
AID - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.1.20

@00:19:48 think sessions being jeff sessions open
@00:20:32 prosecutors that sessions

1 Iota - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.12.20

@00:10:54 we had jeff sessions appointing and
@00:11:10 sessions is not getting along with
@00:11:19 jeff sessions
@00:11:37 of setting now jeff sessions takes off
@00:11:43 not before jeff sessions had appointed

Spies Like Us - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.22.20

@00:30:04 lot of answers why why is sessions

Middle of the Movie - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.12.20

@00:05:31 assigned directly to sessions by potus
@00:05:45 security adviser two sessions
@00:09:46 sessions matthew whitaker and now

7th Floor - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.9.20

@00:05:49 immediately a jeff sessions was a
@00:10:12 sessions and i have a feeling that a lot
@00:10:18 was freaking out over jeff sessions
@00:10:32 of this was facilitated by jeff sessions
@00:25:42 pushed sessions to recuse so this is
@00:25:51 have sessions but let's remember jeff
@00:25:52 sessions was supporting the president
@00:25:59 people wanted sessions to recuse right
@00:26:04 is sparring with jeff sessions we talked
@00:26:11 sessions when i said it was as simple as
@00:26:20 on jeff sessions what happened to all
@00:26:28 but don't forget it was jeff sessions
@00:26:37 sessions who had to facilitate all that
@00:26:42 whole narrative his jeff sessions a bad

Falling Down In Pursuit of Truth Presents 4 29 20

@00:13:24 can thank jeff sessions for a lot of

Seventeen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.14.20

@00:01:49 and forth with then ag jeff sessions who
@00:02:00 which is simply this if jeff sessions or

Worth Remembering - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.31.20

@00:11:53 november 2017 sessions being jeff
@00:11:56 sessions justice department has 27
@00:12:08 sort of quietly done jeff sessions came
@00:12:23 sessions revealed tuesday that's three
@00:12:56 trump took office sessions added but
@00:13:15 press sessions over whether anyone had
@00:13:23 political motive sessions responded that
@00:13:28 charged sessions was referring to
@00:14:04 criticized sessions in july for being

Detroit Evergreen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.6.20

@00:20:47 coincidence why did sessions being jeff
@00:20:49 sessions at the beginning emphasize

[Knowingly] - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.15.19

@00:19:36 outside of dc assigned by sessions with
@00:22:56 knew that at the same time jeff sessions

Gnarwhal II - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.2.19

@00:13:47 rehabilitation sessions but had showed

Q Anon/News - Rockets and Dockets - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.14.19

@00:05:46 sessions former chairman of the rules
@00:06:10 that we know what what pete sessions
@00:14:14 appointed by trust sessions meeting gf
@00:14:17 sessions on october 28th 2017 its
@00:30:17 and jeff sessions was testifying to the

Q Anon/News - Be Ready - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.12.19

@00:18:39 outside of dc assigned by jeff sessions

Q Anon/News - Cut the Cable - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.3.19

@00:07:04 2017 after sessions appointed him

Q Anon/News - Unpredictable - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.29.19

@00:13:15 sessions recusing himself long ago

Q Anon/News - Be Ready - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.23.19

@00:02:50 sessions to curb the probe the dangling
@00:13:24 it being jeff sessions of course we

Q Anon/News - Once On This Island - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.10.19

@00:01:34 jeff sessions and we talked about that
@00:01:37 yesterday to a jeff sessions well he
@00:01:48 getting signed off by jeff sessions
@00:01:50 right jeff sessions was well aware of
@00:01:52 this just because jeff sessions recused
@00:02:00 sessions accused recused himself of was
@00:03:21 general jeff sessions made in february
@00:04:05 the news jeff sessions was getting

Q Anon/News - Dog Eat Dog - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.29.19

@00:09:33 sessions with the same mandate authority

Q Anon/News Boxes and Boxes In Pursuit of Truth Presents 4 26 19

@00:07:52 the sessions unfortunately the embassy

Q Anon/News - Game Over - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.20.19

@00:02:15 former attorney general jeff sessions on

Q Anon/News - PANIC - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.11.19

@00:08:14 attorney general jeff sessions appointed

Q Anon/News - Whones? Nunes - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4 .8.19

@00:05:50 attorney general jeff sessions initial
@00:07:38 where he attacks jeff sessions that's
@00:07:42 that we saw in regards to jeff sessions
@00:07:46 sessions he could have gone right down
@00:07:51 let jeff sessions do his job
@00:07:52 because jeff sessions job was to take
@00:08:05 signed off by jeff sessions now that
@00:17:47 jeff sessions paul ryan ted cruz you me
@00:20:09 keep in mind jeff sessions would never
@00:20:25 important for jeff sessions to quietly

