Military tribunals


@00:28:03 military tribunals but i just didn't

Jeff Epstein Arrest: Pizzagate Blows Open!

@00:36:57 there will be military tribunals that


@00:02:31 charter military tribunals and some of
@00:04:31 military tribunals and there are 50,000

LizSept26Update2018 PART I

@00:02:05 the upcoming military tribunals which is
@00:02:09 military tribunals
@00:03:31 talk about the military tribunals if you
@00:03:44 asking him about was related to military
@00:03:48 tribunals and he was asking whether
@00:03:56 civilian or military courts and i
@00:04:00 believe his answer was military courts
@00:04:10 would lindsey graham ask about military
@00:04:12 tribunals well he's asking about
@00:04:14 military tribunals because the deep
@00:04:24 children will be dealing with military
@00:04:29 tribunals so what president trump's
@00:06:28 military tribunals why would he ask that
@00:08:44 no it's ruby military tribunals so that
@00:08:48 the military doesn't mess around and the
@00:09:16 military tribunals so that's why when z
@00:09:25 military tribunals that's what's going
@00:10:21 confirmed the military tribunals move
@00:19:15 military tribunals so you know i just i
@00:27:23 that makes me think that the military
@00:27:31 it up for the military tribunals to


@00:16:36 remember they're gonna be military
@00:16:38 tribunals so anything that happens in
@00:16:44 there's gonna be military tribunals so
@00:17:03 do military tribunals that's gonna
@00:21:18 me military tribunals so i'm not sure


@00:15:20 to get mole and there will be military
@00:15:22 tribunals