
Is the Coronavirus a Cover For Mass Arrests? Part IV

@00:14:00 indictments all right there was a report
@00:22:31 and fifty thousand sealed indictments

Corona Virus Cover For Mass Arrests? PART III

@00:09:28 members that have sealed indictments so
@00:09:31 when these sealed indictments are acted
@00:09:35 thousand sealed indictments and from
@00:30:47 high number of sealed indictments so
@00:30:57 hundred sealed indictments in that state
@00:31:09 sealed indictments the states that don't
@00:31:12 have crazy number of sealed indictments
@00:42:05 unsealed and sealed indictments that

Coronavirus cover for mass arrests? Part II

@00:04:06 these arrests were sealed indictments
@00:04:18 sealed indictments sitting in
@00:04:25 indictments are
@00:15:01 indictments so this is a theory but i

Coronavirus a cover for mass arrests?

@00:08:31 indictments we also know things to q
@00:16:07 thousand sealed indictments and these


@00:17:04 the first unsealed indictments in terms


@00:27:16 indictments okay so speaking of steel
@00:27:19 indictments we'll segue into that i
@00:27:21 think the sealed indictments are they're
@00:32:14 indictments by the way this could be an
@00:32:55 person with a sealed indictments gonna

Jeff Epstein Arrest: Pizzagate Blows Open!

@00:36:20 were sealed indictments and so was
@00:36:26 hundred thousand sealed indictments when
@00:43:45 indictments are probably nexium members

Jeff Epstein’s Arrest — The Storm Is Here!

@00:02:54 sealed indictments so the rest are
@00:03:24 indictments so the ball just started


@00:04:33 indictments people the mass arrests are
@00:04:38 beginning of the sealed indictments
@00:05:48 80,000 sealed indictments and you want
@00:40:55 unseal and indictments will bring unity


@00:22:55 indictments are democrats all right so
@00:26:54 working on the sealed indictments now
@00:33:55 indictments a lot of them already


@00:04:35 sealed indictments but one sealed
@00:17:34 three thousand sealed indictments and

LizSept26Update2018 PART I

@00:22:40 indictments that are now sitting in