
[DS] Pushes 16 Yr Plan, When Is The Right Time To Use The Trump Card? - Episode 2112b

@00:22:56 stage the supreme court antonio scalia

It’s Time To Wake Up, Lines Are Being Drawn Between Patriots & Traitors - Episode 2095b

@00:34:54 scalia under this is says uranium one

Senate Was The Key, Patriots Turn, It’s All About To Be Exposed - Episode 2071b

@00:32:07 it says we thought it was scalia thanks

The Chosen One, The First Wave Is About To Hit - Episode 1955b

@00:19:48 scalia this is the son of late justice

Define Game Theory, Are You Ready For The Streisand Effect - Episode 1936b

@00:32:56 scalia and cavanaugh so far can you see

We Knew It Was Going To Happen, Exculpatory Evidence, Boom - Episode 1934b

@00:24:16 justice scalia and to circuit judge

Anons Were Right,16 Year Plan Stopped, Full Control, PANIC - Episode 1747b

@00:30:19 murder scalia put the people you want

DECLAS On Its Way,Red October,Presidential-Alert For Clear Comms - Episode 1676b

@00:31:49 gorsuch replaced scalia but cavanaugh

Sting Operation In Progress, Swamp Fighting Back, Remain Calm - Episode 1670b

@00:03:38 court associate of scalia said he might

It's Time For The People To Take Control And Remove The Elite - Episode 1307b

@00:22:18 that van right into scalia actually he

The Entire Election Is One Big Psyop, The Elite Willing To Take It To The Next Level - Episode 1119b

@00:14:50 remember joseph scalia he died he was
@00:17:55 judge scalia and most likely the nsa cia

US Continually Positioning Assets For A Middle East War - Episode 955b

@00:15:12 scalia died and now obama wants this

New Report Shows The US Is Preparing For Mass Civil Disobedience - Episode 952b

@00:01:49 that since supreme court justice scalia
@00:02:04 scalia happened and occurred we realized

The US Has No Other Alternative But To Push A World War - Episode 895b

@00:00:54 murder of justice scalia is becoming
@00:01:21 ordered for justice scalia you have a
@00:02:56 that scalia died from natural causes
@00:05:14 justice scalia and you play someone else

US Now Escalating The Syrian Crisis To The Next Phase - Episode 894b

@00:00:54 we got news that justice scalia died in
@00:01:17 right now no one saw scalia died no
@00:02:49 pronounced scalia dead of natural causes
@00:03:13 scalia died a man who was interviewed
@00:04:28 scalia in fact who insisted on keeping
@00:05:10 ginsburg or scalia and have them
@00:05:49 the people scalia was like the last

All Indicators Point To An Event Occurring In The Next 100 Days - Episode 702

@00:21:56 receive tax credits scalia said that he
@00:22:30 scalia said that sounds pretty basic

U.S. Fascist Government Wants Complete Control Over The People - Episode 641

@00:20:00 company scalia they wrote the entire law