Deep state

The Truth About President Trump's Relationship With Jeffrey Epstein.

@00:00:25 there's a lot of deep state entities
@00:09:17 not only are there deep state-controlled
@00:11:24 beware of the deep state control
@00:16:49 deep state people they're aligned with
@00:18:09 they're guilty themselves they're deep
@00:18:12 state they're tied to hillary clinton
@00:21:58 they're probably controlled by the deep
@00:22:00 state so just be very wary of who you

Is Coronavirus Being Used As A Cover for Mass Arrests Part V

@00:03:51 arrests of low-level deep state cabal

Is the Coronavirus a Cover For Mass Arrests? Part IV

@00:06:18 created by the deep state but it is real

Corona Virus Cover For Mass Arrests? PART III

@00:01:07 elected to take down the deep state
@00:12:51 around the deep deep state to give it to
@00:12:56 into the deep state plot to kill
@00:13:17 videos the deep state is behind this
@00:13:20 pandemic the deep state is the one that
@00:16:07 country has a deep state the united
@00:16:10 states has a deep state israel has a
@00:16:13 deep state north korea was controlled by
@00:16:17 the deep state china has a deep state
@00:20:13 take down and arrest the deep state /
@00:33:12 won the deep state sent out all their

Coronavirus cover for mass arrests? Part II

@00:03:14 is used by the deep state to do their
@00:03:40 the cabal as deep state foot soldiers to
@00:05:18 of those criminals were funded by deep
@00:05:22 state cabal members like george soros so
@00:05:44 that the deep state is absolutely behind
@00:35:19 many examples of how the deep state is

Coronavirus a cover for mass arrests?

@00:00:46 by the deep state i'm sure many of you
@00:06:59 of deep state cabal members such as
@00:07:54 by the deep state as foot soldiers just

1 17 20Update

@00:30:46 of the cabal on the deep state i don't


@00:21:43 deep state exposing pizza gay is one
@00:21:50 deep state they set him up he will be
@00:25:36 the mainstream media and the deep state
@00:42:16 the deep state because he was exposing


@00:08:50 smith is a deep state puppet and he has
@00:09:02 part of the deep state so i imagine that
@00:09:29 deep state entities we know that they're
@00:10:11 that rachel maddow another deep state
@00:22:01 controlled by the deep state the people


@00:02:26 protect the second most prominent deep
@00:02:27 state target in the world he's more
@00:22:05 the deep state he's the one that broke
@00:23:13 someone from the deep state was remote


@00:17:08 saying that he was working for the deep
@00:17:12 state mossad and or cia and that his
@00:18:03 deep state the cia mossad they have run
@00:20:05 times up movement was nothing but a deep
@00:20:10 state operation i believe it was funded
@00:21:40 deep state cabal so round and round we

Jeff Epstein Arrest: Pizzagate Blows Open!

@00:28:47 why the deep state is so desperate to
@00:31:31 all a ruse to throw off the deep state


@00:01:38 ruse to let the democrats and the deep
@00:01:41 state think that they were in control
@00:02:53 kinds of bad deep state criminal
@00:03:12 tangled up in so many deep state crimes
@00:03:57 media and these deep state actors
@00:04:41 exposed and all these bad deep state
@00:22:53 some deep state actor that's gonna try


@00:31:05 deep state our cia data those


@00:01:16 by the deep state it's really agitating
@00:22:31 in shady deep state crimes such as
@00:22:45 do the dirty work of the deep state
@00:23:11 a distraction to distract the deep state
@00:23:58 brush i was going after deep state rex


@00:06:18 are controlled by the deep state there
@00:33:35 involved with a deep state badly and
@00:35:18 deep state false flag situations it's
@00:35:55 deep state created this diversion to
@00:36:53 as a organic natural this was a deep
@00:36:56 state attack attack they were created by
@00:37:06 that this was a deep state attack you
@00:38:42 probably multiple reasons why the deep
@00:38:44 state is setting off these fires all

Liz Crokin Update

@00:21:54 like a deep state foss flag that's super
@00:25:06 a really sloppy bad deep state false
@00:25:13 it truly is a deep state false flag then
@00:25:38 people so if this truly is a deep state
@00:25:53 all right and if it's not a deep state
@00:27:22 thrive on this is how the deep state


