dr. robert epstein dropping

Q Anon/News - What the Frick is Going On? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.17.19

@00:04:55 this epstein things about to drop wide
@00:06:03 love jeffrey epstein now my email was
@00:06:22 to this anon was because jeffrey epstein
@00:07:24 himself from epstein well he sold this
@00:15:17 why because jeffrey epstein happens to
@00:24:57 area where epstein lives there's a still
@00:26:00 epstein are way way into okay so there's
@00:26:06 that epstein has this 77 million dollar
@00:26:34 center and this mansion owned by epstein
@00:27:53 epstein nine east 71st street sitting

Q Anon/News - BlackOut - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.15.19

@00:08:10 pipeline to jeffrey epstein in 2004
@00:08:37 epstein did end up changing ty's life
@00:08:41 epstein 66 a convicted pedophile was
@00:09:37 young women for epstein two of them
@00:09:39 alleged that both maxwell and epstein
@00:09:47 epstein a financier who was close
@00:09:56 secret wax nur was so close to epstein
@00:10:05 transferred in 2011 to epstein virgin
@00:10:29 epstein relied on the modeling business
@00:10:43 alleged an epstein victoria's secret
@00:10:46 pimp pipeline he epstein portrayed
@00:11:53 jeffrey epstein story and it's about a
@00:17:38 what we know about jeffrey epstein and
@00:20:57 whereas epstein being held reconciled do
@00:21:07 say it anyway epstein is being held in
@00:22:06 who knows at this point epstein is
@00:24:28 think epstein think that y supposed to a
@00:27:42 el chapo and epstein in the same prison
@00:29:17 the epstein thing blowing wide open and
@00:29:22 is implied that epstein island was kind

Q Anon/News - Try Harder! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.13.19

@00:04:37 kelly in the middle of all these epstein
@00:05:05 epstein didn't go away for too long and
@00:06:03 criticism over epstein plea deal
@00:06:18 jeffrey epstein who is now facing sex
@00:06:39 related to the epstein controversy and
@00:06:45 epstein controversy isn't a success i do
@00:06:53 epstein is the focus rather than the
@00:07:24 because epstein could have faced a life
@00:07:36 epstein is even back in the spotlight
@00:07:47 epstein wasn't really being properly
@00:08:50 news the epstein thing is definitely
@00:15:04 epstein flight logs we know they have
@00:15:32 damning for jeffrey epstein and although
@00:15:34 jeffrey epstein sold that lolita express
@00:22:51 epstein was not somebody that i respect
@00:23:25 went to the island but jeffrey epstein
@00:23:54 epstein probably never would have even
@00:24:33 epstein island who had also claimed to
@00:24:37 that epstein kept a steel safe in his

Q Anon/News - Wheels Up In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.12.19

@00:16:28 here what city was epstein arrested in
@00:17:27 sort of like an epstein island there's

Q Anon/News - B2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.11.19

@00:01:58 relation to the whole idea with epstein
@00:02:03 now is epstein with trump of course

Q Anon/News - Once On This Island - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.10.19

@00:01:11 hour of 11 didn't think the epstein
@00:04:29 assuming he being epstein in this case
@00:04:31 epstein pending cases only past democrat
@00:05:33 father hired epstein in the 70s to teach
@00:05:44 a law firm that represented epstein
@00:08:01 against epstein david oh huge i mean
@00:08:42 on epstein well look the southern
@00:09:28 and epstein is teams gonna have to make
@00:09:35 pops to me is is epstein going to
@00:09:56 those people be worried about epstein
@00:10:14 higher up the food chain epstein has
@00:10:50 cooperation by epstein okay so that okay
@00:11:03 the way she's talking this epstein case
@00:28:50 just talking about epstein and
@00:29:11 epstein too so i'm not sure if it's
@00:29:47 epstein so this is good news this buck
@00:36:24 ray chandler epstein playing pick and
@00:38:00 showing the epstein temple and then hi g

Q Anon/News - Stey's the Limit - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.9.19

@00:06:49 related to epstein cases stormy daniels
@00:08:28 indictment of jeffrey epstein is
@00:15:41 i like epstein still needs money to
@00:24:52 down with epstein and you know it
@00:25:57 talking a lot about these epstein logs
@00:26:41 those epstein logs

