
Your Awakening Stories #1

@00:01:35 remember stumbling across george soros

Charities and Mind Control

@00:33:52 what is george soros trying to do here's
@00:34:16 excuses for george soros when i say this

MORE Public Health Mafia Connections

@00:20:25 funding from george soros and bill gates
@00:20:47 foundation which is george soros so
@00:23:34 and melinda gates and george soros and

RFK Speaks Out, PEPFAR gets deeper. BOOM info

@00:20:34 soros probably embezzled some of that
@00:34:04 the gates's the soros is the
@00:34:56 e there's george soros and more ted

Qster and Flynn and 4th Generation Warfare

@00:37:13 soros and gates and schmidt and whoever

Ukraine got PEPFAR Money - What did they use it for?

@00:05:16 february 26 2020 us soros funded
@00:05:34 to fund the activities of a soros
@00:05:55 also funded by soros called
@00:06:11 soros in the ukraine i'll put a link to
@00:06:15 that in the description box soros has
@00:06:46 taxpayers as well as soros helped ante c
@00:07:48 face and in january 2018 soros made this
@00:08:04 soros said at the world economic forum
@00:08:40 other hand george soros knows that they
@00:09:27 those organizations into george soros
@00:10:24 bill gates davos where george soros made
@00:13:21 soros gave it is all but impeachment
@00:14:08 soros and then you look at the two

deleted Homo Sorosensus

@00:00:00 i want to talk about george soros today
@00:01:35 on to george soros is all of you people
@00:04:02 george soros george soros and his
@00:04:53 to soros revealed a study by the
@00:05:05 rights and ngos funded by george soros
@00:05:41 soros that they are in effect wholly
@00:06:00 with regards to george soros that also
@00:06:28 about soros funded prosecutors and other
@00:06:39 respect for law and order i mean soros
@00:06:56 soros does by undermining law and order
@00:07:05 soros has put his money in the united
@00:07:46 of this and of course george soros likes
@00:07:51 soros likes in a state's attorney
@00:07:58 book at george soros as enemies here's
@00:08:03 left-wing billionaire george soros
@00:08:11 is a very common theme george soros puts
@00:12:08 same soros funded group what a racket
@00:13:55 george soros with his billions
@00:14:16 elected george soros what nation does he
@00:14:25 several causes the first is that soros
@00:15:53 rights activists working for soros or
@00:19:51 and that's george soros that's george
@00:19:54 soros is people doing that i'll put a
@00:20:13 ngos funded by soros and at the end of
@00:20:45 you catch that homo soros census a new
@00:20:52 man made in the image of soros whoa that
@00:21:03 idea this is just more evidence of soros
@00:21:48 man george soros so until these people

We're in a Marxist Revolution

@00:08:49 taxpayer and soros foundation money

The Cyber Laundry

@00:34:49 boogeyman is also involved george soros
@00:34:59 george soros soros fund management two

CENSORED: Growing Up Deep State ---- Edited Re-Upload

@00:16:25 in the middle just like george soros
@00:21:24 george soros works very closely with
@00:21:27 them george soros facilitates the
@00:22:20 them up people like george soros through
@00:45:00 that people like soros want to change he

IRANADA - Iran International Swamp Part 2

@00:01:27 soros and near the end i'm going to talk
@00:09:31 soros was already there and had already
@00:10:28 consider george soros is the champion of
@00:29:13 george soros george soros met with
@00:29:32 george soros and the koch brothers
@00:30:26 partnered with soros the net seems to be
@00:31:07 the ukraine is george soros right and
@00:47:28 was funded by george soros okay and he
@00:48:01 days don't forget too that george soros

The Iran Swamp Creatures of the USA

@00:08:48 george soros at his manhattan penthouse
@00:09:16 a little while ago george soros and the
@00:09:33 soros foreign policy think-tank headed
@00:10:03 and again george soros and the koch
@00:23:40 lot of different soros foundations i

Indictments Incoming? S-o-R-o-s-y or Brennan?

@00:01:54 to do with george soros because it has
@00:02:05 those things tie right to george soros
@00:02:10 video about about george soros and how
@00:04:00 down to soros and brennan another cue
@00:11:09 that perhaps george soros was somehow
@00:14:04 not for soros was going to try to do
@00:16:39 media plus george soros plus open
@00:18:24 kind of funny that george soros broke
@00:22:33 pounds that george soros funneled into
@00:22:58 soros well i have a clip to play you
@00:23:31 biggest ngo owner is yeah george soros
@00:23:36 know we said the word george soros he
@00:23:41 george soros nervous having rudy
@00:24:11 george soros has been coming in largely
@00:24:31 states he's watching you george soros
@00:24:58 picked out for george soros really

Swift Messages and Pound Sterling - a bit of fun!

