
We're in a Marxist Revolution

@00:36:31 uranium has uses that we don't
@00:36:33 understand because this rush for uranium

IRANADA - Iran International Swamp Part 2

@00:00:32 country giving uranium to iran which
@00:01:18 at uranium and connections to canada a
@00:35:34 this is a really good primer on uranium
@00:35:41 canadian and newly formed uranium
@00:35:46 lucrative uranium reserves in kazakhstan
@00:36:03 hillary clinton to buy and sell uranium
@00:36:06 and the uranium arendt eventually went
@00:36:24 and they say either way the uranium one
@00:36:35 sources whose interests like uranium
@00:37:15 chairman of uranium 1 okay so who is he
@00:38:26 is in a very strategic location uranium
@00:38:38 uranium deposits and this is from
@00:38:43 uranium found in wells serving small
@00:38:52 though when he opened this home uranium
@00:39:06 refugees but also the uranium two of the
@00:46:58 immediately relate to uranium or nuclear
@00:48:24 frank giustra uranium one clinton
@00:48:31 giving uranium to iran and frank giustra
@00:48:43 in another deposit of uranium you can

The Iran Swamp Creatures of the USA

@00:04:13 uranium we're going to go to russia and
@00:04:22 uranium were in the hold of a rush
@00:04:33 uranium to russia russia the big
@00:04:46 uranium is that strange or what now keep
@00:18:52 iran is to get natural uranium batch
@00:19:01 natural uranium is significant should
@00:19:15 enough weapons-grade uranium for more
@00:20:36 little thing called the uranium one
@00:20:54 natural uranium from somewhere there's a

The Crimes Must Not Be Buried with Jeffrey Epstein

@00:24:51 near a uranium deposit and the refugee
@00:25:07 uranium 1 scandal

Cruise Through the Epstein Swamp - Puzzle Pieces #1

@00:26:58 giustra is a key figure in uranium 1
@00:27:47 company that bought uranium one and sold
@00:28:28 near thessaloniki greece uranium they
@00:28:34 uranium in thessaloniki greece very
@00:28:42 thessaloniki and you can see uranium
@00:28:52 occurring to me is that uranium us
@00:29:12 for you at your uranium mine
@00:30:47 right near a new find of uranium frank
@00:30:53 clinton in the uranium 1 scandal and

The Richest Most Twisted Swamp Creatures Ever

@00:25:51 of the ground what uranium you say
@00:26:00 uranium scandals it's all connected what

Trudeau Swamp Global Connections - Qanon Dig

@00:15:49 one we'll move on now to uranium one
@00:16:23 giustra plays right into uranium one
@00:16:29 deal with uranium sales frank and him
@00:16:45 a uranium one primer this is a good
@00:17:05 next thing you know there's a uranium
@00:17:20 uranium one because of he got sold to
@00:17:27 getting the uranium out of the united
@00:18:16 so that's uranium 1 but what is this x
@00:18:31 syria q asks what if uranium one
@00:18:48 supposed to stop enriching uranium
@00:19:00 this your uranium enrichment going i
@00:20:13 market that uranium was and i don't know
@00:20:17 where the rosa tom uranium ended up but
@00:20:28 uranium what have i got right see this
@00:21:00 what did kaew say what if uranium
@00:27:37 november 30th q says uranium one -
@00:28:11 northern greece guess what uranium was
@00:28:48 to try and find uranium to see if
@00:28:52 there's stores of uranium up there in
@00:29:14 the uranium isotopes in the
@00:32:05 uranium isotopes it's just after that
@00:34:12 is the uranium exploration at
@00:35:18 uranium 1 deal that's what he's suddenly
@00:35:24 did nothing wrong with the uranium 1
@00:35:35 uranium transactions so who is this
@00:36:10 uranium one and he's got tons of

Freeform 40,000 foot view Quew Anon

@00:00:42 weapons so iran links to the uranium one
@00:01:00 enriching uranium because i believe they
@00:03:52 money laundering and the sale of uranium

Red Pill #3 - Trafficking and Blackmail

@00:09:01 are we hearing about uranium one they