
The [DS] Players Took The Bait, How Do You Introduce Haiti & The Children? - Episode 2287b

@00:22:46 it's part of the swamp system delta
@00:22:54 so apparently delta has now learned the
@00:22:59 they are making delta branded bml pins
@00:23:11 so delta has not learned the get woke go
@00:23:29 going to happen with delta

[DS] Foot Soldiers Are Being Taken Out, Year Of The Boomerang - Episode 2209b

@00:32:25 another zero delta she'll responded and

Knock, Knock, The [DS] Has You, Time To Wake Up, Flynn Exonerated, Pain - Episode 2168b

@00:32:58 must be talking about one minute delta
@00:33:47 1-minute delta where they're tweeting

Boom Week Ahead, It’s About To Break, Enjoy The Show, For Humanity - Episode 2164b

@00:31:01 may first 2020 a delta of three hundred

We Are Ready, Countdown Ended, Indictments Coming - Episode 2152b

@00:03:53 wat rond history de delta ben joe biden

deleted Game Theory, Events Unlock, [Evil] Has Been Allowed To Flourish, Pain - Episode 2145b

@00:12:12 and has a two-year delta today april

Stay Vigilant, News Unlocks, Pain Coming, Godspeed - Episode 2139b

@00:23:18 post 995 this is a two-year delta and
@00:29:10 q post with a two-year delta april 3rd

deleted Coyotes On The Run, Operators On Site, Deep, Safe - Episode 2138b

@00:20:19 two years ago two year delta to post

Green Castle Online, The Stage Must Be Set WW, Times Up, Patriots Ready - Episode 2120b

@00:10:22 two-year delta so march is crazy right

Silent Running Tactics Engaged, Protective Measures Are In Place - Episode 2118b

@00:23:40 2018 this is a two-year delta and it's

Kansas Sends A Message, Renegade Will Pay The Price - Episode 2115b

@00:19:43 that edwards company delta business
@00:28:15 delta and it says what if hussein knew

Those Who Are Protected Are No Longer Protected, Nobody Is Above The Law - Episode 2082b

@00:32:02 under this it says 0 meaning a 0 delta
@00:32:13 a 0 delta and under this it says having

[DS] Attempting To Block The Truth, The Truth Will Be Their Downfall - Episode 2076b

@00:26:09 then it says delta well in post 3781
@00:26:25 30 second delta by the way under this it

Trump & The Patriots Sent A Message, [DS] Event Countered - Episode 2061b

@00:17:50 delta cowboy w2b tweeted out the

Sacrifices Made, The Enormity Of What Is Coming Will Shock The World - Episode 2050b

@00:31:11 q anon have posted on 0 delta let that

Cross Fire Hurricane, Clear Abuse Of FISA, People Will Be Held Accountable - Episode 2041b

@00:30:06 one-minute delta from the report being

The Swamp Is Being Drained, Justice Marker, Disinformation Necessary, Event? - Episode 2036b

@00:33:18 compares the delta of trump tweeting and
@00:34:07 trip underscore id n underscore delta
@00:34:18 picture and it has a 1 minute delta
@00:34:33 1-minute delta post 36 42 q gives us a
@00:35:02 time this is two minutes this is a delta

Indictments Coming, We Are Now Nearing T Minus Zero - Episode 2019b

@00:27:09 is potus and q near-zero delta with q
@00:27:30 seconds or sometimes with a zero delta

[DS] Is Running Out Of Time, Patriots Set The Trap, & Are Nudging Them Into It - Episode 2006b

@00:22:28 would you look at that delta force
@00:22:33 recently learn about delta force they're

Did You Catch What Happened, Second Wave Just Hit, Carpet Bombs Dropped - Episode 1976b

@00:22:00 credit and delta bank folded in 2015

Be Vigilant, Indictments Coming, Pain Is Coming - Episode 1811b

@00:28:36 delta q proof showing that trump tweet
@00:28:51 0 delta under this is says statistically
@00:28:59 showing the zero delta and down below q
@00:29:03 says zero delta q in before potus post

Mueller Report Coming, [DS] Losing Narrative, Big Name About To Drop - Episode 1800b

@00:21:00 so i just took at delta flight 2643 from

Something Big Is About To Happen, [DS] Trapped And Desperate - Episode 1794b

@00:15:07 blatant q proof double zero delta
@00:16:55 latest q delta by trump and q and
@00:17:03 delta showing how close it is and this
@00:17:12 delta from today and the last 0 delta
@00:17:18 total now 4 0 delta posts for q and
@00:30:06 minute delta-q says to the annan three
@00:30:20 q says graphic requests 3q potus 0 delta
@00:35:10 post 2779 here we have 3 0 potus 0 delta

