Bill Gates

[9.21] SC Nominee This Weekend - New Epstein Flight Logs Coming - Fox Quiets More Guests

@00:08:37 and some of his new pieces honoring bill
@00:08:40 gates you can see here
@00:08:48 arrest bill
@00:08:49 gates as this mural i think these are

[9.16] Climate Change & Fake Science - Q Nazis? - Gates Sr. - Muh Russia - COVID from a Lab - UFOs

@00:01:55 the bill gates family and somebody
@00:19:44 bill gates senior died bill gates senior
@00:19:48 he's the father of course of bill gates
@00:20:13 working for the gates family
@00:20:20 let's talk bill gates
@00:20:45 so check this out bill gates is
@00:20:53 the bill gates is questioning the fda's

[9.8] Q: They are being forced into the light for all to see - Trump vs. the MIC - VACCINES

@00:26:18 or money from the bill and melinda gates

Our HYPOCRITE Politicians Can't Even Wear A Mask, And They Want To Force You To Get A Vax?

@00:09:55 bill gates big surprise how many of
@00:10:09 bill and melinda gates foundation
@00:10:22 are all funded by the bill and melinda
@00:10:25 gates foundation so just
@00:13:20 and their connections to the bill gates
@00:13:28 and bill gates it's like these globalist

[7.8] DTI Headlines: U.S. Dumps the W.H.O. - Ghislaine Updates - COVID Deaths are DOWN! - Kanye

@00:17:14 center they are funded by the bill and
@00:17:16 melinda gates foundation so bill and
@00:17:18 melinda gates foundation funds epi who
@00:17:31 money going into a basically bill gates

[7.6] Flynn's Oath - QAnon Trends - The PLAGUE Is Back! - Kanye West - Maxwell's Arrest

@00:16:46 andrews on the chopping block now bill
@00:16:47 clinton bill gates i've seen his name

[5.19] Latest QAnon: It's a marathon not a sprint

@00:21:49 that too next one gates foundation okay
@00:21:57 check this out from the bill and melinda
@00:21:59 gates foundation this press release from
@00:22:29 january 2010 call by bill and melinda
@00:22:32 gates for the next 10 years to be the
@00:22:45 the global grand challenges bill and
@00:22:47 melinda gates foundation oh is foul chee
@00:23:12 bill and melinda gates how many of these
@00:23:18 or indirectly funded by the bill and
@00:23:19 melinda gates foundation all these

[5.16] POTUS on Vaccines - SPACE FORCE! - UFO Videos - Latest Q

@00:13:48 bulk now wouldn't out of bill gates had

Is Trump Really Supporting Vaccines?? Think OPTICS

@00:08:32 bill and melinda gates foundation know

Back From YouTube Timeout

@00:05:50 health organization and bill gates and

deleted [4.17] "Carrying Water" For the W.H.O. and Bill Gates - Breaking CHLORINE DIOXIDE News - FISA DECLAS

@00:13:49 couple of days later bill gates founded
@00:14:09 microsoft bill gates world health
@00:14:40 cooker damn what was bill gates even
@00:14:50 bill gates okay bill gates rebukes trump
@00:15:04 still on bill gates so the new york
@00:15:10 covering ass they're doing that for bill
@00:15:12 gates with this article this morning
@00:15:14 bill gates at odds with trump on virus
@00:16:47 i've been following bill gates for a
@00:16:48 while and it's obvious that bill gates
@00:17:42 funded by the bill and melinda gates
@00:26:33 w-h-o on bill gates few things on those

[4.13] Q: Bigger than you can possibly imagine. - Out Of Shadows - Microsoft's Marina Abramovic Ad

@00:12:53 microsoft have you ever gone to bill
@00:12:55 gates instagram do it click on any of
@00:13:03 bill gates is feeling the heat of the

[3.21] Tom Hank's Son Mocks 8chan - 30 Day Lockdown Rumors - DEEP STATE DEPARTMENT! - COVID Vaccines

@00:16:55 and then the hill oh man bill gates
@00:17:04 bill gates saying the the corona virus
@00:17:36 them and then this talks about how bill
@00:17:38 gates is investing millions and millions
@00:18:04 real id organization or push that bill
@00:18:08 gates has been doing and this real id
@00:18:27 came out last year about bill gates
@00:18:48 alright bill gates is right in on that
@00:19:01 those tweets about the bill gates
@00:19:03 foundation bill and melinda gates

[3.15 live] Latest on Corona: Natl. Emergency, Shutdown, Economy - Latest Media Attacks Against Me

@00:21:16 then we also have the step downs bill
@00:21:18 gates man i don't know if i've got two
@00:21:21 bill gates stepped down holy shit what
@00:21:33 boom news bill gates stepped down holy
@00:22:11 that says to me is that i think bill
@00:22:14 gates is
@00:22:19 think bill gates is he's fighting so

[3.6] WaPo & NYT Can't Math - COVID Vax Connections - FBI Dropped Terrorist Investigations

@00:10:48 big surprise the bill and melinda gates

[3.2] Presidential Dropouts - Q in a Trump Ad - NYT and WaPo Sued for Libel - COVID Updates

