President Trump's War On Human Trafficking

@00:07:15 announced during the covid lockdown

Is Coronavirus Being Used As A Cover for Mass Arrests Part V

@00:00:08 is the corona virus being used as a
@00:05:20 house coronavirus briefing wednesday
@00:15:04 and one of the coronavirus briefings the
@00:15:54 coronavirus this series is about how
@00:16:00 this pandemic and the corona virus is
@00:16:19 corona virus and they have thrown out a
@00:16:41 to do with the corona virus and change
@00:16:48 corona virus they have taking pictures
@00:17:05 the corona virus so a lot of people
@00:18:19 corona virus so they admitted that
@00:18:28 corona virus now i believe that the only
@00:18:50 coronavirus cases they have come out so
@00:19:10 to treat corona virus from and from what
@00:19:22 corona virus and this drug was approved
@00:20:00 this drug app now that cures the corona
@00:20:35 drug out that can cure the corona virus
@00:22:05 people that have the coronavirus and
@00:22:15 used for non coronavirus patients and
@00:22:21 coronavirus patients so it's very
@00:22:38 to be used for coronavirus patients only
@00:23:36 coronavirus okay so let's talk about the
@00:23:46 not for coronavirus patients the
@00:23:51 that these ships are not for coronavirus
@00:24:06 coronavirus patients now there's been
@00:31:28 children now the corona virus from what
@00:31:44 corona virus from what i've gathered
@00:31:53 corona virus does not impact children as
@00:32:33 there are allegedly four coronavirus

Is the Coronavirus a Cover For Mass Arrests? Part IV

@00:00:05 to be video 4 in my series is the corona
@00:00:24 about the corona virus every single day
@00:05:29 about the corona virus he's supposed to
@00:14:17 coronavirus victims and the story is
@00:20:20 not airing president trump's coronavirus

Corona Virus Cover For Mass Arrests? PART III

@00:06:30 corona virus being used as a cover to
@00:08:52 homes during the corona virus lockdown
@00:09:14 due to corona virus outbreak okay i have
@00:11:18 response to the corona virus pandemic
@00:12:44 announced today could cure the corona
@00:12:58 millions with the corona virus she told
@00:13:24 created the corona virus however the
@00:46:09 pictures of a corona typewriter so i
@00:46:21 the corona virus but he just happened to
@00:46:24 carry his corona typewriter with him on
@00:46:41 that corona typewriter in the suitcase
@00:46:48 corona typewriter is a message it's a
@00:46:57 madonna was typing in a corona

Coronavirus cover for mass arrests? Part II

@00:00:09 which asked is the coronavirus a cover
@00:01:11 that i believe that the corona virus is
@00:01:28 the corona virus isn't real or is fake i
@00:02:33 corona virus is real i don't think it's
@00:05:50 the corona virus as most of you know and
@00:05:55 gates owns the patent for the corona
@00:06:53 reiterate i do believe that the corona
@00:13:55 there because of the coronavirus they're
@00:17:06 believe that the coronavirus is being
@00:17:39 coronavirus lockdown helped italian
@00:17:51 coronavirus lockdown has been used in
@00:19:20 infected with a corona virus justin
@00:19:23 trudeau's wife has the corona virus and
@00:19:47 infected with the corona virus here oh
@00:19:50 there are 1600 cases of the corona virus
@00:20:39 the corona virus is being used as a
@00:20:57 claiming that they have the corona virus
@00:21:54 corona virus to keep people people calm
@00:22:22 corona virus and that's why so many
@00:22:27 corona virus if indeed they do have
@00:23:04 with the corona virus again it's just a
@00:23:25 corona i believe it's the chrome virus

Coronavirus a cover for mass arrests?

@00:00:26 talk about the coronavirus and i know
@00:00:36 want to go over the coronavirus first so
@00:00:41 the coronavirus i will say that i do
@00:00:44 believe that the coronavirus was created
@00:02:24 coronavirus and 22 deaths think about
@00:03:03 came out about the corona virus and this
@00:07:05 leaders i read contracted the corona
@00:07:12 coming down with the corona virus and
@00:09:37 corona virus which the president united
@00:12:16 and safely as possible is a corona virus
@00:14:46 relating to the corona virus but one of
@00:15:12 the corona virus pandemic because again
@00:15:57 that the corona virus is the cover for
@00:17:26 wife rita wilson have the corona virus
@00:17:34 like i said i believe the coronavirus is
@00:17:54 going to use the coronavirus as an
@00:18:08 claim they have the coronavirus to help
@00:18:22 coronavirus and if you've been following
@00:19:51 the coronavirus so i think we're going
@00:20:00 they have the corona virus and like i've
@00:20:03 said i believe that the corona virus is
@00:21:22 coronavirus right after trump issued the
@00:21:59 the coronavirus again i believe that
@00:24:58 coronavirus i really do not sorry my