Q Anon/News - Scandler - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.9.19

@00:01:22 one jeffrey epstein right and now that
@00:02:09 big thing about jeffrey epstein we're
@00:07:15 5 q takes this back and this is epstein
@00:07:29 there over there in epstein island it
@00:07:44 by epstein and a 10
@00:10:54 epstein flight logs and hillary is
@00:12:36 why is epstein spending 29 million to
@00:12:41 on epstein island well if you remember
@00:12:43 even after epstein got out of prison he
@00:15:40 jeffrey epstein arrests six hours ago on
@00:15:48 said that jeffrey epstein quote what i
@00:22:35 sex offender epstein once claimed he
@00:22:46 jeffrey epstein touted his close
@00:23:10 before epstein could be tried for using
@00:23:29 orgy island epstein spent 13 months in
@00:23:59 go epstein is not cited in official
@00:25:23 which epstein has now bragged about
@00:25:55 epstein curious timing in deeds from the
@00:26:10 jeffrey epstein oh i don't know how you
@00:26:29 epstein okay well he hasn't just been on
@00:27:12 connections to epstein look when you're
@00:27:42 just type in epstein flight logs pdf and
@00:31:22 epstein accuser says she was assaulted
@00:31:37 front of this epstein was arrested on
@00:32:41 as their calling cards epstein keeps all
@00:32:51 epstein insists that ever since he left
@00:34:35 the epstein flight long's and let me
@00:37:09 connect trump to jeffrey epstein but you
@00:37:45 epstein had assaulted the 14 year old
@00:37:48 epstein out of his mar-a-lago golf club

Q Anon/News - ABC Ya' - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 6.5.19

@00:16:47 where epstein island is real close

Q Anon/News - What the ? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.16.19

@00:05:14 regarding jeffrey epstein now i read you
@00:05:21 epstein continuing illegal construction
@00:05:30 offender jeffrey epstein has gone back
@00:05:41 keller halls who has worked for epstein
@00:06:07 jeffrey epstein to be oddly brazen now
@00:06:49 law the next step is to issue epstein a

Q Anon/News - HoneyPot? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.14.19

@00:21:51 jeffrey epstein illegally building
@00:21:56 billionaire pedophile jeffrey epstein
@00:22:16 island but epstein a hedge fund manager
@00:22:29 epstein miroir reportedly is building a
@00:22:57 what's he building here epstein is
@00:31:34 surprised if epstein island is another

Q Anon/News - [1]Opens the Door - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.26.19

@00:24:50 epstein related suit dies
@00:24:59 pedophile jeffrey epstein died sunday
@00:25:08 of epstein his enablers and one of his
@00:25:36 related offences in state court epstein
@00:26:07 a longtime a friend of epstein and heir
@00:26:16 there for epstein okay so very
@00:27:01 epstein case we've got the r.kelly

Q Anon/News - Last Resort Pt. 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.21.19

@00:01:20 boys for this jeffrey epstein now let's
@00:03:06 is in regards to the jeffrey epstein
@00:03:29 epstein case it appears to be really big
@00:03:31 jeffrey epstein it's already done some
@00:04:06 if that blows the jeffrey epstein case
@00:05:50 epstein island epstein island dungeon
@00:07:00 like it if this epstein thing blow is
@00:09:40 panel jeffrey epstein ray rachel
@00:09:45 epstein and keeps posted said look up
@00:10:08 for guys like prince andrew and epstein
@00:10:37 chandler had the possible epstein island
@00:14:57 jeffrey epstein our two young kids and
@00:15:58 you know this epstein case and this
@00:17:12 epstein island just in case you couldn't
@00:17:40 place like epstein island to be a very
@00:18:50 this epstein thing and the aliceandmac
@00:19:05 of stuff the standard hotel epstein

Q Anon/News - Last Resort Pt 1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.21.19

@00:25:33 seeks secrecy in jeffrey epstein related
@00:25:45 jeffrey epstein
@00:26:10 virginia diouf an alleged epstein victim
@00:26:13 a cused longtime epstein friend gives
@00:26:54 this which likely could put epstein
@00:27:59 harvard law professor and former epstein
@00:28:31 epstein logs of course he was a lawyer
@00:28:33 for epstein however there is no proof
@00:32:39 epstein case motion of john doe for
@00:35:39 connected to epstein flight logs reveal