@00:12:01 virus man so few updates on that bill
@00:12:04 gates finally making some public
@00:12:21 bill gates says the corona virus is
@00:12:47 billions of dollars i mean shoot bill
@00:12:51 gates has already been investing in how
@00:13:32 the gates bill and melinda gates
@00:13:45 crazy stuff so of course bill gates is

[2.8] I'm Back! Talking My Channel's Censorship & Latest QAnon

@00:14:31 bill gates created the coronavirus which

[12.21] THE VACCINE FIGHT: New Jersey - WaPo Attacks Mercola - Bill Gates Vaccine Dye

@00:17:58 article this work was funded by the bill
@00:18:01 and melinda gates foundation and came
@00:18:11 philanthropist bill gates himself who
@00:18:21 there's another lie with bill gates
@00:18:27 and the the words bill gates speaks
@00:18:39 made-up bullshit bill & melinda gates
@00:18:46 bill gates for this and of course again
@00:18:53 friggin money bill gates is helping with
@00:19:05 do anything about it so bill gates

[10.14] #ExposeCNN - FISA IG Report Out the 18th - Bill Gates & Epstein - Secret Space Program

@00:09:15 moving on bill gates an epstein new york
@00:09:23 let's get to the headline first bill
@00:09:25 gates met with jeffrey epstein many
@00:09:39 version of it bill gates ties with
@00:09:46 2011 and bill gates told the gates
@00:11:17 nevertheless like bill gates and epstein
@00:11:18 totally bill gates man he's no
@00:11:38 all gmos bill gates yeah yeah yeah okay
@00:11:51 but then you can connect that to bill
@00:11:52 gates and what the heck is he pushing

[9.14] Q Rally - IG FISA Report Done - 8chan - McCabe - Epstein - Antivaxxers/Big Pharma - UFO/Space

@00:23:08 bill gates so jeffrey epstein donated a
@00:23:19 bill gates to donate money to mit so
@00:23:30 money from bill gates and bill gates
@00:23:39 well isn't bill gates like rich enough
@00:23:53 and then bill gates also said he never
@00:24:03 bill gates ever have meetings with
@00:24:16 bill gates are getting exposed which i'm

[8.21] The Pacific Northwest Is Woke AF

@00:15:46 gates foundation and seeing some
@00:15:49 interesting connections with bill gates
@00:15:51 come out of course bill gates in the

[8.21] NBC Attacks The Epoch Times & Edge of Wonder - Latest Epstein - Google Struggles

@00:04:08 jeez so that's that and how about bill
@00:04:12 gates also distancing also well he's not
@00:04:18 mail's been trying to get some of bill
@00:04:30 pedophile plane bill get bill gates took
@00:04:41 prince andrew you can't play stupid bill
@00:04:44 gates bill gates has spokespeople won't
@00:06:36 prince andrew bill gates maxwell so that

deleted [8.13] Feds Raid Epstein's Island - Hong Kong - FDA Lies, Says "Don't Drink Bleach!"

@00:14:30 bill gates
@00:14:31 oh bill gates not good but a the truth
@00:14:50 bill gates gmos tries to push his
@00:15:06 now we're learning that bill gates flew
@00:15:17 girls on it's underage women bill gates
@00:15:45 authoritative positions bill gates i'm

[5.9] The Space Episode: UFO & Free Energy Disclosure, Pole Shift, Antarctica

@00:11:18 there like besos like bill gates they're

[2.19] Vaccines - State Bills, Attacking FB Groups, "Teens Vaccinating Themselves"

@00:08:53 rockefellers with the bill and melinda
@00:08:54 gates foundation like those with him
@00:18:34 from the bill and melinda gates

[2.13] LIVE: Big Tech Problems / Recent Q / Vaccine Hysteria

@00:43:24 foundation do work with the gates
@00:43:26 foundation melinda bill gates foundation

[1.8 Live] Golden Globes / RGB / Wall / World Bank Prez / Max Spiers

@00:20:16 connections to the clintons to bill
@00:20:18 gates to lots of other foundations and

[12.12 LIVE] Q Addresses Flat Earth & JFK Jr.

@00:35:42 medically as america here so court bill
@00:35:45 gates probably wants to push a bunch of

[5.3] QAnon: Apple/"Alien Whistleblower"/Earth's Pole Shift/Vatican Problems

@00:16:38 bill gates was actually offered a job as
@00:16:46 you know according to bill gates
@00:16:51 bill gates as a science advisor that
@00:16:58 we had bill gates as a science advisor
@00:17:08 what bill gates is just he's a terrible

4.5 - MLK Conspiracies/CDC Scientist/Geoengineering Push/John Brennan/Newer, Scarier Frankenfoods

@00:13:32 today and it's even plugging bill and
@00:13:36 melinda gates foundation already so you

12.11 - False Flag Sacrifice to Distract from Storm & Another Plane Crash Near Rothschild HQ

@00:11:26 who knows if bill gates somebody
@00:11:28 commented bill gates who knows if he's
@00:11:30 connected you know bill gates has been

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - Q, NSA, Zionism, #GoogleGestapo & #UNRIG

@00:04:53 you won't see bill gates or george soros

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - #UNRIG, Suppressed Technologies, & How Trump Can Win

@00:29:38 microsoft bill gates okay bill gates and