
Bigger Than You Can Imagine, [F] Black Sites Are Being Closed - Episode 2146b

@00:22:25 maybe or it could be mkultra we'll have

Clues Have Been Given, Up Is Down, Left Is Right, Trust The Mission - Episode 1939b

@00:33:07 mkultra ring a bell how do they train

Dark To Light, Prepared, Strong, Ready, [DS] Fell Right Into The Trap - Episode 1938b

@00:29:08 mkultra and we know for those people

Narrative Fight Coming, It’s Time To Unite & Take-down The True Enemy - Episode 1818b

@00:08:30 mkultra program so those for those who
@00:08:34 don't know what the mkultra program is
@00:08:36 this is what it is project mkultra also
@00:08:50 which were at times illegal mkultra used

Confirmed, Government Was Run By The [DS], Clock Is Ticking - Episode 1759b

@00:40:11 illegal mkultra mind control experiments
@00:40:23 and legal mkultra project according to

What You Are Witnessing Now Is Needed Before The Big Drop - Episode 1630b

@00:19:29 that guy was mkultra and remember we put
@00:19:53 of tactics to try to get mkultra