Inspector General

Way Fair Questions Need to Be Asked

@00:28:41 and other crimes it's an inspector
@00:28:44 general report

We Are Being Played - Introducing PEPFAR & Birx

@00:22:14 the documents the inspector general
@00:22:32 was misappropriated the inspector
@00:22:35 general was unable to examine the rest

Cracking Your Skull

@00:20:51 john vance a member of the cia inspector
@00:20:54 general staff learned about the

Indictments Incoming? S-o-R-o-s-y or Brennan?

@00:09:42 mission of the office of inspector
@00:09:43 general and the comprehensive work that
@00:10:10 last month we advised the inspector
@00:10:12 general that we do not agree with some

Human Misery for Fun and Profit - Clinton, O'Brien, Andrés, Epstein

@00:25:50 department inspector general memo