Q Anon/News - So Many Questions pt 1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 3.28.19

@00:03:24 sessions and liars and this is just one

Q Anon/News - [1]Opens the Door - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.26.19

@00:09:03 not just trump but sessions - or during
@00:09:05 the sessions pro was another
@00:09:21 sessions to remember there a lot of
@00:09:52 sessions was a trump god and in large
@00:09:55 sessions sessions vote 52 to 47 rod roe
@00:32:52 sessions to review not only surveillance

Q Anon/News - MAYDay - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.24.19

@00:06:43 attorney general jeff sessions the

Q Anon/News - Last Resort Pt 1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.21.19

@00:10:27 everybody about jeff sessions because he
@00:15:44 sessions and others they were dispersed

Q Anon/News - Strike Fast - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.19.19

@00:15:28 resort installed post sessions departure

Q Anon/News - Do Unicorns Exist? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.13.19

@00:12:52 installed post sessions departure and
@00:13:06 post sessions departure not really sure
@00:13:59 sessions right so it suggests to me that

Q Anon/News - Stay In the Light - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.12.19

@00:11:21 sessions departure and whittaker
@00:11:25 dc post sessions departure well i don't

Q Anon/News - SealedUnsealed - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.10.19

@00:01:24 not just trump but sessions too
@00:01:42 jeff sessions after senate democrats
@00:01:45 to look into allegations sessions
@00:01:52 campaign sessions had in fact met with
@00:02:02 during the sessions probe was another
@00:02:15 on sessions in his book the threat how
@00:02:33 threats mccabe also accused sessions of
@00:02:47 department aide to sessions who was in
@00:02:58 sessions be and they're beyond absurd
@00:03:09 sessions fired mccabe last march on the
@00:05:25 sessions senate vote well it was 52 to
@00:05:44 sessions targeted who appointed huber
@00:05:47 sessions appointed huber and sessions
@00:05:55 sessions deputy attorney general also
@00:06:15 but in fact he was reporting to sessions
@00:06:17 all this time remember sessions was
@00:06:35 were getting so upset with jeff sessions
@00:07:18 sessions do you believe the timing is a
@00:11:24 sessions directing huber to look into
@00:29:08 then attorney general jeff sessions
@00:29:19 who was sessions chief of staff at the
@00:29:48 whitaker for as long as we have sessions
@00:32:01 hillary clinton signed by jeff sessions
@00:32:16 attempt to conceal sessions and whitaker

Q Anon/News - Promises Made, Promises Kept - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.5.19

@00:02:02 general jeff sessions whitaker was chief
@00:02:04 of staff to sessions remember that who
@00:04:05 jeff sessions recused himself so he
@00:06:03 temp hired by design shadow two sessions

Q Anon/News - March Madness - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.4.19

@00:09:59 everybody was saying that jeff sessions
@00:10:02 jeff sessions was doing and he wasn't
@00:10:33 along remember jeff sessions recused
@00:11:01 sessions who appointed a task the oig
@00:11:03 that was jeff sessions who was ag jeff
@00:11:07 sessions zero leaks none and jeff
@00:11:11 sessions came out saying that they were
@00:11:26 jeff sessions was very pro trump and
@00:11:29 they didn't like that about sessions and
@00:11:59 muller exactly like i said jeff sessions

Q Anon/News - Kitchen Is Hot - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.18.19

@00:23:39 to then attorney general jeff sessions
@00:23:57 sessions look this guy didn't just come

Q Anon/News - On The Daily - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.17.19

@00:21:17 sessions and then secretary of homeland

Q Anon/News - F-15 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.16.19

@00:04:46 sessions recused himself rosenstein

Q Anon/News - Good To Go - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.10.19

@00:02:58 that shortly we had a jeff sessions
@00:18:35 then attorney general jeff sessions is
@00:21:11 sessions and then you had rachel brand

The Opening Act - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.7.19

@00:22:53 sessions appoints richard
@00:23:02 sessions when i became attorney general
@00:23:07 states attorney general jeff sessions

Prepare the Battlefield - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.30.19

@00:01:45 regarding jeff sessions or kind of
@00:09:28 jeff sessions was always going to have
@00:09:56 that if you can remember jeff sessions
@00:10:16 things about jeff sessions meanwhile
@00:10:28 was simply no way sessions could stay in
@00:10:44 plotters who targeted sessions listen up
@00:11:02 think about what jeff sessions knows at
@00:11:36 over the next phase while sessions is
@00:11:49 because lex sessions he's involved a lot
@00:12:30 sessions is resigning because at long
@00:12:48 they were getting trust in sessions and
@00:13:08 to cover sessions and that's completely

