Human trafficking

President Trump's War On Human Trafficking

@00:00:39 of human trafficking and i am prepared
@00:01:09 an uptick in human trafficking arrests
@00:01:22 human trafficking operation and 28
@00:02:19 of human trafficking dedicated men and
@00:02:41 this many bills into law to combat human
@00:02:44 trafficking
@00:02:55 to combat human trafficking that rarely
@00:03:05 nine bills into law addressing human
@00:03:08 trafficking
@00:03:17 victims of human trafficking now
@00:03:28 involved in human rights
@00:04:00 child sex trafficking and he made it
@00:04:07 human trafficking was an absolute
@00:04:22 to combat human trafficking we started
@00:07:27 drug trafficking and human trafficking
@00:07:55 the activities of human trafficking
@00:08:42 to shut down human trafficking forever
@00:09:29 for drug trafficking
@00:09:30 some of them arrested for human
@00:09:32 trafficking but i can't
@00:09:33 emphasize enough that human and drug
@00:09:36 trafficking
@00:09:51 done to combat human trafficking that i
@00:09:57 is that the biggest artery for human
@00:10:00 trafficking
@00:10:04 human trafficking thanks to the wall and

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@00:06:21 to combat drug trafficking well this is
@00:06:28 trafficking
@00:06:29 drug trafficking and human trafficking
@00:06:42 shano's are used in both human
@00:06:45 trafficking and drug trafficking
@00:07:12 tackling drug trafficking i can
@00:07:18 human trafficking at the same time even
@00:08:22 trafficking that tells me that they're
@00:08:24 also going after human trafficking and
@00:10:24 drug and sex trafficking and how they go
@00:10:27 hand-in-hand trafficking of illegal
@00:10:30 drugs and human trafficking often
@00:10:37 money human traffickers may also force
@00:11:00 child sex trafficking human trafficking
@00:11:08 trafficking so i don't believe that our
@00:11:15 trafficking and not human trafficking
@00:11:19 focusing on human trafficking because
@00:11:27 gave a listening session about human
@00:11:30 trafficking two weeks after he was sworn
@00:11:50 combat human trafficking was from eric
@00:12:23 has he been taking down human
@00:12:24 trafficking rings in the united states
@00:13:09 involved in human trafficking as well
@00:13:22 the track they're cracking down on human
@00:13:25 trafficking as well and people will ask
@00:13:32 operation includes human trafficking
@00:13:44 human trafficking and what these elites
@00:42:41 of human trafficking victims popping up
@00:43:35 for people who have committed human
@00:43:39 include sex trafficking he also has


@00:21:30 trafficking they were into nazi era type
@00:21:34 experiments with dna human cloning


@00:41:45 the human trafficking and i put his name


@00:14:38 family members they're human traffickers
@00:14:40 they are trafficking these children to

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@00:25:08 human trafficking and there's other
@00:25:11 financial incentives for these human
@00:25:13 trafficking rings to thrive so there's
@00:44:49 been sued for human trafficking and i


@00:04:36 total of 230 human trafficking
@00:06:12 record human trafficking is now one of


@00:21:27 organization which was trafficking kids
@00:21:30 and doing all other kinds of crazy human


@00:30:40 were they trafficking kids and the
@00:30:44 performing experiments like crazy human

LizSept26Update2018 PART I

@00:21:49 human rights abuses and anyone that was
@00:21:51 violating human rights abuses which
@00:21:53 would include the child sex trafficking

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@00:21:54 trafficking kids they were you doing
@00:21:57 mind-control experiments and human
@00:22:01 full-blown satanic child sex trafficking

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@00:05:56 had just released a psa on human
@00:05:58 trafficking and sex trafficking and he'd
@00:06:00 been an advocate for human trafficking

Liz Crokin 8/13 Update

@00:11:51 they're involved in trafficking kids
@00:11:58 posting the human trafficking hotline
@00:12:48 child sex trafficking but the clinton
@00:12:58 that's associated with the human
@00:13:00 trafficking hotline and i believe what q
@00:13:02 tallis is that that human trafficking

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@00:02:46 into my sex trafficking i love to write
@00:02:48 issue it should be a human issue well


@00:24:34 human trafficking in child sex
@00:24:46 the lines of you mean human trafficking


@00:00:48 free women and children from human
@00:00:50 trafficking and so we're gonna be
@00:09:21 targeted by isis for human trafficking


@00:12:38 quote human trafficking is worse than
@00:13:54 today via cool human trafficking is
@00:14:07 they're like disregarding human
@00:14:09 trafficking like what kind of like
@00:15:48 human trafficking today - okay i can't


@00:20:07 his life to combat human trafficking he
@00:20:10 has an organization to end human
@00:20:12 trafficking he testified in congress
@00:20:14 about human trafficking like blue low
@00:20:22 claims that they exist to combat human
@00:20:25 trafficking which is a total lie just
@00:20:34 goes to stop human trafficking anyways
@00:21:16 sex trafficking okay and and he will be
@00:21:22 human trafficking but little blah yeah


@00:00:18 to combat human trafficking it's it's
@00:02:33 trafficking rings wasn't true he
@00:02:42 record number of human trafficking
@00:03:08 going after human trafficking and that
@00:03:18 after human trafficking he actually
@00:03:19 started going after human trafficking
@00:03:42 president trump did is address human
@00:03:45 trafficking okay so this jerk that tried
@00:07:51 related to child sex trafficking human
@00:07:53 trafficking the freaking out of sidenote
@00:10:23 trump is saving children from human
@00:10:25 trafficking a conspiracy theory and then
@00:14:05 agency that is a front for human
@00:14:07 trafficking so we all want out of her


@00:11:20 child sex trafficking because if we want
@00:11:26 thing that decent human beings can't
@00:14:34 trafficking speer cooking all that
@00:14:38 because when good decent human beings

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@00:01:26 president trump tweet about human
@00:01:29 trafficking alright so i did that story
@00:05:53 building a wall will help end human
@00:05:56 trafficking well i'm talking about it


@00:07:58 sex trafficking operates without borders
@00:08:08 likely there's human trafficking going