
People in the Dark Shadows

@00:05:38 got parts from china and then they
@00:06:00 from china that's what they did there
@00:09:56 china remember the banks got the parts
@00:10:01 from china and perhaps there were
@00:17:24 two and china different different
@00:17:26 languages in china
@00:21:30 hunter biden's contacts with china
@00:27:34 bought in china and is set assembled in
@00:29:48 in china worked alongside the back
@00:30:08 presence in china microsoft had a
@00:30:10 presence in china for more than 20 years
@00:30:22 companies in china
@00:30:31 000 partners in china
@00:31:02 china
@00:31:06 produced in china for
@00:34:40 with chips made in china they got usaid

Who Do You Trust

@00:00:09 the china virus the wuhan virus

Your Awakening Stories #1

@00:03:25 covid in china and travel this made me

Maxwell, Epstein and the Control of Science since WW2

@00:24:00 office relocated to wuhan china in 1952
@00:24:14 blaming china for this cybernetic
@00:24:52 control in china is explained the paper
@00:27:45 we know of course that china had a
@00:28:53 pl and then he went back to china
@00:33:22 china and help them develop their
@00:33:44 consequences for china in the world xian
@00:37:55 china
@00:45:39 the virus and the virus came from china

YES! African Leaders Stand Up! Tanzania & Madagascar

@00:20:04 project 5 2 3 out of vietnam and china

BARDA Whistleblower Links to Health Mafia

@00:03:31 so china dr. anthony foutch ii and of

MORE Public Health Mafia Connections

@00:00:37 in wuhan china and as we all know that
@00:01:43 ministry of commerce of china as well as
@00:02:04 china this cg ph organization and the
@00:05:29 ph one of their partners is china but

The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket

@00:05:33 first of all he was born in china and
@00:05:42 understand how china has slowly
@00:05:51 china and that his father owned a

Trump Investigating NIH and PEPFAR?

@00:06:05 talked about the lab in china where i
@00:07:40 other labs in china that have virtually
@00:08:00 about the lab in china where i guess the


@00:21:26 china virus coronavirus kovat it can't

RFK Speaks Out, PEPFAR gets deeper. BOOM info

@00:16:50 in china we know that there's a dr.
@00:16:55 who's being paid by china to do research
@00:17:13 his gene editing lab was over in china
@00:25:51 the paid for possibly china shells
@00:28:32 china because it was like bidding on
@00:37:16 in ethiopia china sneaks in spy for 20
@00:37:40 states and then china has been putting
@00:40:13 moment every person in china that's ever

Not So Trusted Voices

@00:20:43 place not only though does china has
@00:20:46 china infiltrated like universities and
@00:20:59 article did who's china ties slow
@00:21:08 leadership to the un agency china and
@00:21:14 diplomatic source in beijing said china
@00:21:25 government and china also provides
@00:21:52 that's how bad that guy is and china has
@00:42:02 general meeting of the china council for

Fauci Ignores WHO Boss Crimes Against Humanity

@00:07:51 i'm not true i'm not talking about china
@00:07:55 organization praising china for its

Qster and Flynn and 4th Generation Warfare

@00:14:32 peace we're in a war right now china
@00:17:31 document he's talking about iran china
@00:17:59 maneuvering china to being less of a
@00:20:52 zone opportunity china is where the
@00:21:54 china is right in there with the with

We Are Being Played - Introducing PEPFAR & Birx

@00:04:43 coming out of china and coming out of

Event 201 Pandemic Marketing

@00:10:28 outside china outside china including

Virus is Like Luminol for the Gl-o-b-alists

@00:04:31 were recently in china may have
@00:05:12 recently in china may have initially
@00:06:01 travel restrictions against china global
@00:14:22 right now over in china as i described

Now This is a Killer App

@00:00:02 going on in wuhan china and no i don't
@00:00:09 someone an american reporter in china
@00:00:44 coronavirus china is undertaking its
@00:01:17 is a huge huge company in china and they
@00:01:22 really in china everything is kind of
@00:02:50 qr codes everywhere now in china in some
@00:02:53 areas of china and you pay for things
@00:08:20 there's a crisis in china the state
@00:08:29 of mass surveillance in china it's not
@00:09:41 believe back and forth from china who it
@00:09:47 month by china as he was a professor at
@00:11:22 walking down the street in china without
@00:12:43 enforcers in china that worry me their
@00:13:01 get along in a place like china is to
@00:18:00 like china all right i have pleaded my