A Quick Burn - That's Racist! - IPOT Presents - 1.22.19

@00:07:21 won't you simply follow jeff sessions
@00:08:03 jeff sessions possibly didn't want to
@00:08:19 think jeff sessions recused himself

Q Anon/News - Bread From the Baker - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.16.19

@00:21:51 sessions with the same mandate authority

Q Anon/News - Ahead Of Schedule - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.6.19

@00:08:14 of us assume that was jeff sessions back
@00:08:31 that sessions why didn't behave try to
@00:08:33 take sessions out because he knew that
@00:08:35 he knew exactly what sessions was doing
@00:08:38 exactly what sessions was doing even
@00:08:42 was thinking sessions did nothing fact
@00:08:51 sessions what was the session senate
@00:16:12 did sessions publicly announce regarding
@00:16:27 why did sessions make the

Q Anon/News - Pull On This Thread - 1.4.19

@00:08:47 hubert was tapped by sessions to

Q Anon/News - News Unlocks. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.21.18

@00:34:44 rogers intel sessions departure law
@00:35:25 sessions his departure makes a lot of
@00:37:28 it's very very evident with sessions

Q Anon/News - Q and A - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.13.18

@00:11:16 q&a sessions before and what happens

Q Anon/News - Santa With a Hammer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.13.18

@00:36:17 sessions hasn't really mentioned it
@00:36:41 sean hannity that sessions has not
@00:37:05 classic picture with sessions as he
@00:39:22 sessions with the same man day slash
@00:39:42 pain to dc sessions forced release of

Q Anon/News - Rapid Fire - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.5.18

@00:19:16 about jeff sessions appointing john
@00:19:45 with jeff sessions and like they did
@00:19:56 him jeff sessions let him go one or two

Q Anon/News - Can't Stop This. No One Can. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.3.18

@00:18:46 here 11:22 trust sessions trust huber
@00:18:52 people who did not trust sessions trust
@00:19:41 it doesn't matter anyway sessions and
@00:19:46 doubted sessions in here you will all
@00:19:52 sessions quietly appointed a prosecutor

Q Anon:News - MONDAY - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.1.18

@00:04:53 all of those who doubted sessions and
@00:05:17 right back when sessions announced that
@00:06:27 doubted sessions in huber you all pay
@00:07:05 who have been crying against sessions
@00:07:07 and hueber saying that sessions needs to

Q Anon - You Dirty RAT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.26.18

@00:27:14 sessions i do not trust huber and the x

Q Anon - Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.21.18

@00:02:39 attorney general jeff sessions to probe
@00:03:34 sessions appointed huber last year to
@00:03:57 assignment other than sessions addressed
@00:05:51 is essentially what jeff sessions has

Q Anon - Buh Bye - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.19.18

@00:09:00 covert link think sessions open

Q Anon - Enemy @ the Front Door - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.12.18

@00:17:32 without evidence telling sessions warn a
@00:17:53 warn then it's all sessions and trump

Q Anon - 11:11 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.11.18

@00:18:39 jeff sessions kind of called this task

Q Anon - Midterms Meltdown - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.10.18

@00:07:00 sessions i'm not so sure
@00:08:12 sessions or not like i said i'm not so
@00:08:14 inclined to think it was sessions that
@00:11:31 trying to task sessions to look into her
@00:11:33 role of sessions while he was the one
@00:11:42 saying that sessions is doing nothing at
@00:11:48 sessions all resigned
@00:12:01 gowdy and sessions all resign who did
@00:12:04 sessions appoint in november 2017 well
@00:12:22 sessions revealed that he asked us
@00:12:41 humor with our sessions who originally
@00:13:04 why sessions needed to go and that's
@00:13:44 not to prosecute well who was sessions
@00:13:59 charge of the staff jeff sessions staff
@00:14:03 sessions likely would have gone through
@00:15:42 was assigned directly to sessions by
@00:16:07 two sessions well that's exactly what

Q Anon - Red Line Crossed? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.8.18

@00:09:24 and sessions but it's all the hands now
@00:11:45 country mr. jeff sessions your
@00:12:06 been told trust sessions trust sessions
@00:12:08 what's up now all of a sudden sessions
@00:12:19 would be q+ so thank you ag sessions
@00:12:23 let's talk a little bit about sessions
@00:12:34 why did sessions go away at this time
@00:12:39 9-1-1 attorney general jeff sessions is
@00:12:45 sessions has resigned as attorney
@00:12:49 elections sessions submitted his
@00:13:02 general jeff sessions at the department
@00:13:21 attorney general jeff sessions at the
@00:13:30 thank attorney general jeff sessions for
@00:13:38 know right now sessions out whitaker in
@00:13:53 sessions resigned and here is the letter
@00:18:44 crony any more than jeff sessions right
@00:19:14 attorney general sessions and said we
@00:19:59 sessions because he said no so not to
@00:20:33 jeff sessions acting attorney general
@00:20:57 sessions had recused himself okay so
@00:21:23 jeff sessions had come out so notice his
@00:23:12 rod rowe is no mo ag sessions no mo and
@00:23:49 attorney general jeff sessions for his
@00:24:10 prior to potus regarding sessions thank
@00:29:12 an advisory role to jeff sessions but
@00:32:55 thought this was jeff sessions could be