@00:01:09 soros family 23 capital and the carlyle
@00:01:21 this is this true is the soros family
@00:01:28 so i google soros and taylor swift and
@00:01:39 copyright law soros fears pound plunge
@00:01:52 george soros both in a headline so what
@00:02:36 means brexit and in june 2016 soros was
@00:03:11 george soros quote broke the bank of
@00:03:56 terrible time george soros picked his
@00:04:13 in the end george soros walked away with
@00:04:50 2016 what soros was fearing the pound
@00:06:47 mentioning george soros on the day that
@00:07:36 soros is giving to investors friends
@00:09:37 soros whatsoever i'm not saying that i'm
@00:09:48 the same open society or george soros
@00:11:30 soros and it's possible that george
@00:11:33 soros says other foundations gave money
@00:11:50 that george soros broke the bank of
@00:12:24 deadline of brexit that george soros

Does Satan Exist?

@00:00:18 doesn't george soros evil old soggy
@00:00:27 bottom george soros this is one of his
@00:03:09 you didn't know george soros he's

Corruption Ukraine Censored!

@00:19:40 soros the idea has been since the early
@00:20:14 they're tied to see george soros is
@00:20:51 buried you see george soros is is the

Anti-Corruption is the New Corruption

@00:00:03 george soros has wrecked it i started
@00:00:54 engineered by george soros who was
@00:01:12 soros we'll look at how george soros has
@00:01:36 going to come up george soros and civil
@00:01:51 george soros is puppetry of many many
@00:02:31 soros depp won george soros buys bowdoin
@00:02:41 independence and soros had what he calls
@00:03:53 alleges george soros bought and indeed
@00:04:22 established close ties with george soros
@00:04:47 committee and soros is seen as something
@00:05:06 of his father's ties to the soros
@00:05:36 the world bank and george soros puppet
@00:06:18 was george soros saw fit to buy himself
@00:07:20 soros soros bought those people okay
@00:08:00 billionaire philanthropist george soros
@00:08:11 george soros buying the law now here's a
@00:08:57 funded by soros further in that article
@00:09:42 article about soros buying people to own
@00:10:29 so now we have soros rebuilding the
@00:10:37 the civil service george soros
@00:10:47 activist george soros this year alone
@00:10:50 soros has given the kiev based
@00:11:48 country in the world fail george soros
@00:12:33 throwing at george soros and in 2004
@00:12:39 soros engineered the orange revolution a
@00:13:04 the wrong guy won the guy soros wanted
@00:13:16 paid for remember by soros his money
@00:13:53 i don't know how george soros can be so
@00:15:32 billionaire george soros open society
@00:19:10 connection to george soros because he
@00:20:04 the way with george soros chrystia
@00:20:17 of soros canadian prime minister justin
@00:20:30 and here's krystia interviewing soros in
@00:21:15 george soros allegedly wrote this paper
@00:21:40 george soros strategy memo on ukraine so
@00:21:48 this was written by george soros but
@00:25:57 ukraine does exactly what george soros
@00:27:43 top it off here's george soros ending
@00:29:54 coaching from canada where soros
@00:32:25 george soros to fund their joint project
@00:33:47 would george soros appoint two
@00:38:06 soros it said bowdoin chrushank oh a
@00:38:12 recruited by half religion and soros to
@00:38:17 soros foundation in ukraine with its
@00:38:23 place where the soros foundation is so
@00:39:27 george soros buys leonid kuchma
@00:39:53 mother teresa soros is unable to prevail
@00:40:05 have been among soros as most urgent
@00:40:24 suggestive clues that george soros works
@00:42:08 george soros that's how they fixed the
@00:43:48 what soros has wrought so they said to
@00:44:01 have free rein george soros we've let
@00:44:25 said soros and all his people mobilize
@00:47:14 that soros and his buddies pretty much

Language Codes, Cults, Technocracy, Maxwell and DiBono

@00:09:52 philanthropist george soros speaks
@00:10:05 soros george soros is a speaker a fluent

Cruise Through the Epstein Swamp - Puzzle Pieces #1

@00:22:14 north of george soros this is marina

Sustainable Development Is a Con Job

@00:03:33 globalist friend of george soros cass
@00:07:57 actually something george soros says
@00:07:58 george soros thinks of himself as a
@00:08:16 obvious but you know george soros said
@00:08:49 soros theory of reflexivity and most
@00:09:24 soros is losing and we need him to lose

I Know How We Can Hurt Them

@00:00:07 teamed up with george soros to quote
@00:00:14 george soros so we're talking about the
@00:02:24 soros and the koch brothers are coming

Vice the Pedo Promoting, Cocaine Dealing, Soros Funded Fake News Hit Piece on Me & Bernier

@00:06:55 number one to soros who just invested a
@00:07:08 soros vice your day just keeps getting

Epstein Pedo Prof Connection to RNA Vaccines & Human Experiments

@00:12:12 such as george soros open society

Spygate Swamp Lawyer Has a Surprising Client

@00:05:05 george soros and democracy alliance
@00:05:37 activist george soros and fuzion gps
@00:05:50 and george soros as soon as i read that
@00:06:26 alliance puts together well george soros

Anti Corruption Ireland - A Movement to be Reckoned With

@00:20:46 agenda and making sure that george soros
@00:20:49 is banned george soros has a very toxic
@00:21:37 thanks to george soros but also we've