We're in a Marxist Revolution

@00:38:14 why did kim travel to china
@00:39:42 us china north korea facebook data dump

Monolithic Conspiracy

@00:00:53 what china is doing in its country right
@00:03:07 want them to because they think china
@00:18:34 dangerous to let a country like china
@00:27:30 including the soviet union and china
@00:27:50 china and russia were never part of it
@00:28:04 to russia or maybe china and russia were
@00:28:28 posts why are china and russia
@00:28:41 children / people china and russia
@00:29:42 machines in all these countries china
@00:29:46 china and russia don't have an owl china
@00:42:19 around the world except russia and china
@00:42:31 russia and china no why not did they do
@00:44:02 united states and right now china is
@00:44:08 is exposing the failures of china to the

The Cyber Laundry

@00:38:26 operations in china with low-wage shift

The Great Reset / NWO - They Hate Us

@00:10:42 companies over to china and bangladesh
@00:15:10 china will be connected to the internet
@00:24:14 crypto servers for example it's china
@00:24:17 and china is never held to account
@00:24:31 does she ever ask china to participate
@00:24:46 does greta ever berate china about it

IRANADA - Iran International Swamp Part 2

@00:12:35 adversaries especially china and iran

The Iran Swamp Creatures of the USA

@00:04:58 these are china france russia united
@00:05:03 european union china and russia china
@00:05:14 case you didn't know china and russia

Shocking Finders Tentacles Part 1

@00:01:30 communications back and forth from china

Fireside Chat - Lights in the Darkness

@00:12:26 china

Freeform Friday Oct 25 2019

@00:25:11 your thoughts and actions move to china
@00:29:11 this is actually an operation from china

SUBVERTED Part 2 - The Tentacles & Weird History

@00:31:19 china 15 20 years ago and now look at

SUBVERTED --- Part 1

@00:07:03 went back to china after he developed
@00:07:07 propulsion labs he went back to china
@00:10:55 warfare in china the army decided to
@00:40:49 china has risen our skies are full of
@00:41:50 like communist china all of this works

Language Codes, Cults, Technocracy, Maxwell and DiBono

@00:09:01 pilot project in china where his systems
@00:09:29 were using it in china and we see where
@00:09:31 china has gone more totalitarian more

Epstein and the Eugenicists

@00:12:10 ema and europe see fda in china and they
@00:17:47 a whole new being china recently
@00:17:57 china recently produced a human monkey

Sustainable Development Is a Con Job

@00:05:49 like in china anyway i thought i would

You Are Being Groomed

@00:04:32 you're in china the government can know
@00:08:24 in china there are dystopian innovations
@00:09:54 to china to work in the tech industry
@00:11:48 made when they went over to china listen
@00:13:10 this to you yeah when china is looking
@00:14:03 down over in china so that each one is
@00:15:13 them a tool by 2020 china plans to track
@00:21:00 this is happening in china right now
@00:25:54 when china is looking at this problem

Censoring Opposition to Censorship

@00:04:08 the people's republic of china close
@00:09:21 said that he liked communist china

Using "Bad Manners" as an Excuse to Hide the Truth

@00:04:26 people's republic of china close quote

FBI Agents Are Conspiracy Theorists - The Pizza Connection

@00:15:39 investigate china gave filegate
@00:21:55 filegate whitewater china gate linda

Clinton, Swiss Banks, The World Jewish Congress, and NXIVM

@00:12:15 whitewater encompassed china gate
@00:13:51 know about china gate filegate
@00:14:06 time here possible treason in the china

4th Industrial Revolution is the Plan to End Humanity

@00:21:20 now china has just decided not to buy

BOMBSHELL TESTIMONY: Corrupt Prime Minister's Office Directs the News

@00:24:06 blatantly says they need to get china on
@00:24:14 canada with china letting china do a lot
@00:24:20 china do

Freeform Friday | What The Future Holds

@00:22:04 china own so much of canada saudi owns

Post National = Post Sanity & Post Decency

@00:28:13 cheats yeah next china our cozy
@00:28:17 relationship with china canada installs
@00:28:30 precursor to china building its own
@00:28:32 network in the region and china china is
@00:28:35 favored by the globalists china gets
@00:28:38 special rates china still gets loans
@00:28:44 china gets lower international postal
@00:28:52 because china fits right in to the
@00:28:57 course canada is going to let china set
@00:29:15 china has a social credit system where
@00:29:41 country outside of china to accept these