Q Anon - Mid Term Madness - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.7.18

@00:08:53 we're talking about sessions horowitz

Q Anon - Keep Your Eye Qn the Ball 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.4.18

@00:16:42 directly to sessions important to
@00:22:06 the stealth bomber himself jeff sessions

Q Anon Dropping the 'Hatch'et? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 11 3 18

@00:23:29 general sessions and director ray and

Q Anon The Gloves Are Off In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 10 18

@00:34:01 investigation into sessions fired fbi
@00:34:08 attorney general jeff sessions lied to
@00:34:11 sessions had to talk to congress it was
@00:34:16 happen because mccabe knew that sessions
@00:34:24 sessions it's not as dumb as everybody
@00:34:38 thought that sessions was taking the
@00:34:41 they found sessions as a knucklehead
@00:35:02 tried to take sessions out what was the
@00:35:24 but sessions should appoint a second

Q Anon Double Meanings In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 6 18

@00:31:10 sections he says soon wow sessions is

Q Anon - Ready? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.5.18

@00:32:04 mr. jeff sessions he's got his hand up

Q Anon - Fearless - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.4.18

@00:01:59 attorney jeff sessions at the justice
@00:02:15 so yesterday sessions and huber were
@00:02:31 after the hour of 2 p.m. q says sessions
@00:02:39 sessions meeting huber the day prior to
@00:02:56 honorable jeff sessions attorney general
@00:04:35 would assume if sessions is being
@00:05:05 greenroom sessions is meeting with huber
@00:13:47 sessions subpoena tomorrow yeah perfect
@00:14:03 well if sessions have recused from
@00:14:23 it looks like sessions is going to get
@00:14:33 subpoena two sessions sessions now has
@00:14:42 at four sessions well the mccabe memo is
@00:15:18 evidence so that sessions would be
@00:20:39 sessions tomorrow doc related justice k
@00:24:58 looks like sessions tomorrow doc related
@00:25:00 yeah i suppose sessions needed to meet

Q Anon - Make Cake Great Again - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.3.18

@00:20:13 events with friendly therapy sessions
@00:20:15 close eye sessions write notated as

Q Anon - The Sky is Falling - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.24.18

@00:18:21 they were picking on sessions weeks ago

Q Anon - When Does a Bird Sing? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.22.18

@00:18:38 jeff sessions general kelly then the
@00:22:07 them go jeff sessions could unruh queues

Q Anon - Patriots Protect Patriots - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.20.18

@00:07:12 attorney general jeff sessions appoints
@00:07:23 attorney general jeff sessions today
@00:08:39 news channels experts but sessions
@00:08:53 two years but sessions should appoint a
@00:09:11 gamble but sessions should have point a
@00:10:16 appointment of hubert bi sessions and
@00:10:46 but sessions and humor aren't following
@00:10:57 fire sessions okay so again that's
@00:12:26 huber but potus is attacking sessions
@00:12:38 basically urn sessions all that cachet
@00:12:51 sessions right well look potus doesn't
@00:12:54 have to attack sessions on twitter if
@00:13:11 love trust sessions yeah
@00:13:45 it's jeff sessions who must sign off on

Q Anon - DECLAS / Whopper With Cheese - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.18.18

@00:10:49 form of jeff sessions pain in the form
@00:12:48 get to activate jeff sessions who can
@00:12:57 activate jeff sessions now it's time for
@00:18:17 panic in dc sessions and humor weekend
@00:18:28 sessions all systems go
@00:18:54 jeff sessions sent a classified letter
@00:19:21 not be difficult to get and now sessions

Q Anon - Rats Are Running - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.13.18

@00:07:51 for them it's everything sessions and
@00:07:58 that needed to go right sessions needed
@00:08:12 sessions needed to recuse himself he was
@00:08:16 sessions senate confirmation vote it was
@00:08:31 have to reconcile with that if sessions
@00:09:48 supporting society sessions yeah because
@00:09:51 all long sessions recused himself and he
@00:10:06 realizes that without sessions doing

Q Anon Sleeper Cells? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 8 18

@00:12:41 keep in mind jeff sessions is recused
@00:21:51 what sessions is really doing now it's

Q Anon DECLAS : Nothing to See Here In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 4 18

