Mass arrests

President Trump's War On Human Trafficking

@00:09:15 mass arrests of members of the cjng

Is Coronavirus Being Used As A Cover for Mass Arrests Part V

@00:03:22 as an opportunity to conduct mass arrest
@00:03:33 discussed how there's been mass arrests
@00:06:11 down there's clearly mass arrests
@00:16:06 military operations and mass arrests and

Is the Coronavirus a Cover For Mass Arrests? Part IV

@00:23:05 that tells me is that when these mass
@00:23:08 arrests go down no one's gonna be able

Corona Virus Cover For Mass Arrests? PART III

@00:06:33 conduct the mass arrests this will be
@00:08:59 lockdown will be used to conduct mass
@00:09:02 arrests which i talked about in part one
@00:14:19 cover for the mass arrests and like i've
@00:33:26 these mass arrests that's when you

Coronavirus cover for mass arrests? Part II

@00:00:12 for mass arrests if you haven't
@00:01:18 to go in to conduct mass arrests of the
@00:02:52 mass arrests all right so let's talk
@00:04:28 the mass arrests happening now i believe
@00:04:31 that the mass arrests that happened with
@00:05:34 mass arrests happen they won't be able
@00:10:07 and hugh has told us that the mass
@00:10:10 arrests and the mask cleanup would take
@00:11:34 mass arrests and the operation is called
@00:11:44 that sweep so these mass arrests are
@00:11:51 conducted mass arrest and we also have
@00:11:54 715 members of the cj ng cartel the mass
@00:11:58 arrests are happening and again i know
@00:12:29 these mass arrests are actually happened
@00:14:00 conduct mass arrests of the members of
@00:14:14 that okay more proof that these mass
@00:14:18 arrests are happening what else has
@00:15:13 these mass arrests have been conducted
@00:16:57 to conduct these mass arrests this is
@00:17:30 to conduct these mass arrests all right
@00:20:42 cover to conduct mass arrests so i
@00:29:01 mass arrests are happening because these

Coronavirus a cover for mass arrests?

@00:08:09 mass arrests happen so what i'm piecing
@00:08:23 been posting about these mass arrests
@00:09:24 mass arrests happen that we will be in
@00:10:05 conducts these mass arrests it is done
@00:10:18 2017 q has been talking about these mass
@00:10:22 arrests and she has also been talking
@00:10:50 mass arrests are going to take place
@00:12:59 planned for the mass arrests to happen
@00:13:47 do believe that the mass arrests will
@00:15:06 these mass arrests could happen under
@00:16:27 the trigger and conduct these mass
@00:16:29 arrests is that there's gonna be civil
@00:21:47 that do possibly signal that these mass
@00:21:53 arrests are gonna be happening in the
@00:22:05 these mass arrests taking place and i do


@00:27:33 see these mass arrests and no one knows
@00:28:00 and i needed that there would be mass
@00:28:02 arrests and i knew that there be
@00:31:36 hats could be doing mass arrests right
@00:32:20 indicator that these a mass arrests are


@00:27:21 mass arrests happen the public needs to

Jeff Epstein Arrest: Pizzagate Blows Open!

@00:36:12 more rice and by the way this the mass
@00:36:16 arrests are happening they actually


@00:09:40 i believe we'll see mass arrests after
@00:09:48 to happen before we see the mass arrests
@00:10:19 that these mass arrests aren't gonna
@00:35:55 mass arrests go down i think that things


@00:04:24 the mass arrests are happening laurie
@00:04:33 indictments people the mass arrests are
@00:06:00 believe that there have been arrests
@00:06:10 mass arrests that are that our public is
@00:29:46 trafficking and the mass arrests of
@00:31:52 part of the storm these arrests happened
@00:31:57 that the mass arrests start last summer
@00:42:41 this is just the beginning of the mass
@00:42:43 arrests like this is just the beginning
@00:42:58 the mass arrests are here we're finally


@00:04:46 so don't complain to me about the mass
@00:04:48 arrests not happening yet all right this
@00:06:48 the mass arrests but no one who watches


@00:12:01 am saying this because these mass
@00:12:05 arrests are coming very soon and god is
@00:13:47 out before these mass arrests go down


@00:23:52 special elections and before the mass
@00:23:55 arrests happened this voter fraud is
@00:27:03 i believe when the mass arrests go down
@00:32:39 video tonight is because when the mass
@00:32:42 arrests happened i do believe they will
@00:34:00 mass arrests happened will all these
@00:38:30 these people before the mass arrests

Liz Crokin Update

@00:22:43 criminals i know the mass arrests are
@00:23:49 i'm thinking how are all these mass
@00:23:50 arrests going to go down and this could


@00:01:51 happening it's the mass arrests are
@00:02:04 mass arrests happen and then we move on

LizSept26Update2018 PART I

@00:02:11 and the mass arrests i'll talk about
@00:08:20 gonna go down on the mass arrests happen
@00:09:13 lead us into the mass arrests and the
@00:19:36 with the mass arrests so i believe that
@00:20:09 being set up so when the mass arrests do
@00:20:11 happen if there is mass chaos and if the
@00:22:22 after that the mass arrests will happen
@00:22:30 really crazy if there's mass chaos when
@00:24:20 when these mass arrests happened all the
@00:26:50 these mass arrests and people may not go
@00:28:34 mass arrests are gonna happen very soon

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@00:28:15 hits the fan and these arrests happen
@00:28:19 mass chaos and that's what my role is
@00:29:20 gonna see the mass or us i believe we'll
@00:29:26 november 11th when these mass arrests


@00:01:09 off and as much as i know the mass
@00:01:12 arrests have been taken place yet i was