@00:03:16 all these deep state thugs literally
@00:05:18 journalist to cover up for the deep
@00:05:20 state to cover up for the pedophilia to
@00:31:14 trolling me if it was some deep state

LizSept26Update2018 PART I

@00:04:14 military tribunals because the deep
@00:04:18 state the globalists who have committed
@00:06:34 coming the deep state the globalist
@00:20:15 deep state manages to take down the
@00:20:37 news and again if some deep state
@00:25:10 taking on the deep state and you know
@00:25:17 q talks about for taking on the deep
@00:25:18 state was taking down the house of saud
@00:25:49 income all on the deep state for a year

Liz Crokin surfing accident

@00:15:55 possibly the deep state like i cut off
@00:18:59 clinton and for the deep state articles

Asia Argento Is A Pedophile Satanist & More!

@00:02:24 deep state to distract they are
@00:05:18 cabal the deep state to be the faces for
@00:06:22 way more dark so you have the deep state
@00:06:32 forefront deep state was hoping all
@00:07:26 it was a psyop it was a deep state siop
@00:24:22 manipulated at the minimum by the deep
@00:24:25 state he's a puppet okay a lot of these
@00:24:53 for the deep state he did um a

Journalist Exposing Bill Clinton's Alleged Rape of a Little Boy Found Dead

@00:03:01 deep state troll or someone trying to
@00:04:44 deep say these deep state operatives

A-list Hollywood pedophiles exposed!

@00:05:32 deep state cabal the pedophile satanists
@00:08:02 me it was the deep state trying to
@00:09:02 deep state did is they took that tree
@00:10:26 they're launching these deep state you


@00:22:15 in russia and why the deep state fears
@00:22:18 russia why the deep state fears in the
@00:24:35 threatened and intimidated by the deep
@00:24:37 state like i've read that anytime you
@00:24:39 try to break away from a deep state they
@00:24:46 deep state and they're finally free
@00:25:09 powerful to take down the deep state and
@00:25:11 the cabal that is dangerous for the deep
@00:25:15 state that's why they hate russia so
@00:28:26 actors from the clown agency the deep
@00:28:31 state the fbi the judges the corrupt


@00:01:18 because here the deep state has their
@00:02:30 the deep state and how the cabal
@00:04:23 now so that's gonna blow up in the deep
@00:04:25 state space but um i was on her show
@00:24:15 trolling the deep state i think was the
@00:25:14 them why is the deep state why are the
@00:25:57 for a very long time the deep state has


@00:11:03 pawns of the deep state and a bunch of
@00:16:19 people i'm referring to the deep state


@00:05:07 hillary clinton how they tied the deep
@00:05:09 state you know and usually only takes a
@00:10:33 deep state knows it and they're
@00:25:24 would be tilt that is how the deep state
@00:25:41 killing you and your family the deep
@00:25:43 state will target one person we'll have


@00:02:12 was that you know it's the same old deep
@00:02:15 state mainstream media tactic to try to
@00:05:57 have deep state funding to to funds the
@00:20:17 the deep state knows either but i do
@00:20:52 spying on us he knows the deep state is


@00:01:57 child sex trafficking the deep state
@00:07:47 fact that she has been exposing the deep
@00:07:50 state exposing child sex trafficking
@00:08:31 least was controlled by the deep state
@00:09:07 exposing the deep state child sex
@00:12:21 broke records the deep state and the
@00:12:58 someone that has exposed the deep state
@00:28:16 trafficking the deep state project
@00:28:33 from the deep state okay they are
@00:28:53 become puppets for the deep state and


@00:00:20 they're controlled and run by the deep
@00:00:24 state okay the entire mainstream media
@00:00:31 that tell the truth about the deep stay
@00:00:33 and expose anything that the deep state
@00:00:35 does not want to be exposed the deep
@00:00:38 state controlled media will attack you
@00:01:18 the deep state and there's they will
@00:02:24 means that the deep state is scared that
@00:08:12 those are two of the most far left deep
@00:08:15 state-controlled um news outlets and i
@00:10:33 the deep state is trying to like


@00:01:26 this is obviously the deep state they
@00:02:18 zuckerberg deep state whatever i've


@00:08:00 epstein he's just an agent for the deep
@00:08:03 state so again i believe that president
@00:15:01 has been exposing the deep state the