@00:02:23 sessions dealing with kavanagh and of
@00:03:18 none of whom voted for jeff sessions
@00:03:53 were not jeff sessions guys jeff
@00:03:55 sessions was a trump guy up until they
@00:04:12 trust trust sessions and this is what
@00:04:34 muller rosen stein and now sessions all
@00:05:35 be forced to flip on sessions so this is
@00:06:36 probably flip on sessions they're gonna
@00:23:58 would be sessions part of all this
@00:24:00 member sessions gonna assessment
@00:24:02 sessions has to be aware of all this
@00:25:38 moment but sessions should appoint a
@00:25:51 we'll get nowhere but sessions should
@00:26:06 for the next president but sessions
@00:26:36 sessions and therefore the ig horowitz
@00:26:43 but sessions and huber are following
@00:26:56 fire sessions right we talked about this
@00:27:05 against sessions outwardly and that's
@00:27:10 sessions he's not been doing anything
@00:27:33 if you outwardly hate sessions right
@00:28:41 exactly but potus is attacking sessions
@00:28:51 sessions any time he wants he doesn't
@00:29:05 pythons come for you and jeff sessions
@00:30:10 it's jeff sessions right who must sign
@00:30:21 they have to report to jeff sessions doj
@00:33:14 sessions to stay on as attorney general
@00:33:40 sessions all these accounts are verified
@00:34:03 follow abc 15 trump blast sessions over
@00:34:10 says trump blast sessions for charging
@00:34:23 trump blasts sessions over charges

Q Anon - DARPA /Google - Somebody's Watching Me - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.3.18

@00:01:58 sessions according to a person familiar
@00:02:06 mr. sessions on counterintelligence and
@00:02:26 sessions is broadly viewed in the

Q Anon - Who Are the White Rabbits? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.2.18

@00:03:41 schiff jeff sessions and christopher rea
@00:28:33 and as you can see you got jeff sessions

Q Anon - The World Is Watching - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.1.18

@00:10:16 majorities back molar in sessions
@00:10:21 sessions from nbc poll disapproval of
@00:10:38 clear politics calm leave jeff sessions
@00:10:53 saying patrick i don't trust sessions
@00:11:12 number one jeff sessions did the right
@00:11:30 sessions didn't recuse himself from
@00:11:53 to pump sessions up as this bumbling
@00:12:11 play and portray jeff sessions as this
@00:12:25 sessions needs to call it the second
@00:12:31 calling out those people not sessions
@00:12:47 is molar and roses time because sessions
@00:13:24 going on with sessions if everybody had
@00:13:27 gotten originally got behind sessions
@00:13:57 basically saying now leave jeff sessions
@00:14:07 seeing trump go off on jeff sessions on
@00:14:26 now they're supporting jeff sessions
@00:14:50 jeff sessions what happens when he hands
@00:15:04 whole point was picture jeff sessions as
@00:15:13 believe that jeff sessions is going to
@00:15:16 keep saying trust sessions but if they
@00:15:20 didn't trust sessions they would have
@00:15:55 sessions yeah we're seeing this we're
@00:15:59 tired of sessions right and we're seeing
@00:16:14 jumping on the sessions bus was perfect
@00:16:20 sessions and it all falls apart and you
@00:16:36 trusting sessions at this point i would
@00:28:18 here's more jeff sessions coming from
@00:29:11 being grouped into the ante sessions
@00:29:41 narratives huber did not sessions did
@00:29:44 not when will sessions you understand
@00:30:52 precisely while we're hatin on sessions

Q Anon - ..Controls the Future pt 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.29.18

@00:24:58 jeff sessions to investigate where she
@00:29:21 honorable jeff sessions and rod
@00:32:40 letter from sessions to grassley good

Q Anon - Suicide Weekend? What's With #17? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.27.18

@00:10:52 is he looking at sessions you think i'm
@00:11:39 sessions and trump are largely acting
@00:12:00 sessions and rightfully so he's a key
@00:12:17 quick word on all of you sessions
@00:12:33 sessions trump could have picked anyone
@00:12:45 trump is sessions boss literally the doj
@00:12:54 trump wanted to fire sessions he could
@00:13:04 themselves sessions is currently hunting
@00:13:09 know it if sessions was a swamp rat
@00:13:15 hating sessions is insane not to mention
@00:13:19 sessions yeah i'd like to interject
@00:13:23 lot of talk about sessions recusing
@00:13:28 remember sessions was all about trump
@00:14:18 even the dems know that sessions is not
@00:14:19 their friend sessions has publicly
@00:14:36 sessions still don't believe me let's
@00:14:37 listen to it come from sessions mouth as
@00:14:53 already and sessions has been looking
@00:14:58 it that you dislike about sessions
@00:15:01 things about sessions that's all
@00:15:16 gray and jeff sessions just about every
@00:15:24 to tell sessions he can tell him
@00:15:28 issues with sessions why would he put
@00:15:39 had seen jeff sessions leaving the doj
@00:15:41 to go visit the white house sessions
@00:19:08 trump can fire sessions at any time and

