
[9.20] Ricin - RBG Fallout - New Weiner Laptop Details - Epstein's Chef - London Protests

@00:13:52 would react if that was a blm or antifa
@00:14:20 and how they treat blm and antifa the

[9.19] RBG Passed Away - Panic in D.C.! - No Soros Talk on Fox - COVID Vax Will NOT Be Mandated

@00:15:09 so moving on now into antifa arson
@00:16:40 the antifa arson fires which absolutely
@00:16:47 antifa arson all up and down the west
@00:17:03 antifa an organization he said this in
@00:17:22 that they're antifa
@00:17:35 antifa has basically offices or

[9.10] Q: Plan accordingly [November] - AstraZeneca's Failed Vaccine - Adrenochrome on Dr. Phil

@00:10:35 antifa all over the country we've got
@00:14:32 tabs on antifa and the paid
@00:14:50 in oregon city confirmed antifa
@00:14:56 six antifa arsonists in custody many
@00:15:07 a lot of the antifa people that were

[9.8] Q: They are being forced into the light for all to see - Trump vs. the MIC - VACCINES

@00:02:47 equating the antifa flag
@00:03:06 action of antifa the modern day group
@00:03:44 deployed by antifa pretty similar then
@00:05:44 when the rioters get arrested the antifa

[8.25] Legislation CONDEMNING QAnon - Save the Children - The Plasma Controversy - The RNC Smashes

@00:06:57 blm and antifa are freaking burning down
@00:09:10 it was like antifa people
@00:10:08 followers that were going at the antifa
@00:10:10 looked exactly like the antifa shields
@00:10:14 antifa against antifa one of them just
@00:10:38 hang out with their antifa friends just