Looking Glass

[DS] Playbook Used Against Them, Think Warp Speed, Looking Glass Was The Signal - Episode 2293b

@00:00:42 think warp speed looking glass was the
@00:23:46 operation looking glass only two posts
@00:23:48 mentioned looking glass and they seem
@00:24:07 are part of operation looking glass
@00:24:44 3585 says project looking glass
@00:24:50 post 9 through the looking glass

We Are Ready, Countdown Ended, Indictments Coming - Episode 2152b

@00:26:32 met mechanica glass en 6 years de een
@00:26:34 man looking for nice and search only

Indictments Coming, We Are Now Nearing T Minus Zero - Episode 2019b

@00:32:25 project looking glass and by the way
@00:32:44 project looking glass well this is from
@00:32:48 stillness in the storm the looking glass

It’s Happening, Power Returned To The People, Truth & Transparency - Episode 1905b

@00:17:54 another picture of obama behind glass
@00:17:59 looking at north korea two very

[DS] Didn’t See This Coming, The Secret Weapon Revealed - Episode 1867b

@00:10:01 the magnifying glass has turned and it's
@00:10:08 investigators are looking very very

Barr Knows It All, Pain, Panic, Something Big Coming In Weeks - Episode 1851b

@00:34:42 to picture of obama looking through a
@00:34:44 magnifying glass in an elementary school
@00:34:46 looking at a child saying i spy she says

Message Sent To [DS] & Anons During The SOTU, Patriots In Control - Episode 1785b

@00:02:42 magnifying glass
@00:02:43 at the mainstream media looking at

The Big Push To Break-Up The Big Banks & Then Go After The Central Bank - Episode 1268a

@00:12:16 go wrong now he's looking to bring back
@00:12:19 glass-steagall break up the big banks

The Economic Crisis Is Going To Be Alot Worse Than Originally Thought - Episode 1199a

@00:10:30 glass-steagall is removed this is what
@00:10:35 one of the causes and they're looking to

The Economic Collapse Will Be Much Worse Than We Think! (Part 3) -- Episode 8

@00:06:40 the glass-steagall act which was
@00:06:50 so we're looking at this and and you