Q Anon - Trump Ridin' Dirty? Poop Patrol? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.25.18

@00:13:45 regards to hubert horowitz and sessions

Q Anon - RESPICT the Name / Comey Untethered? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.21.18

@00:17:20 attorney general jeff sessions recusal

Q Anon - The Trilogy Begins: FISA = Start In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.20.18

@00:15:47 administration jeff sessions gave the
@00:16:06 and advocates jeff sessions trump's
@00:17:29 article jeff sessions has given that
@00:18:14 thought that of course jeff sessions is
@00:18:53 very happy that says sessions chose this
@00:20:15 that's exactly the way jeff sessions
@00:30:55 the real jeff sessions just to be clear
@00:32:09 sessions telling us to trust the plan

Q Anon - Alex Jones, the NSA and You! pt.1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.15.18

@00:10:35 it was some of those decode sessions
@00:21:33 time that jeff sessions happen to be

Q Anon - Peter Strzok Out! Antifa Terror? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.14.18

@00:31:26 about rea we talk a lot about sessions

Q Anon - What's On Those Planes? Showtime! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.10.18

@00:07:31 sessions won't unruhe cues and muller
@00:28:27 sessions was in arkansas and as you can

Q Anon - Something BIG about to DRQP? JUST the Plan?? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.3.18

@00:16:27 sessions amana gone for 30 years who is

Q Anon - Buckle Up, Buttercup! Avenatti, Gotti? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 30 18

@00:03:41 think sessions open statement regarding
@00:40:59 think sessions opening statement

Q Anon Blood Moon Rising In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 27 18

@00:01:21 would immediately transpire if sessions
@00:01:28 sessions must be aware of key molar
@00:01:44 attacks to remove sessions given his
@00:02:00 important why did sessions recuse is the
@00:02:04 left attacking sessions what advantage
@00:02:28 sessions and rod rosen seen in brackets
@00:08:35 sessions publicly challenge rod
@00:08:45 sessions vote 52 to 47 so clearly rod
@00:08:53 would immediately transpire a sessions
@00:09:13 sessions must be aware of key molar
@00:09:18 remember sessions recuse he didn't
@00:09:38 the president remember sessions
@00:09:48 things so trump was definitely sessions
@00:10:13 reason for sessions to get involved and
@00:11:10 does sessions recuse sessions recused
@00:11:32 sessions he can report to horowitz and
@00:12:33 and that's why jeff sessions is recused
@00:14:44 saying that's why sessions recused it's
@00:14:51 attacking sessions no not at all not at
@00:15:01 look sessions has no problem for a year
@00:17:03 sessions and rod rosen seem to run his
@00:17:32 meanwhile jeff sessions has recused and
@00:18:24 sessions and rod rosen's seemed to run
@00:18:49 recusal is he left attacking sessions
@00:18:53 why'd his sessions recuse why is this
@00:19:12 sessions given his clear involvement and
@00:19:29 it immediately demonstrate the sessions
@00:19:35 sessions challenge rod rosenstein could
@00:19:37 sessions publicly challenge rod
@00:29:44 thank you jeff sessions a capable us
@00:30:21 disappointed with mr. sessions decision

Q Anon Q is Back! In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 25 18

@00:04:36 would be jeff sessions right define
@00:05:11 imagine that jeff sessions has a server
@00:08:02 haven't we jeff sessions mentioned it
@00:18:15 jeff sessions christopher rae and john
@00:18:17 huber dear attorney general sessions
@00:21:35 attorney general jeff sessions has said
@00:21:51 sessions said that career apolitical
@00:32:08 you read the letter that jeff sessions
@00:38:16 sessions added in this letter which

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.4.18

@00:16:00 time and sessions has been talking about
@00:27:29 to all attorney general jeff sessions
@00:30:41 very much like sessions also recused

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 6 21 18

@00:15:31 particular interview sessions and those

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.19.18

@00:05:00 attorney general jeff sessions has also
@00:05:29 2016 and 2017 sessions said he has
@00:06:35 sessions inform congress in his letter
@00:07:28 you can do if sessions feels that
@00:33:49 sessions admitted he brought in a
@00:34:49 about attorney general jeff sessions has
@00:35:08 outwardly jeff sessions this is kind of
@00:35:25 2016 and 2017 sessions said he has
@00:37:58 sessions inform congress in his letter
@00:39:45 can do if sessions feels that charges

