
NXIVM World Order

@00:25:24 about operation mockingbird we've talked

Private Spy Groups - Zamel, Wikistrat, Farrow

@00:04:48 called operation mockingbird or project
@00:04:50 mockingbird which is that the cia had
@00:05:14 mockingbird and isn't it interesting
@00:05:32 mockingbird now i forget it see project
@00:05:37 mockingbird which was a legit cia

WHAT? A Hillary *&#$ Video?? NBC news seeds the narrative

@00:04:01 things in operation mockingbird type

Cambridge Analytica Never Wanted To Help Trump

@00:10:42 operation mockingbird which specifically

Red Pill #3 - Trafficking and Blackmail

@00:00:19 familiar with operation mockingbird and
@00:05:36 where operation mockingbird comes in
@00:05:38 that's where operation mockingbird comes
@00:05:45 look at my operation mockingbird video
@00:05:51 mockingbird operatives are actually
@00:10:13 tell the mockingbird media is in a

Red Pill #2: Deep State Internet Shills and Trolls

@00:00:01 project mockingbird you know that for
@00:00:21 mockingbird have expanded their purview

Qanon Red Pill #1: Operation Mockingbird

@00:00:31 called project mockingbird for as long
@00:14:52 project mockingbird is real it has been

How to be Informed Without the MSM | Alternative Journalists & Research

@00:11:37 about operation mockingbird by looking