The Richest Most Twisted Swamp Creatures Ever

@00:06:40 democracy alliance by george soros the
@00:08:44 soros and his son jonathan financier
@00:10:35 well we've got george soros george soros
@00:10:54 soros but suffice to say it is a fact
@00:12:11 from november 3rd 2017 of fox news soros
@00:12:32 for soros fund management from 2008 to
@00:12:37 don't tell me don't tell me george soros
@00:12:50 several other groups that soros funds or
@00:21:29 by soros the sandler's and john

BOMBSHELL TESTIMONY: Corrupt Prime Minister's Office Directs the News

@00:23:39 close to george soros i don't know how
@00:24:04 interview where george soros

Hacking Democracy with False Flags

@00:03:10 look at george soros and jonathan soros

Who Are These Idiots?

@00:14:03 soros and these powerful ngos that want

Controlled Journalism - Fact Checking, Fake News & Phony Philanthropy

@00:06:03 soros bill and melinda gates bill and
@00:15:04 george soros they've taken the page down

EXCLUSIVE: Yell0w Vests- What's Really Happening In France

@00:07:58 soros that's what i'm coming to learn
@00:08:00 he's like francis george soros the man

Post National = Post Sanity & Post Decency

@00:14:34 to george soros back in 2016 this is
@00:15:33 we signed an agreement with george soros
@00:15:40 where george soros as hard as that to
@00:17:49 that at trudeau's signed with soros they
@00:30:45 her relationship with george soros
@00:30:56 you know what else george soros worked
@00:31:09 interviews with george soros he admits
@00:31:26 soros worked with the nazis confiscating

Celebrity Sausage and Population Control

@00:01:20 stanford his partnership with soros his

DISTURBING - You Won't Believe This "Coincidence"

@00:05:55 so there's a george soros connection
@00:08:35 that soros all these other ones
@00:12:53 soros affiliated founder a privately

The Keys to the Internet Backdoor - *Q* Decode Surveillance

@00:09:32 soros among other people mastercard

Your Taxes Fund the Enemy | Q* Decode - Foundations Part 3

@00:01:35 soros pays for an tyfa out of his own

The New Colonialism - Digital ID, Tracking & Inclusion

@00:19:46 course this ties back to soros and it
@00:20:05 right into george soros and mastercard
@00:20:53 things so this was in 2005 and soros is
@00:22:02 involved in both george soros mastercard
@00:22:52 soros is doing the very same thing now

The Official Credit Card of the New World Order - Part 1

@00:00:16 is george soros foundation the clinton
@00:16:52 orbit of george soros as he as he began
@00:17:34 discussion including george soros and
@00:18:02 mr. soros roughly half of the money in
@00:26:24 micro-invest is soros the actual company

The Globalist Mask is OFF and the People Are Rising

@00:18:13 like george soros or russia it's an

current events fireside chat Nov 26 2018

@00:03:02 good friend george soros but what you
@00:03:07 i say george soros but there are many
@00:03:15 eyebags george soros is the guy they've
@00:03:38 me what george soros really wanted to be
@00:04:10 and when george soros speaks of this
@00:04:34 george soros about it and he said that
@00:04:40 psychiatric ward and george soros says
@00:04:59 the rumors that george soros worked for
@00:05:27 is paid to lie on behalf of george soros
@00:17:34 soros george soros came up here met with

It's Almost 11:11

@00:02:21 something and yes george soros is

Child Euthanasia in Toronto, Planned Techno Google City & the Apathetic Defenders

@00:25:58 say i'm at huson and george soros have

Qanon dig UN NWO /_\ United Nations Luciferian Communism

@00:09:16 soros controls organizations of people
@00:10:52 socialism and it's overseen by soros

Trudeau Swamp Global Connections - Qanon Dig

@00:33:13 george soros on international issues

all the birds say the same thing

@00:07:54 you know persecution of george soros

Qanon Red Pill #1: Operation Mockingbird

@00:09:57 george soros who funds literally

Islamic Terror Ghost Story The Parliament Hill Shooting

@00:01:52 soros is open society foundation linked
@00:21:49 society and that's mr. george soros once
@00:21:56 journal tunisian revolt another soros
@00:22:52 description box george soros agitating

Las Vegas Shooter on Ground, Large Operation evidence

@00:11:20 open society george soros foundation and

Common Core Canada - Marxist Math

@00:03:56 he's the george soros of tomorrow i mean
@00:04:02 be old eyebags after george soros pot

Immunity from Islam In Canada

@00:02:17 soros foundation to partner with the un

How to be Informed Without the MSM | Alternative Journalists & Research

@00:06:47 george soros and the big new pierzynski

Spain Protests (for more?) Refugees! Soros PR coup

@00:03:44 soros erdis casa nostra casa vostra i
@00:03:55 to george soros and his open society
@00:04:06 to join with you n george soros to
@00:04:30 soros the billionaire as he says
@00:04:34 i'm not going to play george soros the
@00:04:39 george soros the building there it's