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 6.18.18/2

@00:10:30 sessions national security adviser a 31
@00:11:46 general jeff sessions national security

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.15.18

@00:05:11 sessions right trust humor trust pompeo
@00:10:29 replace of jeff sessions at some point

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.14.18

@00:01:16 says jeff sessions has already caused
@00:01:25 sessions but he ain't done nothing to
@00:09:08 anan says jeff sessions has already
@00:09:15 100% support sessions but he ain't done
@00:10:51 section here sessions sent a letter to
@00:38:22 i suppose if sessions wanted to drop the

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.12.18

@00:25:18 let go and then sessions brought him

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.4.18

@00:02:45 attorney general jeff sessions town hall
@00:26:02 january where q says will sessions drop

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - World Update - 6.1.18

@00:06:45 and jeff sessions of alabama also sent

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.23.18

@00:04:53 when this came out sessions sent a
@00:05:47 reporting that sessions will not appoint
@00:05:56 explained that sessions has ordered
@00:06:01 investigate these matters sessions
@00:06:28 sessions march 29th letter explains the
@00:07:12 sessions added in this letter which
@00:07:20 think sessions did the right thing here
@00:07:24 listen to general sessions on this one
@00:07:26 general sessions can always appoint a
@00:07:46 brilliant move here by sessions what he
@00:08:02 emphasized not only that but if sessions
@00:08:09 sessions has reserved the right to go
@00:08:21 creates a possible problem for sessions
@00:09:07 very happy that sessions chose this
@00:10:09 sessions has sort of taken the brunt of

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.22.18

@00:01:27 sessions unruhe cues or number three
@00:06:56 will sessions on recuse or will number
@00:06:59 three step in until refill sessions on
@00:08:14 jeff sessions who sits at the top of the
@00:15:09 sessions tge trey gowdy departure okay
@00:15:57 sessions trust kansas trust humor trust

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.18.18

@00:00:27 trust sessions trust ray trusts kansas
@00:06:03 jeff sessions why the reboot because
@00:06:13 look like this was jeff sessions deal
@00:10:17 election attorney general jeff sessions

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.17.18

@00:06:08 position why did sessions recuse one of
@00:36:25 sessions to immediately produce all

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.16.18

@00:02:46 trust sessions to protect the lives of
@00:02:50 reconcile with sessions b ag still if
@00:07:58 according to attorney general sessions
@00:24:27 sure for sure those potus trust sessions
@00:25:42 sessions bhe still if deep state well no
@00:25:47 if sessions were deep state don't you

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.15.18

@00:05:08 soundcloud link and we have sessions in
@00:28:01 talking for himself q says sessions we
@00:28:09 mean sessions is free now sessions is no
@00:28:18 okay sessions can move and now it's time
@00:29:40 attorney general jeff sessions that the
@00:32:26 sessions maybe we'll go with jeff
@00:32:28 sessions for now ultimate authority does
@00:32:35 not sure i'm gonna say no jeff sessions

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.13.18

@00:06:24 huber sessions what departments must be

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.9.18

@00:08:15 down and has it jeff sessions has had
@00:12:03 general jeff sessions will tap us
@00:12:14 sessions has designated us attorney john

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 5 8 18

@00:00:54 if sessions and rayar dc swamp deep
@00:01:35 why did sessions pick rod rosenstein
@00:02:15 sessions reveal huber timing is
@00:08:20 general that's jeff sessions we know who
@00:08:30 sessions reread doj original change open
@00:08:47 jeff sessions okay then james comey for
@00:09:20 sessions in ray rdc swamp deep state why
@00:09:32 really questioning sessions and ray that
@00:09:34 much outwardly sessions is looking like
@00:12:10 47 okay mr. sessions an alabama
@00:12:23 okay so close call jeff sessions what
@00:12:55 got in easy jeff sessions not so much
@00:18:09 when does sessions step back in keep in
@00:18:12 mind i mentioned earlier sessions
@00:18:14 recused himself sessions recused himself
@00:18:18 this stuff sessions will step back in
@00:18:27 sessions who secretly engaged to burr
@00:18:45 sessions secretly engaged huber why did
@00:18:47 sessions reveal hubert well i think
@00:18:49 sessions in secretly engaged to burr
@00:19:21 yes sessions will reveal huber when when

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.5.18

@00:26:38 why did sessions at the beginning
@00:26:56 sessions is left kind of unpaid and
@00:27:03 trust sessions okay so you see what's

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.30.18

@00:14:54 these training sessions in in moab which

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.28.18

@00:03:04 why did sessions recuse what are the
@00:35:17 why did sessions recuse well we know
@00:35:22 sessions recused of anything that had to
@00:35:35 sessions has been free now to run all
@00:35:56 bright breitbart early sessions
@00:36:08 sessions decision to bring in us