[HRC] Firewall Removed, Protection Gone, 3-2-1, Boom - Episode 1789b

@00:29:36 delta q posted first yet another q proof

Follow The Watch, The World Is Watching, We Know Everything - Episode 1782b

@00:22:00 tomorrow when you're delta matters of

Gold Is The Key, Patriots Have The Fed Scrambling - Episode 1763a

@00:06:29 guidance delta cut profit guidance

Insurance Policy Has Expired, Caught In A Trap - Episode 1758b

@00:32:21 brackets bold 1-year delta matters of
@00:32:42 us the following one year delta q gave

Stealth Prosecutor Activated, Avoided ‘Z’,Severe Pain Coming To DC - Episode 1740b

@00:26:11 says zero delta q potus q says not
@00:30:35 potus trump not 0 delta separated by two

Military Tribunals, Sealed Docs To Be Unsealed, Moves & Countermoves - Episode 1738b

@00:10:39 it and q rote plus 17 minute delta

Panic Is Off The Charts, No Escape & No Deals - Episode 1737b

@00:21:31 potus twitter 0 delta exchanges fake
@00:22:39 delta mathematically impossible

Typos Are Deliberate, Is This The Team Around POTUS? Watch You Will See - Episode 1732b

@00:24:44 actually 23 days delta between potus and

Will The US Sanction The Central Banks Payment System? - Episode 1706a

@00:08:16 out there delta jetblue they met the

Sting Operation In Progress, Swamp Fighting Back, Remain Calm - Episode 1670b

@00:12:51 22:27 and ion put up ten minute delta
@00:27:16 and the anton said sex 17-second delta

DECLAS, A Week To Remember, [RENEGADE] Exposed - Episode 1665b

@00:17:35 put up a picture of the delta where we
@00:17:44 again showed a delta of 1 and this time

The Economic Crisis Is On Schedule - Episode 1663a

@00:04:35 purchase today with the delta actually

Timing Is Everything, Panic In DC, Rats Running, No Place To Hide - Episode 1662b

@00:18:08 noticed another 0 delta in the post from
@00:18:16 it's very interesting the last delta was
@00:18:33 another delta with 8 then another one

Attention On Deck, Battle Stations,Prepare If You Have Not - Episode 1661b

@00:20:36 literally just connected to 0 delta and
@00:23:00 complained about a 10-second delta would
@00:23:05 delta obvious answer was lag
@00:23:17 2142 anonymous puts up the same 0 delta

Big Puzzle Piece Revealed, Follow The Dark Money - Episode 1650b

@00:18:30 firing squad down at camp delta and the

A Week To Remember, Dark To Light - Episode 1620b

@00:15:13 7-day delta go back to 7 on this q clock

More Pain Is On The Way, This Will Not End Well For The Deep State - Episode 1595b

@00:27:14 pics bracket seven closed bracket delta

We Have Gone Full Circle, Deep State Pushes Agenda - Episode 1568b

@00:20:41 that a 17 day delta amid sexual abuse

Mission On Track, Rogue Nuclear States Have Been Targeted - Episode 1552b

@00:13:16 delta v capabilities now when i'm

Operation Corner The Deep State, Event Possible - Episode 1549b

@00:15:06 fre coincidence delta engine fire

Petro Yuan Futures Launched, Economic System Shook, Control Narrative - Episode 1529a

@00:05:53 the delta regional authority 10 million

Yes, The Purge Is Real - Episode 1508b

@00:14:48 there's companies like delta united

Money Supply Drops, Last Time This Happened It Ended In A Disaster - Episode 1338a

@00:05:22 two billion dollars delta airlines

It's Time For The People To Take Control And Remove The Elite - Episode 1307b

@00:23:48 cobra is leveraging malware called delta

DHS Reports That Hacking The Elections Is Nearly Impossible - Episode 1070b

@00:17:08 glitch like united airlines delta

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 923

@00:09:41 maximum alert the threat con delta and

US And The Coalition Forces Special Op Teams Unleashed In The Middle East - Episode 907b

@00:15:14 right now we're getting word that delta
@00:15:45 they're sending in delta force ahead of
@00:18:37 we see in iraq military buildup delta

The Economy Is Failing And This Collapse Will Be Much Worse Than 2008 - Episode 871a

@00:06:16 point delta airlines is saying that

The Economic Collapse Is Happening Now, It Just Wasn't Announced Yet - Episode 631

@00:14:30 the delta between what we shipped and

The Illusionary Recovery Is Now Giving Way To The Economic Collapse - Episode 607

@00:24:15 in ukraine the delta bank has gone
@00:24:20 ukraine two smaller banks in the delta

al-Qaeda Threatens "Lone Wolf" Attacks On Airlines As AirAsia Goes Missing - Episode 553

@00:36:43 list united and delta airlines filed by

False Flag Warning: U.S. Vulnerable To Cyber Attacks From Terrorists - Episode 423

@00:25:57 satellites on wednesday the delta 4

Disarming The American People One Event At A Time -- Episode 204

@00:35:36 jerry boynton who is with the delta