Able Danger

[3.15] Live Chat - Back to Business, The Great Awakening!

@00:24:08 hijacking is a thing and hat tip to able
@00:24:13 danger here familiar with able danger

Interview w/ Dr. Cynthia McKinney - Corruption in Politics & Meetup Suppressing the #UNRIG Campaign

@00:24:57 remember the able danger for 9/11
@00:25:04 truthers able danger was a key turning
@00:25:08 point because able danger informed us
@00:25:27 of and hijackers of 9/11 planes but able
@00:25:34 danger not only told us about the fbi
@00:25:36 connection able danger told us about the
@00:26:48 i'm going to get to the bottom of able
@00:26:51 danger i'm going to get to the truth of