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 4 27 18

@00:03:32 this here's what jeff sessions might be
@00:03:49 that's sessions deal a march 2nd
@00:03:51 attorney general jeff sessions recused
@00:04:51 the very moment sessions uttered those
@00:05:15 administration jeff sessions knew what
@00:05:19 exactly when the plan came to sessions
@00:05:23 both trump and sessions after the
@00:05:29 constituted american election sessions
@00:05:56 sessions any longer it's doubtful wants
@00:06:27 the department of justice sessions could
@00:06:40 propaganda efforts in short sessions
@00:07:40 throughout 2017 sessions cleverly and
@00:08:17 of the sessions counter-coup began to
@00:08:18 leak out often from sessions himself in
@00:08:28 next in january sessions announced that
@00:08:57 ándale it was later revealed by sessions
@00:09:04 which obviously sessions knew about but
@00:09:07 that sessions named the prosecutor john
@00:09:21 that sessions had been silently setting
@00:10:03 for documents sessions presented the
@00:10:13 sessions strategy all along had been to
@00:10:27 documents oh and by the way sessions
@00:10:34 2017 jeff sessions realized that he was
@00:10:45 for the pr offense after work sessions
@00:10:52 better than sessions could have dreamed
@00:11:10 like standoff sessions relented and
@00:11:16 of classified materials sessions had
@00:11:56 sessions has maneuvered every piece on
@00:12:18 this now obviously jeff sessions
@00:12:45 i think attorney general jeff sessions
@00:13:22 such investigation okay so jeff sessions
@00:34:27 sessions has been doing all this time
@00:34:29 this is what jeff sessions in to do

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.22.18

@00:00:54 minutes past the hour 10 think sessions
@00:17:20 think sessions public announcement
@00:17:46 year sessions wants to put people in
@00:17:51 sessions says the justice department is
@00:18:40 thursday sessions did not mention trump

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.19.18

@00:11:59 sessions investigating slush fund used
@00:12:03 general jeff sessions is investigating
@00:16:19 honorable jeff sessions attorney general
@00:16:25 general sessions director ray and mr.

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon 4.12.18

@00:07:25 general jeff sessions according to a
@00:07:35 department advising mr. sessions on

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.10.18

@00:04:19 sessions public attack are our problems
@00:08:40 sessions trust rea trust kansas trust
@00:39:27 sessions public attack okay well who's
@00:39:29 attacking sessions in public well rob

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.4.18

@00:01:56 guess that sessions does not have to
@00:02:00 whereas sessions has been absolutely
@00:02:07 case which will free sessions up to do

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.3.18

@00:02:50 hour of 10 what is sessions specifically
@00:03:09 hopefully soon sessions public attack rr
@00:13:50 turley sessions appointing utah federal
@00:14:06 jeff sessions decision to bring in us
@00:14:30 let's read here sessions on ewing here
@00:14:33 we go sessions sent a letter to house
@00:15:07 sessions was talking about how he had a
@00:15:21 wrongly reporting that sessions will not
@00:15:32 shirley explained that sessions had
@00:16:03 sessions march 29th letter explains the
@00:17:03 removed by jeff sessions i guess you
@00:17:06 it was really sessions i think this
@00:17:21 removed by a sessions who by the way was
@00:17:35 sessions but it technically the trump
@00:18:36 different link what his sessions
@00:19:06 these are things that jeff sessions
@00:20:07 sessions public attack where people have
@00:20:09 been all over sessions saying he's

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.29.18

@00:03:49 attorney general jeff sessions the
@00:14:37 is from an anon who says jeff sessions
@00:14:42 jeff sessions agent of the clowns in
@00:15:18 sessions mulder comey
@00:15:32 down scumbag sessions and fake queue

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.28.18

@00:15:38 cleaning about jeff sessions saying that

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - McCabe, Steele, STEEL? Strzok, Clinton and More

@00:05:40 sessions fired the fbi's former number
@00:05:52 investigation sessions in a statement on

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.11.18 part 1 of 2

@00:02:44 revealed sessions has appointed someone
@00:03:02 sessions goes he i think one of the most
@00:03:04 telling things about sessions recently

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.10.18

@00:01:59 doj after trump lashes out at sessions
@00:02:08 sessions and remarks that appeared to

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.9.18

@00:00:20 do you trust sessions boom alright so
@00:00:25 his sessions about to lower the boom
@00:00:26 well what a sessions done sessions has
@00:00:39 not sure where if i do trust sessions

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon 3.4.18

@00:06:20 back in the news why why is sessions
@00:06:30 sessions for yy
@00:08:28 sessions acting weak he's definitely
@00:08:32 sessions is playing a game he's got that
@00:08:44 ig appointed by sessions for will see it