
Fact Check: TRUE! The Cabal is Panicking

@00:01:37 cover include adrenochrome haiti
@00:38:10 but leave aside adrenochrome for a
@00:42:24 adrenochrome that's what he's talking
@00:42:28 adrenochrome is a real substance it can
@00:42:44 a good dose of adrenochrome
@00:42:52 this is the story adrenochrome can also
@00:43:12 turn into adrenochrome
@00:43:25 about adrenochrome here is
@00:44:32 is naturally occurring adrenochrome
@00:44:44 occurring adrenochrome

Cracking Your Skull

@00:15:58 that this is hinting at adrenochrome i
@00:16:03 actually say that it's adrenochrome
@00:16:22 adrenochrome i don't want to get too

Babies, Bathwater, Spiritual Battles

@00:21:23 adrenochrome angle