Fintech and Censorship

@00:03:05 as everybody else i mean even china has
@00:09:37 time this could be china there there's
@00:09:40 no reason to think it wouldn't be china
@00:09:44 china is the way to go and china says

Elite Snakes FEAR Populism and Nationalism

@00:24:44 have to pick between russia china or the

current events fireside chat Nov 26 2018

@00:10:57 a russia or china would you be that dumb
@00:11:02 i'm not saying that china isn't a threat

POTUS Threat in France, Trudeau Pretends to Like Press Freedom

@00:05:46 speech to the china canada business
@00:06:20 canada china business council bans media

Globalists v POTUS and Broward County Dig

@00:11:35 to china russia and even the united

Is This What Progress Looks like? Neo-Communism in the West

@00:03:25 korea and trudeau's affinity for china
@00:03:37 with china in fact he just allowed

Calm Before the Storm - Qanon No Coincidences - Trump in Poland

@00:02:20 been to saudi arabia and china we knew

Post Democracy - Kavanaugh Inquisition & Faith Goldy

@00:03:45 china that you cannot have access to

Qanon dig UN NWO /_\ United Nations Luciferian Communism

@00:03:28 china where did potus dine what is this
@00:03:31 significance what if china russia and
@00:06:15 arabia north korea and china so let's
@00:07:52 receive while visiting china
@00:07:59 potus visited china and he was treated
@00:08:11 what if china russia and others are
@00:08:22 potus his visit to china was followed
@00:24:42 to china there's a lot of people
@00:24:44 involved in this who were sent to china
@00:24:49 china he knew tv song who was one of the
@00:25:45 time in china he came back was suspected

Trudeau Swamp Global Connections - Qanon Dig

@00:05:06 to china so i often get people asking me

Freeform 40,000 foot view Quew Anon

@00:17:19 the nazis with the allusion to china the

Somebody Would Have Talked NXIVM Red Pill

@00:02:24 china is this coming from an ideological

Mega Fake News

@00:05:34 wasn't started in china it's not an a
@00:21:35 china brand which is chinese a chinese

False Narratives - Trump vs the Cult

@00:10:07 when you get a real enemy like china or

Tom Arnold Lies, Media Encourages Hate, Journalists Tell Half Truths

@00:08:42 every third world country china china

WHAT? A Hillary *&#$ Video?? NBC news seeds the narrative

@00:11:39 nukes with russia china iran israel the

Spies, Agents of Influence & Islamophobia in the West

@00:01:38 focus was on china and that's what his
@00:04:12 replace the word china in the following
@00:08:46 with china because we're so paranoid
@00:09:48 it out there that if china is gonna go
@00:12:40 invited to go to china after they have
@00:12:55 nothing in china it's very very easy and
@00:13:04 very easy to fill up a room in china
@00:14:52 have been invited in china were not
@00:15:02 against or for china after their visit
@00:15:05 to china and after they've been wine and
@00:16:03 you think of china because that's how
@00:16:31 mr. juno katsuya said about china in
@00:16:43 influence of china and canada and
@00:17:03 see them putting forward anti-china
@00:18:27 about this what if before china stepped
@00:18:39 about how great and peaceful china is
@00:18:58 have an anti china phobia campaign
@00:19:07 that be considered china phobic how are

Myanmar & the Rohingya - Reading Article - The Other Side of the Story G O Comain

@00:15:56 apart from china it is not possible to

News: Economy, Border Crisis in Canada, doctors, Khalistan, rule of law, military

@00:14:25 possibly china i think that the muslims


@00:00:05 china he did not die in jail but that's
@00:02:31 ping what would china do with such a man
@00:02:39 what china thinks of this top human
@00:02:50 xiao ping in china has suffered
@00:03:41 injustice in china we can turn the page
@00:04:08 wonders if all china needs to do is
@00:05:29 china fought for leo shall bose released
@00:05:34 that everyone in china secretly
@00:06:54 their image and demonize china the west
@00:07:58 freedom of expression in china than here

Common Core Canada - Marxist Math

@00:16:18 states latvia macau china hong kong
@00:16:21 china korea japan switzerland germany

AUDIO Authoritarians, Narcissists & Freedom of Expression

@00:10:08 believe that it exists in china and