Q Anon/News - Whistle While You Work - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.14.19

@00:14:45 creepy things going on on that epstein
@00:15:24 epstein case basically get i don't
@00:15:45 originally worked for jeffrey epstein
@00:19:50 work for jeffrey epstein as a matter of

Q Anon/News - One Step Closer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.23.19

@00:20:39 epstein across there was the miami us
@00:20:49 labor secretary as for the epstein case
@00:21:43 maybe more time for jeffrey epstein q

Q Anon/News - Handle With Care - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.22.19

@00:16:54 epstein case judge rules
@00:17:06 hedge fund manager jeffrey epstein a
@00:18:09 government prosecute epstein that's what
@00:18:14 epstein but others are calling on the
@00:18:33 actions against mr. epstein and his
@00:18:41 epstein in new york and other areas of
@00:19:08 justice and we know that epstein was
@00:19:30 what epstein was so we don't know how

MIL OP? Practice? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.8.19

@00:14:29 the epstein nexium discoveries to

Kimmels Chef Arrested? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.29.19

@00:05:27 of jeffrey epstein who was his client
@00:05:33 epstein island and all the different
@00:06:14 especially on epstein island there are
@00:06:30 jeffrey epstein
@00:06:38 jeffrey epstein now that does not make
@00:08:26 was an attorney for epstein so it makes
@00:17:04 sect of sex offender jeffrey epstein
@00:17:14 offender jeffrey epstein have one more
@00:17:27 that was brought against epstein by
@00:17:32 with epstein issuing an apology to
@00:17:38 one more shot at epstein a wildly
@00:17:48 the epstein accusers in federal court in
@00:18:07 the deal and epstein could again face
@00:18:32 in july of 2008 shortly after epstein
@00:19:22 secret agreement also required epstein
@00:20:33 like epstein this frank giustra was also

Q Anon - You Dirty RAT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.26.18

@00:04:37 december 4th jeffrey epstein trial this
@00:05:02 4th jeffrey epstein now he's already
@00:05:14 jeffrey epstein made a plea deal and
@00:05:42 epstein trial he's not planning on
@00:06:15 is if jeffrey epstein has already made a
@00:06:22 epstein is who were on your plane to
@00:06:45 epstein and i would assume in the
@00:07:09 be jeffrey epstein didn't show up
@00:07:17 epstein has already copped a plea deal

Q Anon - Fearless - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.4.18

@00:24:40 reporter jennifer epstein on twitter

Q Anon Clearance Denied! Red Shoes, the Pope and Anderson Cooper In Pursuit of Truth Presents

@00:01:14 access ism is in brackets epstein island
@00:02:00 mentions epstein island and of course
@00:02:06 epstein island a while back right the q

Q Anon - NBC in a Panic? What's on the Island? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.13.18

@00:04:06 sex parties arranged by epstein and
@00:27:35 from epstein island and if you've been
@00:27:38 talked about epstein island back in the
@00:27:59 epstein and attended by several of the
@00:28:36 to epstein island i'm almost wondering
@00:28:40 so much about epstein island or if we're
@00:30:25 much like the epstein island and maybe
@00:34:50 it maybe even going back to epstein

Q Stories - Lisa's Story - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.8.18

@00:04:42 gate and and all of the the epstein

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - May Flowers? - 5 25 18

@00:06:10 releases bureaus jeffrey epstein files

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.21.18

@00:23:16 epstein situation with the ray chandler

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.18.18

@00:17:58 remember when epstein went down they
@00:19:22 with epstein we don't know and i don't

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.9.18

@00:32:21 got off the island with jeff epstein

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.7.18

@00:27:35 jeffrey epstein the sex offender who
@00:27:44 big lover of these epstein cruises and
@00:28:13 epstein and his friends those friends
@00:41:02 thing about epstein island just looks

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.4.18

@00:05:49 is epstein spending 29 million to bury
@00:05:56 epstein island problem phones were
@00:19:09 why is epstein spending 29 million to
@00:19:14 epstein island notice that there's no
@00:19:15 his it should be his temple on epstein
@00:19:29 island this is epstein mile island and
@00:20:15 pathet epstein bought so for a guy who's
@00:23:39 an epstein island and then we got